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r3dtr1x ago

The guy is 87 years old. There are any number of reasons that James could have been helping him out with his house. My mom is 67 and I have to do all the maintenance at her house, after my dad passed away.


This seems to me a deliberately naive assessment of the situation. Alefantis is not doing a personal favour to the owner, as you are to your mother - this is a business relationship and it involves much more than mere 'maintenance.' Shill alert!!!

popezandy ago

I'd say that not necessarily everything Alefantis does in his life directly related to pedophilia, right? So, it's not shilly to play devils advocate. This is pretty speculative, and will only be suspicious if somebody looks into it on the ground.


Not everything will relate specifically to pedophilia. But his business dealings expose his links to other people who may in turn deserve to come under scrutiny. Pedophilia per se is only part of the picture.

popezandy ago

Sure, I think the point is that getting a building permit isn't insidious itself until we see the work he's done. Worth looking into, but accusations about benign information before investigation are bullshit


It's not the building permits themselves that are at issue. It's the oddness of someone who is in the restaurant business starting a building company to do just one job (and not even do the construction work on his own restaurant that was done at the exact same time).

popezandy ago

That's a really good point about him not working his own project. Hmm, I just don't want this to be considered evidence but instead a lead. People get ahead of themselves.