anonymousj ago

Just throwing this out there: you know the vinyl window stickers that go on cars? Easy to cut with a Silhouette or Cricket machine, or to have done at a local sign shop. Guarantee one of 5 crafty women in your neighborhood has one of these vinyl cutting machines. Could start a nationwide movement with these. "Pizza gate is real - exposing crimes against children". Edited to add: If people see these showing up on car windows all over America, it would have real impact.

openthegates ago

Thanks for that ever-so-constructive comment. Thanks.

BedAndRektfast ago

Forget USB sticks, it makes little sense.

Something like what they sell at would be far more effective. If you wanted to drop things randomly around as you go too, a bunch of inexpensive business cards would number in the hundreds. Stickers could be interesting too..

rush22 ago

I was thinking a good way would be business cards with Besta Pizza's (old) logo and only the text "#pizzagate" and just hand them out to people. Maybe even wear a shirt with their logo.

People will think it's some sort of local pizza promotion, and will be more likely to look it up. Also they will become curious about the logo they don't recognize, and be intrigued by Besta Pizza changing its logo.

It's a bit unfair since there's actually legitimate explanation for that (e.g. "someone said our logo has a pedophile symbol on it, we better change it!" and didn't consider that would look like an admission of guilt to some people) but they obviously have zero problems with fighting dirty.

Note this treads a fine line between raising awareness and libel (in fact it might be over the line so I'm not suggesting this, just saying it might work).

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

These guys are already making shirts. Maybe y'all can team up together to spread awareness.

Littleredcorvette ago

Sell them on eBay. Dirt cheap. Advertise as refurbished with no liability in connection with product (as products were purchased in bulk.)

rooting4redpillers ago

Suddenly imagining USBs, loaded with a CP image and a pg "logo" violation of use, popping up in bathrooms. So maybe some tangible product that's out of direct control of pg is risky.

Littleredcorvette ago

How about hashtag them with the msm logos too? A little hijack of sorts to show the relationship between them. I would also keep them fairly mainstream digestible. Put all the evidence out there so that in the future someone will find it.

Werwer12 ago

I submitted a post very similar, however, due to the shear cost of even 100 tiny USB thumb drives, I instead made a qr code linking them to voat. I am placing over 500 qr codes per day in stores, on product shelves, dropping in parking lots, at entrances of stores, on the college campus floors, everywhere. This is an inexpensive solution.

openthegates ago

QR codes are a great idea... I just think we need something more substantial and I'm willing to throw some cash at it. This isn't just about Pizzagate. Pizzagate is a gateway to all the other nasty shit that needs to be uncovered.

Werwer12 ago

No doubt. It's huge, and not just about pizzagate. Maybe someone out here can front the cash to buy a bunch of USB drives, post a picture as proof that you bought them via receipt and a picture with your username like an AMA proof pic, then others can chip in to that person with Bitcoin?

rooting4redpillers ago

What you suggest is like developing a corporate identity. Start with a mission statement that defines what pizzagate ultimately hopes to accomplish. Define desired sub-accomplishments as part of the process. Developing an identity program is serious business, and it would be in the best interest of this group to get advice from a pro.

openthegates ago

Think of it as a USB red pill.

rooting4redpillers ago

Wouldn't want to create some unfortunate graphic accident. Careful with the logo idea.

openthegates ago

'Unfortunate graphic accident'?

I'm not proposing to put a red pill on it haha

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Honestly just make a shitload of those things and put them everywhere. leave them in bathrooms, in mailboxes, all over the place. People WILL notice them, and at least a quarter of those people WILL view the contents.

openthegates ago

I know some people inevitably will check them. Bathrooms and public places like that are a good idea. My theory is that a number of them will be checked and ultimately left in the same place. Hopefully this process repeats.

Lopsid ago

Yes but anyone who knows a thing or two about computers would never plug them into their own machines. They'd have to find an internet cafe or something disposable, inconveniencing the technical crowd.

There's a solution. Simply include the following phrase for the graphic design on every stick. "Totally not a virus".

If that doesn't fit in the space you have you're going to have to hand them out personally.

openthegates ago

This definitely has crossed my mind, that's why the exterior design is so crucial!

PetitPrince007 ago

Great idea! I think mothers should be targeted (nurseries, schools) because honestly, in the image of the woman who lifted the side of a truck to get her baby, I believe mothers can really move this situation to a whole different level. And in this time of political correctness, you can't dismiss a whole part of the population as paranoid...

2impendingdoom ago

You definitely want to target parents, AND WARN THEM TO STAY OUT OF FAMILY / DIVORCE COURT!!!!! the judiciary is STEALING CHILDREN, Norway, Canada, USA. There are multiple threads about this.

rooting4redpillers ago

Finding a way to reach mothers is a very good idea.

openthegates ago

Well, I agree that responsible parents would probably be the most responsive. Just need a logo or something... something that makes you want to open it, ya know?