awakenaware ago

Your missing the point.. Yes it all sounds like crazy should know by now that doesn't mean it is crazy talk. NASA is fake, if you use discernment and research NASA its origins and purpose you'll see its all bullshit to sell us a lie.

FuckReddit69 ago

Stfu and do your own research faggot.

FuckReddit69 ago

Joe and Alex is 100% controlled opposition.

Dude, if you believe NASA is there for YOUR benefit-let me remind you about operation paperclip. Look it up if you don't know what it is.

NASA DOES put out fake CGI pics and fakes space exploration FACT. Remember they are a GOV'T BRANCH FOR SCIENCE PROPAGANDA AKA SCIENTISM.


"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

I'm here to observe some brilliant investigative work. But hey! Don't you guys think Alefantis looks a like like Dexter - Michael C.Hall?

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

at this stage I don't believe the FBI is even investigating Alefantis or the other aspects of the case. I mean, where are they - the FBI? Wouldn't leaks have reached mainstream media platforms if this was the case? Just saying.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for a work colleague who showed me stuff on his cell phone that sent shivers down my spine and I refused to engage on those controversial issues. However, he convinced me just to take a look at Alex Jones (end of 2013) and the rest is history. Alex certainly has CIA and FBI connections or even relatives on the inside which is partly why I believe he is still alive and for the fact that he is well prepared with a great arsenal of weaponry on him and near him at all times. Love him or hate him, Alex is never always right and even says this but I was so astounded that Alex was stating Trump was way ahead in the polls despite mainstream media convincing me Trump was well down and had almost zero chance. Just hope the elites don't try and bribe the electoral college officials from voting for Trump.

witch_doctor1 ago

Edgie Brah is BASED AF. In defense of Callen, he is very intelligent and IMO is playing devil's advocate in this case. Rogan admittedly does it in his podcasts (devil's advocate).
Considering this took place in Califuckingfornia, it is like free advertising

LtSilverFox ago

Fuck yea, glad to see Joe step up to the plate

slumbermachine ago

Same, this is great.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Aw, Goddamnit, Callen!

I am very disappointed that the Pool Boy has become so closed minded. He used to be more open and could dance like a God ~

Well, at least I think Joe often mulls things over before laughing it off or instantly writing it off simply because it seems so...unlikely. Or horrifying to contemplate. I agree that Rogan is more apt to do some research and genuinely give this some real thought.

Especially because he has children and knows that a pedo/child trafficking ring isn't simply some horror story. And he is aware that there are some real monsters in Hollywood as well as in government.

Down the road I think he may become a staunch defender of the people who want some answers and demand accountability for these heinous crimes against humanity.

awakenaware ago

Rogan has been called controlled oposition for a long time.. but Alex has too and hes covering it.. I like Alex even tho hes a ranting loon and was Bill Hicks back in the day (pretty well proved via teeth and face).. but hes ok.. Rogan I dunno.. hes not too bright.. all fan fare and showmanship.. he believes in NASA and all the fake CGI BS they put out. He says we went to the moon and there's no question of it.. he did a total flip flop on that one.. seemed to gain popularity by showing lots of fake moon stuff and then sometime later reversed his stance totally, like he was leaned on by someone. If hes got kids and family then it would be easy to control him. Hes part of that hollywood conspiracy crowd with Jessie Ventura and the like. Promoted pesudo-conspiracy clowns. Just my opinion :)

apparatchik1488 ago

What do you think of of and the guys at

Star_Platinum ago

Brian Callen is such a bitch nigga. I wish it was anyone else but him in the discussion. Fucking Joey Diaz would have gotten high as fuck and let go with some good bantz

Rydal ago

We should all tweet all three of them links to our information summaries. Nothing bullshit, just the super 'coincidental' stuff.

nowiknow ago

God. Callen. He dismissed it right away. ITS BEEN DEBUNKED! No. No it hasn't. If you read any article about debunking pizzagate with a shred of common sense you can tell they debunked nothing. His little tantrum about it stopped the topic from even being discussed. Fuck callen.

FuckReddit69 ago

The dickhead went on a tangent and started explaining how oil is priced. Right then and there i knew this guy knows nothing about how oil is priced.

WewLaddy ago

The thing is that Callen is a smart guy. He reads, he understands, he's not a dummy.

He's shilling.

edwardbernays ago

Agreed. I've listened to him enough to know he isn't stupid enough to get the benefit of the doubt.

stillinit ago

He's been in quite a few successful movies and shows. Maybe he knows something and is trying to get brownie points from the overlords.

damnittohell ago

I've only heard him talk on that podcast once, and he seemed like a complete idiot.

Echo_of_Savages ago

nah thats just callen being callen. Love the dude but he just doesnt know what we know here

ungpoop ago

He said in a podcast if you dont have liberal views in Hollywood you wont get the job. Unless youre already a big name

templarknight ago

Awesome. The mainstream media WILL NOT be able to stop this. I heard they convened a "panel" on the Daily Show to try to mock it. Has that aired yet? I'm sure the mindless lemmings who watch will never spend even five minutes investigating.

The truth will come out!

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

Why are all the talking points that people start with either comet ping pong or Podesta? Those are weak arguments, and were just a street sign leading to evidence of yet ANOTHER Saville or Franklin scandal. It just gets annoying that we all seem to try to push the art and the pizza shop. There is probably more evidence at the shops and with James. However when trying to WAKE someone up to this bigger picture by using the instagram and shop and wikileaks examples I find are fleeting at best. I just give them some history on Franklin scandal and Saville (with the idea of blackmail to run our country) and then I use all the weird shit that points to a NEW "woops we had a leak" by the powers that be.

seenoevil ago

It's because that's where the video/pictures are. The Spirit cooking video, jimmy comet instagram.

Words literally mean nothing, and they shouldn't either. You sound crazy talking about pizza and e-mails and satanism. SHOW THEM instead of TELLING them. I whole-heartedly disagree that we shouldn't be showing video and picture evidence. That's the entire reason THIS scandal is going viral, people are DEEPLY disturbed by the videos and pictures. They happen to be pizza and cooking related.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago


When I tell people about PizzaGate, they roll their eyes at me, until I show them the Alefantis Instagram. The first two pictures I show them are the infamous "taped down" and "kill room" pictures. That is usually enough to stop their laughter and at least make the person you're talking to go silent and at least wonder for a fucking SECOND "maybe this could be real."

anonmoose ago

My go to introduction has been this. It gives very good in depth examples of pedophile rings situated in positions of power and how that power throws the resulting investigation off course.

The more evidence of high level pedophilia we have that predates Pizzagate, the quicker red pilling people will become.

The Dutroux Affair, Lincoln Nebraska scandal, Prisido Military Base abuse, Jimmy Saville ( the whole UK government/big media rings )

dindonufin ago

Agreed, and Biden is more than just fuckin creepy.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Yeah, those early bits of evidence (like spirit cooking and Alefantis' instagram posts) are on very shaky ground. I think Tony Podesta's choice of art is a bit disconcerning, but not damning. Likewise with Heavy Breathing's music videos and that video of them at CPP.

The symbol of Besta is on stronger ground, as well as the symbol of the charity.

But the real damning evidence will be in the demonstrable connections to prior scandals and the participants' relations to current figures. That will be the pressure that causes special investigations.

That said, I'm not yet convinced because there's no hard evidence. I personally won't settle for "well it's pretty clear..." if there's no smoking gun. Because then you've either A.) not helped any children, or B.) smeared the reputation of innocent persons. Neither are desirable.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I agree with ya, but its inconceivable that an FBI doing its job bud not demand that CPP stops calling itself a fucking 'kid-friendly' restaurant' while revelling in pedophilia. With the connections to pedo's the art the emails, the symbols, most of which are detailed own the FBI site, if it were a free and non-political/corrupt entity, there would be an investigation. Sadly it seems if anythings gunna be done, its gunna haft be someone like us to find conclusive evidence, not just of one person, but of the whole goddamn ring. If its just one, they'll throw him under the bus, he'll get a few years and some fresh pizza when he gets out. Fuckin animals

templarknight ago

Nobody here is saying that we have concrete proof yet......but the circumstantial evidence provided makes a convincing argument that James Alefantis, the Podesta's, Besta Pizza, and others are involved in Child Pedpophilia:

The most damming arguments:

*The dominos, pizza, and handkerchief emails. At the very least they are code for drugs, or money laundering. The syntax and verbiage does not add up. They are not talking about Pizza, pasta, dominos or cheese. What they are talking about remains to be seen, but given what citizen journalists have discovered, I am inclined to believe that it is Pedophilia.

*Jimmy Commet's instagram photos. Nobody, and I mean nobody, posts pictures of infants with cash, unless they are into this shit.

*Jimmy Commet's instagram pic: Antonius, the boy lover of Roman Emperor Hadrian. One of the rare examples of open pedophilia in the historical record.

The fact that the lead singer of the band "Heavy Breathing" worked with mentally challenged kids from grades 1 - 8 for 11 years. Why would someone who works with mentally challenged kids on a daily basis put on disturbing avante grade "art" shows where she talks about people's preferences for little boys? Could you imagine if you were a parent whose kids attended one of the schools where she worked and you saw one of her videos?

The Podesta's "artwork". Putting spirit cooking aside, which could be just a bunch of new age gobbledygook, the paintings of Biljana Djurdjevic, are clearly paintings of child pedophilia. If you look at her artwork and think that is "avante grade" or worse "postmodern" art, then you really need to get your head examined. Why anyone on earth would have paintings of kids being bound in leather, sitting in a circle with their hands beaten red, or in other terrifying positions is not explainable in any rational sense. It's pretty much this simple, and let me put it in a 'Jeff Foxworthy' tone so you can understand it: "If ya' have pedophilia art in your house, ya might be a pedophile."
From the Washington Life Magazine. Nowhere to hide, caught in plain site:

There is this interview with Erik Prince, former owner of Blackwater Security (now SE Services I believe), talking to a Breitbart reporter and informing him that a source within the NYPD told him that they had obtained a subpoena for former congressman Anthony Weiner's laptop, and that they and the FBI were investigating pedophilia and not "pay for play" state department favors.

On that note, what most people do not get, is that the FBI is investigating Pizzagate right now. They are on this thread and they were on the reddit thread. They have not stopped looking into Hillary Clinton at all, they are just doing so through their investigation into Pizzagate. James Alefantis and The Podesta's are about to be put in prison for life, along with David Brock.

Notice this picture here, of Huma Abedin in tears after Hillary Clinton lost the election, inconsolable. Like everything here, circumstantial. But do you think Huma Abedin would be crying like this over election results? Robby Mook wasn't crying, Jennifer Palmieri wasn't crying, Cheryl mills wasn't crying, why was Huma crying? I think she was crying because she knew was going to go to jail for a long time, and that she was part of a world that she didn't even begin to understand.

While I do await hard evidence, I am 90% sure Alefantis, David Brock, The Podesta's and many more D.C. Insiders are part of this ring.

comeonpeople ago

Nobody, and I mean nobody, posts pictures of infants with cash, unless they are into this shit.

Well a pretty popular band put a naked infant with cash on the cover of their album, and 30 million people bought it and took that artwork into their home.

cosmicmind ago

quote: "James Alefantis and The Podesta's are about to be put in prison for life, along with David Brock."

What about Clinton and Obama?
What about an investigation of the rest of the government and GLOBAL connections. The theory that Obama could pardon Clinton is unimaginable under the circumstances. The following vid describes Jeff Sessions using WikiLeaks in a comment:

If Sessions will use WikiLeaks as evidence against podesta why not against Obama and Clinton; both are connected and need investigation.

If the FBI are reading forums as this, 4chan, steemit, why aren't they sweeping the premises/grounds and data of the people involved? Are they giving these people ample time to cleanup?
There's a stank in the air about this. Aren't there a few good men and women who will come forward and do the right thing? Or does fear override integrity/ethics and justice every time?

pizza4Mossad ago

Black-water, Prince are all involved in this Blackwater was running child sex slaves into the green-zone of both Iraq, and Afghanistan, and renting children out to the troops. In other words Blackwater was filling the whore-houses on the inside of the greenzones with children. Blackwater had a CIA pass to enter and exit the greenzones without inspection.

Blackwater is CIA, and FBI and all have been involved in modern child fucking since 1940's.

templarknight ago

You are going to hate for me saying this, but it is the truth, and I wouldn't be doing my duty if I told you anything different: The Clintons and Obama will not be charged for this. Why? Because the psychological impact it would have on America. It would cause mass suicides, a stock market collapse, and a general mass neurosis. The public, who are mostly composed of people with "robot consciousness" would not be able to process the idea that presidents of our country could be involved in such heinous actions, and it would cause their whole universe to collapse. Knowing that, what I do think would happen is this. Obama and The Clinton's would be put under possible lifetime house arrest for their "negligence" in allowing such activities to happen. They would be barred from leaving the country, and there would be a general understanding that they were to stay away from the media. In short, they would be asked to walk the f--- away.

To answer your second question: Is the FBI allowing these people time to "clean up". No. For many reasons.

1) The FBI has been investigating Pizzagate long before the reddit sub started, or the wikileaks emails were released. They have the jump on everything and are 10 steps ahead at all times.

2) This just a theory of mine, but I am inclined to believe it is true: Trump found out about this ring through a well organized private intelligence operation. His head of Security Keith Schiller, was a retired NYPD officer who was very well connected, who knew everything that was happening in the NYPD Universe. Keith Schiller was a former recruiter for Blackwater Secruity (XE Services), according to private investigator Ed Opperman who has deep ties to the NYPD. (Opperman was raised in the Bronx and worked for most of his life in NYC). You can hear it here at 39:00 in Opperman then goes on corroborate the NYPD investigation into Weiner revealed by Erik Prince. That said, I think that Trump, being well connected in NYC, hired Schiller through backwater or a highly skilled headhunter, and worked with him to investigate people on the periphery of Clinton to find dirt on Clinton from a distance. Trump knew that he would never be able to directly investigate Clinton, so he investigated people in her network, one of which was disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, and in that investigation he found 'the goods'. I think Trump and Shiller found the laptop, went through the 650k emails, and tied the whole pizza gate web together with Shiller keeping the NYPD top brass up to date the entire time. Keep in mind, when Schiller found those emails he had no idea of what they contained, so an exhaustive investigation would follow. Trump probably had a team of 20 plus former police officers working the emails for a long time, possibly years, before they were able to connect the dots and find any smoking guns. I also think Giuliana was assisting in this as well. Once they found the smoking gun evidence they needed, The Trump intelligence operation then sent Weiner's laptop information to The FBI so that they could undertake a full scale investigation, knowing that The NYPD was safeguarding the knowledge the whole time in case the FBI didn't pursue justice. Months later, James Comey said The FBI was "reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton" within 10 days of the election as a nuclear switch to ensure a Trump Victory. Comey knew that his bombshell announcement would prevent Clinton from rigging the election, and that even if she won, her candidacy would not have been accepted. Comey's move was not understood by most people. He purposefully made a false announcement to complete sabotage Clinton's campaign. It was one of the greatest political moves of the last 50 years, if not the last Century.

3) Most of the information we have seen on Reddit and now Voat is the result of the Trump private intelligence operation. Pizzagate didn't proliferate on the internet so quickly out of sheer chance. Someone from the inside released the pedo food code of the emails (pizza, pasta, cheese, walnut sauce, dominos, handkerchief etc.), and then soon after released the Jimmy Commet instagram photos and the Podesta artwork which had been in their possession for some time, tying all of the pieces together for the public, and ensuring that a viral citizen journalist investigation of epic proportions would ensue. Trump's team knows the fundamental truth that we know: what the mainstream corporate media calls a "conspiracy", we are likely to call 'truth', after a thorough investigation of the details. What is happening now is just that: A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION OF THE DETAILS. If I am right, which I am inclined to believe, this is the first time in history where we as citizens are investigation WITH the FBI. They have the concrete data, which they will present in a court of law, and we have mounds of convincing circumstantial evidence that we continue to present in an arguably more powerful court: The Court of Public Opinion. We are showing the world that Pizzagate is real, and that no matter how hard the Corporate Media tries to mock us, discourage us, and beat us down, we will continue to spread the truth.

4) The Wikileaks emails were not released by a bunch of Russian Hackers. They were released by The NSA. The NSA is trying to utterly destroy the "Deep State" of the CIA, i.e. the off the books power structure of the CIA established by George H. W. Bush since he first took control in the early 60's and then put into the hands of his offspring and the Clintons. (Yes the Clinton's and the Bushes have been working together the WHOLE time. If you haven't realized that, you need to wake the f--- up. That said, the NSA started conducting a quiet operation of its own looking into the Clintons. (Why the Clintons and not the Bushes? Because the Bush family is not relevant and they never will be again. The Clinton's were the last stronghold of the NWO, and the NSA knew it). The NSA then started document dumping to Wikileaks, and the rest, as they say, is history. We haven't seen the most damaging emails in the NSAs possession. The NSA has saved them as a safeguard, and will use them to broker a quiet removal of the Clinton family from power for eternity.

PLEASE NOTE: These are only theories of mine, and we must not use the above as an excuse to get complacent. I could be dead wrong. We must continue to investigate with full force and put the pieces of the puzzle together so that We The People can ensure that justice is honored in our great country.

cosmicmind ago

From the beginning I have believed that the first data was planted by insiders for the purpose of including the public, but was unsure if it was an inside job to educate the world as to the truth of pedo-ring children abductions with the purpose of enraging them in order to orchestrate a desired results... (problem, reaction, solution) ....


as a means to confronting this large crime; otherwise it wouldn't have enough momentum on its own given what we know.

I've known the bushes and Clintons were together, but Prescott Bush began in the Hitler era. This has been going on before the Bushes were born.

I can appreciate your theories, however regarding the avoidance of education and dismissal of charges on Obama and Clinton in order to protect the now global public - I don't agree. I have never agreed with keeping the public fed b.s. to protect them from the truth. This is the very thing that's kept people dumber than a sack of rocks for millennia, and the cycle spirals again and again -- resulting in those who know controlling those who do not know... ensuring that those who do not know will never REALLY know, thus continuing the delusionary superior rule in some format or other... but essentially all the same shit, different package.

The have's and the have not's... those who know (superior and apparently more capable and smarter) having 'one over' on those who don't know (inferior and apparently less capable and dumber - note the ego attachment involved with the superior choice to still enslave what they perceive as the inferior by using excuses.)

Release the chains of inflation and slave wages, corporate gouging, try to take back the drug monster they've let into society and tell people the truth thereby arming them with some ACTUAL HUMAN DIGNITY to face the reality and feel like they have an actual say in the outcome of their reality. With the undeniable amount of social sickness within global communities it wouldn't be difficult for people to accept a detailed explanation...... from wars, drugs to pedo-rings and prior inside policies to keep the masses dumbed down slaves in the system. What you're suggesting is another version of a dumbed down victim system dependent on ''parental superiors'' who feed them what's best for them.
How's that workin' for y'all.

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF OVER AND OVER. Have we NOT learned that over 6,000 plus years of recorded history of humanity?

Why not try a novel new experiment... Why not tell the human race to put their big boy and big girl panties on and grow a mind and request the best in them to rise up out of the ashes of this shit. Or is it more likely that the tentacles spread so wide and deep that the all the world would have to accept that the tin-foil hatters weren't so wrong after all, which would present a dilemma to the superior egos? It may be painful to accept the truth, but living in lies only continues to protect the very foundation from which delusions and sickness continues to spring up. The result is the mess we see now.
Here's an option to protecting people with lies and the further duping of humanity.... Why not open up empty school rooms in the evening, as a place for counselling to assist those in the community who need education on the matter. Counsellors and doctors could volunteer to calm the minds of the distressed - intern university students could volunteer hotlines both by phone and in person based out of unused school rooms that are available in every community.

Causing suicides and mass neurosis? We already have that! Or haven't you read the stats on a million ways to escape your pain; gambling, sex, shopping, food escapism/indulgence to the point of obesity, tv, mind-numbing games, pharma drugs, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, alcohol for escape, the legalization of weed to provide a sedating quality (which as an aside, the newest strains of marijuana I might tell you is now missing a component which means that the thc ratio is anything but a healing herb; especially in specific types of people) etc etc.

Most of the population living under the poverty rate already KNOW THE WORLD is going to hell in a handbasket, so-to-speak. At this point I really don't think you could tell them anything that would surprise them given the nature of global society and global news feeding the worst shit possible. Having media continue to lie for this deluded cause will only produce a rift - or I should specify, a DEEPER rift. So you're saying that the little guy will be the fall-guy (as I expected since history repeats itself and is predictable, think: Dutruoux) while the big shark gets put under special ''watch''.

Lies, and fucking with humanity is what has caused "robot consciousness" IN THE FIRST PLACE. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The inmates truly are running the asylum. If one tries to fight they're squashed through myriad of avenues. So no, I'm not buying your excuse.

And y'all really think that the likes of Clinton or Obama would stay in house arrest? Seriously? You do know that if they're found guilty of pedophilia, that it's one of the least rehabilitatable crimes don't you? Rehabilitation for such serious sexual activities (if they're found guilty) has almost a zero success rate. You really think people who are used to jet-setting around the world will stay in a house? knowing what the global community knows, do you really think millions of people worldwide will be accepting of them receiving privileged treatment?

This is global after all.
Iran is hacking the accounts of arabs. It will be interesting to see what they find on Clinton/Obama, or how it compares in contrast to the feds investigation. How are they going to withhold information indefinitely? I can't see that happening.

Financial crash? How does convicting political leaders in this case, result in a financial crash when a new leader is already put in place; a leader who claims he wants to clean it up? Or are you referring to Trumps plan to bring jobs back to US ? Or, is threat of a financial crash more problem/reaction/solution and more fear mongering to dupe the ''stupid' robotic masses and keep them robotic and believing of stupid lies that reduce them to less than humans with a loss of dignity. I look at my community and see how people's lives have been dehumanized in all sorts of ways, and all you're giving me is a solution to keep it there, but in a slightly different package of control operators.

Meta_Self ago

Bravo was bringing up the conspiracy of silence when explaining pizzagate.

You got a great approach!

IAmJohnBarron ago

Rogan has little girls, hopefully it resonates with him more

Meta_Self ago

You can tell it he's considering it.

dickface8 ago

Callen and Brendan are ignorant as fuck on this. Joe needs to look into it more which i'm sure he will.

Meta_Self ago

He said he's going to look into it more in a few weeks. "after the dust settles"

Selnee ago

"you had me at pizzagate" LOL

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I can't stand Callen. He has no idea what #pizzagate is about.

Boyakasha ago

He's one of those people, like Ed McMahon, where the you wonder "what the fuck are they famous for?" He's not a fighter and doesn't seem to know much.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

He's there to make the other people on the show look like geniuses in comparison. You're new.

Meta_Self ago

Yeah, he's such a snarky know it all.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I read "The Economist" that makes me smart.

myowneyesnears ago

That dude is an ass. Just because he reads The Economist he thinks that makes him smart.