tamaman ago

Nah doesn't pop out for me... The bio of the founder is interesting (fund raiser for clinton?) but aside from that everything else seems normal on the surface.

tobor ago

David Seaman went all-in on Jake Tapper in his most recent video, addressing a veiled threat Tapper made to him via Twitter, and also Tapper's wife's admiration for Comet.

DonKon ago

He defended this place pretty hard

Tsuishika ago

This article cannot be serious. The depth of rabbit hole is quite hilarious.

tamaman ago

i'd look into https://archive.is/qNlb3 for that matter. other place she refers as a favorite.

apparatchik1488 ago

bug off its from 2015

apparatchik1488 ago

No... It's from 2015. why would they have put both Alefantis restaurants there?

Headstart ago

Surprise surprise.

This needs to be put out there.

apparatchik1488 ago

? this is the info he posted peabrain - read harder

quantokitty ago

Too much xanax?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Wow....we know tapper is a pedo........ Now we need to find evidence about that Fox reporter who said he took his kids there.

wellington33 ago

thread about the pedo hubby? need to archive it.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Her favorite date night restaurant is Bucks camping and fishing. Yep ok.

quantokitty ago

I was just about to post that ... great mind and all.

I guess she's a James Alefantis type of gal!

Kwijibo ago

Owned by the same owner of CPP for those who are not aware.