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peteczar ago

I just found something interesting too.. the date on the "construction" images in the Jimmycomet Instagram account, (97 weeks ago, add 3 or 4 weeks for how long ago the screenshot was taken) match up to the dates for this building permit. Did he get a building permit for a building, and then use it to do work at Comet???

Here's the construction image: 100 weeks ago was January 9 2015. Building permit issued January 6 2015.

Something stinks here...

ThePuppetShow ago

You can't get a building permit for one address and "use" it for another, you would be better off just doing the work "under the table".

Maybe CPP isn't the "holding tank" (for lack of a better phrase) and just the POS (point of sale). Maybe this place is.

NotAnIdiot ago

It's entirely possible that Comet is mostly for money laundering.