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r3dtr1x ago

What do you bet he flipped the house - and made some $$$?

Lots of people do this, they buy properties that need work, fix them up and sell them. It's not always about murder, madness, and mayhem.

Azagthoth ago

Pretty quick to defend this child disappearer

MolochHunter ago

there's no harm in maintaining objectivity. We hand ammo to the enemy when we presume the worst of every tidbit and declare people as denizens of the 9th circle of hell when the reality may be they've never descended lower than the 4th


Every possible lead needs to be poured over in case it goes somewhere, the same way police detectives pursue their leads. If it doesn't go anywhere, it can just be set aside. There's nothing wrong with exploring possibilities. It would be better if it could be done discreetly, but the way the world is today we have to do it openly on the internet.

AreWeSure ago

disappearer? What child did he disappear?

nomorepepperoni ago

Even pedos are capable of doing non-pedo things from time to time.

Not to say he couldn't be flipping houses to raise cash for more nefarious activities, but to suggest a shady person did something not so shady isn't in and of itself "defending" anything.


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