truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter

Kryobob ago

I have I link to a pizza places with is offering boys for sex. I found this pizza place over #pizzalife. It´s the pizza place #LAStDRAGONPIZZA on twitter. The have closed the account know.

You can find infornation about this place under

Robert rom Germany

There are pedeo and satanitic pizza places all over the USA.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I caught them red-handed removing pedo stories from their search feature. Use a search engine from a different newspaper and you'll get old NYT stories. They are archived ... just hidden from their search feature. Details on the scrubbing here -

[I put up items on general topic of Hollywood pedos at \v\pizzagate2 ]

Chance903 ago

I have decided to still read here but take my investigation alone with my two other friends that work in Law enforcement, The immature behavior ,needless rants and name calling are not for me. I know so many of you have good intent but when young adults become power crazy and condone behavior that is not conducive to good working relationship and camaraderie I am not good with that. Camaraderie is how you can stand to work sexual abuse cases,without comradery you go crazy. I just am seeing so many personal attacks that make this a bad working environment. I know younger unhappy anti-establishment kids may not like it but average people like me add to the legitimacy of this movement . But we are not wanted. How this appears to mainstream people that want to help is not good or professional. People that come here to see what this is about will think that we are crazy and leave. then they will say maybe MSM is right. I wish everyone the best. I think I need people that are even-tempered and have a professional manner that treat each other with respect and go about research in a calm manner ,not blowing everything out of proportion.

93503847569 ago

Prosecutors said the perpetrators met in the dark web, using encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks.

You know they're desperate when they don't leverage content like this to ban encryption services and anonymity.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The NY Times is removing archived articles on wealthy pedos from their website.... but they show up if you search on a different news outlet search engine (like the nypost). Here are details of their scrubbing Hollywood pedo, Sid Kiwitt, story (2nd half of the post)

93503847569 ago

They also managed to have all references removed from

That can happen???? On what grounds do they request scrubbing?!?

chickyrogue ago


you want some real fun? surely a preview of which sites will be "fake" or "great" in the near-future Mass Filtration: a duckduckgo link with the article's title, showing various famous Legacy Media websites (along with less famous ones) .. click each and see who kept it (future fake-news tagged site? Fox still has it) and who removed it (future Double Plus Good, Citizen - Approved Legacy Media site).

Shinsha ago

This tells how they can legally use propaganda and fake news against American citizens. It tells how they can use any form of implementation, including up to rewriting history, and the manipulation of archives. Watch the video about this amended Law.

standalone ago

The NYT has a paper edition, a digital tablet edition, an online subscriber and free edition, a search service for online subscribers to look up past articles (and where they rightfully expect to find all past articles) and their content is archived in many national and academic newspapers databases. This publication model is not at all compatible with time-limited content. Obviously they can't remove content from the paper edition and the tablet edition (it's a downloaded document) and that would make things really confusing if they pulled things they have published from archives and databases which purpose is to retain the history of published articles. This would also break the references of all the websites and other articles who use the NYT as a blueprint for fact checking. Not to mention search engines (a big part of their incoming traffiic) that would get dead links. Wikipedia is a prominent example of such website that is chokefull stuffed with references to the NYT and other mainstream newspaper.

I've never seen that happening, and I have been landing on NYT articles from search engine queries and Wikipedia very often. What are the chances that the first instance of that I ever see would be about an article with strong connection to #pizzagate during the most intense wave of censorship the web has ever known.

I'm very skeptical of your hypothesis. Can you point us to the section of AP licensing terms where they describe this limited time license? And show a handful of other non-pizzagate and non-election related articles of the NYT where this happened so that we can confirm this isn't an isolated case and not caused by a political bias?

fatjohn1408 ago

Oh very nice man. Yes this thing comes across as a major red flag but your explanation makes a whole lot of sense.

charmeuse ago

I just found this, Toronto just busted massive pedophile ring! international child sexual abuse investigation, Project Spade, 341 people arrested, 386 children rescued

TreyArcanum ago

Clintons speach about fake news was about #pizzagate altho she never directly mentioned it. why did they delete it? because politicions were busted as well. fox still has it up

shootermcgvn ago

I absolutely love what you guys are doing. I don't have the patience nor urgency to find things as they happen, but somehow you magical motherfuckers seem to archive everything.

Keep up the great work.

bobiel ago

Eh we all do it? - social media

dindonufin ago

link directly to the archived article:

lemonfriendship ago

you the real mvp.

smudgepotforever ago

Since the article is from AP, and ABC, WP, NYT and some other sites I checked no longer have it, seems maybe the AP pulled the story? Not saying that makes it any less of a find.

smudgepotforever ago

Thanks man! Ok now there is definite coordination. WTF!

yellow_black ago

More screenshots:

NYTimes site search on "Norwegian Police Pedophile Network Probe" returns no results

The page from Google search results deleted:

YingYangMom ago

The NYT and MSM suddenly deciding to remove these articles shows that they're trying to wipe off traces of this bust in Norway. Since it involves politicians and elite members, one has to assume that a crucial piece of evidence linking the Norway bust to Pizzagate lies in it somewhere. The most likely scenario would be proof of CF involvement in relation to this child pedophilia ring. We need to dig on this Norway bust and find the smoking gun asap.

Innocent_Bystander ago


smudgepotforever ago

Check out what the NY Times published today: "Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them". Hmmmm so one story deleted, and one about Russia planting child porn added. Interesting.

Rigg5 ago

You know what. We need to call for a complete removal of the CIA. They are planting these mind games. David Brock Just uses the same argument against you. CIA uses counter psychology. That's exactly what this is.

micha_ ago

But one thing always looked suspicious to me with that childporn-thing: That they were not going for the producers, but that viewing was already a crime.

Now with #pizzagate we begin to understand how deep the hole is. How many politicians, lawyers, business people, journalists must be involved, if they can even attack the US constitution instead to allow an investigation. Now imagine if the hole is that deep, what would be the ultimate tool, to destroy anyone? Upload CP to his computer and give a tip to police. He is finished. And this could happenj to everybody.

We must keep the eyes and spirit open in all directions and planting CP on someone's computer indeed could be an extremely powerful weapon.

YingYangMom ago

"Seeding Disinformation

Hacking is not only a good way to get real information, like the emails of the D.N.C., but a relatively easy and usually untraceable way to plant fake information."

The MSM think they're so smart. Let's say for example that Russia did plant CP in certain DNC members' emails... It doesn't explain the Podestas' pedophilic arts found in their homes and offices. Nice try MSM, but not quite. We won't be fooled again. And the more they try to put the blame on Russia and try to debunk and wipe old articles, the more it seems they are drowning in their own shit.

micha_ ago

Good catch. They obviously try to distract, but nevertheless it's important to understand, that planting CP on someone's computer and give the police a tip, is an almost ultimate weapon to destroy well known people - or the ultimate instrument to put the person under extreme pressure (if there is nothing else to blackmail them).

YouaremeandIamyou ago

did you see the article i posted: Brittish pedophile elite netherlands? it touched on some of these points.

justiceforever ago

Yes! Archive this then archive the archive!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

some very inspiring work going on here!

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

yep, worlds richest man and has ties to human trafficking. NAFTA was pushed by George Bush then ratified and signed by Bill Clinton. NAFTA was the mechanism that gave Carlos Slim the monopoly on human trafficking across the USA/Mexico boarder.

UglyTruth ago

The Washington Post article on the Norway paedophile network was also deleted.


jedininja ago

Jesus, I wish more people would wake up and do their research on just exactly who is shoving this "fake news" narrative down their throats at every opportunity. I just hope the real news sources they label as fake survive this ordeal.

basil999 ago

Did the NY Times publish an article with such a glaring grammar mistake in the first sentence? Or is this something fake?

"Norwegian police say they investigating a pedophile"

Hopevoats ago

We need to put it out there that Russia is behind this.

Lobotomy ago

Of course nobody can say for sure, but I have a feeling it is because a lot of media heads may be in on it.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Orwell said it best, down the memory hole!

nitro169 ago

They are simply helping the investigation by identifying articles with significant links for us.

Thank you NYT!

YingYangMom ago

One more!

doubletake ago

besides arabs involved in the neighborhood real estate, wasn't there mention of some connection to Norway as well? Seems I saw it over here, but my sometimerz is acting up.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Idk but Norway was donating to the Clinton Foundation and dropped their donations by 90% after the pedophile ring was discovered. I assume they linked the two.

AdVict0riam ago

Heh. Have an upvoat ;-)

flyingcuttlefish ago

you can get old verions of news pages or other pages from

to recover scrubbed info....

Jwomack1984 ago

There was an article in the Chicago Tribune saying Pizzagate is fake and I asked the Columnist to Retract the article.

I have an info string from the Bureau I'd like to share. Please email me at [email protected] or add me on FB => Jason.womack.71

SherlockMcGyver ago

Your FB doesn't exist anymore

Jwomack1984 ago

Add me and ask for the screenshots on Pizzagate

Jwomack1984 ago

Atreidian ago

Great find.

Remember that NyTimes also wrote an article attempting to normalize pedophilia:

Also Mark Thompson, current CEO of NyTimes, was CEO for BBC and obfuscated the Jimmy Saville Pedophilia case:

Chance903 ago

Unfortunately , This is already in the DSM-5 and is currently being taught in all psychology Classes world wide. Many in society are likely to equate Pedophilia with child molestation. They are not the same. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)1 may be contributing inadvertently to the misconception that they are the same, for the following three reasons:

First, DSM-5 states that an indicator of a Pedophilic Disorder would be that an individual has “acted on” his sexual urges (Ref. 1, p 697). “Acted on” could mean that he has actually molested a child. On the other hand, it could also mean that he has masturbated to pedophilic fantasies or that he has viewed child pornography. The current criteria for diagnosing a Pedophilic Disorder place some persons who have never molested a child into the same diagnostic category as those who have done so. That could cause confusion, suggesting that the current definition of a Pedophilic Disorder may lack adequate diagnostic specificity. As a consequence, the distinction between being sexually attracted to children in some fashion (e.g., experiencing urges to view child pornography) and experiencing urges to act on that attraction with a child can easily be lost.

Second, at present, in discussing Pedophilia, DSM-5 makes reference to the term Pedophilic Sexual Orientation. Sexual Orientation is ordinarily used to designate the category, or categories, of persons whom a given individual finds to be sexually appealing. Those who are heterosexually oriented are sexually attracted to adults of the opposite sex; those who are homosexual, to adults of the same sex; men with a heterosexual pedophilic orientation, to prepubescent females; and men with a homosexual pedophilic orientation, to prepubescent boys.

In the face of significant criticism of its inclusion in the DSM-5, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has stated its intention to remove the term Pedophilic Sexual Orientation from the diagnostic manual.2 Removing that term in response to public criticism would be a mistake. Experiencing ongoing sexual attractions to prepubescent children is, in essence, a form of sexual orientation, and acknowledging that reality can help to distinguish the mental makeup that is inherent to Pedophilia, from acts of child sexual abuse.

Third, in discussing the nature of a Pedophilic Disorder, DSM-5 has done little to characterize the multitude of psychiatric burdens associated with the condition, burdens that are frequently present, even in the absence of any acts of child sexual abuse.


paulf ago

A time is coming soon when Tavistock-funded APA horseshit will be burned and all the people who promote it will also be burned.

Gorillion ago

Fuck off with your "Burdens". Like they're some kind of tragic heros. This is a clear attempt to claim "victim" status for them, and the attendant "special considerations" victim groups are afforded in our society. This is just the pedophilic syndicate trying to ride the identity politics gravy train while it's still running at full speed. This allows them charity status and to have out and proud lobby groups representing "their rights" in public.

Fuck them, fuck you. You can fucking suck it up. You don't have a right to "realize your perversion" and sexual kinks. I bet it must kill you creeps to see muslims getting away with their "sexual emergency" defenses in the EU. "It's their culture!" "It's not their fault!"

the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has stated its intention to remove the term Pedophilic Sexual Orientation from the diagnostic manual.2 Removing that term in response to public criticism would be a mistake

Who's to say it wasn't included and promoted as an "orientation" by pedophile groups in the first place, huh kiddyfucker? Maybe they want to scrap it because they know it's bullshit but someone with more power and connections than them forced it in there under great protest? Just from your post alone we know that pedophiles are fucking tireless in their campaign to normalize and legitimize their self-serving perversion. All the while crying "understand us!" and "we're victims!" and yet never once coming to the conclusion that you're clearly more concerned with your own imagined "rights" over the actual rights of children not to be classified as "legitimate" targets of sexual attraction.

I agree with Angry Mob, it would be healthier for society to purge you, than to "tolerate" you. We've seen pretty clearly the damage the identity politics "tolerance" movement has been doing to our culture. And if things like Pizzagate are so wide ranging and heavily financed while considered absolutely taboo in our society, what in god's name is it going to be like once you creeps feel like you're "legitimized"? You think that's going to stop child rape? You think we believe that?

Go fuck yourself.

Atreidian ago

Hey there, Chance903 didn't write all that out, its a quote from the article he linked. Sounds you like you have beef with the way its written. Fred S. Berlin wrote that entire article.

I found some interesting information about him you might want to look into:

In the article above, Fred Berlin says:

“The overwhelming majority of people who view child pornography … aren’t interested in consummating an involvement with a youngster,” he added.


Here's another article where he defends the actions of a possessor of child porn:

here's some quotes from that article:

In his report, Dr. Berlin, who teaches at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said he believed Mr. Caste's behavior in looking at child pornography was an "aberration," and that there was no evidence to suggest he is a threat to children or that he ever attempted to abuse anyone.

In addition, Mr. Caste passed a polygraph examination about whether he has ever engaged in sexual activity with a child, Dr. Berlin wrote.

The defendant's accessing child porn "was not a reflection of any pedophilic desire to engage in a sexual liaison with a youngster," Dr. Berlin said. Instead, he continued, it involved a combination of "voyeuristic curiosity, combined with a desire to catalog and collect."

Had he not been under "extraordinary mental and emotional distress associated with his wife's severe, unrelenting and ultimately fatal illnesses," Dr. Berlin said, it would have been extremely unlikely Mr. Caste would have developed an interest in child pornography.

Very odd.

I know I can't speak for anyone but myself, but "developing an interest in child pornography" over "emotional distress" is an extraordinary leap in logic.

Chance903 is just a messenger. Don't kill the messenger.

Chance903 ago

ARE you fucking retarded I never not once said I agree with this, HOW MANY PEOPLE here CANNOT COMPREND A SENTANCE....I said they are teaching this in College , worldwide. I said I did not agree with it because dumb ass I have put these very people in jail. man there are some dumb motherfuckers here. LEARN TO READ

Malignment ago

the case made above contains a false premise.

viewing CP is no different than actually molesting a child, as it contributes materially to the molestation of children.

Chance903 ago

Are you addressing what they are teaching from the DSM-5, you are not clear?

Atreidian ago

Man, that's the strangest article. Seems like splitting hairs to me. Check these quotes:

"Under current circumstances, a diagnosis of Pedophilic Disorder can infer a risk of hands-on offending with children. If the diagnosis is made largely on the basis of the use of child pornography, the inference may be inaccurate, with potentially unwarranted negative consequences for the individual."

"From a purely statistical standpoint (all else being equal) individuals with no history of a hands-on sexual offense against a child, but who have accessed child pornography, are at low risk as a group of committing a hands-on sexual offense in the future."

"Even though viewing sexualized images of children is illegal, privately viewing such images and fantasizing about them does not necessarily reflect a real-life intent or interest in being sexual with a child."

It's just hard for me to justify the debasing of innocent children as a sexual orientation. I understand that they're trying to differentiate the criminal act from the mental disorder, but even so...normalizing "attraction to prepubescent children" is not the way to go.

Give them a pedophilia prevention hotline or something, similar to suicide prevention. This would allow them to seek help, and not have to face the "adverse effects" of admitting sexual attraction to children.

kekistocrat ago

This is classic Marxist Critical Theory. It IS splitting hairs, that's the point. To divide anything and everything and reduce it to such a minute questionable structure (figuratively) that one has no choice but to aquiesce to the very sophist notion that one cannot know anything. You saw that clearly, that's good. Splitting hairs. Take this conceptual strategy and multiply it by 1,000 and you have the Marxist school of thought. All in the attempt to control other people. It is designed to accomodate this very thing that we are investigating. It paves the road for pedophilia, sex workers, refugee crises, welfare(cloward-piven strategy), you name it. THIS is exactly why we as people have been so controlled and why we have the world we live in. Not the only reason, but it has major influence...

Chance903 ago

In my opinion even viewing child pornography is abusive. Eventually, all pedophiles give into their urges.

Atreidian ago

I agree.

On another note, I looked into the writer of that article you linked and I found some interesting stuff.

It was written by Fred S. Berlin, who is an "American psychiatrist and sexologist specializing in sex offenses". That's to be expected, of course.

Something interesting I did find though, is that Fred Berlin actually defended Joe Paterno and his actions in the Penn State child sex abuse scandal (

Now, Joe Paterno was implicated in knowing that child abuse was going on, yet did nothing about it.

What Fred Berlin says after having looked through the Freeh Report (, is:

"I have not seen evidence supporting a conclusion that Joe Paterno had acted in bad faith, nor have I seen evidence supporting a conclusion that he has ever been a man who had lacked a genuine concern about the well-being of others – including the well-being of children.”

That quote is taken from this site:

There's video there as well, where he gets noticeably flustered defending Joe Paterno. (Here's a youtube link of the video as well:

Ok, so that quote and verdict by Berlin was published on February 6, 2013 (

Now what's interesting is that in 2014, new evidence suggested that Paterno had known about sexual abuse going on at Penn State since 1976. Here's the article, published this year:

So, in essence, Joe Paterno lied to the authorities about his knowledge of Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.

Now, this could be a simple error on Berlin's part, not having the full evidence, so he was unable to make a proper judgement of the situation...but I just find the whole thing strange.

It reminds me of the Mark Thompson-Jimmy Savile thing, where Mark Thompson gave bad information about the Jimmy Savile Pedophilia case, or rather denied knowing anything about Jimmy Savile's pedophilia..

But hey, Jerry Sandusky is in prison for child sex abuse, and Joe Paterno is no longer alive, so this could all be null and void information.

Still...the idea of defending or covering up, or even normalizing the debasement of children doesn't sit well with me.

Chance903 ago

I find it highly disagreeable, to put it mildly, to think this is how they want to treat these Pedophiles. I spent 22 years helping to put people like this away. Of course, at, work I had( HAD )to be professional and not lose my shit on these people, but I know how they think and even the ones that are not offending yet....they will eventually fall prey to their base nature. This is very difficult to know what and how they think and then how my Professors want me to think, which is not based in reality. One point to make all of my Psychology Professors are left wing liberal. It has not been easy for me going back to school in a leftist Liberal world.

angry_mob ago

i don't care what they're called, i want them dead.

lipids ago

Like it or not, they still deserve due process. If we make exceptions for them then who else can be demoted to subhuman status?

angry_mob ago

demoted? they DEMOTED themselves when they decided to FUCK CHILDREN for chrissakes! i think they need to be due processed right into the gas chamber, and quick!

lipids ago

And when cp gets planted on your computer? That is the real reason for due process.

YingYangMom ago

I agree. It's not a disorder, it's an incurable disease.They can't be saved or medicated. The urge to act upon their fantasies is too powerful and is putting children's lives at risk. They need to be put away for life. The globalists' agenda refers to depopulation of the earth, which is in my view an evil satanic plan, unless it's the normal masses depopulating the earth from these sick disgusting bastards pedophiles.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

This would make a great meme. Evidence of sites attempting to hide and remove things is really telling. And anyone can search for the story themselves and see that it's no longer there.

Stayvigilant ago

Let's compile a list of everything that's been deleted

pizzahthrowaway ago

Fake news is not a thing, "fake news is not a thing" is a thing.

Fake news is milhouse.

AdVict0riam ago

"Floystad told reporters Sunday that many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians."

Hmmmm, sound familiar...?