CandyPanda ago

Seen them sent take down notices and threatening letters to other people posting vids too. They are specifically targeting people now.

LostandFound ago

Do we know if this is like what happened to Jake from twitter where he was auto banned due to the high number of complaints, or if this was an effort by YT admin itself processing the request. I would have thought there would be something official said by now but apparently not.

CandyPanda ago

The one email the one YouTuber (who already got a strike) got threatened by showing how they personally outed other YouTubers complete with their info and instructions for her to remove all vids and post one saying it was a hoax, so yeah, I think you're right in that Google will play dumb for a while as these agents intimidate them through direct means.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Just my humble opinion. Decentralise and distribute. And start using paper again. Take example from anti totalitarian regime war era. Leafleat drop after curfew from those who had permission to move about at night time. Any one can print brochures and cd in a matter of minutes these days, or flash memory cars. If the censorship become to heavy, still the internet would work for connecting, investigating, and for places like this one wher is possible to learn. They cannot stop people publishing on paper, and circulate it in all passible methods. I think paper lasts, and can win, Look at the Franklin cover up, it is in people libraryis because it was made in print.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I don't trust this Jew one bit. He used to work for huffington post and now he's literally at the forefront of trying to dismantle the satanic cabal?!? Not buying it, Limited hangout operation tbh, he's probs trying to steer us in the wrong direction via cointelpro. He didn't say anything about the comet ping pong falseflag and Alex Jones interviewing the crisis actor

LostandFound ago

Interesting point of view, he was fired from hufpo for looking into shillary and hes been on this line since well before pizzagate was a thing. But cant rule what you said out either, trust no one

hookednosedjoooo ago

see my thread on this

LostandFound ago

I can agree with some points you have made but im not 100% convinced on David, interestingly I did actually watch him regularly before everything went to total hell in a handbasket

smokratez ago

What is with these retarded thread captions? Crench stop that shit you idiot.

Chance903 ago

WellSetTable ago

Shhh don't talk about leftist negatives. Some one might get offended on here . Thank you am sick of others on here trying to cover up the leftist tactics that we are dealing with.

Votescam ago Reality Calls has also had at least one video removed by YouTube. Calls to move pizzagate out of YouTube and to alternative websites.

j2436 ago

His followup - now deleting his videos:

Votescam ago

Evidently, there will be an attempt to move David Seaman's videos "pizzagate" videos to other alternative sites. GAB, Steemit, Minds, DailyMotion? Another excellent researcher -- a female -- is also seeing her videos taken down. HELP!

krisspykriss ago

Reality Calls was given the same notice. It seems they are going after the most popular people discussing pizzagate. This is quite unprecedented. They are pushing the Streisand Effect to the limits. They are going all in and hoping it will be different this time. The EU has a massive push against "fake news" with legal repercussions. Folks, in over 40 years of my life, I have never seen this level of cover-up. Not with Iran-Contra. Not with McCains illegitimate black child. Not with the Birther movement. Not with the Truether movement. Not with the stealth bomber leaks. Not with Roswell. Not ever have they tried this hard to crack down on fake news. Hell, the Supreme Court of the United States defended Fox News's right to broadcast... fake news.

I really do not know what to think. This is they went from escalation level 1 to dropping a nuke. The disproportion of force used to try to crush this story is unprecedented. I never was fully convinced until today.

momojaja ago

This chap is genuine and honest like the girl from Reality Calls, they sort of help break things down for the masses who arent internet literate like the rest of us here.

Kvoat ago

When it happened:
7 Dec 2016 23:37:16 UTC - BEFORE
7 Dec 2016 23:57:16 UTC - AFTER
8 Dec 2016 05:09:00 UTC - NOW

Torrent for all of his currently available videos (leech and archive!):

SChalice ago

A blog post described him as a journalist? That is one of the silliest lines in Wikipedia I have read.

trumpolicious ago

it's 1935 all over again

Fatsack ago

yup, the more they fight it, the more I'm convinced we're right on the money.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Good luck. They couldn't have picked a more difficult target to slander.

redditsuckz ago

You just described (((David Seaman))).

dontsuicidemebro ago

Globalists today are pushing and taking advantage of neoliberalism, which is not a leftist ideology. The left/right division is pushed by the media to divide normal people, turn us against each other so that we are distracted from our real opposition - globalist elites. If history were to lay the blame for the suffering inflicted by the globalist elite at the feet of a political ideology, I have a hard time seeing (please explain if I'm missing something) how it would be anything other capitalism. Free-trade on a global scale is the facilitation of international capitalism. The military industrial complex, monetary systems and globalization are all dependent on capitalism. How could the elite maintain their inordinate control over resources, including power and, more narrowly, money, without capitalism? This is not to say that I think capitalism is fundamentally doomed to create a system as fucked up as we have now - but it is definitely a prerequisite for this current system.

Fatsack ago

The murder around the world in the present day is for the extreme greed of the corporate psychopath.

Echo_of_Savages ago

But is it really psychopathic when a corporation uses the US military for its own interests? It's actually very logical, corporations are amoral and do whatever it takes to make the most money. If there is the option to use force, it will use force.

Fatsack ago

Pyschopathy and Sociopathy are always very logical and self-interested. To the extent they'll do anything and harm anyone

dontsuicidemebro ago

I'm in total agreement.

JoshuaJamesRyan ago

This guy is legit!

pray_the_gay_away ago

How much money has been spent countering pizzagate on the internet and TV? CTR shills, time & energy of tech's censorship brigades, airtime on major networks, articles written, bandwidth used, maybe even a false flag attack.

Who's funding this army? They must be scared shitless that the truth will be revealed.

WellSetTable ago

Hillary is probably funding it since she is close buds with John Podesta. He's been quiet hasn't he?

demoTheGorgon ago

I had my doubts, but I like his responses. I think choosing to go off twitter before he was kicked off is an optics mistake, but w/e.

Here's his update on the Wikipedia page thing and him addressing the Pope in a clever way:

Queen_Puabi ago

Tired of being censored by Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Reddit?

SpeekFreely here:

Bye Twitter we have Bye YouTube & FB;
Bye Reddit we have

angry_mob ago

this is something i've wondered about for awhile. i'm not very geeky when it comes this kind of thing - how would someone even go about setting up a service like that?

Bring_Down_CF ago

You have to enjoy duct taping sketchy code on to barely functioning webservices held together by spit and prayers.

angry_mob ago

that sounds about right

mosswitch ago

angry_mob ago

nice mk ultra shattered personality symbolism vest! who is this creep?

mosswitch ago

ceo of google eric schmidt

angry_mob ago


francisco_DANKonia ago

Have they ever tried to censor any conspiracy theory before?

Freemasonsrus ago

This is a video that isn't a direct link to Pizzagate but it explains tactics used by those behind the scenes to silence critics or whistleblowers. They will come at the target from all sides to silence you when your voice is too powerful. This is a former CIA officer who actually stood up to these guys laying out their tactics and their interests. If you can then add the info we know from Pizzagate, it helps form a "big picture" of what we are up against. But the power to stop all of this is up to WE THE PEOPLE. We, as a whole, are much more powerful.

shortymcbossypants ago

What about Liveleak or is that too sketchy?

lawfag123 ago

I agree with you. I want to convey that the mainstream media has not even done as much of an alternative explanation as he did.

mosswitch ago

I think we can safely say that we have cut through the smoke and mirrors and raised public awareness to unprecedented levels. The battle is far from over and still a long way to go but i dont think that main stream media will ever be looked at the same again by the public. Thanks to everyone here for doing a standout job of exposing the lies and corruption but i would also like to thank President Donald Trump, and especially Hillary Clinton and her close knit bunch of friends in the main stream media for exposing to the world what a bunch of pathetic horrible liars they truly are. We couldn't have gotten this far without them!

SecularPenguinist ago

He should have a hidden camera live streaming online so if they attempt to suicide him there will be a record of it.

GoldMoose16 ago

David went after Jake Tapper earlier today. That could have been the trigger. Link DL while you can.

mosswitch ago

From wikipedia : Jacob Tapper 47, Lives in Washington DC, Jewish

hmm, probably a short drive over to CPP

dookiehowzer ago

Fuck google pieces of shit

Any computer geniuses here? Any other trusted media sites we can use

antisocialist ago

As someone who works with youtube it's not google doing this but a bigger fish with a lot of sway on their copyrighted material. We had idiots from studio 71(wannabe jackass video producers) who were putting strikes on 100% original content and people they didn't like because youtube figures they have less of a hassle legally taking down a video right away. All it takes is some determined SRS dbag who has control over a youtube channel with more viewers, more OC, and some history of actually being ripped off for youtube just to strike videos. They probably don't give a fuck if it's #pizzagate or some people dancing to a song they just go through with the strike to cover their asses. HOWEVER youtube is starting to wise up to people spamming and abusing DMCA takedown notices as there's been a shit ton of issues with fair use and original content being stolen. Idiots like Vitaly, keemstar, and big networks abuse the shit out of DMCA because there's little to no blowback. Youtube usually doesn't care until it becomes a legal problem for them or it's clear that there's a pattern of abuse.

LostandFound ago

Wew lad that red pill your holding is a suppository

dookiehowzer ago

David is the fuckin man god bless that dude and his people

truedekektive ago

I think we should back up all of his YouTube videos to vimeo and other video sharing platforms ASAP.

Kvoat ago

Torrent for all of his currently available videos (leech and archive!): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9c4b8f1bb404cf6e89b1b9cc532a5924d358020a&dn=David%20Seaman%20YouTube%20Archive%202016-12-08&

tudda ago

Just curious what tools and processes one uses to do this

Kvoat ago

4K video downloader, then just created a torrent.

LostandFound ago

Yes This.

veritas_vincit ago

This is insane. Check out the Wikipedia discussion, and view older versions of the page. They were well sourced, and cited Mr. Seaman's contributions to various relevant media outlets.

Some editor in the discussion is insisting that none of the claims about Mr. Seaman can be proven, and has completely demolished these older versions of the page with ONE LINE OF TEXT.

SChalice ago

That and other pedo articles. I was recently threatened with being banned on Wikipedia for questioning the moderators editing of these pages such as the

lawfag123 ago

If MSM and whoever else is involved in this censorship truly believed the pizzagate investigation had no merit, it would be easier for them to simply conduct an in-depth analysis of the evidence, and offer a more reasonable explanation than how it appears that some of the elites and government are involved in a pedophile ring.

As David said in one of his videos, its clear that at least some elites are involved (Hastert, Savile, Norway bust, etc) - the only question is: How many are involved?

For example, George Webb has a channel on youtube which offers an alternate explanation: that Tony Podesta goes around the world brokering arms deals, and pizza/pasta/hotdogs are all codewords for certain weapons. Instead of saying, "Hey John, I just sold 1000 canisters of toxic gas to a foreign country, can I give you your cut?" He would say, "Hey, can I come by and bring you a pizza?" Here is his video: (The video, however, fails to address much of the evidence the pizzagate investigators are focused on, such as the instagram, pedo logos, and child trafficking)

mosswitch ago

Of course Google is in on it, they are pure evil. Eric Schmidt is definitely illuminati.

Blindjustice ago

Have at it errors and omissions galore notice topics missing in each John Podesta connected to ah yes Russians behind attacks okie dokie Hillary Clinton lost Billions under her leadership just for starters no mentions of lying or the rigging of the DNC or her getting questions prior to dnc debates yeah real info alright real BS

tjarco ago

assuming that he didn't do it himself...

this is huge

Rigg5 ago

Reality Calls received a strike on her page and will be removing the Pizzagate videos. Just saw it

fartyshorts ago


flyingcuttlefish ago

We have David Seaman’s 2 articles on Hillary Health questions that Huffington Post banned!

C1REX ago

WOW :(

Baluga ago

I think it was already clear that wikipedia is pro-pizza, so no surprise on that platform.

mosswitch ago

Apparently Jimmy Wales the founder of wiki was some kind of porn king . Heres an interesting older article from fox news.

mosswitch ago

Wikipedia is as phoney as snopes, another BS website i hope dies off and goes away when this is completely exposed.

Fatsack ago

Snopes is literally the 300 pound dude in his bed with a laptop that Trump mentioned.

mosswitch ago

hehe,... funny! i bet he hasnt bathed in weeks either, just crawls from his bed to the mailbox to get his govt check for disinfo, then back to bed.

devnulll ago

Don't give them money, fuck them - they are sold out to special interests.

Baluga ago

I think they do fine on articles the owners don't care about. I do wonder about their charity drives. I don't trust them as an organization.

mosswitch ago

agreed, if you want to look up the chemical formula for X they are fine, if you want to find alt cures for cancer or if vaccines are harmful it is pure lies. In other words,... another fake news site.

bopper ago


UglyTruth ago

I've copied an older version of his page to infogalactic

SecularPenguinist ago

Maybe we shouldn't be calling Pizzagate a conspiracy theory.
Also why is it past tense?

Seaman was active in propagating the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

mosswitch ago

all conspiracy - no theory

saltminetimes ago

That doesn't bode well for him, does it?

UglyTruth ago

It was a direct copy of the Wikipedia page. I'll update it to reflect the current situation.

MAGABoomer ago

Excellent work. I love how you guys just know shit's gonna disappear and automatically back it up! Any wikieditors on here C&P his page right back!

LostandFound ago

Thank you, God damn ass holes we will get that put back where it belongs

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

I believe they are guiltier of much sinister shady tactics. But that is just conjecture. Archiving sites won't prove anything if people are not willing to open the links, look, and open their mind.

Nicefind ago

I appreciate that he's not backing down like everyone else.

Kvoat ago

Hopping on the top comment to share this archive of all of his currently available videos:


h2d ago

Downloading and will be seeding for the foreseeable future.

Kvoat ago

Appreciate it.

beepinboopin ago

Every time he does a video I think to myself, "Don't die, David!"

zoot3d ago

Oh boy, here we go, killin' again!

bikergang_accountant ago

They don't have to kill the rebels, just delete em.

Rally round the fam, inernets made of tubes.

Fatsack ago

Anyone heard from Michael Trimm lately? I'm thinking Hillary probably rage murdered the fuck out of him after losing.

h2d ago

I was just thinking the same thing, actually.

missingKids ago

The CUCK mod's are clearly deleting anything that doesn't fit the CIA/ALEX-JONES Comet-Ping-Pong Narrative

numbchuck removed 10 hours ago on 12/7/2016 2:04:17 PM

"Rule 3"


What is Pizzagate? How do we Prove it to be TRUE or FALSE? Here is the Answer (v/pizzagate)

submitted 10 hours ago by [deleted] to pizzagate


numbchuck removed 11 hours ago on 12/7/2016 1:32:42 PM

"Rule 2"


numbchuck removed 11 hours ago on 12/7/2016 1:18:06 PM

"Rule 3"


How do we Prove it to be TRUE or FALSE? Here is the Answer to that Riddle. What is Pizzagate? (v/pizzagate)

submitted 12 hours ago by [deleted] to pizzagate


numbchuck removed 11 hours ago on 12/7/2016 1:16:08 PM

"Rule 2"


Can You Handle the Truth about Pizzagate? What if I told you that your OWN Government is murdering Millions of People (v/pizzagate)

submitted 11 hours ago by [deleted] to pizzagate


zoot3d ago

Can you explain what you mean by this?

h2d ago

CTR thread sliding/brigading. Good way to tell (although, not always) is merely hovering on their name if not on mobile, and seeing how long they've been a member for. Also checking their user score judging by their submission points to comment points, they tend to be comment heavy.

zoot3d ago

Thank you - I get that idea - but what is the /u/missingKids on about? I don't think I follow the deletions he's claiming.

veritas_vincit ago

/u/missingKids registered yesterday, posted three spammy threads consecutively, they got deleted, and now he's trying to derail by crying censorship.

Melitica ago

Slide threads

veritas_vincit ago

Oh look. Cointelpro.

happy_snek ago

It's fun to watch them scream into the abyss.

angry_mob ago


mosswitch ago

David is a brave soldier in this fight. He is dealing with pure psychopaths.

LydianBlue ago

Dave is doing a fantastic job, to my mind the best, most prolific representative of our cause. To that point; I would ask all of you to join me in petitioning him in contact Joe Rogan. His podcast represents a vast audience that I believe would be receptive to David's frank, logical assessment of this historical awakening

jordankelly ago

Great idea just tweeted him

dookiehowzer ago

Yes he needs to be on joes show for this

fartyshorts ago

David Seaman has been on before, he's friendly with Joe.

LydianBlue ago

Yes! He has, that was actually my introduction to David. Joe has given lip service go pizzagate in recent episodes, but he/his audience needs proper education on this developing situation

RebelSkum ago

Pizzagate Wiki's been under spam attack all day too. It's a mess out there, gents.

LostandFound ago

It really is, can't work out of this is death throws of failing msm & co paradigm or the start of something really ugly.

quantokitty ago

Backlash for not going along with the program.

You can bet if he changed his tune and said it was a hoax, they'd give him back his credentials on Wikipedia and a star on Hollywood Boulevard.

darthveddit ago

This is where we are people. This is the game they have been covering up, maybe for 100's of years! I really think this is as close to being caught as they ever had been. The only other time this elite pedophile/human trafficking/satanic cult was exposed was in the 80's, before the Internet. They are fucked now. Good job Hillary, I'm sure your friends are really happy with you right now

quantokitty ago

Got to agree.

The curtain got pulled back and we're not going to forget what we glimpsed.

LostandFound ago

Yup, but not before he joins them at a party. Shit I feel like I'm talking about vampires da fuk is going on

quantokitty ago

Good point. They do have to have some juicy blackmail to keep everyone in line. Remember Angelina Jolie saying that?

mosswitch ago

You are talking about vampires. You might want to go rewatch some of the vampire movies and look for similarities and clues they dropped in those movies. Hidden in plain sight.

vacvape ago

Start with 'The lost boys'.

jbooba ago

Yeah not just him it started.

mosswitch ago

game on!