stickittotheman ago

"Joshua" huh.... No surprise here.

AJ-Styles ago

yeah the guy should not be around children at all. there will always be someoe who is apologetic to this behavior as well which is just horrendous

AJ-Styles ago

"ah come on everyone. it's just a drawing of a man with his erect penis on display farting directly into a child's face. it's not a big deal!"

this is how I view anyone that tries to shut down pizzagate and the B.S they have been posting. It's mindblowing to me that some people will defend this

coincidencesmyass ago

The penis is erect & mature. That is not a baby's penis, it is a man's.

quantokitty ago

OMG!!! Can this get any sicker?

Why don't they invest in some good therapy rather than engaging in ruining an innocent life. I think they just want everyone as miserable as they are.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Short description of CPP here : "Gay owned"

Vindicator ago

Did this post happen to come as a response to any of the other questionable posts, like JA's baby picks?

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, the person being analyzed in this thread had some of the most incriminating Instagram posts and comments.

Vindicator ago

What I'm getting at is was this post a response (timingwise) to a specific picture posted by people following him? That could give much more incriminating context.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good idea to explore.

RedGreenAlliance ago


A sexual act involving three people. One person is on all fours while they are fucked in the mouth as well as the ass or vagina. Usually takes place with two men as the ''paddles'' and one woman as the ''ball''. The paddles knock the ball back and forth. The men knock the woman back and forth. Any combination of males and females can be utilized during this act based on the sexual interests of those partaking. However if a man is the 'ball' the option of a ''paddle'' fucking the vagina is emlininated. In this case only the mouth and anus may be used...unless you're into some crazy shit. John and Pete ping-ponged the shit out of Laura!

RedGreenAlliance ago


I made a post but it was UK time so most of US was asleep and the thread didn't seem to get the exposure it warranted IMHO

Please have a look and if you think it's something please help me get it upvoted and explore it.

In short I tracked a graffiti comment to a Greek playwright known for pederasty / depravity, to hubris of corrupt elites being their downfall, and even a link to the Savile case.

Certainly warrants more investigation but I am loath to repost it in case I fall foul of the Mods for spamming....

reasonedandinformed ago

This linked post is very relevant, and it provides more support at CPP Looks extremely suspicious. I've begun to conclude the place was transactional in nature, with the physical crimes happening elsewhere potentially.

RedGreenAlliance ago

@terrodactyl what do u make of this?

heks_ ago

Just a bit of clarification. Applying Occam's Razor does not quite mean accepting "the most likely explanation" or "the most obvious explanation". It's more a principle used to determine what is the most likely explanation, and it basically tells us not to multiply explanatory entities unnecessarily. So the common characterization that it involves accepting the simplest explanation is not entirely off base, but it misses an important subtlety, which is that you're looking for the simplest explanation that can actually account for the phenomena in question. You're looking for the smallest collection of explanatory elements that is actually capable of sufficiently explaining what needs to be explained.

With that in mind, I think it is perfectly legitimate and appropriate to apply Occam's Razor to this investigation, because it will typically result in setting aside the weaker evidence that requires a significant reach to legitimately connect it to this apparent pedophile ring, but it will also disqualify overly simplistic explanations intended to dismiss this whole affair, such as asserting that John Podesta just really likes pizza, or that over a dozen 'coincidences' strongly suggesting a connection between Alefantis and occultic pedophilia (before we even take his friends into the picture) is just a simple string of bad lack on his part. He may or may not be personally molesting kids, but Occam's Razor would lead us to believe that he is, at the very least, intentionally playing around with and winking at the idea and culture of pedophilia.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

lol calm down bro, nothing shilly about his post

Kal ago

It's what I saw before coming to the comments.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Grow up! Seriously, you guys are grabbing at straws. What makes this a"baby"? I'm about done with voat. Bunch of kids

reasonedandinformed ago

This guy looks to be either a caution troll or a pedo supporter just based on his history. Take a look.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Shill. ^

Kal ago

The hair?

About done? Naw buddy, you're done. Get the fuck out.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yeah, nothing to see here. When you see resistance to the truth, you know the truth is damaging.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I wonder that their family thinks

JoJoVoat ago

the babies eyes are satanic symbols arent they?

reasonedandinformed ago

You are right. I apologize. It is getting late, and I am burned out for the day. I had a knee-jerk reaction to the caution in the interpretation you gave, partly because CTR keeps doing this on to the leads, even if a bit off in iinterpretation. They love citing Occam's razor as I think it's in the manual or something. I sincerely apologize for labeling you that way. It was not supported. I actually confused you with the other guy, who was definitely a CTR. Again sorry, and good night.

dafacts ago

More pics of Josh, an alter ego of sorts:

VieBleu ago

He's there ot make Majestic Ape look pretty.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

dafuq is wrong with these people

unbiased_researcher ago

Where is the archive showing Vogelsong is a CPP employee?

shillbertdinkleberry ago

i have several links if you'd like proof

reasonedandinformed ago

From memory, he had posted a number of disgusting posts under the Comet ping-pong name on Instagram. I don't have time to link, but I recall seeing that.

unbiased_researcher ago

I got it, thanks:

reasonedandinformed ago


VieBleu ago

The one where he's stretched out face down on the floor with blood all over him in black underwear howling - yeah, I remember him.

dafacts ago

he is friends with Jeff Smith on Facebook too, probable confirmation of both being Comet employees.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Jeff Smiths Brother's also a pedo, and mentioned murder a few times in his insta.

reasonedandinformed ago

When the shills hit things hard, which they did immediately here, you know we need to dig deep and fast.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yup, this angle and the museum angle. Both being shilled really hard. At least we have an idea that one likes babies and the other peeks out the window at the playground.

reasonedandinformed ago

They were not trying to suppress it as much as to get it documented properly, which the OP did a great job fixing.

chrimony ago

They were not trying to suppress it as much as to get it documented properly, which the OP did a great job fixing.

No, they didn't get an archive, only a screenshot. That's not a "great job". Mods need to sticky a post about getting archives, this shit is happening way too much.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

hey well i was quickly going through his facebook the days before the shooting happened and didn't think to archive at the time. then that happened and it must've warranted him removing public access. i have further information on this guy if you are doubting the legitimacy of the screenshot

chrimony ago

Do you have the original URL? Check your browser history. Was the page saved in possibly? I tried searching for this image and could find nothing.

You also might try looking through your browser cache files to see if anything was saved, and copy them for safekeeping.

shillbertdinkleberry ago

i am running tails when i do this. good luck unless you know a way

chrimony ago

I assume any caches are gone then if you closed the browser since then.

reasonedandinformed ago

And they literally mean this when you look at their power management model through blackmail and cultish activity.

reasonedandinformed ago

Bingo! When they fight hard against something that instinctively means what we think it means, you know we are on the right track.

reasonedandinformed ago

Look at the sicko's Instagram history, and it is 100% consistent with him being a sicko pedo freak.

VieBleu ago


reasonedandinformed ago

Shut up you shill. You CTR people disgust me. Joined minutes before his comment. They are very scared of what we are finding.

unbiased_researcher ago


seanhurray ago

his band is called homosuperior

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

only the homo part is accurate

cousineerie ago

There is something wrong with those people.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yeah think, they like the babies.

VieBleu ago

UGh. it's farting OUT a baby that you f**ked and calling it true or real love.

Cannibalism dude.

I still think there is more to the idea that the pizza sauce at times at least contained more than tomatos. Maj Ape had a bit in her "gig" that talked about something in the pizza sauce that the audience wouldn't like.

reasonedandinformed ago

Whether it is a pedo reference or cannibalism… Does it really matter?

VieBleu ago

well yes the two together are even worse than just one of them.

Bring_Down_CF ago

She also mentioned the father of the birthday girl invented russian dressing. Wouldn't have thought much of it except the reaction of the audience was rather odd. Hopefully these are just in-jokes and not something to be worried about.

reasonedandinformed ago

What do you mean, I'm sorry if I'm a little slow on this one.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Bring_Down_CF was describing some of the goings-on in the infamous "Majestic Ape" event video, which was taken at some event in a darkened room with a band on a stage (not performing at the time of the video) and "Majestic Ape" (red face mask, sunglasses, long blond wig) talking to the audience via a creepy voice modifier.

reasonedandinformed ago

Some have theorized that it's actually JA in the outfit in some of those videos, including the one you mention.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

farting on babies WITH a raging erection?

VieBleu ago

No, it's farting OUT babies that you f**ked.

Cannibalism dude.

Godwillwin ago

And the triangle mouth

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

I could see that maybe holding some merit if he didnt draw an erect penis...that kind of makes it into something more, does it not?

Funny how you mention occams razor, i was arguing with a shill on the colbert report video, and he also brought up occams razor...It was my first time ever even hearing that phrase, now here i see it again, 2nd time in less than 2 days...seems weird to me

MolochHunter ago

Let us apply Occams razor to the overall pizzagate vs fake news issue. What is the simpler explanation, Pizzagate has some basis that has been covered up by powerful people with the influence to cover it up. Or A fake news story in 2007 about Madelein Mccan, followed by A fake news story in 2008 about Epstein, followed by A fake news story in 2010 about Laura Silsby, followed by a fake news story in 2011 about Breitbart and a dodgy abortion service, followed by A fake news story in 2013 about a Canadian ring bust so large it resulted in the rescue of 400 children, followed by......etc etc

PolybiusPizza ago

Occam's razor is a way for people committed to a certain idea to dismiss outlying evidence that doesn't fit their accepted narrative. It pretty much goes, 'Can't be true cause it is unlikely!'

reasonedandinformed ago

One of the techniques taught in CTR training.

JrSlimss ago

Well Axebeard also created his account today. It'll take some time to see if he's legit and not a bot/shill. Occam's razor may be the new bot/shill word of choice to lightly debunk.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

I think they were told in their mission briefing to use the occams razor term whenever possible...I just found another shill attempting to debunk it with this phrase once again. Again on the colbert report video..There flocking by the masses to that video!

reasonedandinformed ago

He is a shill. There's absolutely no doubt. They really do not want us to pursue this lead.

PhilipKayDickens ago

"It was my first time ever even hearing that phrase, now here i see it again, 2nd time in less than 2 days...seems weird to me".

Ever heard of Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon? If not, you should be hearing about it again, soon.

micha_ ago

Mainstream shills always bring this up because false mainstream explanations are mostly primitive. I view it just as another phrase instead of "conspiracy theory".

It's exceptionally stupid to use this principle by interpreting drawings or paintings. LOL.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Seriously (not trying to insult you)? I wonder if it is a regional thing. I have probably heard that phrase 300 times...

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

LOL, I guess i've just been living under the proverbial rock my whole life

Well, if the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is true..i should be looking forward to hearing this phrase much more often

coincidencesmyass ago

Disgusting! You don't draw a baby and a penis together. You just don't. I'm out of upvoats OP, but I'm thanking you in my head!

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, he should be appreciated as it took some persistence to really push through the post.

reasonedandinformed ago

This guy should be further investigated. He was one of the real sickos in the Instagram posts. Great find, and thank you for being persistent to get this finding out there.

terrordactyl ago

Third time posting, after some kerfluffles with the mods. In the illustration we see a baby, a cloud of gas with a heart in it (a fart) and a man's butt and phallus.

In spanish the word for fart is 'pedo' and a word for penis is 'falo'

Together this would appear to spell out pedofalo, which is extremely close to the word 'pedofilo' (pedophile)

The illustration strongly suggests the concept baby loves pedophile.

Joshua Ryan Vogelsong has been confirmed to be a CPP employee per this thread highlighting confirmed participants

Joshuas facebook page where you can see he is friends with Alefantis and other CPP employees:

His pictures are now set to private, but luckily we were able to archive this. credit to @shillbertdinkleberry for the find.

AJ-Styles ago

gee nice photo Joshua...

LostandFound ago

Given Alefantis name is of Greek / Italian origin its not really that much of a stretch.

smokratez ago

Which mod was pushing against this from being posted to this sub?

shillbertdinkleberry ago

@Phobos_Mothership Not saying there is anything behind its removal. I will follow posting rules from now on just wanted to share something significant imo

DarkMath ago

"we were able to archive"....Where's the link to the archive?

terrordactyl ago

I misspoke. We got a screenshot, not an archive.

DarkMath ago

An archive is always better than a screen shot. I totally believe you and don't doubt you for a second. But a naysayer could argue that image was photoshopped. Just sayin'.

eMalum ago

Replying to OPs comment instead of glorifying brand new shill account. (This is what I was referring to:

That's not how Occam's razor works. Logic only has a preference for simplicity because it's harder for us to test complex hypotheses. In many cases, the most popular theories have the least amount of assumptions because they can be falsifiably tested.

There's not a lot of assumption that has to be made for the image.

It's a picture of a guy with a boner, farting on the face of what appears to be a toddler with the caption: "True love". I would argue that the vast majority who saw this image would likely find it strange or upsetting, to say the least.

There are more assumptions when you hypothesize that the image represents a pictograph of body parts that when translated from Spanish to English, sorta resembles the word "Pedophile".

I'm not going to say you're wrong because I don't have to translate this thing from Spanish to see the context of the image, which is "Children give El Pedo a boner."

EDIT: @reasonedandinformed You better back it up. What the fuck is caution trolling? And can you show me where it applies to my post? I literally said the same shit as everyone else and agreed that this is some sick shit... but apparently I'm CTR? Okay. Whatever your paranoid mind comes up with, bud.

But seriously, what the fuck does that mean? I wanna know. Like, legit. Seems you know an awful lot about CTR and some of us are just casual observers, trying to piece all this shit together. But you wanna throw me under the bus for what reason? No wonder people on this sub call you a shill, dude... you're all over the place.

reasonedandinformed ago

Nice caution trolling, a classic CTR tactic.

PolybiusPizza ago

C'mon man! There isn't anything weird at all about drawing pictures of dudes with boners farting on babies...