Fedup0813 ago

I've been looking into Transformers annual fundraisers, which Alefantis is on the BoD and all of his associated businesses are donors, as well as Room 11. As for tunnels I'm not sure, but there is definitely some sort of connection.

JudaismForGentiles ago

I read someone say this is actually under his art gallery, not the pizza shop

llm2016 ago

Good point, but there's that Jewish primary school that connects kids of the political elites.

whatonearth ago

What are you saying is "a couple blocks away" from what? Comet? Anyone can use Google Maps' "measure distance" tool to see that 3234 11th Street NW (Room 11) is about 2.86 miles (4.6 km) away from 5037 Connecticut Avenue NW (Comet Ping Pong), on the other side of the Rock Creek Park valley.

llm2016 ago

And guess what? The Jewish Primary Day School is now the place to be for the kids of Washington’s politically connected Jews: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/128280/a-school-for-dcs-jewish-elite

fvckh1m_up ago

Well, I didn't.

party1981 ago

How many Lenfants do you have to see (Pierre Charles, cafe owner, James A.) before we start to wonder whether satanic freemasons go back centuries.

Look at the map of DC. It's an upside down Pentagram!

Poncho567 ago

Why is there German in the picture "Gefallt"? Is it in a location in a German speaking country?

fvckh1m_up ago

The screenshot appears to have been made by someone who has their browser settings set to German, and can typically be set to any language on any computer from any location.

xeemee ago

higher resolution of the hole pic: https://i.sli.mg/s3px8V.png

i'm not sure the location pic is confirmed to be Comet - does any one know?

i've commented on this pic previously and, other then the comments offered on the page, i see nothing sinister here whatsoever - some things to consider...

  • they used hand tools and a hammer-drill to break the concrete rather than a concrete saw, which indicates to me that it is not intended to be a permanent opening
  • on the left can be seen a wooden pallet with bags of ready-mix concrete (Sakreet brand i suspect), further indicating that the hole is to be patched
  • there is also a box on the pallet which likely has something to do with the hole
  • it appears there may have been water damage in this room, evidenced by the white coating on the brick walls
  • the hole is not very deep (~2ft.)
  • doesn't make much sense to post pix of the construction if one were installing a secret subterranean room/tunnel access point

i believe it is very likely they are installing a sump-pump

Poncho567 ago

Why is there German on the top and bottom of the instagram picture? Is the hole somewhere in a German speaking country? (I just said the same thing on the other thread, I think, but not sure so sorry if this is a repeat.)

zlomsocz ago

i am going to look at the army corp of engineers 1980s underground systems census, tunnels and underground spaces were surveyed via gps and sonar, around the country, and are listed in this survey, will post link shortly

quantokitty ago

Could you please start a new topic when you do so the info doesn't get lost?

Am interested to see what you find out.


KingKongisCTR ago

exif data for GPS coordinates?


this is some dark shit man

Blacksmith21 ago

Here is a permit search for CPP, Besta, and Room 11. I didn't see anything which jumped out as me. But...if I were digging a tunnel into underground catacombs used to hide child sex slaves, I doubt I would pull a permit either.






cant find it now but some anon made a post arguing where this picture was taken .. he made a pretty good case for it being under either comet or besta..

dindonufin ago

@room11dc commented on the picture and he replied. I don't see where they say it's at Room 11. Am I missing something?