voter_v ago

I left out the Jesuit upbringing and education Trump had.

voter_v ago

I'd certainly prefer the scenario where Trump is our guy and saves the day for a greater good. I voted for him to oust Hillary and the satanists.

However, to accept that he's totally independent one would have to discount lots of things in his past to truly believe that.

You are the company you keep. Early career, he got up and started with ties to Ray Cohn (Jewish mafia), money laundering fronts in Atlantic City. He essentially was in the same circle of people as the Clintons (at his wedding). He was friends with Jeffery Eppstein, and might have had staff members at Mar-A-Lago (several hundred yards away from Eppstein's place) groomed and recruited by Epsteing (can't remember a source on this, sorry).

Testimony of the 14 yo girl who accused Trump of raping her while at Eppsteing's compound has corroborating witnesses....but suddenly was dismissed days before election due to trivial reasons. Girl did not list her address, as she was fearing for her life.

Why does Trump show 666 (A OK) hand signs all the time when he speaks? Why does he make illuminati pyramids with his hands in photo shoots? Why Masonic handshakes with Sean Hannity?

Why is his NYC condo essentially a shrine to Apollo (the Sun God)? Why is the inverted illuminati triangle architectually built into the trees in the facade of the NYC trump tower? Why is the exact same red marble used in his lobby that the ancient Egyptians transported and used in their temples (travertine. one of the pharaohs transported like 7 tons of the stuff for one of their temples)? Why is the Chicago trump tower shaped like the Egyptian heiroglph for ISIS?

Why did Jared Kushner (Ivanka's husband) buy a property on 5th avenue and have the address CHANGED to 666. Why did Ivanka marry an Orthodox Jew and convert to the religion (Orthodox Judaism practices the preachings of the Talmud (bad stuff) and is said to be Luceferian. Why did Trump's father donate large sums of money to Talmudic/Orthodox jewish temples back in Israel?

Why did Trump appoint COO of Goldman Sachs and essentially a substantially Zionist staff to his cabinet? Why is Trump meeting frequently with Henry Kissinger (argued by many to be a key player in the Illuminati leadership), who has been out of office for ages?

Why is Trump alluding to 911 conspiracy and unearthing it, but only pointing to the Saudi connections? He has totally disregarded the connections that point back to Mossad, and is essentially putting disinformation out there regarding cheering Arabs in Jersey.

I don't know what reality is any more than you do. But, there sure is a whole hell of a lot of stuff that points to Trump not being who people believe him to be!

I'll be happy if we aren't in direct conflict with Iran by the time 8 years roll by....and Hillary/Obama/Bush/Cheney/Bill/Bush senior/the entire shadow government are all executed for treason.

Anything short of that....makes me suspicious.

voter_v ago

Tell me why this isn't actually just a transfer of power from one mafia to another.

Team Hillary/Satanists/Temple of Set/communist/marxists are out of power... Team Trump/Luciferian/Zionist/capitalists are in power...

Those that control the game at the levels above still control the game and the shots.

Mossad has their boy in the big house and they don't get burned in this.

How am I seeing this wrong?

wizlord ago

Why stop now? I won't be satisfied until I see some high ranking politician and judges go down in my town and in my country. This has to expose all the scumbags, wherever they hide.

0000000001 ago

This guy is still asleep, still thinks the government is functioning - that Trump isn't part of the establishment.

Truthseaker84 ago

I hope your right. I've been wanting justice since Learning about Jimmy Saville in 2013... It's long overdue

srayzie ago

That's interesting. v/pizzagate is where I'm at daily. I get on there several times a day

Geronimo77 ago

Aliens will appear. We've been at war for yearzzz

Geronimo77 ago

Posting about this on Facebook and twitter a lot...#NODAPL, kinder Morgan, site c, murdered and missing indigenous Native women you think I may be in danger for constantly posting these issues!?

Geronimo77 ago

Very well spoken...bravo!!!

srayzie ago

Are you just trying to play a joke or do you really believe this?

Truthseaker84 ago

I am cautiously optimistic about this post. I want to believe OP, but this could very well be a PSCHYOP to slow down the momentum. The movement must must must continue.

srayzie ago

How do you supposedly know so much?

srayzie ago

Can't you just tell us the connection with Booz-Allen Hamilton? Or provide a link?

aslanfan ago

I noticed that look on his face. Heavy-hearted is what I would call it.

d3r ago

I don't see how Trump can work for Israel and Russia at the same time. Oh well, at least it'll be interesting.

Caucaus23 ago

Waiting is what got us all here in the first place. Until people start being arrested and things investigated this will Become just another 911. Nothing to see here

zx1 ago

Read Sitchin's work. The Annunaki are not our friends. I think you mean our other benevolent alien friends, in which case I agree.

tucker123 ago

What a very interesting selection. An adagio, described in the dictionary as "a sequence of well-controlled, graceful movements performed as a display of skill". Adagio in G Minor has a peculiar history; fragments of it were on a document retrieved from the Saxon State Library in Dresden in 1945 around the time the Allied forces bombed Dresden into oblivion. It was attributed to Albinoni, but apparently no one knows the composer for sure.

Here's to an unlimited supply of grace and control for you folks.

tucker123 ago

I'm a trusting soul, sometimes to my disadvantage :-} I choose to believe OP, have a huge lump in my throat, and will be wondering about her/him and colleagues all through the holidays, and right up to the day after the inauguration. I've had an anticipatory feeling for a while now, that 2017 is going to be a really weird year. Not sure how, but I hope and pray it will be a long, routine series of uneventful arrests and trials. It's probably going to shock the uninformed even more than the election results did, and that's saying something. Well, I say make an example out of them, and don't apologize for shit.

I'm in such awe of what you folks do. It's so difficult, and even when some ol' gal on a message board wishes she could let you know how much you're appreciated, there's no way to know if you learn about it. But I hope you do - I hope all of you do.

Dear kind person, America is really just people. I hope all of you will try to remember the millions of good, plain, folks who do millions of mundane and good things every day to make the country what it is. Those folks can't begin to imagine even a fraction of what must have been taking place for so long, and I speak only for myself, but I'm so proud of you and so incredibly grateful for your service. Be safe out there and take good care of yourselves. You did what you had to do, and my God, what that must have been for you.

You have to look at the darkness so much; try to rest your eyes and your minds on the light side whenever you can.

This may sound dumb and corny, but I don't care, and am about to cry myself. God Bless America, your home sweet home. It's not a dark blighted city, or a bunch of buildings in DC, or a disgusting gang of degenerate people. It's all the rest, the stuff you don't get to see... the guy changing the oil in his car on a Saturday morning, the woman laughing with her pals at the gym, the innocent kids playing soccer or in the school marching band on a Friday night, the old people walking at the local park, the farmer on a tractor way out in the country, or you in a lounge chair on a Florida beach at sunset... those people and millions more are the America you love. They never went anywhere. <3

Artlife ago

I agree. It's only been a month since Trump was elected. Even though the current administration will be moving out soon, they are still in a position of power. Their positions have to be stripped before we can see some real movement in investigations/prosecutions. I expect to see the government go after the Clinton Foundation first and then for it to snowball into all the pedo rings/human trafficking,ect. If it's anything short of that, then I'll be pissed. Right now all of the wrong people are controlling everything. So we'll see shortly if we the people have put the correct people in power.

Khorrl ago

I'll believe it the day I see it.

ephesians5_11 ago

IN a few years when the dust settles, I might be proud to be an American again. I might be able to forgive myself for the things I have done for this country. It might be the country I once believed in with all my heart. I am crying right now because this is finally over. There are no more holes to crawl into for these people. God Bless America.

Wow. I know the feeling.

Gorillion ago

I don't really understand your post, but you seem very jubilant. On the chance you're legit, congratulations on a successful operation.

If anything comes of this please come do a victory lap so we can marvel that we had a super sneaky undercover motherfucker in our ranks who landed a telling blow.

Obviously we'll keep on with our humble efforts here in the meantime.

NonsenseAbounds ago

What is Annunaki? I tried to search it and got stuff about the Sumerians.

Rellik88 ago

Ancient Alien/God race who created man.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



let me put it this way ever so simply and clearly:

you can spin a top, but that doesn't mean it's spinning of it's own accord.

or how about this: you can waterboard a horse, but that doesn't mean he's freely drinking?

any which way i put it,

just because you may be under the impression the rothschilds are for human self-regulation, doesn't make it true. and if they are, which they aren't, then they've failed miserably due to the means they employed to reach said ends.

inb4 muh cycle.

the rothchilds have it wrong. they all do.

been a little bit since i've seen someone shill for the oligarchs directly here. most of the shills stick to the elite theater.

and now let's just step back from this dog thing for a second.

you're now - correct me if i'm wrong - you're now talking as if there's a group above the oligarchs. who exactly?

he [the dog] needs to be on a leash when he is going to be around other people.

so the human is the dog, rothsyboi is the human... and the other people are.... other oligarchs?

are you kidding

we human slaves need leashes when we're around other oligarchs? well someone tell china to get their fucking dog tourists in line, they suck!

or are you saying aliens.

because for a half second there it sounded like aliens.

.... bot.

momojaja ago

Wouldn't that be wonderful? I am less optimistic about this happening though. I think the elite pedos have been covering their tracks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


assuming what i think

rocket_robin_hood ago

Lol, Obama dosent like her cause shes reckless, and Hilliary dosent like him cause she hates black people.

it_was_foretold ago

Does this mean key players are in custody? If not, what's preventing them from escaping, creating more serious false flags, disclosure, etc? 

SaneGoatiSwear ago

as the oligarchy goat,

let me just say

you need to SERIOUSLY prove this statement

a few key players [including two of the Rothschilds] simply got too old and loosened the reigns too much.

-implying these fucks run games of chess with earth shorter than centuries.

-implying this isn't on purpose. a house cleaning, as it were, as well as a catharsis for the angry slaves.

-implying they wouldn't have already put in a replacement control system (and a thousand redundancies and control points) for this one being used up.

Devious1 ago

I appreciate you post, and I hope all is true. I have a question for you.

What would the headline be when all this is outed and when do you think the main media will start reporting it?

happy_snek ago

Bad title, but good analysis. Nothing's finished until they're all in jail.

nottashill ago

I think he was specifically speaking to his work role in the matter. He's finished with his job (professionally) in the matter. It's not finished bc it's now waiting time for him.

WillinglyFallible ago

I don't like these posts either, but when Glenn Beck is saying your cause is totally bullshit, you might have reason to be concerned.

elgindelta ago

Celebrating early....

Beast-mode-freak ago

Love your work FBI anon II.

Stay safe and vigilant.

I look forward to this playing out after the inauguration.

jinbnters ago

Imgur is a poor place to host this, but no matter. Thank you.

jinbnters ago

Go back to the FBI Anon on the 4/chan threads and look at the questions she answered about The Clinton Foundation.

Anyone have a archive or some tdlrs?

Sir_Chancealot ago

Credit to "The_Almighty_Kek" for putting together all the known Q&As. I put together the Red Team Planner document from two different sources.


Red Team Planner!mspAzSpZ!LraJDYVt7S9t3j0ZQcxwQ66wU6GeOWPOqHscYqpOFec

immatureusername ago

77I cannot fucking wait!! I hope some shit breaks loose were im at just so i can throw some lead in self defense. I feel like im going to end up like hightower in police academy, showing up screaming as everyone is wrapping up after the raid. :/

d3r ago

Either that or neo-con zionists and military industrial complex own Trump and it's business as usual. Like we're gonna finally take care of ISIS and turn a sweet profit.

jerry ago

This post has no proof whatsoever. Take with a large grain of salt. I love you OP, but i dont love these kind of posts


Men dont normally get. Compared to general patton... everyone involved is lucky to get locked up if hes anything like patton

devnulll ago

Somebody should play an Italian opera while all this is happening. Would be a great scene for a movie :) I hope you're right, 'cause if you are not - shit is hitting the fan :)

NonsenseAbounds ago

"The Last Gingerbread House On The Left" from Bob's Burgers has something like this. I tried to link you to just the scene but I couldn't find it. TBH the show is good enough to watch the entire episode.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Good song. But as far as uncovering and prosecuting corruption the victorious feelings of this song are a bit too premature.

Ill blast this in the streets if some of this swamp gets the needed draining. Big names in jail and all that.