lostinthevalley ago

His father is a pediatrician. Tapper's mother was a psychiatric nurse. Jennifer Tapper is a supervisor with Planned Parenthood. So his father works with babies and children, his mother works with mental patients, and his wife has no problem killing babies in the womb. By the way, he met her in a hotel bar in Des Moines the night of the 2004 Iowa caucuses. Her father ran a dollar general type store in Kansas--yeah real upper crust. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/03/fashion/weddings/03brown.html

mosswitch ago

sure fits the profile of a closet psychopath

TheCoonlol ago

Removing Jack Tapper from CNN is like saying - We want to get rid of these snakes so lets just remove one, it won't solve the issue(Although he may be one of the more aggressive ones where PizzaGate is concerned) :/ I do agree though, he needs to go!

ThisWeirdIndividual ago



betadynamique ago

This is all your fault, Milo. 100% of it. Just look at what you've done.

zoot3d ago

Link to what you're referencing plz?

lawfag123 ago

Chuckle :)

JastheMace ago

So we are allowed to hate any and all groups, except Jews, gays, transgenders and bankers, got it.

stickittotheman ago

So what we have here is a homophobic, anti-semitic, holocaust denying pedophobe! Can i have an AMEN bothers!

wellington33 ago

I WONDER WHY... could they be ruling this world maybe??

quantokitty ago


Only scream, "I'VE GOT IT" when you've got it ..

stickittotheman ago

What a fucking weasel! Added to the list! Obviously a top level pedo co-conspirator.


Guy_with_the_face ago

It seems that the tables have turned, or are turning, and these criminals are starting to sweat, I don't think they expected being called out like this, and all that planning over the years for a NWO has just backfired and this event has set them back decades if not longer. There was no plan for the world finding out about their pedophile activity, so what we are seeing now is an attempt to use all the big guns at once and blast holes through the story, but there is no coordination, its an outright panic in the upper echelon's of your society. So much that the pope is even starting to get nervous, how can a man of god state that this investigation is a sin? Its a sin to ignore the issue.

Headstart ago

‘Does Someone Have to Die Before You Take This Sh*t Seriously?’

A veiled threat if I ever head one, possibly a warning about what he thinks will happen to him. He knows they will kill to silence this.

madmanpg ago

Stop with the red herrings. Even if what we believe is true turns out to be true, it's impossible that everyone in Washington, including every media figure, is involved. Nobody could keep that many blabbermouths from spilling something about this. Think about it: Jake Tapper is being told that he's surrounded by people who do horrible things to children. These are the people he's eaten meals with for years, talked with at length, gone to parties with, perhaps even invited them into his home. He's being told that these are murdering, raping psychopaths and that they have been fooling him all his life, and that his entire career is built on these sick fucks. Of course he's flipping out because it would shatter his world more than most. We can't start "going after" everyone peripheral to these people. This will just be that many more distractions away from the actual connections: the money, the organizations, the symbols. FOCUS.

mosswitch ago

look over here look over here! More proof he is one of them

mosswitch ago


llm2016 ago

You just convinced me to dig further. Jack Tapper is our new target now.

madmanpg ago

Good for you, enjoy wasting your time.

EatThePizzaEaters ago

Boy, you shills sure are getting desperate and the more desperate you get the more transparent.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Yeah, FOCUS all right... That we will. The first rule of Pedo ring, There is no Pedo ring and with your attitude it will never get uncovered. I say double down on all these celebrities especially the ones where the bow ties who are hiding in plain sight. I don't care if Carlson's not one of them he was at CPP thats enough to look into him too. Tapper and his wife are def involved. No one off limits.

madmanpg ago

I don't care if Carlson's not one of them he was at CPP thats enough to look into him too

You sound like a fucking fanatic. So do we now investigate everyone who ever went to CPP? Better track down all those online reviews, and figure out who those people are and doxx them, right?!

Jesus fucking Christ. It's reddit all over again with the anti-fact pro-speculation assholes.

srayzie ago

He's in the Podesta emails. There is nothing wrong with looking into someone! With the thousands of people here, there are plenty of people to look into people of interest. Connecting people and places is what lead us to discoveries. If you don't want to look into him then don't!

madmanpg ago

Okay, then let's look into everyone on CNN who says this is bullshit. Then we'll go through the staff list of Washington Post and the New York Times. Then we'll go through - really? People complain about shills while others suggest we expand our investigation to cover hundreds or thousands of people because they...don't believe what we believe? That's one hell of a distraction to keep us occupied and our eye off the ball.

TruthTrumps ago

I agree with you. I can't help but wonder if some of these people are serious...or if they are turning this into the Salem Witch trials to purposefully make the whole thing look ridiculous.

Drugs ago

Stop concern trolling and let people look into him. If he is surrounded by these people it is a possibility that hes in on it.

madmanpg ago

We have no evidence to suspect him. This entire investigation started with emails from Jon Podesta - evidence. If we investigate every media figure who says pizzagate is bullshit we'll never find any more promising leads - like the Hawaii connection and Monica Peterson.

Drugs ago

There is more evidence to him being involved than just being against Pizzagate. look through this thread

madmanpg ago

What evidence? That his wife likes to eat there? That isn't evidence of anything unless you intend to investigate every person in the DC area who likes to eat there.

mosswitch ago


madmanpg ago


mosswitch ago

sure, fried with eggs is good

Drugs ago


llm2016 ago

You blew your cover, shill.

madmanpg ago

Aaaand the bullshit begins. Fuck you too, buddy.

redditsuckz ago

What is Jake Tapper's Wife, Jennifer Tapper, Favorite Restaurant? Comet Ping Pong...


Yet another high-profile TV newsman may find himself embroiled in controversy over his connections to the Clinton Foundation.

Until late Tuesday afternoon, the Clinton Foundation website listed CNN anchor Jake Tapper as a "speaker" at a Clinton Global Initiative event scheduled for June 8-10 in Denver. After USA TODAY asked CNN about the event, Tapper's name was swiftly removed from the Clinton Foundation website.


His twitter bio...wtf "Talmudic"...the Satanic Talmud?

"CNN Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent. Dissecting my tweets with Talmudic meticulousness will result in wrong conclusions."


apparatchik1488 ago

The talmud permits raping 3 year olds.

JastheMace ago

That is only if they are Jewish, all non-Jews there is no age restriction, straight out of the womb is old enough. Edit: To clarify, I'm not referring to my/our friends and neighbors who happen to be Jewish, they aren't involved with anything like that or own banks that start wars and run/launder drug money. This is about top level Talmudic Judaism for the those who hide behind other religions as cover for their true religion, the Old Religion, out of Babylon.

AJ-Styles ago

source? I am trying to get into a better habit of getting sources so I can't keep getting called out

stickittotheman ago

You could download a copy of the Talmud and read it for yourself but the jews say you must be killed then... Other than that you can check some vids online for quotes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNPFxU3ym00&index=4&list=PLAepsPslZefeadHpmCQQ5_okTp5SKWXwE The talmud also states that they may kill a gentile, and may charge him interest and steal from him, but not from other jews. Also states all other races are cattle, slaves to the jew. Some basic info. Bro Nat is one of the good ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA-JCLYeDro

RexAxisMundi ago

I would love a source for the Talmud stuff as well.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

VictorDaniels777 ago

This is exactly what iv'e been waiting for. Go after the ones protecting the pedophiles. Keep digging. Great work.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely dig into his background and his wife Jennifer's.


You have to add that now or there'll be another false flag. Tapper can threaten Seaman all he wants, but if we make a simple comment about finding evidence, well, we're being irresponsible.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

there is a list of biased reporters. i will add him for you. nice work!

youhavetogoback123 ago

Tapper's wife says #Pizzagate is her favorite DC "restaurant". Tucker Carlson also's been there, so he needs to be looked at too.

Criticalthinker615 ago

She also says her favorite date night spot is Bucks camping & fishing...wtf?! Yep really romantic vibe coming off the bowie knife & giant human steak on their ad

stickittotheman ago

They should have her for dinner.

zoot3d ago

What the fuck, seriously?

srayzie ago

Yeah but the article about Tucker Carlson was in 2007. I posted about this yesterday. They had an artist paint tennis on the bathroom walls and the rest was decorated like a regular pizza place. I think they became a lot more creepy after that. I hope Tucker Carlson isn't involved. I really like him and he's been with his wife since they were teenagers.

boobasaurus_tex ago

Agreed. It was 9 years ago when the place first opened, I highly doubt Carlson is involved other than popping in for a slice of pizza a couple of times. I mean, he could be, but I'd be really really surprised.

JastheMace ago

and Bill and Hill have been together forever, the sickos need each other for cover.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Tucker Carlson too.