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hedy ago

When I'm talking to the ignorant or the unbelievers but not deniers (the deniers simply do not want to know and I don't waste any of my human energy on people who can't be bothered with the suffering of children and the destruction of the country) - I ask them a few questions and share with them simple facts from MSM sources (since that is all they believe):

I ask them who owns 90% of mainstream news outlets ( ) that

  • this MSM cartel is so terrified that you might start listening to the PG news that they're desperately trying to enact legislation to remove your 1st amendment right (Senate passed Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act - as part of HR6939 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2017 - sees a crackdown on websites as speculative conducting Russian propaganda, calling for U.S. .gov to counteract these measures by Russia to exert covert influence. Unprecedented.)

  • and is blaming Russians for their own hack jobs ( )

  • and these are also the same "news" outlets that lied to you that Hillary was winning in a landslide

Then I ask them if they have any idea that the pedo satanic abuse and trafficking is common knowledge in Europe? And suggest they look it up.

And I ask them if they realize this is a $32B industry? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Then I ask them if they know anything about the Clinton Foundation and its geopolitical crimes that are currently being tied to trafficking? And I ask them if they realize its former CEO has been MIA for the past 50 days? They usually have no way of answering this so I tell them they should know how to answer that question and it's time they found out and until they do, they have no business questioning anything. Then I move onto:

And I ask if they realize that the Bush administrations were also caught up in pedo crimes decades ago? Yeah, the MSM hid that from you, too. This helps them realize it's not entirely about hating Hillary. And this also helps them realize that the pedo crimes are about blackmail and control.

And I ask them if they are aware that over 5000 Pentagon employees as well as NASA employees were caught w/ pedo porn on their .gov computers ( )

It will take some people a very long time to embrace - but do not stop trying.

coincidencesmyass ago

I almost need to print this out and take it with me. Ha! You make some excellent points.