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brokenwings1986 ago

I decided to look up Boris Tochilin out of curiosity and I was able to find him on a Russian social media platform called OK(??). I'm pretty sure this is him because when I went to the Washington DC appraisal website to check the 3518 11th St NW address it shows him as the owner receiving a "senior citizen homestead deduction". We can guess this might be him because he has his age listed as 87. Appraisal Very Strange Social Media Pics

brokenwings1986 ago

I was going to also comment about how strange his pictures are. The strangest of them all would be the kids in a cramped, filthy looking room and that creepy guy with no shirt.


LOL. I don't think he's creepy. For me, this looks like quite reasonable accommodation for modern Russia. What do you think people live like there? The photo that took my interest was one of Boris chatting on the internet (Skype, I suppose) with the girl on display. But there's nothing abnormal about that if you're talking to relatives in another country.