libertyvs ago

Regarding Lucis Trust itself, and those who are involved in it, they are not 'satanists'. They are more of the line of 'do gooders' who believe we're all one and that 'right human relations' are needed, and they like the UN because at the time the books they publish were written, the UN was very new and sounded hopeful. They are guilty only, I suggest (because I know who they are), of supporting the UN because they have not updated themselves to understand the evils of globalism.

In terms of the use of the term lucifer, in this lineage, Alice Bailey, and Helena Blavatsky before her, used the term Lucifer to mean, as it does etymologically, as Bringer of Light. (The history around all of this is rather convoluted now especially and you'll find all sorts of things about Satan and the devil and Lucifer and sanat kumara and what it means.) I suggest however that this group is a dead end as far as finding any true connection to evil, satanism, or anything 'bad'. That's just not who those people are.

One may wish to view it in terms of how a rational person must view some of the use of illuminati symbology and the term itself. Illuminati refers, to some philosophical purists (which are more of the line of Theosophists, who are nearly all old) is that they think there is a group of Illumined (wise) people who have helped guide humanity over time - towards such things as light, and love. They are the beginners of the 'new age', which many of the core concepts are translated or borrowed from so-called trans-himilayan or Hindu philosophies which go back thousands of years. The eye in the triangle, for instance, is found to go back into distant time, as is the 'swastica'. The fact that Hitler took the symbol to mean something to him and it is now identified with Nazis, does not mean that that symbol itself is inherently evil or exclusively used by people who are evil. (ie, some Native American tribes also use the simple and easily replicable 'swastica', which often means something more like four seasons and the turning of the world.) I can go into the older meanings and benign (helpful even) reasons for the eye in the triangle. I'll mark to watch this thread if anyone wants to discuss it as, in this area, I am a subject matter expert, having studied the matter for about 45 years. My REASON for posting this is simply to advise those who are importantly investigating the worldwide global evil satanist pedophiles can better spend their time in other areas. Cool. Take care. We do have, I believe, evil to deal with - and it will be a very difficult row to hoe - therefore, having fuller knowledge of which groups are just misguided, and which are actually evil doers, is important for us to spend time wisely and come across to others as informed and rational.

VieBleu ago

Yes I would like to know about the origins of the eye in the triangle symbol. I am myself pretty familiar with the eye of horus but adding the triangle is not something I understand as an ancient symbol. Thanks.

anolegion ago

I meant, everything I research is yours. Sry if ambiguous.

This is the first civilian mass investigation in human history, and the largest of any kind.

Credits given nor scored.


The former Brotherhood of Amon Ra founded Abrahamic religions and used their wealth to spread them like fucking crazy. All of their symbolism is ingrained.


These people founded Judaism. They invented creationism.

seraph7 ago

EUROPEAN COUNCIL NETWORK Groups and chat must be logged into to be viewed - strong suspicion there may be something here to be looked into but I do not have legal or technical ability to go further. Would be nervous of what may be there. Most likely nothing but still. “Council Voices a Way of Listening” VIDEOS ARE BY JAMES SELLIGMAN ON VIMEO - HE ALSO POSTED - HOLY SHIT RED PILL HOLY FUCK WHAT AM I LOOKING AT - Vaccinations Council in schools - Thomas Paine Society American East EPK Trailer “THE MIND IS A PLACE OF ITS OWN - EPK FOR “DAHMER” - poetics - Garry Kenwood Portrait Linked from European Council -- SCHOOL OF LOST BORDERS HISTORY IMPORTANT LINKS TO OTHER GROUPS * ARCHIVE OF ACADEMIC PAPERS AND RESOURCES * Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 7.22.24 PM.png

YingYangMom ago

Incredible! Thanks for sharing all this info.

seraph7 ago

Dutroux affair.,_1235_pages,_2005


Translation I was able to find is here:

Archive -

  • This document is in French but some partial translations exist. The Belgian gov’t is in process of suing to have it removed from wikileaks. This document though long and tedious documents legally the worst, most apparently ludicrous aspects of these sex rings which are trafficking children. This is the legal documentation linking “spirit cooking” to child trafficking and exploitation rings as opposed to wild hysterical forum rantings.
  • There are links to the American military shown in Dutroux, in the form of Michael Aquino. He is mentioned by the girls and was also documented in Federal Court by Paul Bonnacci - who also recounted participation in the kidnapping of Johnny Gosh - in the Franklin case. After claiming the military participated in abusing him, the Federal judge in this case found Bonacci was telling the truth; he eventually was awarded $1000,0000 in damages from our government.

(wish I could archive that^ properly)

From this article:

On Feb. 27, Judge Warren Urbom of the U.S. District Court of the District of Nebraska, found the former general manager of the now-defunct Franklin Federal Community Credit Union of Omaha, Lawrence E. King, guilty of numerous crimes committed against plaintiff Paul A. Bonacci, one of the central victim-witnesses in the infamous, decade-old “Franklin case.” Urbom ordered King, now serving a 15-year sentence for “financial crimes” related to Franklin, to pay Bonacci $800,000 in compensatory damages, and awarded Bonacci a further $200,000 in punitive damages.

… Well, then there was a man named Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had a top Pentagon clearance....And they deferred [sic] funding from this government pro- gram to use this experimentation upon children, where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned under oath or ques- tioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.

“They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre, I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself, until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. The black and white. . . . And by splitting the children’s personalities, they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it, or re- member it.”

“The FBI defends the pedophiles” -

The finders pdf

klondike1412 ago

Haven located on Gabriola Island was subject to a murder in 2011 where a father killed his wife and attempted to murder his wife to "save his children", and was found not guilty due to schizophrenia (very likely if he believed something "insane" like his wife was part of a local cult abusing children). HE WAS APPARENTLY OBSESSED WITH "FREEMASONRY AND ENOCHIAN" topics and knew another island member who was involved in a murder previously. It sounds like he was paranoid about something on the island.

Cramer always had a backpack with him which held his laptop. Cramer was fascinated with Freemasonry and Enochian (an esoteric 16th century language) and had written a book in Enochian which he hoped to have published someday.

Schultes said he accepted the statement that Cramer did not take an unusually large dose of crystal meth on the day of the offence. As such, Schultes said, the evidence was not there to prove it was the meth consumed that day which created the mental state that led to Cramer attacking the Schwartz family. “On the evidence, the meth did not create the mental state [on the day of the offenses).” The Justice said he also took note of Cramer’s comments to the psychiatrists, describing years of physical abuse as a child. Schultes said at one point in the interviews, Cramer said that in committing the offenses he became, “that my life said I was to be.” More info about debate over his psychiatric history, he appears to have had a life of problems with child abuse and was obsessed with saving his children


Schwartz was at the Nanaimo courthouse in March, 2007, when Terrance Raymond Corrigan was sentenced to six years in jail for manslaughter in the 2005 killing of her common-law husband, Charles Howard McCoy.

I would love to find info on his wife's appearance at the murder trial which was scrubbed from the records and her relation to Pam Bourgoise. Apparently they "cleaned houses together" I can't find any more info on this murder at all, nor Charles McCoy I tried to look up the records (2007 trial in Nanaimo) but found that there was a ban on publication for this result

Ban Type Order Date Expiry Date Act Section Sub-Section Description Publication 18Apr2005 CCC 517 (1) Ban on Publication ordered (JIR Hearing)

Douglas Denly Green also charged with child pornography, lives on Gabriola Island as well. He was a bird photographer CP ring originated in Kent, England and he liked PJ financial on his facebook page

There was also detached feet found washed up on the island


EDIT: Schwartz was the girlfriend of McCoy at the time he was murdered: Outside court, Elaine Schwartz, McCoy’s girlfriend at the time of his death, was in disbelief. “The judge said it was a brutal attack,” she said. “[Corrigan] will be on our streets in 18 months.”

klondike1412 ago

More on The Haven: From an anon speaking about abuse he experienced

Spanning from Anon’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA taking place at institutions ranging from Harbin Hot Springs and Esalen Institute in CA through Ecstatic living, HAI Global and the Human Potential Movement through to The Haven in Canada, Findhorn in Scotland and more. These organizations are tied via the International Holistic Centers Gathering to the United Nations via the Findhorn Foundation, GEN, and Kitezh orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. They also share mutual ties and ancestry through the Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN.

Longer writeup on The Haven


Don’t just stop at the clinic controversy – get your teeth into the new Madrona mall addition, the gun club, the water table, density, affordable housing. Is the Gabriola Commons a cult? What really goes on at The Haven? Is the Roxy a front for something? I can’t think a front for what off hand, but I’m guessing someone can! Is it true that all Gabriola children are drug addicts by the time they leave grade two? Is there a conspiracy between all the tradespeople to make sure that no one ever turns up when they’re supposed to? Is there a danger that ownership of the Fire Department will be handed over to some Foundation that will only put out your fire if you’re a member?

seraph7 ago

Holy shit. keep up the great work

TruthTrumps ago

Think of the current craze of DNA testing kits, as is offered by and similar organizations. Imagine what they glean from that database. They package and market this stuff...we eat it up.... and even pay to give them our DNA. Wow.

popezandy ago

Alright, because of the name I didn't want to even look, let alone add it to the Master List. Read the article, there are too many people posting too many resources not to at least include a link to save for later. I don't really see the point in digging this far unless we have a plan of action though, honestly.

seraph7 ago

What is your plan of action with pizzagate? To continue beating a dead horse? I hope you realize that pizzagate was allowed to flourish. We are being acquainted with dark stuff, for what reason? The other Tavi threads are based off of this research. You should know by now that the politicians aren't the ones actively transporting, caging, storing, drugging and utilizing trauma based mindcontrol and hypnotism to fragment these kid's minds into 10+ different personalities. one Conditioned to enjoy pain, another pure dissociation. I messaged you three times, and I still see this eye sore of a comment. Your ego cannot be a factor in this and I don't give a fuck about a master list. Another victim from ARK confided to me this morning, BTW, when normals see the name pizzagate and a master list of CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence, they DON'T look. I have physical evodence, frim two victims now. So please remove your comment and the ridiculous remark on your "master list". if this is out there, I hope my contacts obituaries don't show up because your entire world will be flipped upside down. Sincerely irked, Seraph

Jem777 ago

Everyone should understand this post. FBIanon said to specifically look to TAVISTOCK. Now to understand in WW11 Hitler's doctors/experimenters learned about the creation of DID which is basically traumatizing very young children to dissociate which they found useful. In fact they believed the younger you could traumatized a child and more extreme (rape, torture) the better. Think of DID as MK Ultra not being utilized by the elite or a failed to old subject. Tavistock and the elite in secret societies were all centered here. The founding fathers per say of psychoanalysis come through Tavistock such as Sigmond Freud whose very concepts centered around sex and children although they have been cleaned up through the years. Remember who took sides in Germany including the elite of the Catholic Church with Adolfo himself. There is a difference and it is crucial to understand this part of history. The Americans who were founded as a Christian Nation by our founding fathers many of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers went to Germany to stop Hitler. Think of D-Day study the greatest generation. After the war many of those same doctors came back to the USA and we have CIA then super secret programs such as MK Ultra. I could go on please study. It is curious how the artwork displayed in the Podesta home were created by known survivors of satanic ritual abuse and one specifically has mentioned being in "\treatment" at the Tavistock Institute. Additionally George Soros the self admitted Nazi sympathizer is a big supporter of The Tavistock Institute along with the CF and other secret societies.

it_was_foretold ago

The wallpaper with which the men of science have covered the world of reality is falling to tatters.

isthisreality ago

Marion Pettie.. Or whatever his name was... Was frequently seen at Harbinger. You know... Dude from the Finders cult

seraph7 ago

Thank you for the info. Aquino and pettie (w.e.) definitely have a hand in many if not all of these front organizations.

SmilingWide ago

I'm subbed to Glitch in the Matrix on Reddit. I agree. We are experiencing a Quickening. That's the only way I can describe it.

MAGAphobia ago

Zionist Jews.

Fucking shill.

MAGAphobia ago

This subverse is getting embarrassing....

seraph7 ago

My condolences for your subverse. Meanwhile, outside of the media in its itotality, there are children beinf trafficked and murdered. Thank you for your input.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

same with the mockingbird program. these secret services, and so many other agencies, need to have an open day, or something. the premise of not letting on what they are doing, for national security, has itself become a national security problem, that need solving. The notion of them really working for the people, or for any good at all, has always been a strained one, but it is now at breaking point. ...Still hoping some good people among these ranks, will distinguish themselves soon, and let the truth be known. These things can not go on, if they are known about. It is that simple. People feel helpless, but all they need to do, all anyone needs to do, is let the truth be known. If even one person, let alone many, from the government, or other relayed agencies, are willing to speak up, this would all change. it IS all changing anyway, but it would be good to see, some real people speak up, and at least say, that these concerns need to be looked into, and acknowledge what a sign of alarm it, is, that we are seeing the biggest coordinated cover up yet, for a pedophile ring! A volunteer polygraph, program, would solve this problem, in a matter of days. If people are innocent, they will jump at the chance to prove it. eg a polygraph is set up, in agencies that have responsibility over children, and have come into question. Then all the staff at these places, gladly takes one, to say, "no i have never trafficked children etc. and i do not intend to." That should be a very easy question, for all but the guilty to answer. It certainly would be a lot better than saying, these allegation are preposterous. All the evidence, and outpour of concern, makes such responses beyond preposterous, and in fact, signs of something to hide.

seraph7 ago

a man named Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had a top Pentagon clearance....And they deferred [sic] funding from this government pro- gram to use this experimentation upon children, where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned under oath or ques- tioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.

“They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre, I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself, until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. The black and white. . . . And by splitting the children’s personalities, they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it, or re- member it.

throwaway345678 ago <<< Michael Aquino's CV. Order of Trapezoid, Space Program, all sorts of insanity.

common_sense ago

I'm retarded. Who/what is Tavistock?

quakerbaker ago


MommyLove ago

MommyLove ago

Headquartered in BAHAMAS:

For additional information, contact Karen Turpin, VP of **Human Capital ** ?????????

equineluvr ago

Tavistock GROUP is not the Tavistock INSTITUTE.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Among other things, the Tavistock Clinic is highly active in pushing for young children to be diagnosed as transgender and transitioned, even when the child doesn't see themself as or wish to be the opposite sex and/or when one parent is opposed.

MommyLove ago

FBIanon Thread

"Simply put. Soros owns tavistock. Tavistock owns the government."

equineluvr ago

Tavistock is the British Psychological Warfare Unit of MI5/MI6. Ergo, Soros doesn't "own": it outright.

Former-MI6 Chris Steele was the source of the "Russian dossier" against Trump with the urinating on the bed/prostitute BS.

I think it's fair to say that the FBIAnon comment was not to be taken literally but that Soros controls MI6 by de facto secondary to his wealth/power/influence.

rp5x5 ago

That Sidney Gottlieb MD and Stanley Kubrick, both died on March 7, 1999, is a very bizarre coincidence.

tucker123 ago

Well articulated. The pedophilia/blackmail cesspool is just one compartment of worldwide corruption. Tavistock is the common denominator of many equations.

Like others have observed, people are starting to see the spiderweb. I'm hoping that another user wasn't just spinning a yarn, about how the FBI began one investigation, and it mushroomed into multiples which he/she inferred will begin to see the light of day after January 20. I sure as hell hope that user was at least partially correct and not simply role-playing, because if so, we can look forward to seeing a lot of disgusting people start going to jail. (Thread: )

seraph7 ago

HARBIN Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 10.45.14 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 11.30.19 PM.png Associated with Harbin - DONALD JAMES HAMRICK - Possible CIA connection Frontiers of Science Fellowship (F.O.S.F.) was founded by Donald James Hamrick (born December 13, 1935), in 1967. The fellowship was initially located at Redwood Drive, in San Rafael. Hamrick obtained a resort property, in 1967. As the property had been vandalized, much restoration was required. The resort was converted into a commune named Harbinger (Harbinger Community), for a core group of between 120 and 140 people. Harbinger became the new home for Frontiers of Science Fellowship, from 1967 to 1969. The Harbinger facility was located on 1,085 acres, in Lake County, California, about 100 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area. Harbinger University Introduction to Harbinger University (written by Donald James Hamrick, 1968) Chemistry Chemistry classes were taught by Dr. Alan Schein, Ph.D. Hamrick had told particular participants that if they didn't stop using drugs he would leave the facility. Schein persevered as long as he could, but he finally left Harbinger Community. High students in his classes was a serious issue for him. The loss of Schein was a real set-back for Hamrick, personally, and for the community. Class Series I: Physiology of the Higher Bodies These classes were taught by Don Hamrick. All sessions were audio recorded. Class Series II: The Skills of the New Man These classes were taught by Don Hamrick. All sessions were audio recorded. Audio Recordings and Transcriptions Introduction to the Lecture Series (originally written by a Harbingerite, 1968; revised and updated by ECOhealth, 2010) Lecture Circuit Don Hamrick, as a pilot, flew a Cessna Twin C1J from one destination to another, 23 - 24 times per month, for a sold year and a half, from 1967 to 1969. He was usually accompanied by Owen Jones, one of the three directors, for Frontiers of Science Fellowship. Owen was also a physicist and pilot. Hamrick presented one to two hour lectures, and sometimes entire conferences, extended over a few days. Lectures were received by audiences at university and college campuses, in conference hotels and sometimes in people's homes. A number of scientists were on board. More particularly, Alan Schein, a chemist and chemistry teacher, and Don Hamrick, invested much time and effort together, developing cost-effective metallurgical means to extract platinum from tailings. With his physics background, Hamrick had previously been responsible for the research and development, and the patent filing, of a number of highly sophisticated medical, musical (sound, switching), and machining apparatus and methodologies. Owned by scientific companies and laboratories, none of the patents were filed by him personally. Life Style Research In 1968, Psychology Today Magazine sent out journalist, Tim Thompson, to spend a number of days living at Harbinger Community and participating in F.O.S.F. activities. Thompson wrote an article about the "life style research" that was being conducted at the facility. The article was published in Careers Today Magazine. Clothing was optional at the facility. There was one large clothes closet for everyone living on site. Musical Events On February 19, 1969, The Grateful Dead provided a benefit that was hosted by F.O.S.F. 1,500 invitations were sent out and at least 3,000 people attended what was called the Celestial Synapse. The event was held at the Fillmore West auditorium, in San Francisco. The event was reviewed on April 5, 1969, by The Rolling Stone. The review was included in the book: Grateful Dead Family Album. Massage Therapy and Water Massage Therapy Massage Therapy was taught and was practiced with interested residents and with participants outside of the community. Harbingerites welcomed people from outside of the commune (community) to enjoy exercise and the therapeutic effects of the various springs and pools on site. Water therapy was taught to therapists and was provided to F.O.S.F. participants and to visitors, during the Harbinger era. The Watsu technique for water massage therapy was later developed and coined, at the Harbin Hot Springs community and therapeutic facility, in 1980. A number of people who learned different modalities of massage went on to become licensed practitioners after the Harbinger era. Meditation, ZaZen, Mindfulness, Hypnosis and The Power of Intent Don Hamrick had unique styles of meditation and hypnosis, incorporating the best approaches from various guides that he had studied and also what he gained through his near-death experience. He shared this in Group Actions (described below), as well as in individual and group sessions. Arthur Ford had taught him how to get out of the back of his eyes. He had studied meditation and ZaZen with Zen monks from Riotakeshe, Japan. He had also worked with a number of psychologists and mediums to understand states of consciousness: Dr. Enid Smith, Ph.D. (see ref), a psychic Josephine, in the early 1960's, Drs. Wayne Guthrie and Bella Karish, Ph.D., of the Fellowship for Universal Guidance (see ref). Dr. He also studied the works of North American Indians, shamans of various cultures, Hawaiian Huna and the prayer, meditation and chanting of Tibetan Buddhists. He also employed techniques of meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis and intent which he had gathered from reading the writings of Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Dr. John C. Lilly, M.D., Stanislav Grof, Dr. Walter Panke, M.D., Dr. Dennis Kelsey, Ph.D., and the efforts of Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Group Actions Run by a number of Harbingerites, skilled in the modalities, these workshops included groups up to 21 people. Group Actions were held at the Harbinger Community, or held on behalf of F.O.S.F., in many other cities across the western United States, including Modesto, Daly City, and Longbeach, California, Portland, Oregon and as far as Fort Collins, Boulder and Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. Stuart Pappel, John Wester and Shaun Weikert were some of the key personalities involved in this undertaking. John Wester was one of the three directors of Harbinger Community. Hazel and Jay Herem hosted these events, in Portland. Judith Tarbet and John Mcready. External Relationships There were numerous outside relationships developed with individuals and organizations. This is an incomplete list.


33rd level masons are going to be the first to die in the coming revolution. I would really love torturing one. It would be awesome to blow up the DC Freemason building sitting in the All Seeing Eye's pupil. People are so fucking stupid. You masons are all going to die. I am devoting my life to it. You don't just keep knowledge like that a secret. What a bunch of retarded cunts.

Fuck the masons and fuck you. Fuck your entire family, and all of your ancestors. You are literally part of a cult ruling the world. You will not win. I hope for your sake that you are just LARPING.

Satanic Talmudic Jews are fucking high level Freemasons. There is no difference. You all will die.

seraph7 ago

Literally just agreed with you, they follow talmud at the top. I'm no mason, I abhor the shriners and prominent masons within my family. I do not belong to any group or am aligned with any religion.

Here's a hint: Masons are a small part of the problem, relative to the HIGH treason being committed by ALL nations globally--in the same sense, child trafficking is no big deal to them. They would rather the children being traded around like cattle be exposed than reveal how many dollars they make off of your relatives war causality, or imprisonment. How deeply they have manipulated you, and oppressed you. How they have conditioned you to become comfortable as a follower, even believing MASONS of ALL GROUPS still rule the world. I'm sorry my friend, Atheists rule the world now, and it doesn't look good for ANYONE.


No. Stop spewing bullshit. All of our modern presidents are masons. George W. Bush is confirmed skull and bones / masonic member. I cannot imagine that he is not 33rd tier retard. They are building a capital in Astana (Satana) - I will live to see it nuked as well as Jerusalem. Andrew Jackson is probably the sole exception. There is a reason that the NWO acts through uber masonic UN. The NWO is Freemasonry, just as the USA is New Israel.

Bunch of Jews trying to make a living Zion on Earth. They gonna die.

YingYangMom ago


Thank you for sharing this awesome video, I learned a lot from it. We also find out the meaning of Podesta's picture, where he holds out his hands and in the left hand is the number 14 and the right, the symbol of a fish... In the documentary you posted, get to minute 35:17 and watch till 35:55. There you find out the meaning of the message written in Podesta's hands. That man is sick.


Oh. If you are being sarcastic (It is late and I am confused), I did post a submission good amount of evidence regarding this.

Oh lol. I am an idiot. It is 3 layers up.

YingYangMom ago

Not being sarcastic at all. Go rest OP, you deserve it ;)


The mods are convinced that it is debunked. They think he wrote in sharpie on his hands that he wanted to save oceanic life, because that is actually what he meant. He was part of the organization that made #14 oceanic life in that list. The truth will prevail.

YingYangMom ago

I think Podesta is a satanist pedophile based on how fucked up his hands look, with large cuts all over them. You don't get these while chopping parsley or onions. I should know, I'm in the kitchen everyday, chopping and cooking and I don't get cuts like that, I sometimes get small burns or very tiny cuts at the tips of my fingers mostly. Professional cooks don't either. They don't get butchered like that at all. He's chopping, or butchering 'something' and his hands are getting wet from the liquid that's involved in the process. They become slippery and that's how the knife cuts into the fingers and hands. My guess is, the liquid is blood. You can imagine the rest. Large animals or humans. I don't care how it sounds to the mods. I'm using simple logic here.

seraph7 ago

@popezandy please remove this user's incessant and offtopic ravings from this thread please.

popezandy ago

Yo I'm not a moderator. I'd do it for ya but I can't. Just happen to be sidebarred

YouaremeandIamyou ago

it is not a globe... that is one of many ways, they keep us feeling small and insignificant. go outside, and look. it an upright plane. this space theory, is designed for denying that God exists and a number of other things, it is a new theory. most civilations, have known, that we are not on a globe, but in one, since the beginning. Otherwise, good point. that satanist general, with the funny eyebrows, is one of the worst...

seraph7 ago

I appreciate your keen observation. Replying to let you know-- It is used in this context as a figure of speech/expression. If you live in the U.S. I'm sure you've heard this expression before.

Be well

YouaremeandIamyou ago

i live in the Aus... but i am getting better at noticing these things. and we are allies. also, the same problems exist here, in almost a mirror image.


Extremely recommended. These guys are 6,000 years in the making. Hitler was last opposition. MUST WATCH. Freemasons run the planet.


I would also suggest learning that these people worship Egyptian/Talmudic mythology:

Your mind will split open a second time if you watch this entire video. I swear to God.

ghost_marauder ago

Not 100% conversed by the video. But, I'm not saying it's not cool. Great vid!


I don't agree with a lot of the spiritual magic jumps that he makes, but the coincidences are irrefutably insane.

rail606 ago

Point is do you really think the people who had the knowledge to build the pyramids and encode all these secrets into it aren't advanced enough to still be alive?

This is why the elite are so powerful. They have been running all religions since the beginning of time it appears. God clearly exists in everything. However the elite feel the need to play the role of bad guy. Rather then tell us the truth that they know for a fact god is real they are filling in for the role of the devil.

They will lie and teach you stuff that makes you question if god exists so you become an atheist and sin without recourse. They gain power from shoving all the proof of god right into your face but your too blind to see god has been literally screaming "I am here!" The only way the bad people go away forever is if we all realize the truth of human history and our reality. We must all prepare and train for the next life.

God said "Your body is a temple." Improve yourself.


I couldn't agree more.

rail606 ago

Dude this video is blowing my fucking mind. How has not everyone seen this! This pizzagate shit had me a believer. But this video could convert any atheist.


Everytime I post it in regards to pizzagate, it is labelled as debunked lol. It's pretty relevant, when we are dealing with an omnipotent clique of people.


That's what the masonic order is hiding. Quantum mechanics is amazing. Love to study it. Makes you think about God. Everyday interactions aren't as mysterious. They (Templars/Freemasons/Worshippers of ISIS) have hidden everything in between, which has me questioning reality.

Shitseverewhere ago

Awesome video.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Wasn't the GATE program linked to tavistock?

I remember reading about the whole GATEkeeping thing a while back, but it never went anywhere conclusive.

I was in the GATE program when I was younger and had completed forgotten about it until those threads, it was hard to tell what was actual coincidence vs LARPing, but I digress.

postfascion ago

So let me get this straight? You're not against holistic remedies nor a new age utopia Perce? Because last time I checked, the fifties had pretty shit music and were kinda repressed, the sixties however was instrumental in altering our perception of each other and how we treat the planet. No, it didn't last thanks to government intervention as well as "pseudos" fucking things up as usual, but I kinda think a little more "new age" thinking is what we need. Do you think its all bad? Or are these groups set up to distract those with a certain mindset?

dontsuicidemebro ago

Not OP but I will share my opinion that just because something has been used to manipulate or for nefarious ends by TPTB doesn't invalidate that thing. I mean our society was already trending towards this, if they see the writing on the wall what would they do - fight it tooth and nail or be at the forefront so they can control it somewhat? For instance it's clear that the CIA/Tavistock had involvement with early feminism and still are manipulating the movement (Gloria Steinam, Ms Magazine, Operation Mockingbird and the current trans trend). Does this make all feminism evil? Or was it that it was going to happen either way so they tried to harness it? You can say TPTP have manipulated and exploited feminism and still think it's good that, say, marital rape is no longer legal (a change made because of feminism). The same goes for a new age philosophy. They are just opportunists.

postfascion ago

Great point

seraph7 ago

Unfortunately the sixties psychic revolution was 100% controlled and engineered. Mckenna and his stoned ape theory was instrumental in pushing the evolutionary theory, which morphed into the "religion" of atheism. Esalen maintains the "doctrine of evolution" on their tavi article. search tavistock. 2 articles, make sure you grab that PDF. Haven't been able to post another section for a while. let me try again.

postfascion ago

What about the traditional use of psychedelics by indigenous cultures living harmoniously with their environment and (more or less) each other? McKenna also mentioned an instance where the FBI attempted early on to coopt the mushroom, and failed, but this may have been a cover story since the CIA/FBI apparently don't see eye to eye (excuse the pun)

seraph7 ago

It's all a spider web. The U.S. ring is a work of fiction. It is and always had been a global indulgence.

Pathfinder_ILF ago

sorry dude , controll through "perversion addiction " (tavistok) yes , mandela effect NO , this is almost trolling.

remedy4reality ago

I can speak for hours on the subject and I have been spending the last month convincing everyone I know what reality truly is, with very good success. I knew about the Franklin Cover Up and the CIA's nefarious dealings likely before you were born. I must tell you that this is the biggest moment in our history and we are facing down evil on a global scale. The entire world is way behind, including most people on this thread. It's happening. It's happening now. Ignore this advice at your risk.

SmilingWide ago

I agree with you 100%. It's evolution, you have to surf the wave...

remedy4reality ago

Please.. tell me... just who are you trying to persuade? The FBI ? The Police ? The Media ? Please, this thing is obviously way over your head in scope. There is a massive government/media wide cover up and the CIA is in a showdown with the President elect. The world is changing as we speak and you people are looking for smoking guns. It's already been set in motion !!

MommyLove ago

Didn't FBIAnon say that Tavistock was big? Keep digging warriors!

seraph7 ago

Don't think many know what tavi is and what type of influence it weilds upon us all.

warrior_of_light ago

I remember first searching around for it; the only thing I found was vague information. You should do a introductory into what tavistock is, on another post. Alot of us still dont understand.

LolturdFerguson ago

Keanu is our Jesus.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I would actually like sources for this myself - just to do some further reading. Do you have any?

webofslime ago

A lot of Tavistock literature is intentionally confusing to read, but the main take away you will see is this...

They are focused on an organizations structure that is meant to overcome hierarchical structures. They call it a "Matrix." Imagine a sea of people. At intersecting points in the matrix, you implant your people. That way, you can control a large population by only occupying the intersecting points of power with a much smaller, infiltrating force. One example would be to have someone work at the DoJ and NCMEC. That is an intersecting point of influence where you would want to plant a person.

The other thing they have is the "social dream." Generally, it was putting 32 people in a room under religious auspices and recording their exclamations while under "trance" or whatever configuration they are running it, that day. If you put 32 world leaders in a room and have them "social dream," everyone plants ideas in everyone else's minds. One example in a recent social dream was "presents on a tube train in London that are actually a bomb."

What you are looking at is a corporate cult with pseudoscientific descriptions to avoid outright explaining what type of mind control is really going on. It is, literally, doublespeak, that is designed to sound authoritative and profess moral causes, while actually encouraging conformity, ignorance and distraction. Just like other literature that has been used, in the past, to control large populations.

UglyTruth ago

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. It was established as a not for profit organisation with charitable purpose in 1947.


The TIHR is dedicated to the study of human relations for the purpose of bettering working life and conditions for all humans within their organisations, communities and broader societies and to the influence of environment in all its aspects on the formation or development of human character or capacity; to conduct research and provide opportunities for learning through experience for this purpose; to publish the results of such study and research; to train students in or for any branches of the said study.

Origins of humanism:

dontsuicidemebro ago

Me too. Wish I had an upvote for you. I am working through an investigation in a different but connected area (Tavistock and kids, among other things) and would be extremely grateful for any sources anyone has to share.

Odaat ago

Arrrgh. Waiting for my clock to run out so I can Upvote!!! !

Freemasonsrus ago

Yes thank you, I am up to speed on it. I just didn't know the exact lineage. Which in itself (speaking of duPont), is interesting. I wish there was an open ancestry site where you could trace people back easily without needing personal info or paying for the info, bc tracing back multiple families to see the overlaps would be interesting.

seraph7 ago

*Clarification I do not expect these groups to publicize evidence of child abuse directly. However what they do publish shows similarities to real gov’t programs of abuse and study of mind control, all phrased in spiritual jargon.

What I am trying to document here is the institutional link between cases like The Franklin Cover Up, the Dutroux Affair, and the debacle we saw with the Podesta emails and “Spirit Cooking†as related to possible child trafficking syndicates reffered to in “The Finders†case and elsewhere.

The possible commonality behind all of these cases may be military programs as opposed to pure random insanity. This would explain both the intense efforts to coverup such rings beyond what might be sensical considering the individual politicians involved, and also why we did not and will not see whatever clinton tapes (or other material) were found on Weiner’s laptop be published or ANY prosecution take place. If this material ultimately implicates our own government or aspects of our military we can only expect and and all documentation of it to be suppressed no matter how damning. If it were allowed to be published in court - well, that would never be allowed to get that far.

There is a reason the Dutroux case is one never have heard of in the US, and why the wikileaks document is not even translated from French into English. It is one example of a court case - a legal document that did disclose this material. Belgian courts are currently suing wikileaks to remove the document. Going further, this legal document links the US military (In the person of Michael Aquino) to organized child abuse. I will try to provide all the documentation I can of this.

I ask you to at least look into it.

Does it not make sense logically that our military would be running a child syndicate as much as they have been running guns and drugs? We saw with the wikileaks and Podesta leaks - Comet ping Pong, Spirit Dinners - that there is a rabbit hole. I am asking you to truly look at where it leads. If you do not wish to research this yourself I implore you to pass this to someone who will.

YingYangMom ago


Could you provide us with a link to this wikileaks email about the Dutroux case? I am fluent in French and I'd like to read it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Bottom line, if we stay focused and crack pizzagate open, the rest will eventually follow. If true.


Do you think people will be able to handle this:

Please watch the whole thing. It will crack your mind open like Pizzagate did, but for a second time.

seraph7 ago

Absolutely. Just pointing out the thinktank behind the kidnappers themselves. Tavi--->CIA

isthisreality ago

i've made a few posts about these... i think this is the one that links all the others. but yeah. after days of research into all that shit i had to pull back some. my mind literally can NOT handle anymore at this point. like... i can't view anything the same anymore. anyways- i think this is SUCH good info all of this stuff- tav!$t0ck, T&T, A R K, all these leads...

the last post i made connected Prince Andrew DIRECTLY to Teens and Toddlers with this---->

This is mindfuckery level shit. I am still trying to come to terms with it all.

seraph7 ago

[–] seraph7 S 1 points (+1|-0) 16 hours ago

HUMAN POTENTIAL MOVEMENT He was best known for his novels including Brave New World, set in a dystopian London; for non-fiction books, such as The Doors of Perception, which recalls experiences when taking a psychedelic drug; and a wide-ranging output of essays. Early in his career Huxley edited the magazine Oxford Poetry and published short stories and poetry. Mid career and later, he published travel writing, film stories, and scripts. Following his years at Balliol, Huxley, being financially indebted to his father, decided to find employment. From April to July 1917, he was in charge of ordering supplies at the Air Ministry for the Royal Air Force.[18] On 21 October 1949, Huxley wrote to George Orwell, author of Nineteen Eighty-Four, congratulating him on "how fine and how profoundly important the book is". In his letter to Orwell, he predicted:Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience.[29] Huxley had deeply felt apprehensions about the future the developed world might make for itself. From these, he made some warnings in his writings and talks. In a 1958 televised interview conducted by journalist Mike Wallace, Huxley outlined several major concerns: the difficulties and dangers of world overpopulation; the tendency toward distinctly hierarchical social organisation; the crucial importance of evaluating the use of technology in mass societies susceptible to wily persuasion; the tendency to promote modern politicians, to a naive public, as well-marketed commodities.[30] In spring of 1953, Huxley had his first, supervised, experience with psychedelic drugs (in this case, mescaline). In 1929, he edited The Realist, a short-lived monthly journal of scientific humanism (its sponsors included H.G. Wells, Arnold Bennett, Julian Huxley, and Aldous Huxley). In 1927 Heard began lecturing for South Place Ethical Society. During this period he was Science Commentator for the BBC for five years.[2] Like the outlook of his friend Aldous Huxley (another in this circle), the essence of Heard's mature outlook was that a human being can effectively pursue intentional evolution of consciousness. He maintained a regular discipline of meditation, along the lines of yoga, for many years.

In 1954 Heard tried mescaline and, in the mid 1950s tried LSD. He felt that, used properly, these had strong potential to "enlarge Man's mind" by allowing a person to see beyond his ego.

In August 1956, Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson first took LSD—under Heard's guidance and with the officiating presence of Sidney Cohen, a psychiatrist then with the California Veterans Administration Hospital. In the late 1950s, Heard also worked with psychiatrist Cohen to introduce others to LSD, including John Huston and Steve Allen. The meeting with Huxley led eventually to Smith's connection to Timothy Leary.

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Alan Watts Experimentation[edit] Some of Watts’ writings published in 1958 (e.g., his book Nature, Man and Woman and his essay "The New Alchemy") mentioned some of his early views on the use of psychedelic drugs for mystical insight. Watts had begun to experiment with psychedelics, initially with mescaline given to him by Oscar Janiger. He tried LSD several times in 1958, with various research teams led by Keith S. Ditman, Sterling Bunnell, Jr., and Michael Agron. He also tried marijuana and concluded that it was a useful and interesting psychoactive drug that gave the impression of time slowing down. Watts's books of the '60s reveal the influence of these chemical adventures on his outlook. He later said about psychedelic drug use, "If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen."[25] Watts's explorations and teaching brought him into contact with many noted intellectuals, artists, and American teachers in the human potential movement. Watts sometimes alluded to a group of neighbors in Druid Heights (near Mill Valley, California) who had endeavored to combine architecture, gardening, and carpentry skills to make a beautiful and comfortable life for themselves. These neighbors accomplished this by relying on their own talents and using their own hands, as they lived in what has been called "shared bohemian poverty".[34] Druid Heights was founded by the writer Elsa Gidlow,[35] and Watts dedicated his book The Joyous Cosmology to the people of this neighborhood.[36] Regarding his intentions, Watts attempted to lessen the alienation that accompanies the experience of being human that he felt plagued the modern Westerner, and (like his fellow British expatriate and friend, Aldous Huxley) to lessen the ill will that was an unintentional by-product of alienation from the natural world. In his last novel, Island (1962), Aldous Huxley mentions the religious practice of maithuna as being something like what Roman Catholics call "coitus reservatus". A few years before, Watts had discussed the theme in his own book, Nature, Man and Woman, in which he discusses the possibility of the practice being known to early Christians and of it being kept secretly by the Church.

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JudaismForGentiles ago

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -Aldous Huxley

diamonddust ago

Of course Huxley saw himself as one of the ones who'd be in charge, with relative freedom. One of the Bozoids/Monkeys to use a phrase from the Church of the Subgenius' "Let's Visit the World of the Future"

isthisreality ago

this topic does deserve it's own... page, or whatever u call it on voat. there is SOOOO much information here... and it is really important stuff.

PhilipKayDickens ago

Should we perhaps make one under the guise of critically analyzing dystopian sci-fi? Seems like that would allow for these types of discussions without attracting shills, and it could turn new people onto these ideas since the genre tends to attract the more open-minded/curious reader.

I had spent a lot of time trying to "wake up" or untangle myself throughout much of my life, but I think what finally red-pilled me was reading a bunch of Philip K. Dick's work (hence the homage in my username. VALIS really sealed the deal for me when I realized that a lot of subversive authors, musicians, filmmakers, etc. are essentially passing on age-old messages and warnings through their works, and all of them are designed to eventually get people to start questioning the nature of reality and break away from the cognitive biases that cause people to reflexively shoot down ideas like this.

truthvibe ago

I was wondering how far pizzagate would go on VOAT. this is definitely 'waking up' territory. most will resist, it is painful to wake up. and earth is designed and run specifically to keep people from waking up. don't worry about the naysayers, the journey isn't for everyone.

dontsuicidemebro ago

If this gets made please pm me!

PhilipKayDickens ago

I tried to make it but my account is not old enough yet.

seraph7 ago

He also founded the temple of set. Would love to dig up more info on Aquino, I am under the impression that he is a major player within the Child Trafficking syndicate (Military).

doolord ago

I can't get behind this. I can get behind pizza gate because of all the things we've seen to prove what we already know. The video with the screaming child, the media freaking out about some pizza dude in DC...but this is fucking crazy. Government programming our minds? How? I'm serious, I wanna see why you believe this.

Gone20 ago

More retarded shit. This isn't about conspiracy theories. This is about real human beings being exploited, raped and abused. It's not a conspiracy. It's not some secret shadow government running the world. It's pieces of shit being pieces of shit for pleasure and profit. Take your meds or go somewhere else. Posts like this only hurt the cause.

angryindividual ago

Posts like YOURS hurt the cause, actually.

Well said, btw, satanicillusion.

Gone20 ago

You're retarded or a shill. Gtfo.

Maybe you're a nonbeliever, maybe you're a piece of shit that still lives at home and hates the world, maybe you're a troll, maybe you're getting paid. No matter what the reason you need to accept the fact that in this world, there are children and adults being tradfficed, raped and tourtured for money or pleasure. You can't dispute that fact. You spewing mkultra shit makes this cause look crazy. I hope you have a change of heart and decide the human race is > your agenda.

Lunari ago

I seriously wish I had enough points to downvote you.

You're the only one that sounds like "you're retarded or a shill".

seraph7 ago

Nope, the dam cracked enough to see the powers that be. Do you think the politicians bare the ones storing, transporting, and sedating these children? The human race is my agenda, and I am trying to show you the ones whom steal your children! TAVISTOCK ----> CIA -----> FINDERS/FRANKLIN/PIZZAGATE. DO YOU COMPREHEND? Peace and Love.

Gone20 ago

Caps = you're a troll. Hope they delete you the fuck out of here

Lunari ago

Hope they delete you the fuck out of here.

Pwner1775 ago

1984 is real?!?!

notintopizza ago

Check out the 1988 movie, They Live, corny but very accurate. "A down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like "Stay Asleep", "No Imagination", "Submit to Authority". Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued."

angry_mob ago

great cult film! & the longest fist fight scene in movie history!

truthvibe ago

that fist fight represents how resistant people are to waking up, how adamant they are about staying asleep. that guy REALLY doesn't want to put on the sunglasses.

angry_mob ago

yeah, that is an astute observation. my family are totally blind to this stuff & it's incredibly frustrating! especially when i know that they represent so many sheeple in here in america.

truthvibe ago

family are the hardest, i hear you. remember, the journey isn't for everyone. you have to focus on people that are ready to wake up and let your family continue as they are... believe me, easier said than done. never underestimate the power of planting a seed though.

angry_mob ago

many thanks!

Azagthoth ago

This was the movie that made everything Alex Jones ever said hit me like a train. Everything became all too real.

hashtaggery ago

...and it's time to end both of them

Freemasonsrus ago

The cover that these a-holes have is that the theory itself is so large it takes a lot to get people to believe and understand. Just today I was researching the duPont heirs. I know nothing about them or their history, so it was quite interesting. I got there after watching Jay Parker, another MKultra/pedo cult victim and him talking about being raised in Arden DE and how the duPont's ran everything there. Anywho.. On one of the articles was a link to another article about Beau Biden. Remember how he recently passed away from brain cancer? You know what his main passion in life was? If you guessed child sex trafficking you'd be right! This needs research and I'm still the dumbass that can't figure out how to post a new thread. Here's just a few articles about his fight:

Here's when he prosecuted one of the duPont's for raping his own daughter. Delaware trying to fight child trafficking:

seraph7 ago

Dutroux affair.,_1235_pages,_2005


Translation I was able to find is here:

Archive -

This document is in French but some partial translations exist. The Belgian gov’t is in process of suing to have it removed from wikileaks. This document though long and tedious documents legally the worst, most apparently ludicrous aspects of these sex rings which are trafficking children. This is the legal documentation linking “spirit cooking” to child trafficking and exploitation rings as opposed to wild hysterical forum rantings. There are links to the American military shown in Dutroux, in the form of Michael Aquino. He is mentioned by the girls and was also documented in Federal Court by Paul Bonnacci - who also recounted participation in the kidnapping of Johnny Gosh - in the Franklin case. After claiming the military participated in abusing him, the Federal judge in this case found Bonacci was telling the truth; he eventually was awarded $1000,0000 in damages from our government.

(wish I could archive that^ properly)

From this article:

On Feb. 27, Judge Warren Urbom of the U.S. District Court of the District of Nebraska, found the former general manager of the now-defunct Franklin Federal Community Credit Union of Omaha, Lawrence E. King, guilty of numerous crimes committed against plaintiff Paul A. Bonacci, one of the central victim-witnesses in the infamous, decade-old “Franklin case.” Urbom ordered King, now serving a 15-year sentence for “financial crimes” related to Franklin, to pay Bonacci $800,000 in compensatory damages, and awarded Bonacci a further $200,000 in punitive damages.

… Well, then there was a man named Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had a top Pentagon clearance....And they deferred [sic] funding from this government pro- gram to use this experimentation upon children, where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned under oath or ques- tioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.

“They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre, I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself, until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. The black and white. . . . And by splitting the children’s personalities, they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it, or re- member it.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Click the menu icon (three horizontal lines) next to "Hot" in the top left, then choose "share a link" or "discuss" to make a new thread.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thank you ;)

seraph7 ago

Bingo. Tavistock runs the government. Like it or not, we are programmed. Post 1980- Life, for many, is spent *devoid of motion. Vicariously living through an avatar. Matrix....

jstayz44 ago

But seriously (brief side note) we respond to that shit in every social media site - our "name" the image that represents us...every time I'm asked, I struggle because I'm fairly new to all of this social media stuff and I have to label myself. While working on PG, I of course have to mislabel myself and create fake accounts. Holy shit, let's bring down these guys so we can just be who we really are.

2impendingdoom ago

This is not a side note. the social media is part of the conditioning. Family, jobs, friends, you miss out in real life if you do not participate on line.


The whole truth..................

seraph7 ago

Plenty of disinformation contained within there. Here is the secret teachings of all the mystery schools: You are led further down the path of duality, which should only be a phase for all. At the same time you are told there is one God and one God only, and then are introduced to spirits. Nearing the end of your journey you are stunned to realize that when God said let there be light, darkness occupied the Universe prior to the shining truth. Consequently, you believe this because your conviction has brought you this far. Your supreme God is now Ain/Ein Soph (The God of Nothingness, of the universe, The God with no Name). There is no such thing as Good & Evil. All mystery schools are based upon the Kabbalah.


It isn't disinformation you fucking retard. You are all going to die. Tavistock didn't pick up this weaponized autist. And he knows not to take his yearly thimerosal. Gl hf. Let the games begin. I have 60 years.

seraph7 ago

Assumptions destroy any and every good thing.

What if I was a ritual abuse victim myself? What if the prominent masons in my family trafficked children and I wanted to do something about it?


Naw. Fucked the masons.

heretolearn ago

sources please

FuckPro3000 ago

Were there not enough links for you to click? If you don't know the references in the original content, google them. But seriously, OP linked to a bunch of links, I cannot imagine your only reply ir "more links pls"

remedy4reality ago

Honestly... you need a source for this? Look at the copious links he provided.

Have you no imagination or creative thought abilities? Do you need everything nice and tidy and sterile? Do police rely on only hard evidence and autopsy reports to solve crimes, especially crimes like serial killings? You sound like you're amassing evidence like a prosecutor and I am a little over you and your types not thinking outside the box on threads that people are obviously responding to. You sound like a fucking nag. You go get the sources and do the hard work this guy has already done where he can speak extemporaneously about complex matters. Comments like his spin off ideas and open new avenues for other investigators. Try and actually contribute next time. Thanks.

Ang68 ago

Hired trolls are always taught to ask for "source". Regular people ask for "source" too, but not in the same hostile idiotic manner.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah remedy for reality these people are thinking like slavey losers. Theres no evidence you could present them that would prove anything to them. I think its basically a form of denial.

Gone20 ago

I can imagine all kinds of things. I wouldn't be surprised if we were all part of a giant "sims" game. It doesn't change the fact that what you are saying has no proof. It's just your fantasy. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but you spewing shit on a website means nothing. All you are doing is hurting the cause.

Ample4th ago

Reposting this because I think it's significant

FuckTheseSickos ago

I am in the middle of reading the FBIAnon recap PDF and someone pointed out Tavistock and Soros ties to Clinton Foundation. It definitely is all related to PizzaGate.

garlicbulb ago

More leads here on uk mind control and aus mind control which links in

anolegion ago


I think the mind control business has become a bit more differentiated since then.

seraph7 ago

Genuinely appreciate the information, this thread in particular is aimed at exposing the corporations whom traffick & harbor the children. Anyway, never found anything solid on the zucchini guy, and those links are incredibly unnerving. Tyvm.

anolegion ago

The Zucchini guy is highly connected in DC, and a friend of Alefantis. A real high end clown, even worked in the WH. What are the odds his direct connection to the Jonestown massacre is a coincidence?

ES Kaleidoscope. Look up the location. Study the structure, it seems physically connected to the DUSD - look up the board. Then study the larger area. Mt. Diablo.

Childmind: the logo, and the two founders. One of them a, if not THE major proponent of ADD diagnoses. The other a wealthy socialite with a lot of side projects. Directly connected to Hillary Clinton.

All of these pertain to some extend in the traffick & harbor of children. It's just a bit more than that. If not, I guess I was misled by your title.

seraph7 ago

Sorry, misunderstanding me as being dismissive. I'm shocked because I've spent quite a bit of time trying to get something on him to no avail and I really appreciate this. Mind=blown. I have stuff on Harbin and ARK that will not post (just this morning recieved testimony from a victim - ARK U.K. and she has identified a ring of pedophiles and abusers. Working on the entirety of their op.) Would you mind me including an outline on this great zucchini freak or creating one (as a section of a new thread?) Respectfully, Seraph

anolegion ago

Our digs are ours.

seraph7 ago

I think you should wait until the entirety of the info is posted before reaching a conclusion, but I appreciate your input. I do realize using the term MKULTRA is like using the label "Illuminati" We're dealing with polished & refined hypnotists, whom (for example, Findhorn) use their spiritual retreats as covers. Their Scotland retreat is located upon an airbase. I am merely putting out the information. I do however know, that more than one of these companies are trafficking children. Be well.

anolegion ago

Follow the links. Then the links to the links. A Bit down further.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's some serious autism going on here.

throwaway345678 ago

Hey that's not autism that's high IQ, difference.

seraph7 ago

One man's autism is another man's heightened sense of awareness.

Whaaaaat ago

I think it was a compliment.

smokratez ago

I just woke up motherfucker. Sorry about the juice.

smokratez ago

Try again and make sense this time.

superesper ago

The GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) program and other related programs in the US and internationally were also created by figures with connections to T$tock, the UN, US military and intelligence, and occultists in these areas like Michael Aquino. When this was discovered on 8ch, a disturbing number of subjects of these programs noted certain coincidences surrounding the program - GATE classes taking place in dim windowless rooms, odd memory gaps surrounding what was done in the program despite normal memory of other experiences in school around the time, going through scenarios about how you would re-design society after a collapse, doing zenner cards and other psy-related testing, other odd commonalities experienced in life after GATE...

KissinGinger ago

Holy crap, this happened to me. Was the only kid in my class put into GATE in 4th grade until 6th grade; they would have me sit outside or in a small classroom with the shades drawn. All I remember doing was painting a picture of a koala, and was given a higher vocabulary list for spelling tests. I really don't know what else I did during that time. I don't even remember who the instructor was during those times, but I remember my normal grade school teachers fine. After 6th grade I had panic attacks frequently. My father was in the military for 20 years, if that's helpful information.

VieBleu ago

yes it is. Anything else you could remember would be helpful. Do you think the Gate experiences were related to your panic attacks at all?

kekistocrat ago

Holy shit! My teachers got me into a GATE program after I won the spelling bee and took an extremely lame memory test; with questions like, 'In what year did Columbus discover America?' No shit, that simple. I remember even saying to my mother that I don't see how I could be very smart if it's only based on memory. I protested that it would take me away from my friends and got out of it.

smokinggunspizza ago

Holy shit. My girlfriend is sitting next to me and once brought up she was in gate in early elementary school. I started reading this post out loud to her and she started to freak the fuck out. She started to have partial memories describing what you just described. Jesus fucking christ dude. Fuck society. I'm out.

VieBleu ago

Hello - I am reading this thread 2 months later. Is there any chance your girlfriend would write a few paragraphs on her experience as she remembers it?

Getting the testimony of people actually involved in these programs helps move investigation beyond just speculation, and also, if she feels it was benign or helpful that is important too. We need the truth, and we need witness testimony. She could remain anonymous if she wished of course. Thank you.

Godwillwin ago

I was in the gifted and talented program. I was sent to a psychologist for an IQ test in 4th grade. After the results came back, our school's guidance counselor asked me if I wanted to be in the GT program. We called it GT for gifted and talented. Later it changed to KIVA- something about Indians sweating in a cave on drugs to reach enlightenment. Lol

Anyway, the rooms were temporary trailer type rooms detached from the actual school. We read 1984, animal farm, a brave new world, watership down, bronte and Austen novels, lots of Shakespeare, Silas marble, waiting for Godot, great hats by, a tale of 2 cities, Scarlett letter, red badge of courage, the awakening, Greek mythology, Poe, Frost, Dickenson etc and some creepy short stories like the necklace and something with a rabbit paw that I can't remember

I don't recall anything too weird. We were taught all the different forms of propaganda and how to "spot" them.

My 7th grade GT teacher was quietly fired for sleeping with one of the Senior girls, however.

VieBleu ago

Thank you. All of that literature sounds pretty legit to me. It could be parsed for themes that could be spun into anything, but basically I was taught in the same way. I'm not hearing of any particularly freaky experiences, so that's good. Thanks for replying.

pizzahthrowaway ago

THANK YOU for bringing up GATE, I was in GATE and I can promise you (and prove), that they were basically bobbing for weaponized autists and trying to culturally "educate" them into Globalism, and this all ties back to T.st0ck

VieBleu ago

could you possibly go into more detail, and write down your experiences, from start to finish? If you want PM me and I'll make it it's own submission, or you can since you have an account here. I just want to encourage survivor witnesses to share their experiences.

seraph7 ago

They've been openly worshipping lucifer this entire time. World Parliment of Religions early 1900s. Unanimous decision... That decision being Lucifer is god.

UglyTruth ago

The name of Lucifer is recited in the Catholic Exsultet. A parliament of owls could be a reference to Minerva.

The Roman model contrasts with the sovereignty of the English constitution, this is why Brexit was so important.



They are 6000 in the making. Watch the whole fucking thing. You cannot dispute the evidence put forth here.

norobotono ago

The conspiracy website is also a Tavistock operation.

budhahead ago

thats where i came from. im very glad i found this place. im in the process of having my mind blown since ive been a member of that site for years. i get banned alot when i discuss sensutive topics.....not going back ever agian

throwaway345678 ago

HARBIN Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 10.45.14 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 11.30.19 PM.png Associated with Harbin - DONALD JAMES HAMRICK - Possible CIA connection Frontiers of Science Fellowship (F.O.S.F.) was founded by Donald James Hamrick (born December 13, 1935), in 1967. The fellowship was initially located at Redwood Drive, in San Rafael. Hamrick obtained a resort property, in 1967. As the property had been vandalized, much restoration was required. The resort was converted into a commune named Harbinger (Harbinger Community), for a core group of between 120 and 140 people. Harbinger became the new home for Frontiers of Science Fellowship, from 1967 to 1969. The Harbinger facility was located on 1,085 acres, in Lake County, California, about 100 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area. Harbinger University Introduction to Harbinger University (written by Donald James Hamrick, 1968) Chemistry Chemistry classes were taught by Dr. Alan Schein, Ph.D. Hamrick had told particular participants that if they didn't stop using drugs he would leave the facility. Schein persevered as long as he could, but he finally left Harbinger Community. High students in his classes was a serious issue for him. The loss of Schein was a real set-back for Hamrick, personally, and for the community. Class Series I: Physiology of the Higher Bodies These classes were taught by Don Hamrick. All sessions were audio recorded. Class Series II: The Skills of the New Man These classes were taught by Don Hamrick. All sessions were audio recorded. Audio Recordings and Transcriptions Introduction to the Lecture Series (originally written by a Harbingerite, 1968; revised and updated by ECOhealth, 2010) Lecture Circuit Don Hamrick, as a pilot, flew a Cessna Twin C1J from one destination to another, 23 - 24 times per month, for a sold year and a half, from 1967 to 1969. He was usually accompanied by Owen Jones, one of the three directors, for Frontiers of Science Fellowship. Owen was also a physicist and pilot. Hamrick presented one to two hour lectures, and sometimes entire conferences, extended over a few days. Lectures were received by audiences at university and college campuses, in conference hotels and sometimes in people's homes. A number of scientists were on board. More particularly, Alan Schein, a chemist and chemistry teacher, and Don Hamrick, invested much time and effort together, developing cost-effective metallurgical means to extract platinum from tailings. With his physics background, Hamrick had previously been responsible for the research and development, and the patent filing, of a number of highly sophisticated medical, musical (sound, switching), and machining apparatus and methodologies. Owned by scientific companies and laboratories, none of the patents were filed by him personally. Life Style Research In 1968, Psychology Today Magazine sent out journalist, Tim Thompson, to spend a number of days living at Harbinger Community and participating in F.O.S.F. activities. Thompson wrote an article about the "life style research" that was being conducted at the facility. The article was published in Careers Today Magazine. Clothing was optional at the facility. There was one large clothes closet for everyone living on site. Musical Events On February 19, 1969, The Grateful Dead provided a benefit that was hosted by F.O.S.F. 1,500 invitations were sent out and at least 3,000 people attended what was called the Celestial Synapse. The event was held at the Fillmore West auditorium, in San Francisco. The event was reviewed on April 5, 1969, by The Rolling Stone. The review was included in the book: Grateful Dead Family Album. Massage Therapy and Water Massage Therapy Massage Therapy was taught and was practiced with interested residents and with participants outside of the community. Harbingerites welcomed people from outside of the commune (community) to enjoy exercise and the therapeutic effects of the various springs and pools on site. Water therapy was taught to therapists and was provided to F.O.S.F. participants and to visitors, during the Harbinger era. The Watsu technique for water massage therapy was later developed and coined, at the Harbin Hot Springs community and therapeutic facility, in 1980. A number of people who learned different modalities of massage went on to become licensed practitioners after the Harbinger era. Meditation, ZaZen, Mindfulness, Hypnosis and The Power of Intent Don Hamrick had unique styles of meditation and hypnosis, incorporating the best approaches from various guides that he had studied and also what he gained through his near-death experience. He shared this in Group Actions (described below), as well as in individual and group sessions. Arthur Ford had taught him how to get out of the back of his eyes. He had studied meditation and ZaZen with Zen monks from Riotakeshe, Japan. He had also worked with a number of psychologists and mediums to understand states of consciousness: Dr. Enid Smith, Ph.D. (see ref), a psychic Josephine, in the early 1960's, Drs. Wayne Guthrie and Bella Karish, Ph.D., of the Fellowship for Universal Guidance (see ref). Dr. He also studied the works of North American Indians, shamans of various cultures, Hawaiian Huna and the prayer, meditation and chanting of Tibetan Buddhists. He also employed techniques of meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis and intent which he had gathered from reading the writings of Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Dr. John C. Lilly, M.D., Stanislav Grof, Dr. Walter Panke, M.D., Dr. Dennis Kelsey, Ph.D., and the efforts of Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Group Actions Run by a number of Harbingerites, skilled in the modalities, these workshops included groups up to 21 people. Group Actions were held at the Harbinger Community, or held on behalf of F.O.S.F., in many other cities across the western United States, including Modesto, Daly City, and Longbeach, California, Portland, Oregon and as far as Fort Collins, Boulder and Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. Stuart Pappel, John Wester and Shaun Weikert were some of the key personalities involved in this undertaking. John Wester was one of the three directors of Harbinger Community. Hazel and Jay Herem hosted these events, in Portland. Judith Tarbet and John Mcready. External Relationships There were numerous outside relationships developed with individuals and organizations.

throwaway345678 ago

This is an incomplete list. Olompali (commune) and Morningstar (commune) Harbingerites exchanged goods and services with other nearby communes, communities. Olompali provided fresh-baked bread, Harbinger provided fresh vegetables from its gardens. Steven Gaskin Steven was a friend and frequent visitor to Harbinger. Steven was the founder of very successful, still existant, "The Farm" commune. National Council of Churches This organization actually financially supported Hamrick for encouraging youth to use meditation as an alternative to drug use. A delegation stayed at Harbinger Community for one week, to exchange with participants and to experience daily life. The Glide Foundation The Glide Foundation's mission statement is to alleviate suffering and to break the cycles of poverty. Hamrick provided a series of lecture series through this foundation. (See the reference to this series above) Psychology Today magazine I have not yet been able to gain access to this article, either online or through the mail. See the reference above. Louis R. Mobley, IBM Louis R. Mobley (Lou Mobley) was a friend of Hamrick's and an executive with IBM. Lou visited Harbinger on many occasions. He recruited Hamrick to speak to executives concerning executive development. Hamrick was often known to say that there were things more worth developing than executives. Gabriel Katz Gabriel (Gabe) Katz made jewellery and designed the San Francisco Oracle magazine. Numerous photographs were taken of the jewellery on display in Katz's store in San Francisco, in 1968. Pomo Indians Harbinger was situated on the extensive Pomo Indian land of northern California. Native people frequently visited the Harbinger facility. Photographer Robert (Bob) Fitch, professional photographer took thousands of photographs during the Harbinger era. None of these were made available to Hamrick, but it is our understanding these were sold to others unknown. Musicians, Bands The Grateful Dead (Referenced above) Wikibin References Harbinger Community, 1967 - 1969, The Celestial Synapse, The Grateful Dead, Feb.19/69, External References Audio Recordings and Transcriptions: All recordings have been digitized by Joseph Mueller and are available online at the following link: ECOphysics - ANACLYSM - ECOhealth,File # 06. 1960's - 2009: Changes Magazine, one issue, Love Letters, Heaven Sent (audio recording as basis for newsletter), copyright 2011, ECOhealth, S. J. Gray See Also * Brian Lund * Celestial Synapse * Ellie Cachette * Harbinger Community * Nabuderian Pluridisciplinary Methodology Obtaining and maintaining Harbinger was possible through Hamrick's contribution of funds from the sale of his company, the Syndyne Corporation. As well, there were monthly financial contributions from the National Council of Churches, lecture circuit donations, donations from participants and visitors, donations raised during musical benefits, and personal contributions from musicians performing there. Located four miles (6 km) from a major road, situated amongst of forest, meadows and rolling hills, Harbinger had originally been constructed as a resort. With access to an on-site airplane landing strip, Frontiers of Science Fellowship purchased a Cessna Twin 310J airplane, for Hamrick, and another Harbinger director, both pilots, to fly to and from lecture halls, on almost a daily basis. A core group of 120 to 140 people were housed and fed, for the duration of the commune's existence. Approximately 15 of the full-time participants were children and toddlers, who were cared for by multiple adults. When children were ready, schooling was provided onsite, by accredited teachers. In addition to teaching skills for childhood education, work skills and academic studies among Harbingerites, were highly varied and complementary. These skills and knowledge bases were in the areas of: physics, environmental studies, biology, chemistry, language, psychology, sociology; architecture, engineering, planning, design, metallurgy, scientific research and development; philosophy, meditation, deep relaxation, counseling; writing and publishing, public speaking; heavy equipment operation, machining, mining; art, art history, clothing design, tailoring; 'hippydom'; health care: medicine - psychiatry, dentistry, nursing, massage therapy; music, musical group management; administrative / business / office management. Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 12.31.00 AM.png From STAND DALE - FOUNDER OF - HUMAN AWARENESS INSTITUTE OR H.A.I. The Human Awareness Institute (HAI), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Northern California that offers participatory workshops on "Love, Intimacy and Sexuality".[1] [2] The primary workshops are a series of nine, each lasting a weekend. The first five are taken in a linear sequence. The workshops are given worldwide, with regions in Australia, Canada (Ontario), Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and five United States areas: East Coast (Western Massachusetts), Midwest (Michigan), Northern California (Harbin Springs), Rocky Mountain (Colorado), and Southern California. Founder Stan Dale began teaching workshops in Chicago in 1968. He moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1972, and incorporated HAI in 1986. In 2005, performance artist and sex educator Annie Sprinkle singled out HAI for offering workshops that integrate communications exercises into the exploration of relationships and sexuality. [3] The HAI Mission statement: “The Human Awareness Institute (HAI) empowers individuals to be potent, loving, contributing human beings. HAI promotes personal growth and social evolution by replacing ignorance and fear with awareness and love. “HAI aims to create a world where people live together in dignity, respect, understanding, trust, kindness, compassion, reverence, honesty and love. The Human Awareness Institute is committed to creating a world where everyone wins.� Joan Holmes - Linked to both Human Potential Movement and the U.N. through the “Hunger Movement.� Served on Task force of the “Millennium Project�. FINDHORN LINKED TO ARK ACADEMY IN WIKILEAK DOCUMENTS Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 3.52.29 PM.png ARK ACADEMY

DeathToMasons ago

I would agree with this.

angry_mob ago

yes it is

retired ago

corresponds with wilcock's stuff?

ProbablyHoly ago

I happen to know Wilcock is Tavistock too.

angryindividual ago

Proof? I am Wilcock fan.

seraph7 ago

Few more posts and we'll be hitting on wilcock. Excellent foresight

retired ago

hmm lot to absorb for lay.

seraph7 ago

When you take a look around, you'll realize that this entire world is manufactured, it is all engineered. If our entire history is a lie, how can we possibly begin to trust statistics displayed upon a computer monitor?

diamonddust ago

Take a look at it from a Gnostic perspective. Quite eye opening.

LolturdFerguson ago

I re-watched the Matrix movies this last weekend. I looked at them in a whole new light this time around..

catslovejustice ago

Yeah, I have been wanting to rewatch the Matrix too. And Braveheart.

smokratez ago

I only believe the reality I create myself.

madhatter67 ago

I must create my own system else be enslaved by another man's

William Blake

norobotono ago

Easy. Question everything, including your own beliefs and why you believe them.

seraph7 ago


The Human Awareness Institute (HAI), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Northern California that offers participatory workshops on "Love, Intimacy and Sexuality".[1] [2] The primary workshops are a series of nine, each lasting a weekend. The first five are taken in a linear sequence. The workshops are given worldwide, with regions in Australia, Canada (Ontario), Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and five United States areas: East Coast (Western Massachusetts), Midwest (Michigan), Northern California (Harbin Springs), Rocky Mountain (Colorado), and Southern California. Founder Stan Dale began teaching workshops in Chicago in 1968. He moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1972, and incorporated HAI in 1986. In 2005, performance artist and sex educator Annie Sprinkle singled out HAI for offering workshops that integrate communications exercises into the exploration of relationships and sexuality. [3] The HAI Mission statement: “The Human Awareness Institute (HAI) empowers individuals to be potent, loving, contributing human beings. HAI promotes personal growth and social evolution by replacing ignorance and fear with awareness and love. “HAI aims to create a world where people live together in dignity, respect, understanding, trust, kindness, compassion, reverence, honesty and love. The Human Awareness Institute is committed to creating a world where everyone wins.”

Joan Holmes - Linked to both Human Potential Movement and the U.N. through the “Hunger Movement.” Served on Task force of the “Millennium Project”.




Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 1.34.14 PM.png–-priceless

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Yates ago

Spirit Rock is dedicated to the teachings of the Buddha as presented in the vipassana tradition.

I'm not surprised this place is connected to these others.

seraph7 ago

MORE ON HAVEN Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 2.26.07 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 2.28.35 PM.png GARY DILLON ART : Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 2.31.12 PM.png

Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 2.31.51 PM.png

From the website of the massage/sexologist who works at haven:

So…. why does Haven, which runs children’s programs, link so quickly to this? Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 2.55.51 PM.png

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OH LOOK THEY TELL YOU THEY ARE RELATED, THANKS Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 3.02.10 PM.png

Going to go take a moment to vomit be right back

HAI GLOBAL STAN DALE - Stan was drafted into the US Army Signal Corps and sent to Korea, transitioning from “Stan the Radio Man†to PFC Dale. After 9 difficult months in Korea, he was transferred to Tokyo, Japan and given a radio program with US Armed Services Radio.

ESALEN Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 5.30.44 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 5.33.08 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 5.35.24 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 5.37.20 PM.png



klondike1412 ago


Spanning from Anon’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA taking place at institutions ranging from Harbin Hot Springs and Esalen Institute in CA through Ecstatic living, HAI Global and the Human Potential Movement through to The Haven in Canada, Findhorn in Scotland and more. These organizations are tied via the International Holistic Centers Gathering to the United Nations via the Findhorn Foundation, GEN, and Kitezh orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. They also share mutual ties and ancestry through the Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN.

Longer writeup on The Haven

dontsuicidemebro ago

Thank you, dude, thank you!!

RedGreenAlliance ago

You are a machine! :-)

derram ago :

In a Fairy-Tale Village, Russian Orphans Thrive - The New York Times

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