hisshadyness ago

I have been compiling a list of cases from around the world to establish a solid foundation for the disbelievers. It had to be updated as it stands at over 700 cases, and counting... http://udimovement.wixsite.com/scottish-udi/single-post/2016/12/13/Pizza-Gate-and-Fake-News

pizzahthrowaway ago

Thank you for opening with the handkerchief and the dominos on cheese or pasta emails, I find those to be impossible to give a solid, in-context explanation for.

Nobody can explain those sentences without code, or using insane mental gymnastics.

The handkerchief email has the maid calling it black and white, but podestas friend adding that its "pizza related", if it had a pizza symbol on it, the maid would've likely added that, there is NO good explanation for this.


Start with the absolute biggest picture:


LawofTruth ago

Honestly, your edit should be the sticky. It's concise, flows nicely and has a logical progression.

heks_ ago

Even though I highly doubt that CPP itself is really a location where this trafficking is actively taking place (i.e. I really doubt they're storing kids there), I do think the location and Alefantis himself is connected to this world of pedophilia in some way. I think it would be useful to lay out the reason that people are highly suspicious of CPP and the surrounding businesses in a way that is a little more methodical than most of the videos I've seen on the subject. Instead of carpet bombing with every image from Alefantis' Instagram, I think it would be more useful to build up the list of coincidences layer by layer, starting with a single, seemingly innocuous connection to the pedo and occult world that might normally be dismissed as weak and acknowledge that in isolation it could be easily explained away, but then show another 'coincidence', and another, an another.

For example, you might start with the crossed paddles on the menu. Some have connected this to the butterfly heart logo but it strikes me as being far more similar to the woman/girl logo, or possibly just a gay version of this sex symbol.

Now, obviously that could easily be a coincidence, but then you can draw in the the 'Play - Eat - Drink' tagline across it, which, when reduced to an acronym, spells 'PED', with the two together meaning 'gay child sex'. Of course, this could just be another weird coincidence. But then you point out that the term 'Ping Pong' itself is a slang term for 'child rape', so now you have something can be interpreted as a sex logo out of ping pong paddles that refers to pedophilia and a restaurant name that can also refer to child rape. But okay, maybe this is just a really weird confluence of coincidences. So then you point out that Alefantis' Instagram avatar is a pic of Antinous, which represents underage gay sex. At this point, any reasonable person is going to start to think that this is an unexpectedly large number of coincidences forming a pattern that uniformly points to pedophilia. Then you continue to point out that his Instagram account had numerous pics of underage children in contexts that, on their face, could be interpreted as referring to the international purchase/sale and/or rape of children, with babies chewing on Euros, and a little girl with her hands taped to a table and a man standing behind her, and a baby doll with a $1,000+ price tag, all of which might be able to be explained away in isolation and yet all oddly fitting into the pattern pointing to pedophilia and child trafficking. Then you point out that his Instagram pics don't just include these kind of round-about possible references to pedophilia, but that a few refer to it explicitly, in one case referring to a baby as a 'hotard' (whore + retard), in another case showing a man holding a baby with yellow beads wrapped around them (which is a sexual reference to both "hugs" and "analingus") and Alefantis commenting "chicken-lover" (which is a slang term for a gay pedophile ... and there we go again). And then you can point out that in his supposedly family-friendly restaurant, Alefantis had/has art showing the apparent murder of children and other art by someone who often paints pedophile scenes, and that he has also regular hosted bands that joke about pedophilia, child murder and the occult, and that his paintings showing child murder also reference the occult, and that comets and other stellar bodies figure heavily into the occult, and that the crescent moon and star symbols on his sign are prominent occult symbols, and that given this grand context it is possible to literally interpret the name of his restaurant as a reference to occultic child rape. And then point out his connection to John Podesta and his wikileaks-revealed occultic 'spirit cooking' scandal related to Marina Abramovic, to whom Alefantis himself is also directly connected. And then finally point out that for some reason this pizza shop owner is the 49th most powerful person in D.C., which essentially filled the most powerful people in the developed world.

Then you could finish off the CPP part by asking how many ultimately benign elements in some random person's life they would expect to be capable of being 'coincidentally' connected to pedophilia and occultism. And then point out that you've just listed around 15 different 'coincidences' related to Alefantis and CPP that are all consistent with occultic pedophilia, and that you've still only addressed the most obvious examples. That is pretty staggering. And then you realize then when you just start moving out from CPP to the other establishments on the same block you find at least two or three others that seem to prominently display even more clear cases of pedophile symbols, along with a Haiti-related charity office where much child-trafficking has taken place, including some linked to the Clinton's through Laura Silsby, and that, with the apparently exception of Besta Pizza, they are all owned or run by people closely connected to the Podestas and the Clintons.

Anyone who wants to call all of that just an obviously silly conspiracy and fake news is out of their minds or is intentionally trying not to accept it. And yet, I hasten to add that in saying this I'm not claiming that pizzagate is necessarily true with respect to these particular people, but only that an objective person cannot rationally and reasonably assert that it is obviously false, and they certainly cannot rationally dismiss these facts as 'fake news', even if it ultimately turns out the conclusions being drawn from them are incorrect.

EDIT: Sorry for the typos. I didn't fully proofread and I'm too lazy to go back and fix everything now.

reasonedandinformed ago

I do not have time to review this now. My experience is that showing the instagrams, posters, and screen shots from Heavy Breathing/Majestic Ape are a good conversation starter...rather than words. Then a short video or two from the large vault. The thing that started it, pizza-related emails, usually needs to come in later as the visuals seem to help get people past "cognitive dissonance" when they see the images rather than just hearing or reading words.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I'm mostly talking about people who have seen that stuff and still have doubts

reasonedandinformed ago

For that situation, I ask them to series of questions that builds. Do you believe that evil is real? Do you believe the pedophilia is real? Do you believe that people will rape children, including infants and babies? And I keep building to talk about the generic. Then I ask if they can open their minds to look at the evidence that this is happening with politicians and explain how it works with the blackmail. Not all efforts at outreach will succeed, but we should keep trying.

search4truth ago

Simple, shock them into paying attention. Say: If I told you that your wife/husband fiddles your neighbor when you leave for work, would you outright dismiss it as fake, or would you ask me to prove it? I know what I'm now saying is unbelievable, but give me five minutes to prove it.

Then start with the graphic/incriminating CPP photos and Podesta emails.

Birdonyashoulda ago

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6p7XPbyHdw 2011 anderson cooper spills tha beans.

hedy ago

When I'm talking to the ignorant or the unbelievers but not deniers (the deniers simply do not want to know and I don't waste any of my human energy on people who can't be bothered with the suffering of children and the destruction of the country) - I ask them a few questions and share with them simple facts from MSM sources (since that is all they believe):

I ask them who owns 90% of mainstream news outlets ( http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6 ) that

  • this MSM cartel is so terrified that you might start listening to the PG news that they're desperately trying to enact legislation to remove your 1st amendment right (Senate passed Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act - as part of HR6939 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2017 - sees a crackdown on websites as speculative conducting Russian propaganda, calling for U.S. .gov to counteract these measures by Russia to exert covert influence. Unprecedented.)

  • and is blaming Russians for their own hack jobs (http://www.wsj.com/articles/georgia-reports-attempt-to-hack-states-election-database-via-ip-address-linked-to-homeland- )

  • and these are also the same "news" outlets that lied to you that Hillary was winning in a landslide

Then I ask them if they have any idea that the pedo satanic abuse and trafficking is common knowledge in Europe? And suggest they look it up.

And I ask them if they realize this is a $32B industry? ( https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/jul/15/slavery-industry-money-human-trafficking ) ( http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1184433 ) ( http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NSUYmgro3GsJ:ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1184433&num=1&hl=en&gl=us&strip=1&vwsrc=0 ) (http://www.forbes.com/sites/85broads/2012/09/19/to-catch-government-workers-with-ties-to-child-porn-call-the-irs/#49c03ef27b9d ) ( http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/10/executive-branch-porn-problem/ )

Then I ask them if they know anything about the Clinton Foundation and its geopolitical crimes that are currently being tied to trafficking? And I ask them if they realize its former CEO has been MIA for the past 50 days? They usually have no way of answering this so I tell them they should know how to answer that question and it's time they found out and until they do, they have no business questioning anything. Then I move onto:

And I ask if they realize that the Bush administrations were also caught up in pedo crimes decades ago? Yeah, the MSM hid that from you, too. This helps them realize it's not entirely about hating Hillary. And this also helps them realize that the pedo crimes are about blackmail and control.

And I ask them if they are aware that over 5000 Pentagon employees as well as NASA employees were caught w/ pedo porn on their .gov computers ( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/24/pentagon-us-staff-downloaded-child-pornography )

It will take some people a very long time to embrace - but do not stop trying.

coincidencesmyass ago

I almost need to print this out and take it with me. Ha! You make some excellent points.

CaptnMeowMix ago

I made a similar argument a while ago for people suggesting pizzagate was a hoax/false flag:

This pizzagate shit could easily be a concerted hoax.

People keep saying this, yet nobody seems to provide any possible explanations for how that scenario would even realistically unfold in the first place, just a bunch of fearful handwaving emphasizing the uncertainty of the situation.

In order for this to be a hoax, it would need to be elaborate enough to be compatible with the following FACTS:

  1. The wikileaks emails that started this, have been verified to be real.

  2. The affiliations of, and connections between the parties involved have been documented and well established for a long time, regardless of any accusations or speculations of wrong doing.

  3. The occurrence of such phenomena among these types of people has been speculated for decades, at least since the 80's. Look into the Franklin Cover-up, and the Johnny Gosch case.

  4. It is documented Fact that attempts at trying to publicly expose information about those previous cases has resulted in unexplained censorship. Look into the censoring of the documentary "A Conspiracy of Silence" about the Franklin Cover-up.

  5. Similar phenomena has been CONFIRMED to happen among the political elite in Europe. Look into the Jimmy Seville case.

So the question is, if this is a hoax, where does the truth end and the hoax begin? If the hoax started before the Podesta emails, that would be incredibly elaborate, require the cooperation of tons of different people over a long period of time, and be worth the effort and patience for a payoff in the far future.

If it started after, why start it so close to the factual emails and draw attention to them, when they contain tons of other damaging information in plain sight? Why launch a simultaneous disinformation campaign blaming Russian hackers and discrediting the authenticity of the emails, when your other hoax relies on them being believable? And why are we expecting a hoax of that complexity from the same cohort of people that decided to ignore security protocols and then couldn't even secure an email server?

How do you connect point A to point B in these cases?

Frankly, the theory of this being a hoax seems a lot more unbelievable than the supposed "hoax" itself. We need to be careful that our risk aversion and fear of uncertainty don't lead us to irrational and mathematically improbable conclusions.

There could very well be something bigger than a pedo ring happening, but the odds of the pedo ring itself being a false flag are slim.

AboutPerception ago

Here's a 15 min video I made explaining Pizzagate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hxWDyjUAoQ

FuckTheseSickos ago

Good shit, bro.

--- Wish you would have circled back to that "whip me up a Haitian special around minute 14. Would have been great.

AboutPerception ago

Yeah, I should have put a few more things in the video and done some more editing..but it didn't turn out too bad. Thanks for watching bro

MoonWalker68 ago

The whip me up a Haitian Special was by a troll or 4channer who found the instagram soon after this story broke. It wasn't one of Alefantis's friends I don't think. The username was like .. DrNWO or something? Yeh that's right. Then the next guy talks about Kek. Obviously alt-righters.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Gotcha. That makes sense since it was so overt.

MoonWalker68 ago

Yeh that one alarmed me too, but no it's not what was originally thought, it seems.

coincidencesmyass ago

Thank you for making this video!

AboutPerception ago

Thanks for watching!

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Great video I added it for the in between part because I don't want to get to into detail about what most people already know. What most people are lacking is the background information of all of this shit happening throughout at least recent history and constantly being covered up and dismissed as nonsense just like Pizzagate IMO.

joeysaperv ago

Excellent video. Perfect for sharing. This is a good "next step" red pill.

AboutPerception ago

True, most people aren't aware of the coverups. Thanks for including the video in your post

MoonWalker68 ago

You know I was thinking about the dominoes on cheese thing. At a stretch could it be some very strange, and not funny joke that they're going to play dominoes tonight, will they have better luck winning if they have eaten a load of pasta or a load of cheese. It sounds retarded and is very unlikely but that's one of few things I came up with.

Or it could be gay slang. Who's the author? and what is their age?

coincidencesmyass ago

I know, I tried to rationalize it that way, too. But then someone said the author was a billionaire and I just can't picture billionaires sitting around playing dominoes. IDK

MoonWalker68 ago

Right. In the context of all this weirdness it's easy to get swept up in the 'it's definitely shifty' vibe - and don't get me wrong a lot of it is like flying in $65,000 of hot dogs or whatever. Not only is that bizarre and immoral it's just not feasible unless the party was for many thousands of people..? No I just can't believe that one but I also find it hard to believe someone at Stratfor would carelessly discuss such a matter if it was children being flown in?

The problem is with the dominoes on cheese thing, people keep quoting it out of context. The whole email makes it at least plausible that it's about dominoes. All I am saying is it's not as strong a talking point as I first thought, so we should at least be honest when presenting it to others.

justiceforever ago

Upvote. I've said this before. It's a woman trying to make a joke that she'll play better after eating the fancy cheeses.

ProbablyHoly ago

In the 1980s, a series of child sex abuse cases rocked the United States. The most famous case was the 1984 McMartin preschool case, but there were a number of others as well. By the latter part of the decade, the assumption was widespread that child sex abuse had become a serious problem in America. Yet within a few years, the concern about it died down considerably. The failure to convict anyone in the McMartin case and a widely publicized appellate decision in New Jersey that freed an accused molester had turned the dominant narrative on its head. In the early 1990s, a new narrative with remarkable staying power emerged: the child sex abuse cases were symptomatic of a 'moral panic' that had produced a witch hunt. A central claim in this new witch hunt narrative was that the children who testified were not reliable and easily swayed by prosecutorial suggestion. In time, the notion that child sex abuse was a product of sensationalized over-reporting and far less endemic than originally thought became the new common sense.

But did the new witch hunt narrative accurately represent reality? As Ross Cheit demonstrates in his exhaustive account of child sex abuse cases in the past two and a half decades, purveyors of the witch hunt narrative never did the hard work of examining court records in the many cases that reached the courts throughout the nation. Instead, they treated a couple of cases as representative and concluded that the issue was blown far out of proportion. Drawing on years of research into cases in a number of states, Cheit shows that the issue had not been blown out of proportion at all. In fact, child sex abuse convictions were regular occurrences, and the crime occurred far more frequently than conventional wisdom would have us believe. Cheit's aim is not to simply prove the narrative wrong, however. He also shows how a narrative based on empirically thin evidence became a theory with real social force, and how that theory stood at odds with a far more grim reality. The belief that the charge of child sex abuse was typically a hoax also left us unprepared to deal with the far greater scandal of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church, which, incidentally, has served to substantiate Cheit's thesis about the pervasiveness of the problem. In sum, The Witch-Hunt Narrative is a magisterial and empirically powerful account of the social dynamics that led to the denial of widespread human tragedy. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-witch-hunt-narrative-9780199931224?cc=gb&lang=en&#

whatonearth ago

Is there any evidence that the handkerchief code has been used by anyone since around 1980? I remember even in the 1990s gay guys were making fun of the handkerchief code as some ridiculous old thing a previous generation of gay men used to do back in the disco era.

Is there any place in the Podesta emails that the phrase "cheese pizza" actually shows up? It just confuses things more when on the one hand you point to 4chan people using "cheese pizza" to mean "child porn" then on the other hand pizzagate people keep talking about a whole different list of code words from some other 4chan poster where "pizza" supposedly means girl and "cheese" supposedly means little girl.

heks_ ago

I think the problem with looking for the specific term "cheese pizza" is that that specific term typically relates to child porn in particular, whereas the impression that people have gathered from the Podesta emails and all the other info is that this is not so much about child pornography as it is about actual child sex trafficking and pedophilia. I'm under the impression that using just "pizza" as a code word (along with other related code words) kind of evolved out of or in conjunction with the use connected to the child pornography, and there was a post on here a little while ago where someone took the time to check into the alleged code words and found independent sources and support for most of them, including "pizza", "cheese", "hot dogs", "pasta" and a few others.

micha_ ago

Brilliant idea to begin the process by showing an email and asking for an explanation.

Asking questions in general is quite a powerful discussion technique and in the heat of debates often forgotten.

A great example of the power of asking questions David Icke has shown in an interview, when he discussed with a sceptical journalist. You know Jimmy Savile was close to Margaret Thatcher and very close to the Royal Family. Then Icke asked the Journalist:

I guess you know that every person that is friend to the Royal Family or with access of the Prime Minister is thoroughly background checked.

Can you explain to me, how Savile, a pedophile and necrophile for many decades, could get access and be close to the Royal Family and that our secret service did NOT know about it?

coincidencesmyass ago

I am out of upvotes, but wanted to say excellent point!

FuckTheseSickos ago

I got you. Upvoted since I agree.

lawfag123 ago

One simple question: What evidence have you looked at?

Their obvious answer: None. Or the NYT News story.

Next question: Were you aware of Wikileaks? X, Y, and Z happened and John Podesta's emails were hacked and leaked. Now, look at emails A, B, and C. How do you explain that?

You have to do it one question at a time.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I was more thinking of a quick response to doubters and shills when posting somewhere online that's not as pizzagate friendly as /v/pizzagate because thats going to be the easiest way to us to get the word out to as many people as possible.

umpteenth ago

There is only so much we can do, not having any subpoena power and wot not...so it becomes very gossipy and the quality of the investigation degrades, I've seen it before, too. Even if you hand over all the best evidence presented succinctly and with the seriousness the subject deserves, these predators will continue on unless a law enforcement agency gets involved. What are the odds of that happening?

MolochHunter ago

You tell them that for pizzagate to be fake news it has to mean several interconnected news stories over at least the last decade are fake news. Then you say, how can Epstein's ACTUAL CONVICTION be a fake story? How can Silsby's ACTUAL CONVICTION be a fake story. Is Andrew Breitbart and Monica Petersen actually alive and in hiding just to make a fake news story seem more credible. That's preposterous. It is a far less elaborate proposition to suggest there is fire behind the plumes of smoke than to suggest some agency spent VAAAST resources over 10 years on the SUPPOSITION that Hillary didnt get her way in 2016. Which of those two seems more likely. Given what we know about the Jimmy Saville case.

You want a smoking gun? The email 'obama spent $65 000 taxpayers money on pizza and hotdogs' - while it isnt Absolutely beyond conjecture that they are referring to some other indulgence that 'incidentally' coincides with paedophile lingo, the fact is he spent taxpayers money on a party and thats an illegal use of money. There is a crime there, full stop, lets have appropriate agencies determine what sort of a crime it is.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Thanks added along with a couple other links I found real quick.

Lileee1010 ago

One thing I did was make a list of politicians, elites, etc who have actually been arrested and found guilty. It is really hard for anyone to ignore that list. It's pretty large and horrific. If anyone would just do a little searching it's undeniable. People just can't wrap their heads around this and throw in the illuminati and satanism and people shut down. It's like the lights turn out. When this finally is all unraveled, it is going to rock the very foundations of society. Some people just will not be able to handle this.

coincidencesmyass ago

Your list is a good strategy. Shows people that if it happened in the past, then obviously it could be happening now.

Lileee1010 ago

I didn't even finish it. I just went back to 2008. It's pretty much all depts of govt. Thank you for all your work. I'm technologically impaired! So I can't figure out how to posts things properly with links and stuff yet. I do know what a shill and bot are now! Thanks again for all your work. There are many who are trying to spread the word.

betadynamique ago

It's all about the handkerchief email, either it's real or it's not, so to rule out any possibility at all is dishonest. It's too suspicious, that should not go without investigation. Beyond that, the orgy of evidence about Comet and Besta, all that comes from Reddit, doesn't it? Because this whole pizzagate phenomena began with a very good question about emails discovered in the Wikileaks even before that, so what went wrong? Whatever happened on Reddit also is suspicious and deserves investigating. If there's too much censorship, how is there not a cover-up?

coincidencesmyass ago

Yes, Potestas email about the handkerchief is very damning. Also I can find no other explanation other than pedophilia for Alefantis' Instagram photo of the man and toddler boy with the hashtag chicken lovers and what looks to be like some sort of anal beads necklace.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Do you have a good link for that? Might help to add to my other examples in the past portion of the post.

CactusBrad ago

I've all but given up on the Steadfast. I've got people that refuse to understand the following statement....

Who leaked the emails to Wikileaks does not make the emails imaginary.

voteforfreedom ago

Simple 1-2 punch..

If we are to believe that Savile-harris-epstein + the buckingham connection (andrew + charles) is but a gross lack of intel from the part of Mi5-Mi6-BBC....then we can start a lemonade stand that sells lemonade + nigerian yellowcake

When the royals are involved...and pedos had access to the Queef's crib and every spy service in the UK and investigative journalists of the BBC missed Savile, Harris + Epstein...all of which have a direct one degree of separation from the royal family + the clintons, the top people in the CIA,FBI, Secret Service, NSA ....

only a fucking brain dead retard would think that some level of pizzagate does not exist

Remember that there was a pentagon/pedo scandal some years back....

Full fucking circle-jerk

if you say Savile and people are confused...then don't bother...you are dealing with a shill

derram ago

https://archive.is/dsa7S :

[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies : conspiracy

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