amCassandraAMA ago

ah cmon, dont look away. This is the most interesting find of our Times. You know the chinese saying in what times we shall live

ThizzBoss ago

Zodiac was at Lake berryessa, which if it isn't in Sonoma County it's right next to it

Godwillwin ago

If you map the coordinates and look at the list of directions to get there from your location, the last few directions are for kings ridge road and it says it's a semi restricted access road then it says it's a restricted access road

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

very interesting!..

Phobos_Mothership ago

Sacramento california, minutes away from Bohemian Grove, and 'camp cazadero' (kids music camp) which has the pedo swirl in their logo

These motherfuckers are SO GOOD at hiding hard evidence, but the circumstantial evidence is RIDICULOUSLY obvious.

Melitica ago

It is at 22169 King Ridge Rd, Cazadero, CA 95421. In 2006 it was sold as a 1300 sq ft 2 bd 1 bath house on 44 acres. Shows as built in 1983. Bohemian Grove is 15 miles away. One site which I am not sure of says this guy lived here: Joe Andrew Klacik. and

The state is holding $400 for him - apparently he lost it (haha sidetrack)

His Grandfather was Stanley Noonan - who was "One of Stan's favorite activities was his participation in the Bohemian Club which he joined in 1940. Over the years he performed in numerous Grove Plays often assuming the lead. For decades, Stan sang at and then directed the traditional "Preacher's Sons' Night" program, up to the year 2004 when he was 91. Stan was honored in the Bohemian Club as a member of The List of Fifty."

Still looking into this but wanted to drop this off.

Melitica ago

It is now a vacant lot at 22169 King Ridge Rd, Cazadero, CA 95421. In 2006 it was sold as a 1300 sq ft 2 bd 1 bath house on 44 acres. Shows as built in 1983. Bohemian Grove is 15 miles away. One site which I am not sure of says this guy lived here: Joe Andrew Klacik. and

The state is holding $400 for him - apparently he lost it (haha sidetrack)

His Grandfather was Stanley Noonan - who was "One of Stan's favorite activities was his participation in the Bohemian Club which he joined in 1940. Over the years he performed in numerous Grove Plays often assuming the lead. For decades, Stan sang at and then directed the traditional "Preacher's Sons' Night" program, up to the year 2004 when he was 91. Stan was honored in the Bohemian Club as a member of The List of Fifty."

Still looking into this but wanted to drop this off.

Intoxikated ago

Melitica ago

not saying its nothing but you know that "italian" restaurants traditionally have red and white checked table cloths right? Red and white checks are also a favorite of Barbeque places.... All white table cloths are expensive to maintain. Red and white checks cover a variety of stains and "turkey red" was one of the earliest commercial, stable fabric dyes. Checkered table cloths were an obvious sign of "this restaurant is not expensive"

spez_dispenser ago

"In the early nineties, a time of widespread moral panic, P-Orridge was labelled a satanist and accused of child abuse. In 1992, Scotland Yard raided h/er family home and seized two tons of archived material. No charges were made, but the police warned that they could not guarantee the artist’s physical safety, so, along with h/er first wife and their young daughters Caresse and Genesse, P-Orridge fled to Cazadero, a remote community of around three hundred and fifty people in Sonoma County, California."

concernedaboutitall ago

I don't remember widespread moral panic in the 90s. Odd to call it that, right? Interesting link.

fugazihatespizza ago

H/er tat, and this logo remind me of something.....

fugazihatespizza ago

I'm not anti-art, but check out that tat.

party1981 ago

More Satanism. God help us.


"P-Orridge once clipped tabloid articles about h/erself with headlines like “Cage This Evil Monster” and “This Vile Man Corrupts Kids.” Now times have changed. “They love me!” s/he said. “We have to say, the United States has been very kind to me.”

amCassandraAMA ago

If Porridge isn't a fake name I don't know anymore

sleepingbeautycan ago

I know one of the podesta brothers has a home in california, does anyone remember where?

sleepingbeautycan ago

There was a posting about how girls were going missing from this area: ( )

This is in the area of the location mentioned in this post. I updated the map buddy made and added the gps location from the chans.

ThizzBoss ago

Isn't that where the fucking zodiac killer was active?

Zen0 ago

This writeup talks of how serial killers could be working for Satanic Cults... connects to the Bushes, Boy's Town (Franklin Scandal), Manson, The Zodiac Killer, Son of Sam, Dahmer, Gacy, and more. Worth the Read.


sleepingbeautycan ago

I've heard them linked by a woman who's husband was a government assassin and she had his diary. I wanted my blue pill right then.

mergen ago

Fiona Barnett, a victim of Australian ILLite pedo ring and ritual abuse, says that there are child hunting parties in Bohemian Grove.

koduu ago

WTF, this shit is continously getting more and more like twilight zone

za-throwaway ago

Goat rock satanic murders nearby:

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Same place in 2012:

webofslime ago

That is most certainly a grow operation.

A fair sized one, too. 100s of plants, maybe a thousand. A 1000 plants at a quarter pound per plant is 250 pounds time $750 is $187,500 in one grow. If they did a really good job, and their op ain't too shabby, they could get twice that and maybe more per pound if they are getting a good price.

Gang members in Oakland find places like this on Google maps, then drive up, enter with weapons, tie everyone up and take the fruits of their labor.

Based on my experience in Northern California, large grow operations require Sheriff's permission to operate long term and I doubt this one went unnoticed.

Anecdotally, and nothing noteworthy, yet, but the justice systems in the Nor Cal counties have a weird swinger thing going that possibly ties into pizzagate. Judges. Lawyers. DA. Even the DA's 19 year old son was grooming a 12 year old girl. Her family asked me for advice and I said "move far away."

The corruption is really obvious if you try to report someone tied in with these people. The law enforcement seems to be getting a piece of the action and you need to leverage them into acting.

Not trying to lead anyone down a fruitless path, just a note for the future of Nor Cal if this all starts breaking the way we think it will.

za-throwaway ago

That creepy sex offender Flickr dude yesterday posted images from Bohemian Grove too.

SsupGuys ago

Probably shills trying to give voat a bad image - real researchers here never post racist slurs!

Lockeye ago

The Bohemian Grove is nearby. Also notice the names nearby: the 'Truth Home' and 'Goat Rock' when you zoom out from google.

shootermcgvn ago

The logo is kind of stretching it.


yea, i agree...

pedodestroyer ago

Thread still active, shows GPS coordinates along with fishy locations nearby including a new boy scout camp with pedophile symbol as its logo.

and some more info in this thread towards the middle/end:

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Do you think it's 'not yet' because Obama could pardon those involved?

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

You can't pardon someone who hasn't been charged.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Actually not true, Nixon received a full pardon for "all crimes" committed, even though he had yet to be charged with anything personally.

Sometimes this seems like a huge loophole at the top of our system.

amCassandraAMA ago

they are producing these loopholes intentionally

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

Good point. I suppose the difference is that everyone knew what he did & understood what the pardon was for... but to pardon clinton would be admitting that something she did was criminal. It undermines the narrative.

Fateswebb ago

A sitting president can pardon anyone for any crime with the exception of a crime that did not happen in the past. In other word he certainly can and probably will pardon Hillary for the email server. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Womb_Raider ago

This could be the reason for the recount madness.

Godwillwin ago

Those Anon people with the videos said that the recount IS indeed an effort to take the victory away from trump

jenidaninja ago


Gorillion ago

They really believed they were heading into a new golden age under Hillary, didn't they. So much energy and excitement being poured into the fucking network. It's like watching an economy in the process of booming.

Kiddyfuckers counted their chickens before they hatched though...