Sui_Juris ago

That is criminal harassment, does nothing to further the research, and everything to discredit what people are doing here.

Leave them alone. Research, verify, archive, share. That is all.

reasonedandinformed ago

He is not a shill. He is just pointing out that this is much bigger than the initial focus on CPP, and we should be following the leads generated from the start, including the major political people. I wrote a thread about the importance of Norway, and I literally got attacked by a post yesterday claiming that I am a "bot." Proof that Norway and the international aspect is huge. The shills hit hardest when we get onto the more serious areas.

madhatter67 ago

Great stuff..... Podesta really should be more careful about the company he keeps if he doesn't want people talking about him

cheetoboat ago I came across this article from 2013 which pertains to what you are asking. I do believe he's trying to protect children.

Phobos_Mothership ago

why just a screenshot? you need links

FyndersKeepers ago

Someone already linked the articles for me, but I'll do it again this afternoon once I get home.

Sui_Juris ago

Agreed. Keep investigating CPP and the Clinton Foundation and the Podestas. The original FBI leaker said to focus on the CF.

Fatsack ago

Lets run this lead to ground goyim. Get the base verifiable facts!

12345678999 ago

doubleherpes ago

Who could have imagined, that countries with cultures of vast wealth held among close family members in a desolate desert would end up getting a few kids rapekilled here and there!

It's so horrifying that it's almost humorous! AHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAA

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Good ol' Tony the Phony with friends in high places. Funny how his social circle is filled with pedophiles, yet nobody finds this suspicious. Added to the fact that he defends said pedophiles when they get outed, I'd say he's more than sketchy at this point.

FyndersKeepers ago

Bingo. Putin knows the whole deal. They can't assassinate him because they'd be telling on themselves, not to mention causing an uprising of 6 billion people doesn't bode well for them.

Nana66 ago

A lot of Clinton foundation money was supposedly transferred to Qatar after Hillary lost. My theory is they are preparing in case they need asylum.

reasonedandinformed ago

If this is true, that's an important find. Can you document the statement please?

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks! This is important to chase down to see if we can somehow verify. FBI said to follow the money of the CF.

Nana66 ago

Perhaps Braverman is with the money and isn't hiding from Clinton's or suicided.

FyndersKeepers ago

You people love that "shill" word, huh? What makes me a shill?

MurrueLaFlaga ago

Yeah, honestly, you're not saying to ignore Comet. You're simply asking that we expand the investigation to other aspects that will net the larger players. Alefantis is still a big deal, but we need to broaden our horizons.

CrackerJacks ago

I don't think he was replying to you FK.

Edit: Well, he might have....don't take it to heart. I got called a dickhead once.....Later in life I found out they were right.

wisdomtooth ago

2007: 33-yo Czech Ants Cult member impersonates 13-yo orphan and dupes her adoptive mother to abuse her sons, found in NORWAY

Google-translated from Wikipedia:

"The case started in May 2007 accident. One of the residents Kuřimi tried to run an electronic camera guarding his newborn baby. However tuned footage of a similar device in one of the neighboring houses, on which was pictured lying on the floor naked and handcuffed boy. Police detained the announcement after the boy's mother, Klara Mauerova and her children were entrusted to the care facility Klokánek . [1] Shortly after their adoption, one of the actors, thirteen allegedly Anna (in press frequently referred to the diminutive Annie), disappeared without a trace. [2] During the investigation it became clear that Anna was not in fact the daughter of Clara Mauerová, but they were about thirty wife, Barbara Škrlová, which created a new identity. [3] It was after her disappearance announced at the Czech Embassy in Denmark and then again for several months disappeared. [4] She was eventually found in Norway , where he passed for 13letého boy Adam. [5] Upon his return to the Czech Republic, he was arrested and charged with several offenses. [5] [6]

During the investigation it became also clear that Clara Mauerová probably did not act alone, but within a wider group, which consisted of her sister, relatives, Barbora Škrlová and several other people. There were several versions of the investigation, for example, that it is a gang filming child pornography , [7] or that it was a religious sect . [8] religionist David Václavík said that the case does not have any religious group with nothing in common. [9] The Role of a number of stakeholders, their motivation and share maltreated boys were in court fully understood."

2impendingdoom ago

That is fucked up way to expose a crime!

wisdomtooth ago

Your pen name is @FyndersKeepers?? o.0

"Finders’ Keeper

But among all the cryptic inventory, cops found a photo album entitled “The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,” a series of snapshots depicting berobed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry woodscape. One photo depicted giggling toddlers pulling dead kids from a womb (“Baby goats!” ran the caption); another showed a grinning adult presenting a goat’s head to a startled child."

FyndersKeepers ago

My pen name is merely a reference to my research findings being my own. I thought about that before I made my account, but I decided the semantics weren't worth missing out lol

wisdomtooth ago

You actually thought about the Finders cult before creating your account? o.0

FyndersKeepers ago

I know too many things.

Millennial_Falcon ago


please post relevant links. a screenshot of some links is not a sourse.

FyndersKeepers ago

I'm sorry about that, you're right. I had that lieing around and posted it really quickly.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Post links in a comment, please.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

What social media platform is that and who is Kevin Chappell?

Doesn't appear to be or and also not showing up in cursory Google searches.

Links for screenshots can help us improve credibility.

FyndersKeepers ago

I'm Kevin Chappell and I'm on

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Atatarkus ago

How many convicted pedophiles do we need to connect to this guy before the msm get their shit together and report on it. There's no debunking how weird tony podesta is and yet we've barely heard his name in the supposed debunk articles. Keep pushing we're getting closer

2impendingdoom ago

MSM is never going to report on it. "They" are involved in it.

Atatarkus ago

You're right but there has got come a point when they have to break ranks. It would be foolish to think that the msm are unilaterally controlled minions directed by the govt./private interest, they are an institution as big as politics and id imagine this type of censorship buys some serious political favours. However if shit really starts hitting the fan they'll scapegoat the mark thomsons, proclaim themselves clean and very very sorry and turn against the establishment to protect their own interests.

zlomsocz ago

this is exactly the right direction we need to be looking into. Qatar, and saudi connections will yield more info imho.

KnowThyself ago

I know the DuPont Underground isn't that relevant right now, but I did previously connect it to the Al-Thani family via Stylianos Christofides. So there's that.

nowiknow ago

go now and spread to every1, scroll to "This is probably legit: WIKILEAKS GUY TRYING TO GET THROUGH. I FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHAT IS GOING ON"

VictorDaniels777 ago

Nice find, and a real connection between pizza gate and someone from the Mid East. See people, no conspiracy to censor your Saudi connections. Just make connections to individuals or corporations. We can't bring Nations or whole ethnicities to justice. Great work.

FyndersKeepers ago

Thank you very much.

OrwellKnew ago

Nice work! This needs to keep getting exposed

FyndersKeepers ago

Thanks. I'm working on a few more strands as well. Nothing strong enough to stand on it's own yet, but the gaps are easily fillable.

MeatballPizza ago

Good find. Qatar also gave a ton of money to the Clinton Foundation. Wikileaks said Qataris and Saudis fund ISIS as well.

concernedcitizen36 ago

This was a great fucking find!!! We are working on some stuff which MIGHT TIE INTO THIS. Besta Pizza owner linked to 3 INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANIES!!!

reasonedandinformed ago

Before chasing this, if it starts with Andrew kline' of DOJ, stop there. That point has been fully debunked.

nowiknow ago


PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

The phrase "This is probably legit: WIKILEAKS GUY TRYING TO GET THROUGH. I FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHAT IS GOING ON" or anything like it isn't even on the page.

Sui_Juris ago

He's threadjacking and spamming the the thread.

wtf_is_happening ago

This is off the topic of this thread. But definitely looks important. Why was it buried here?

Sui_Juris ago

Yeah, that guy is a cranky "reporter". He did break the Newsweek Hillary cover before most everybody though, so that's something. But his format sucks, and he's sensational as hell...

Hopefully I'll have enough upvotes soon...

CrackerJacks ago

What's that link?

nowiknow ago

jim stone blog

CrackerJacks ago

That was really interesting, thanks.

GermanynamreG ago

Obana lifts ban on arm supplies and sends 200 more troops to support "rebels" in syria, which is al qaeda/al nusra, "against" isil, and hours later isil takes palmyra. who belives this shit.

CrackerJacks ago

It's highjacking the thread, but Obama just wants to start a war so he can stay in power....

Sui_Juris ago

Yep, he's threadjacking, even if he means well...

FyndersKeepers ago

Thank you. All of that information is quite relevant. People focus too much on Alefantis and Comet. There are pieces lieing out in the open at the top that also make vital connections.

RexAxisMundi ago

Yep lets move on from Alefantis the infant lover and at the least get the podestas.

MeatballPizza ago

Jimmy Comet is a low level butt boy for Brock. Podesta is power guy and Brock his minion. THEY have the money and connections. James is a boy toy grown up, but the people who used him and his contacts are taking care of him.

Thrash57 ago

We need to drop comet amd move forward. Comet was uncovered early in the investigation, and since then more important leads have been found, but they are being buried by posts about Comet.

for Instance, we have found evidence of countries being formed (ie. Kosovo) in order to create a trafficking window to Europe. we have connected several world leaders that have been convicted of trafficking or pedophilia, yet people are still focusing on alefantis. This is a Global pedophilia ring, by putting all of our focus on a single pizzeria in DC we are undermining ourselves.

FyndersKeepers ago

Comet is the trap in the Fake News counterattack the Elite have propagated to coverup pizzagate. Too many of us are falling for the trap door hook line and sinker. I agree with you 100%. This investigation should be approached from all angles. Find a lead, trace it, see where it goes.

Phobos_Mothership ago

This investigation should be approached from all angles.


We need to drop comet amd move forward.

Wait... what?

I've said this before, we can investigate multiple angles at once. Don't try to split the community by suggesting we drop certain parts of the investigation to favor others.

FyndersKeepers ago

I misspoke. I didn't mean forget about it entirely, merely to start looking at other things as well. My apologies.

CrackerJacks ago

Look around, we've been looking at leads from all over the world.....A lot of time has been spent on Comet solely because when "new" researchers come they come because of what they've seen about Comet.....Thus that's what they look into.

I agree too much time has been spent on Comet....At the same time, there is a lot of weird shit about that place and owner.

Anyway moving on..... Tony and John, the foundation....Money....that's where we should be looking at. That doesn't mean other little things shouldn't be looked into also......1 pedo could lead to a whole network.

oresd ago

I also agree 100%, but its not a trap via the fake media.

It's a trap of our own creation because people are looking for tunnels and secret rooms under the restaurant, insane stuff.

blind_sypher ago

Actually its just the realization that there are tunnels underneath the district and comet ping pong has a basement that Alefantis is creepily lying about not having., but there isnt that much focus on it. Maybe a post here or there. The media likes to talk about it though.