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smudgepotforever ago

Had to find out what Castellum meant: A castellum[1] in ancient Latin is usually either:

  1. a small Roman fortlet or tower,[2] a diminutive of castrum ("military camp"), often used as a watchtower or signal station e.g. on Hadrian's Wall. It should be distinguished from a burgus, which was a later Latin term used particularly in the Germanic provinces.

  2. a settling or storage tank in a Roman aqueduct or it: castellum aquae.

It is the source of the English word "castle".


Hadrian was the older lover of Antinous, the King of Rome

and of course Antinous was JA's profile picture

popezandy ago

settling or STORAGE TANKS, or a WATCHTOWER... just interesting because somebody just mentioned CPP possibly being the place for the point of sale and not necessarily the "storage tank". This makes a lot of sense, people come to these parties to celebrate pedophilia and meet with like minded folks, spend a little, CPP washes the profits of sales as "pizza" sales, it's a front and cultural institution for child rape. Ugh.

Then the buyers go to a little after party at a shitty apartment complex.

GrislyAddams ago

An after party that might require a map?

reasonedandinformed ago

CPP appears to be the transactional place to buy/sell CP or the kids, with the activity potentially elsewhere, including Buck's.The Wapo article highlighted a locked computer room, which, by the way, was never covered in Alefantis' tour to the investigators who had come to film the place.