patriot357 ago

I hate to burst your guys' bubble but this "FBIAnon" is not with the FBI. FBI has techniques of identifying someone based on speech patterns and this person has had a quite lengthy (and at times sloppy) conversation in public exposing themselves to this type of analysis.

islandofdelight ago

Thanks... yeah I totally missed that this was after the Brexit vote.

Htaed ago

This itself is a distraction. All I see are peons (presidents, directors, etc...) pointing the fingers. Hillary is a nonissue.

party1981 ago

The annotated PDF is the easiest read.

I've read it many times, and it is always helpful.!GlRkhbTT!bsjwIdm6QBtcM5YOxZtfxUvNlAPkn1Vp0BAvQxeSfmk

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I did read the FBIAnon convo not too long ago. Probably won't reread as there is so much else that I want to read, but thanks. It was very interesting.

Looking at what you posted, I only see one specific suggestion: "start asking some hard questions about the CF publicly". That requires having those questions. So what's the best way(s) to get them? I've been focused on Pizzagate and following it on Gab and now here.

Mmag1234 ago

Just bullshit. Pure bullshit.

Q: How can we keep a war or more importantly a world government from happening? This sounds like some dystopian movie but I believe you in this case since Jews hate multiculturalism and love it for other countries.

A: Buy more guns and get smarter about civil war.

COME ON. This is just a fucking irresponsible thing to so much as think, much less SAY by a FEDERAL AGENT, ffs.

krisspykriss ago

Every large cartel has a vehicle to not only launder the money but to facilitate the exchange of money in a seemingly innocent way. With Hillary's private server and a blackberry hooked to it and the State Department system, she had the means to act as a shadow broker trading data in exchange for money, favors and power over people. People fail to realize just how nefarious her server could have been. The foundation is the conduit through which all the transactions were probably conducted. Look at how all the large donations to and from the charity are all people directly associated with the Clintons.

I think maybe we need to data mine things like correlations between inflows and outflows of cash with the foundation with the rise and fall of missing children and other data sets. Security leaks vs cash flows. Government contracts and cash flows. Questionable grants and cash flows. If the CF is used as a market for transactions, there should be signals to find in the data.

anonymousj ago

Al Capone. Remember him? They got him on tax evasion, not the crimes of organized racketeering and mobster activities. The "details" are what get 'cha. "They" (all the ducks in a row in the CF) are literally screwed, every one of them, in the Clinton Foundation. I've only read through Part 1 of Ortel's work. There is enough here to tie this up for years in court, but ultimately, they will be convicted at the level of STATE CRIMES - not pardonable - from the State of New York (go Preet Bahara), Massachusetts and others. Nevermind the foreign disclosure laws that were broken. Does everyone understand now why Trump Administration is encouraging other countries to look into their donations and donations from their citizens to CF? The State of NY, MA and others will sure like getting that information.Poor Chelsea (not really), I understand now why you were so concerned about the way Daddy and Doug Band were operating. That sham of an "audit" you encouraged, which under the terms of the IRS and various states mentioned, was NOT AN AUDIT using standard auditing proceedures, it's full of holes. Obama can't touch this corruption with a ten foot pole. How could he anyway - after first having her sign a document to not have any conflicts of interest, then they go and do whatever the hell they want (because you know, they are the Clintons and laws don't apply to them)? He can't even try to pardon them (for what is pardonable) after that. First of all, there is so much corruption here, he won't want this to stand against his already dismal record. Second, he has NO POWER to pardon them. In addition to Federal Crimes, they have untold State Crimes for non-filing of required paperwork, audits and much more. We are about to have the unprecidented history of the first US President to do Prison Time. No wonder Hillary was so upset not to win the election! She knows she's cooked. Chelsea, you are accountable as an Officer and Trustee of the Foundation - remember it's called the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. AND Oh yes, and Cheryl Mills, you were the Attorney of Record for the Foundation, so you'll face State of New York and other prosecution for ethics violation and a slew of other charges as well. Too bad there will be so much money and time spent on this. Sorry for the rant folks. But this is too rich for words. Everyone should read through this. It is absolutely dynamite!

anonymousj ago

This, all of it about the foundation does NOT take away from all the other crap going on. The Pedo Ring, the corruption of Government Officials and various "other" Foundations and the horrendous violence against children. But reading through the Ortel stuff, gives me some hope that there will be prosecution. It goes to the States - edited to correct here, not Preet Bahara, he's DOJ, but to State Attorney Generals. Still have to get the word out on this and ALL the rest. Keep digging, dig, dig, dig.

Orange_Circle ago

He was sure right about that! Finding that Frank Guistra home for children with the pedophillia symbol on their Facebook page made it really, really real.

islandofdelight ago

It feels like this FBI analyst might be legit... I wasn't sure at first but his consistency and knowledge sounds convincing. Who knows.

He was wrong on his prediction about Brexit, but right about Trump and a few other things, including the child trafficking... His ideas about race were surprisingly blunt but the reasoning is not incomprehensible or necessarily immoral. Either he is well-studied about what he's talking about or is the real thing... I hate the term LARPing, but essentially a person would have to be a sociopath...

It gives me some hope that at least some people at the FBI know what is going on and want to do the right thing. I think he's right when he says to look at the Clinton Foundation... look at the deaths in the Clinton's past... keep investigating the child trafficking and sex abuse.

There is light at the end of this tunnel. Not war.

Mmag1234 ago

All due respect, he's trying to divert your attention, everyone's attention, IMHO. He's wrong on Trump prosecuting Clinton (we know that); for me, wrong answer on 9/11 to blame 'Mossad,' and then we bring in the Espionage Act, REALLY?

I'm sorry, I just ... I'm not nearly as trusting - and no offense intended.

islandofdelight ago

We don't know that the FBI won't prosecute her after Trump takes office. I believe Trump was trying to diffuse the situation by making the statement. He did not say the investigation into the Clinton Foundation was over.

I personally do not think Mossad was solely behind 9/11... I think there was inside help at the very top - Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, probably Kissinger, and of course Saudi Arabia also had knowledge of it.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

But stay skeptical, in general. Anybody can claim stuff. Plenty of charlatans out there. FBI Anon seems surprisingly "on it" IMO though. I don't know too many others who could get that many tough questions right. Time will tell, on the rest of what s/he (do we know it's a he?) said.

28leinad82 ago

I feel like we are moving away from the emails naturally anyway, as bigger leads are discovered. It's only a matter of time before it's busted wide open.

justanotherone ago

I thought he was at first but after having looked at everything he said that I doubted being true, I am sure that he is for real, if not FBI then he is still connected just as deeply.

pizzahthrowaway ago

We need create a list of names that are all at those levels in the clinton foundation and make it a highly voted "Persons of Extreme Interest" thread, we need more connections being made on these people, I think.

Eyeonit ago

Familiarize yourself with the excellent work Charles Ortel has done on the Clinton Foundation

Watch the three videos Stefan Molyneux has done with Charles Ortel.

Watch the video series done by George Webb called "Where is Eric Braverman"

Start digging there.

anonymousj ago


Bomberman ago

Is there anything particular I should look for? or is it just a bunch of unauthorized actions?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Halp meh out here. How do we "focus on the Foundation"?

Bulgakov ago

Exactly that FOCUS ON THE FOUNDATION Haiti for instance - Lauren Silsbly known trafficker freed by Hillary Clinton while she was SOS. Silsby was trying to open an orphanage with 34 abducted US kids., Ghislaine Maxwell is currently partnered with the Clinton Foundation she was labeled the underage sex procurer for convicted pedophile Jeffrey Espstein- flight logs have Mr and Mrs. Clinton as guests to this weirdo's private island

Next Focus on Clinton and friends charities/advocacy groups involving kids that are either trafficked/orphaneed/homeless


ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'm out of upvoats for right now, but thanks.

Didn't know about Maxwell being still visible... ugh. Knew about Silsby, and that she's currently associated with some kind of missing kids organization (foxes and henhouses come to mind) in Idaho, IIRC.

Hmmm. Charities is where to dig now? I've never paid them much heed.

TokyoJoe ago

Follow the money, it always answers every question.

lawfag123 ago

Where is Eric Braverman?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't recognize that name ATM, but the timeline site looks very extensive. I guess I'll find something about Braverman there...?

UglyTruth ago

" My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is why Hillary's death would not cease the investigation or prevent further scandals. Many, many people are involved." ~ FBIanon

To understand this from a historical perspecitive, take a look at Operation Gladio and Gladio B. The Obama administration has the "hot potato", they can't pass it to Trump given Trump's public position of stopping ISIS.

crash6674 ago

if the recount shenanigans fail and trump gets into office they have a good month to scrub everything / eliminate witnesses