Which I hope helps with some aspects of the picture.
Also, EVERYONE needs to be at least familiar with the history book called "Acid Dreams" which details the CIA's intimate involvement with using LSD both within the agency and to achieve objectives since before the late 60s.
For Mind Control techniques and info that are alive and well on the planet today in factions - entertainment faction is mostly covered here go to VigilantCitizen.com if you never have before.
Finally, I theorize that what we are seeing with pizzagate is the result of extreme hubris. "Achilles" Alefantis would appreciate the echo of Greek Tragedy in the idea that when no one else will ever stop you, you ultimately bring yourself crashing down. "Magnificent Ape"? I can assure you the person behind that character believes all their own hype. The blackmail pedo culture of DC just basically started to "flouresce" from about 2005-2015 to the point that the denizens became delusional in their own mindset demonstrating pedostuff and it's Satanic counterpart was normalizing or almost normal because the "art" the "parties" the "social set" made it all seem okay, combined with the rise of social media and an absolute belief in being untouchable and protected. And The Powers That Be that made finanical windfall off of human trafficking are so ingrained in government - the ultimate too big to fail group. They thought. There was no reason not to when the sheep didn't blink in 2008 after the crash and the bankers all got all of jail free and kept their bonuses. The masses were docile, and had been subjugated, and the party was on! The result? openly displayed pedophile Instagram pages and every other thing we've been looking at here as circumstantial evidence, ad naseum. After all, they are just really edgy libertines, right? And there is a philosophy behind that idea you maybe could trace to Voltaire, and there are the rituals and satanism to give their emptyness some meaning and make the blackmail really stick.
We STILL wouldn't be looking at any of it if it weren't for the very recent election leaks.
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VieBleu ago
I support you with this https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1472527 and this https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1453400
Which I hope helps with some aspects of the picture.
Also, EVERYONE needs to be at least familiar with the history book called "Acid Dreams" which details the CIA's intimate involvement with using LSD both within the agency and to achieve objectives since before the late 60s. For Mind Control techniques and info that are alive and well on the planet today in factions - entertainment faction is mostly covered here go to VigilantCitizen.com if you never have before.
Finally, I theorize that what we are seeing with pizzagate is the result of extreme hubris. "Achilles" Alefantis would appreciate the echo of Greek Tragedy in the idea that when no one else will ever stop you, you ultimately bring yourself crashing down. "Magnificent Ape"? I can assure you the person behind that character believes all their own hype. The blackmail pedo culture of DC just basically started to "flouresce" from about 2005-2015 to the point that the denizens became delusional in their own mindset demonstrating pedostuff and it's Satanic counterpart was normalizing or almost normal because the "art" the "parties" the "social set" made it all seem okay, combined with the rise of social media and an absolute belief in being untouchable and protected. And The Powers That Be that made finanical windfall off of human trafficking are so ingrained in government - the ultimate too big to fail group. They thought. There was no reason not to when the sheep didn't blink in 2008 after the crash and the bankers all got all of jail free and kept their bonuses. The masses were docile, and had been subjugated, and the party was on! The result? openly displayed pedophile Instagram pages and every other thing we've been looking at here as circumstantial evidence, ad naseum. After all, they are just really edgy libertines, right? And there is a philosophy behind that idea you maybe could trace to Voltaire, and there are the rituals and satanism to give their emptyness some meaning and make the blackmail really stick.
We STILL wouldn't be looking at any of it if it weren't for the very recent election leaks.
sunajAeon ago
Fabulous post, deep insights
VieBleu ago
I appreciate your handle and presence.