520patriot ago

this is stupid. As someone who has taken this drug, it would be a bad drug of choice for rape. And this is pure speculation

earthbalance1 ago

Just a comment that UrbanDictionary.com defines "cari" and "caris" as well with sexual undertones:


" cari 1. Girl's name 2. A very hot girl who is secretly very dirty but no one would know it. 3. A rampant sex beast - amazing in bed. "

And further down:

"Caris is a kind girl who loves to party. She may appear shy but can be loud and rowdy. She can make any guy happy with a flash of a smile. "

Just thought it was another odd connection.

ThePuppetShow ago

The only thing I can find that hasn't been scrubbed is a tumbler that was mentioned on another thread about this on voat..


Scroll down to update 6, hope this helps.

23eulogy23 ago

There is a school teacher by the name of Caris James that lives within driving distance. I went through her Instagram and found really nothing of interest. I just thought it was interesting because she is the only one by that name (very uncommon) and she happens to live really close



ThePuppetShow ago

It's already been discussed. This was in one of the original 4chan threads. Pretty sure it was rehashed in r/pizzagate also. I'm looking for it now.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think it's possible that the parents might have named the child after the drug. And is James her middle name? Is this the child that is his "godchild"? Sometimes underneath the apparent innocence, there's a deeper guilt.

reasonedandinformed ago

Whether the image includes the drug or not, the theory is a logical line to pursue. One picture spells name Ceris. No proof on actual name of child.

lurch91 ago

I'll say this, soma (the brand name of carisprodol) is a pretty strong muscle relaxer. Last year, August '15, I broke my back in three places, my right arm and the rotator cuff. At the prime of my pain, I was using a 100mcg fentanyl patch every two days, Roxy 30's 3-4 times a day, and soma 350mg 3x a day (comes in 250 as well).

Soma itself is pretty freaking strong, look up "soma coma" on YouTube and see for yourself. But soma combined with ANY amount of opiate (not even CLOSE to what I was prescribed), and you are literally K.O'ed, as in passed out, no chance of waking up until time plays it's course. Carisprodol is also the hardest muscle relaxer you can get, very difficult to get prescribed because when it breaks down into your body it turns into a potent something called "metabromite", which was banned decades ago because it really had no medical use.

Kinda hard to feel muscle pain if you're in a coma.


The girl in those photos is not the same as in the Alefantis Instagram photos. Nice try though!

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. I have seen virtually nothing on who and where this child is or evidence of the actual name.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very legit theory.

0xFFF ago

ok seems this pill bottle is not identifiable. has been dissected here.


The pill bottle is an amber-colored CVS pharmacy prescription bottle used by Target’s CVS pharmacies. The package is no indication of what medicine is inside. The structure of the label is described here.

SecureYourSeats ago

Wasn't that a CVS that was on the same block as Comet Ping Pong?

BlueTesla ago

Fuck am i the only one who remembers the redditor that found her parents with up to date photos? Someone must have archived it before the original subreddit was banned.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I remember as well. Can't remember all the details but the mom was (allegedly) one of the frequent commenters of Alefantis who had since moved to the west coast.


Anyone can post photos saying that a kid's name is Caris!

reasonedandinformed ago

I chased their trail a bit...think to Oregon... But i have no evidence Caris is child's name or that child is well with them.

0xFFF ago

page not found?

MichelleK ago

I tried to find a birth certificate but only way is heritage a monthly pay site

AmishMechWarrior ago

It also causes a false sense of wellness. In other words; it screws up their minds and makes them easily handled. It also makes the torture last longer because it numbs and disorients the kids.

RecycledUser ago


AmishMechWarrior ago

There was a documentary about a girl in Britain who was brought up around satanism by her grandmother. She describes one ritual where a drifter was brought in and slowly gutted from the bottom up while he was still alive. She talked about how he was acting strange like he was drugged. She said he was laughing and acting really weird until they started cutting him, at which point he began to scream.

I think this is an important clue to an element of their rituals. These things are theater. That is the important thing to remember. They're an outlet for sick fantasies, but they're also a sort of dinner theater. Celebrities, religious figures, and politicians are just outlandish like that. To those watching, the victim is "bewitched", and seems to enjoy the ritual. Then they get the shock value of the victim going from stupor to agony. These folks are psychopaths, and they've been running things in one form or another for centuries. We're going to need a different approach this time if we're to figure out a way to lock such people out of power permanently.

RecycledUser ago

I realized the theater effect too, when I watched Mr. Cati's YT about the killroom...

AmishMechWarrior ago

Carisoprodol causes swollen glands, especially in high doses. See how puffy these girl's eyes look?

ThePuppetShow ago

This is an old theory.

ThePuppetShow ago

All the pics with #carisjames are of the same little girl, her name is Caris. This theory was already discovered.

standalone ago

It was only speculated that it was her name, not at all proven. Post a link if any new such evidence.

ThePuppetShow ago

The only thing I can find that hasn't been scrubbed is a tumbler that was mentioned on another thread about this on voat..


Scroll down to update 6...


They're not of the same girl.

ThePuppetShow ago

They are the same girl.


No it's not.

ThePuppetShow ago

Whatever you say. I'm not here to argue, just trying to jeep this moving forward rather than backwards. You'll find the proof in other replys I made in this thread.

reasonedandinformed ago

What is full name of child, parents and proof?

ThePuppetShow ago

The only thing I can find that hasn't been scrubbed is a tumbler that was mentioned on another thread about this on voat..


Scroll down to update 6

Freemasonsrus ago

He also tags her pic w "she needs her own #carisjames", so not sure what that meant. I don't think it has anything to do w a crappy muscle relaxer. Much better drugs out there than that one.

Psalm100 ago

So was she named after this drug? And James Alefantis said he was her "godfather." So maybe that's where James came from?

ThePuppetShow ago

It's likely that Caris is a greek name meaning "grace" and they are Greek. I guess it's possible though.

The only thing I can find that hasn't been scrubbed is a tumbler that was mentioned on another thread about this on voat..


Scroll down to update 6

Nana66 ago

How does James fit?

sleepingbeautycan ago

Alefantis's first name?

Nana66 ago

Would a hash tag of a little girl and a grown man's names together not seem wrong....even if it was his daughter?

sleepingbeautycan ago

Yep, didn't think of it that way. As in Caris and James sitting in a tree ...

ThePuppetShow ago

I found some of the older info in a tumbler. Scroll down to update 6..


hanknut42 ago

Yah the guy who owns the pig farm is a doctor so theres that? remember Jimmy has a pic of him and the girl at the pig farm

justanotherpizza ago

Carisoprodol on wikipedia regarding recreational use/abuse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carisoprodol#Recreational_use_and_abuse

Recreational users of carisoprodol usually seek its potentially heavy sedating, relaxant, and anxiolytic effects. Also, because of its potentiating effects on narcotics, it is often abused in conjunction with many opioid drugs. Also it is not detected on standard drug testing screens. On March 26, 2010 the DEA issued a Notice of Hearing on proposed rule making in respect to the placement of carisoprodol in schedule IV of the Controlled Substances Act. Carisoprodol is sometimes mixed with date rape drugs.

found also a chanboard post stating:

Carisoprodol is an extremely short-half life Barbiturate tranquilizer (2 hrs) that's also extremely powerful and induces amnesia. Typically it takes something 4-5 half lives to be completely eliminated, so it'd be undetectable within 12 hours if administered to a kid.

James Alefantis (also rhymes with J'aimes L'Enfant, aka I like small kids), put a picture on his instagram before panicking, making it private and deleting 40 pictures, I'm assuming all the incriminating ones.

Here's one such picture that shows the "Ping Pong London" aka child rape experience. The left pill bottle is Alprazolam/Xanax, again a tranquilizer in the benzo family with a short half life. The other bottle is not ID'd, but a British manufacturer makes a Carisoprodol 350mg pill that's blue. You can see the right bottle stating the pill is "BLUE".

CarisJames might be his nickname within the circle since Carisoprodol is his favourite sedative for raping kids


standalone ago

Interesting lead. But why are you the one writing the OP? Are you @somegirlinnewzealand?

justanotherpizza ago

no, just did a search for the drug name to see if anything came up. the wiki entry should be ok, but the chan post i can't confirm, although it seems plausible.

we are all like 1000s of ants picking up eachothers leads and seeing if it can be built on. Stigmergic behaviour works!

Psalm100 ago

Caris seemed like a pretty unusual name when I first heard it. It's not unheard of, but if people in the Comet Ping Pong circle have a liking for this drug her name might very well have come from it. And perhaps James was from Alefantis.

MolochHunter ago

could well be. But the James... is james a supplier of carisoprodol

Rigg5 ago


Psalm100 ago

Not saying it's definitely so in this case, but people who are parents can be pedophiles too. And just think about how common sexual abuse is, including by family members, even parents (usually fathers).

somegirlinnewzealand ago

exactly and WHY do all these children have huge bags under their eyes. ive never ever seen that before.

RecycledUser ago

That's what bugs me too. I thought from lots of crying and little sleep, and someone else responded it could also be malnutrition.

B_dog ago

That is a really fantastic question. I would upvote it again if I could. In my entire life, I have never seen that. But Alefantis only has kids with glaringly obvious and bizarre bags under their eyes.

militant ago


Rigg5 ago


Rigg5 ago

Sorry I just get SO MAD