This is the crux of what I have learned in 30 years of sifting through bullshit. Do what you wish with it.
I would like to open your guys' minds to the idea that the history of our past, as a species, is complete bullshit (I don't know the truth. I only have guesses), and provide a larger context for Pizzagate.
I would like to supply you guys with various compendiums of videos (9-11 and nukes).
Pizzagate isn't wholly new to me (I understood since I was in my 20's that the CIA runs world drug and sex slave trafficking), but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children because it is the central Freemasonic rite of opening the "third eye" (butthole), and thus the pineal gland (as believed by them). Pizza was invented because it represents sodomy (AzzPi).
If you are too skeptical to continue, watch this exposé of almost 100 years of Pizza/sodomy symbolism in cinema. We will get extreme resistance from the powers that own this world because Pizzagate, at it's heart, is the uncovering of the core practice of the Illuminati, who believe that they "illuminate" themselves through ritual sodomy: "If I rape God, I steal his power".
The crux of their power is public symbolism. They believe that it's basically magic.
Beyond this, what has struck me most is that the art found at Comet is resoundingly similar to Egyptian art which depicts the harvesting of human parts. You can find that in the comments.
What first caught my eye:
The Scottish Masonic Order (centered in DC/Rome) and their affiliates (mainly the Vatican/British Royalty), and former incarnations, rule our planet. They are a direct continuation of the Brotherhood/Priesthood of Amon Ra and the so called Sisters of Isis that existed in Egypt 4000+ years ago.
To summarize, the Freemasons take you back to the Templars. They will take you back to Venice/Switzerland, which then takes you back to Rome, then to Phoenicia, and lastly back to Egypt. The most apparent evidence for this hypothesis is a very specific body of knowledge expressed in precise artistic and architectural symbolism, transcending peoples and time throughout known human history.
The knowledge "they" possess is pretty cool math/geometry, but they have perverted it and made it into an esoteric movement.
For example, the meter/mile system is in no way arbitrary:
Little coincidences and neat elegances like this comprise their "secret knowledge".
Here is an extremely unique video exploring the Egyptian/mathematical symbolism:
If you only watch one video of any on this entire post, watch this:
Professor Scott Onstott has done his research. Let him show you his life's work.
That video shows a clear trail of symbolism cut Westward through history which unmistakably points back to Egypt/Kabbalah. Now look back at the photo of Podesta with "14" and the "fish". It is a reference to Isis and Osiris. Here is the mouthpiece for the IMF mentioning numerology and hermetic symbolism. What she says isn't crazy, I just want you to be able to pick up on the fact that these major political and economic figureheads know about these things:
Downvote me if you think it is a coincidence that the latitude of the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid at Giza is the speed of light (in m/s), accurate to at least 6-8 digits. Downvote me. You must believe Pizzagate is a coincidence too.
Latitude Pyramid: 29.9792458 degrees North
Speed of light lol: 29 9792458 meters/second
Get that into your head. It'll wake anyone up. You might say "But TLOTL, they didn't know the meter or the second!" Here is how we know that the Egyptians knew the meter:
3.1416 (pi in meters) - 2.6180 (golden ratio squared in meters) = 0.5236 (Egyptian royal cubit in meters)
It is only when our basis of distance is a meter, that this equation calculates the Royal cubit down to the tenth of a millimeter.
Why do people care? Because it would take 1950's or even 1980's technology to ascertain the value to the same degree of accuracy. There is really no way around it.
Here is the King's chamber when measured in meters:
The meter was being used to encode the golden ratio in Egypt, thousands of years before the System International (SI). By the way, the perimeter of the chamber's base is 10 pi meters. They squared the circle at the same time, in the same prism. The meter was chosen as ~1/40,000th the polar circumference of the Earth.
Not coincidentally, the pyramidium is exactly one meter tall:
The "second" refers to the 2nd division into 60ths of the hour. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, just as there are 86,400*10 miles in the diameter of the sun. They likely defined the mile, and thus the meter, to achieve this "coincidence". The ancient Egyptians were the first to divide the day into 24 hours. We use their second.
The "Egyptians" and their progeny were geniuses:
But who were the real Egyptians?
My take on human history
My guess is that an intelligent derivative of our species left the planet ~13,000 years ago to escape an extinction on the Earth from an asteroid or meteor impact on the north pole. The evidence for this impact is irrefutable. Iridium in the soil NEVER lies:
These peoples are likely "who" pilot UFO's:
"hieroglyphs on the Rosewell craft"
They then returned and re-seeded our civilizations. The primary evidence for their peoples lies in China, Peru, Egypt, and elsewhere. They have four distinct characteristics which I can identify:
- Architecture which verges on non-replicable even with our technology
- Pictorial written language
- Mummification of the dead
- Extreme geographic knowledge instilled in architectural symbolism
The secondary evidence for their peoples is instilled in our secret organizations, and in the continued architectural symbolism I explored above with Scott Onstott.
Most of the archaeological evidence for this previous civilization should sit below sea level because the sea level used to be around 1 mile lower before melt water pulse one B. This is what I will spend my life exploring.
Hints at this archaeological evidence can be found here:
Our governments and the power which sits atop our global society (I don't yet know who it is) DEFINITELY don't want us to understand these facts. I do not know why.
Before this exodus from Earth, I think it is becoming exceedingly likely that our species was quite deliberately crafted sometime between 15,000 years ago and 5 million years ago. All religions seem to recount this story, from the Aztec creation myth, to the Abrahamic religions, to Greek mythology, to Shinto myth. All of them believed, with conviction, there was someone out there (the Gods from the heavens) who created us, and had the possibility of returning. They anticipated their return.
If you cannot glean the idea that there is an expansive lexicon of precise geological knowledge ingrained in our units of measurements from thousands of years ago, the 20 million stone circles with terraces in Southern Africa pretty much convince you that this "someone's" existence is fact:
https://youtu.be/gcD1h9DYitgYouTube (watch this video purely for Southern African archaeology not sensationalistic comments)
On 9/11
Every goal was successful:
- cover up the missing Pentagon dollars
- carve out (kill the Muslim inhabitants of) greater Israel of the Bible
- create mass surveillance on the populations of the globe in the name of "safety" from an enemy
- spark wars in order to create that "enemy"
- secure global opium trade, and increase production 10,000 fold
- carry out symbolic Freemasonic ritual commencing the rebirth of ISIS
There were no planes, and subterranean nuclear arms vaporized the buildings. This is objective.
German Physicist Heinz Pommer explains nuclear weapons used
Dmitri Khalezov is a USSR nuclear officer
Simon Shack runs you through the "live" CGI
These three narratives tied = full picture.
Knowing this ruthless international clique, I understand why Hitler was so passionate in protecting his people:
Fiat justitia, ruat cælum
Do you see what I see?
view the rest of the comments →
ich1baN ago
Wow. up voat +1,000,000 times.... this is gold and should be pinned at the top of #pizzagate.... Can we get a mod to add this to that huge list of Pizzagate topics? This is literally the holy grail of understanding the WAY THEY THINK... IF we understand the way they think we can better implicate them and even predict what, when, where, and how they are going to target who they're going to target. This is extremely helpful...>>> Very EXCELLENT post!
Thanks dude. There is probably even crazier shit out there. This is where I am starting from.
Edit: Just so you guys know. I don't add new material to this post. I just exchange information, and try to make the post more punctual. I think it has gotten a lot better. I know the point isn't that clear, but the gist is just "ah". Everything all at once, to an audience that can receive it.
Edit #2: I need you guys to stay sane once you start understanding these things, in order to spread this information, so here you go:
The social conventions which he speaks of were deliberately crafted by our rulers, and for our rulers, to use as reigns to wield our willpower.
quoting @redditsuckz:
nathanwblair ago
i want MORE of this insanity!
I updated a ton of it.
Explore it all for yourself. This is all I've got (that's relevant to Pizzagate). We are the explorers of reality my friend :)
ich1baN ago
Haha, there definitely is my friend! I have pretty extensive knowledge of Freemasonry and will try to make an interconnecting post that ties-in with yours later.... Just so you know all these secret societies and sister societies have a governmental framework as you've probably already deduced and Freemasonry is the "godhead" so to speak. It is the governing body sort of like how the IMF is the central bankers central bank. Just something good to keep in mind as you're doing research b/c all of these societies can be extremely confusing and vexing to the uninitiated and cause them to lose hope and give up but once they realize they're all related in their occultic connection in some way it makes it easier to interpret that they're not exactly competing with each other but are all working together to bring about their "utopia" of a servitude of mankind through mostly mind control ways that make us happy to "willingly" serve them rather than through the blunt measures of a gun that communism attempted in the 20th century... this all goes hand in hand with dumbing down of Americans and creating a totally depraved and immoral society where everything is completely relative.... they can then induce their Hegelian Dialectic and usher us all into a 1 world government where we are happy puppies ready to serve them on their beck and command much like North Korea is a micro model.
Silverlining ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L777RhL_Fz4YouTube I trust you have seen this. Secrets in Plain Sight - The mathematics and architecture of Washington @ich1baN @pokrutin
Memeticist ago
Makes me wonder if there is any more to the IMF - DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) story
Thanks for your guidance. Everyone knows how great North Korea is.