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goodguy1367 ago

Here's the meaning of a red candle

Red Candles The color red is firmly rooted in the physical world. The burning of red candles is said to put one in touch with the power of the flesh. Red represents temporal pleasures. It symbolizes passion and love as well as scorn and courage to stand up to one's enemies. Red stimulates energy, vitality, fertility and personal power. Those who light a red candle are tapping into Scorpio energy. They seek love, respect, power magnetism and survival.

christa ago

Thanks for the insight!

redditsuckz ago

"Cheese" is a code word for "Corpse Cheese"

Remember Jeff Smith worked at the Pajama Factory where Adipcere Soap is located?

Jeff Smith AKA WerkinOnMahNightCheese

Adipocere, also known as corpse cheese - The macabre substance coating the torso and parts of the remaining limbs is called adipocere, a fatty, waxy material that sometimes forms from a decomposing body's soft tissues. Adipocere is familiar to investigators — it can make identifying a body and pegging its time of death tricky — but it is foreign to those of us who don't come into regular contact with decomposing bodies.

Pajama Factory "kill room"

2 murders have happened at the Pajama Factory;

Man shot to death outside complex

Body Found at Pajama Factory;

Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Infant Murder: Whistleblower Child A witness statement

Satanic sacrifice babies are beheaded and killed in rituals, then eaten by the adults and their blood consumed, the adults then make shoes from the babies skin according to the testimony of the Hampstead children.

pizzagape ago

Adipose tissue = fat

whatonearth ago

This is like the 35th different thing I've seen pizzagate claim the word "cheese" secretly means. Are you guys ever going to get your story straight?

contrary_mma_hipster ago

This deserves its own post

BallsDeepInReality ago

Weren't there Hawaii pics that showed blue gallon buckets of something appearing to decompose...?

whitehand ago


shootermcgvn ago

2 murders have happened at the Pajama Factory;

Man shot to death outside complex

Body Found at Pajama Factory;

Whoa whoa whoa I have not seen this shit.

That's fucking incredible