tjarco ago

Thank you, will include the Ian Watkins here - TIMELINE : (Satanic) Pedo's and Cover-Ups everywhere..

truedekektive ago

Research Peaches Geldolf. She exposed the names of the mothers who gave Watkins access to their children, and she was murdered for it. They made it look like a heroin overdose. Peaches had previous connections to the oTo, aka Ordo Templi Orientis. She was probably attracted to the cult via drugs & sex (you know... Eyes Wide Shut illuminati orgies, etc.) and then discovered the pedophilia and was disgusted. So, she exposed people involved, and then they took her out.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

I shared a "Millions of Dead Posers" meme about that fuck the other day on facebook. How is he not in prison for fucking life!? Unfathomable.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Probably for the same reason we can't find those detectives' names. I will keep looking, those names are definitely another rabbit hole in and of themselves.

dickface8 ago

Watkins? He is.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Oh thank the milky tits of Kek. Usually these fucks only do a quarter of their time.