NamelessCrewmember ago

So is Utah a read only crowd? I once had a fun tech call to a NOC in LA, had an ip at a server farm of theirs hitting my firewall for months, every few seconds... After the third tech got on, sees the traffic, is trying to figure it out, apologizes for the apparent hacking attack and they will terminate someone's acct... Then suddenly in a very scared and quick tone, " Sir, I'm sorry but I cannot do anything about this. I also can't talk about this anymore. I'm sorry. Bye."

Never did figure out which three letter was interested in my network.

Kal ago

The real problem is that for many years, 'they' have decided who gets elected. They are not happy that they lost their power this election. Of course they are taking steps to regain it.

charmeuse ago

"We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false..." William Casey, CIA Director 1981-87
Source: Barbara Honegger.

As the CIA pretty much controls MSM messaging it appears, there is no reason to ever take MSM 'news' at face value.

samhara ago

Funny that Brock claims an "association" between the Crisis Actor "Welch" and the life-time Actor "Jones" to "prove" that people who look into evidence are potentially "domestic terrorists."

However, the connection between himself, Brock, and baby-lover Alefantis / drag queen mis-named "Amanda Kleinmen," and art connoisseur Mr. Podesta - and I could list farther on, all the associations, i.e. Lucien Freud, Lucy Rothschild, Mr. Slim of Mexico, Rodham Clinton and many more? - Brock selectively ignores those associations .

Hmpht. Very self serving of Brock, wouldn't you say?.

Why apply arbitrary judgment / justice? It worked for the Supreme Court Bush vs. Gore? So if it works there why change it?

These folks are relatively busted, so when are they going to figure out their situation and either go into hiding or at least stop making ridiculous public proclamations, which just call attention to themselves?

brock #propaganda #illogical #fraud #busted. #fakenews #brock

reasonedandinformed ago

Amanda Kleinman = A man, a small man...interesting thought but this whole thing opens everything to a level of interpretation. I think we should dig more into her background and connections.

samhara ago

The person with the name "Amanda Kleinman" is not the drag - queen who claims that name while playing "Majestic Ape" for the band "Heavy Breathing"

"Majestic Ape" is Alefantis,.

Probe into the "Amanda Kleinmen," who is apparently birth xx female, because she is certainly an associate and lent her name. Also she "works with children"

samhara ago

Seems a comment of mine just disappeared.. ?

reasonedandinformed ago

Which? Reply back with the gist of it.

samhara ago

[David Brock blasts Brooklyn, ‘animals’ in press](Funny that Brock claims an "association" between the Crisis Actor "Welch" and the life-time Actor "Jones" to "prove" that people who look at evidence are "domestic terrorists" ) - These folks are relatively busted, so when are they going to figure out their situation and either go into hiding or at least stop making ridiculous public proclamations, which just call attention to themselves?

reasonedandinformed ago

I think Brock is highly compromised. I've not seen anyone pursue this angle, but he had been blackmailed by a previous boyfriend, and this has been documented. I don't have time to find the article right now. Why did he switch sides from being vehemently anti-Clinton to be such an advocate today? It was a radical change. I think for the same reason that his previous lover had the goods on him for blackmail.

samhara ago

Brock changed sides because he has no real political opinion. Iread his book. He was snubbed by Republican elite for being gay. I have no reason to question that.

Brock works for money or power. I explained my point of view on that subject here : This article is about the perps, the abused , the abusive society and social reactions of different factions of the population to the pizza Pedophile information.. Also goes into the logical arguments around the data and why the assumption of cild abuse is logical.

reasonedandinformed ago

After what we have learned, do you not think that the Clintons threatened him to join their side or else...because he was pretty good as a hatchet man? I know his cover story was the gay thing, but I wonder, given all of his connections to this at every level (including active CTR here), if he is personally right in the middle of it too.

comeonpeople ago

Is there a reason why you immediately believe this guy's story rather than the CIA's/NSA's story?

reasonedandinformed ago

I do not follow. Can you explain what you mean? I believe what guy's story? The CIA actually has not provided a story, just vague allegations that the Russians hacked the DNC and rigged the election. Even if the Russian hack part were true...which I do not believe but am open to does not support this idea that our election was rigged by the Russians. The problem with this MSM narrative is that no one is claiming that we were exposed to lies by the Russians. Everything that was exposed, however it was hacked, was real and true: The DNC corruption and rigging of the primaries against Bernie, the lies about Hillary's server, the exposure of Obama in these lies, claiming that he learned of her private server through the news when Wikileaks proved otherwise. There has been no claim that anything leaked was inauthentic. Essentially, the leaks exposed the lies and corruption of the complicit media, which had colluded with Hillary (another truth). So the American people should not have known about these truths? The whole "fake news" and "Russia rigged the election" memes are a coordinated effort to bring about state-control of the media and to silence anyone who presents the truth that the MSM hides from us every day.


What about Anthony Wieners computer? The russian planted emails there?

reasonedandinformed ago

Of course. You have to assume this right? You must not have read the memo from the NYT:

Convenient cover for anything that we uncover.


confirmed then I guess

bolus ago

huh. i guess fake news really is a thing, they've just had the arrows pointed in the wrong direction.

reasonedandinformed ago

The MSM should have a subliminal watermark behind anything they say, write, or show saying "FAKE NEWS" - that would be funny.

2impendingdoom ago

Unless the russians actually hacked voting machines, how can russia be attributed to sabotaging the election. How can MSM prove that voters were influenced by russia when right up to voting day MSM & the push polls were gunning for clinton the whole time. Their own argument suggests that they (MSM) are NOT influential and are obsolete in affecting voters in which case how can they prove that Russia is? All they prove is that they (who have a much greater presence) are not influencing actual voters who chose Trump over H, and that supports the idea that the election WAS NOT sabotaged. Fact is they simply lost and they will do anything to reverse that.

teh_Dude ago

As many of you, I believe these news are an attempt to discredit Trump even more, but a lot of research was made by cybersecurity companies in order to evaluate if the DNC was really the target of a Russian attack. Example: Kinda hard to know if these companies are part of the game, but the article seems legit.

2impendingdoom ago

To be fair, reporters and news agencies have to walk a fine line between maintaining their credibility (promoting their own careers) and answering to their financial support (advertisers and parent corporations) so its not odd to see a variation between legit and crap stories even from the same source.

Freemasonsrus ago

Including traitors like Lindsey Graham who today said he was absolutely beyond all doubt sure it was the Russians. Ya ok just might be diddling little boys.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are a thinking and logical human being. The whole conjured-up story about the Russians affecting the election is a desperate effort to try to discredit Trump as they make a last-ditch attempt to change the votes of the electors.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for the compliment, Unfortunately due to corrupt circumstances that ruined my professional life I have a lot of time to notice this shit. I also traveled a lot in my past and know that the US population is very insulated compared to other countries. I know that most people accept things on face value, there are many aspects of this story that are distresssful or even unfathomable to normal people, but when you point out that IT MAKES NO SENSE it can be enough crack their (MSM) credibility.

Nana66 ago

Also to discredit Putin because it's been said he has gained what was hacked by the original Guccifer hacker by their version of an NSA.

SheSaidDestroy ago

If this is hypothetically all a big psyop then they are making sure to hit everyone before a big event. First hitting people who don't trust the MSM by attacking alternative media as "fake news" and then having that Jestin Coler guy come out on video and admit he owns fake news sites that he uses to trick conspiracy theorists and conservatives. Then hitting people who trust the government/MSM by drumming up a conspiracy theory right out of the CIA and MSM outlets like Washington Post, getting those people to believe it and then being like, "Ope actually it was all lies."

derram ago :

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online :

Seth Rich: Inside the Killing of the DNC Staffer

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