Gusher ago

Alex Jones is just another puppet.

jangles ago

David Seaman is a Journalist. He has been covering pizzagate fairly well. He has been shut down by 'the man'. He is more of a Hero than you, ya 0.

crashing_this_thread ago

I suspect this is disinformation actually. David Searman is excellent in giving brief updates of pizzagate. I check out everything myself and he is coming to the same conclusions as I am. He is a better source than CNN or MSNBC.

hookednosedjoooo ago

David is literally luring you guys onto GAB, a fucking honeypot ecochamber. Why do you think all this shit is happening with reddit and leading people onto voat? It's deliberate filtering of dissident minds. They can zero in on you way easier now that you are compartmentalized into smaller groups.

crashing_this_thread ago

I'm on everything, so...

Elitch ago

Me too. I haven't stopped trolling spezzit or anywhere else. I come here for discussion.

So hookednosedjoooo, eh? Racist screen name from the get go, writes a wall of text claiming that, I think, we are all being led by the nose and the paedophile network is a red herring to discredit alternate media? Either way about it, change your fucking screen name buddy. People like you make us all look crazy and easy to dismiss.

I'm waiting to see what Milo has to say on the subject. He was going to talk about it at his last talk, but was told 'not yet' by bigwigs at Breitbart. I reckon we got a race baiting shill right here boys! What legit researcher would use that as a screen name?

LookingGlass ago

Well, OP makes almost zero sense to me. But I get that he/she is somehow very CONCERNED about... something. Who the hell knows what exactly.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Submission history/comments from LookingGlass


I don't want your 2 cents m8 you haven't contributed shit. I predicted the false flag along with everyone else who is well versed in this shit. You just a lil' nigga, this went over your head because you're stupid. I'm expecting this post to bring out the faggots but I made this for the veterans/weaponized autists who know whats going on

Elitch ago

You are retarded buddy. Fuck off back to whatever alphabet agency you work for.

LookingGlass ago

Hey, thanks for that unhinged and venom spouting post, now I know I can just ignore you from now on. Saves some time.

Ta ta.

hookednosedjoooo ago

tldr; David Seaman is a gatekeeper and only propagates half truths. The fact that this has been catapulted to MSM attention is very suspicious

youhavetogoback123 ago

me thinks you are a concern troll. There are some accusations against Trump by a 13 year old that have since been dropped not sure if this is what you're mentioning, but that lawsuit no longer exists. Trump said on Stern that he's not interested in underage girls. If what you're saying is true I want it to come out as much as anyone. You've made some accusations but no evidence to back them up. The rape you mentioned, Ivana his wife already said it didn't happen and she even endorsed Trump. They are trying to disappear Seaman now, I think it is you who are the gatekeeper. We don't need concern trolls we need more people digging into this. Keep digging lad.. Our Motto "NeverGiveUp"

hookednosedjoooo ago

I didnt even bring up his epstein connection I was talking about his connection to Roy Cohn

B3nd3r ago

You inevitably run into contradictions if you assume connections mean perfect knowledge on all sides. That's why RICO laws are stupid. Not taking into account different levels of knowledge - and therefore guilt- from individual to individual makes things simple yet unjust and confusing.

derram ago :

There was a 5000+ post on the_donald showing 4chan called the comet pizza attack 24 hours in advance. Thread is now gone, where did it go???!! : conspiracy :

Trump’s Mobbed Up, McCarthyite Mentor Roy Cohn - The Daily Beast :

Before they fired Michael Flynn Jr. over Pizzagate conspiracy theory, Donald Trump’s transition team wanted to give him security clearance -

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