Werwer12 ago

Yea there really needs to be someone that will step up and build out a platform that holds only the most confirmed/verified info. That should be at least a separate subverser here. In the meantime, we just need more eyes on all of this! MSM isn't going to cover this. Get out there get the word out somehow. If that means creating your own QR code that goes directly to an infographic that you like, then do it! Any action is better than no action!

DontSuicideMePlz ago

what does the QR code lead to - i want a link please. i'll distribute these once I can see where it leads

Werwer12 ago

Report back when you print and distribute them. It really NEEDS to be done. The importance of letting people discover this for themselves is of top priority when we're being bombarded online by the "fake news" smear campaign.

Werwer12 ago

It leads to Voat


zinn88 ago

it should lead to something simpler...like a site with all the main leads,mails and instagram stuff,band,artists etc

Werwer12 ago

I had thought about that, but websites are getting shut down regularly, and also, Voat is always the latest news. I'm open to suggestions though. Mainly we just need to take action on SOMETHING. This solution gives people the opportunity to draw their own conclusions about it all. That's more powerful than just telling them what to think.

If there's a better solution, go to a QR generator online and do this with whatever source you want to lead people to. We just need everyone doing this. That's the important thing!

Werwer12 ago

Reply in the comments so we can keep a running count as to how many were put out there!

Werwer12 ago

I'll start with myself, today and yesterday, 504 QR codes will be distributed.

Sushilover69 ago

I think I can print out 50 pg/day at school.. so how ever many I can fit on 50 pages.. I'll print out and spread as soon as i can

Werwer12 ago

That's huge! 50 pages per day will be very difficult to spread by yourself, but if you can do it, you're a freaking machine! DO IT!!!!!