iamthepizzanow ago

"#littlejapanesethings" Hmm...

standalone ago

Here is an article that gives some details on the relation of Alice Louise Waters with the Whitehouse.


standalone ago

The same deity the establishment worship at Bohieman Grove

That bit is incorrect. The deity worshiped at the Bohemian grove isn't Moloch but the roman goddess Minerva / greek goddess Athena. Moloch is not represented by an owl, but by a bull-headed man. Minerva/Athena on the other hand is famously represented by an owl and is the goddess of Wisdom. This is the same Minerva/Athena that you find in the Apotheosis of Washington painting in the capitol rotunda or on the Confederate States dollar bills. You even find the owl of Minerva / Athena on the layout of capitol hill. This is a pervasive symbol in US symbology and hardly something occult at all. It was spinned very hard by Alex Jones to try to make the ritual he observed into something occult to compensate for the lack of anything obviously outrageous in what he actually witnessed.

Not saying that current elite leading the US are not a bunch of satanist pedophiles worshippers of Moloch / Ball / Satan / Lucifer (you name it). They very much appear to be. But I don't see anything that remotely suggest that in what Alex Jones witnessed at Bohemian Grove.

rivercontrol ago

I addressed that in a comment thread above, check for links. Mulak is ancient Egyptian for Owl. Mulak transported people through death. The Cannite god came later as a different form. Athena and her owl was also later. I'm sure a lot of the Grovers believe they are worshiping Athena, but the ritual they preform and the owl statue is not in line with Athena/Minerva. Cremation of Care is the simulation of a human sacrifice. Athena doesn't ask for human sacrifices (pretend or otherwise).

standalone ago

I agree that there are a few things creepy in the ritual, like the scream when they set the effigy on fire and the fact there seems to be the shape of a child's skeleton in the stake on the program, so it's possible that the ritual is meant to be understood at two levels. But then, what would be the point of disguising an occult ritual into an innocent druidic musical tribute to some roman / greek goddess of wisdom if that means that most of the audience will take it to face value and miss entirely the hidden message?

Either way, at best the Moloch lead is a (far fetched) hypothesis, so intellectual honesty would require to claim that Bohemian Grove's ritual involves worshiping a deity that could be interpreted as being Moloch, and not directly claiming that they are worshipping Moloch when we don't really know that this is really the case.

rivercontrol ago

Fair enough. One thing to keep in mind is the origin of the owl of Minerva. That area of Greece was and still is known for a small species of tree owls. The owl of Minerva is small, hidden and benign. A secret keeper. The motivation for having multiple levels of interpretation is to lower psychological defenses. That is the modus operandi for the kind of people I would classify as Satanists or Setists. It's exactly the way the pedphile rings work for both the children and the molestors. They think they are getting into something harmless and slowly, but surely they find themselves already participating in something they never ever would have wanted to be involved with.

stickittotheman ago

The sacrifice them when they are all "used up"

Nicefind ago

Great find. How do we know the presents are from Alice Waters? I don't see how the button (the graphic of which is in the "Dont forward" Pedosta wikileak) is connected to Waters...

rivercontrol ago

In James Alfantis' Instagram picture his caption reads: Best time of the year - too many too perfect thank you presents from @alicelouisewaters." The button is from Alice Waters' Instagram. The caption reads: "James Alefantis, owner of Buck's Fishing and Camping restaurant, helped organize a Hillary benefit in DC and had this button made for his pizza tasting!"

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

It's a minor point but Alex Jones got it wrong in his film. The owl they worship in Bohemian Grove is actually Minerva. Moloch is depicted as a bull.

rivercontrol ago

From "The History of Reading" showing Owl hieroglyphic as "Mulak" : http://sli.mg/MHAXYf

rivercontrol ago

Wikipedia showing some of Egyptain alphabet, Owl as "M": http://sli.mg/5vMKhI

rivercontrol ago

Check this out: "The Egyptian name for the owl is Mulak or Moloch represented by the letter symbolism of M (m)" from: http://gnosticwarrior.com/owl.html

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

Who said it was about population control??? There are plenty more effective methods. Look at Agenda 21.

rivercontrol ago

I personally believe that having people act out things like sacrificing children is a way to manifest that on bigger level. Like psychological training. In the occult circles that is known as "as above so below". Gangs do the same thing "jumping people in."

janedoe77 ago

Al could be Alice Louise. The website sells wooden kitchen tools. We should look into this woman.

standalone ago

website looks ok, couldn't find anything fishy (please double check), except perhaps this image that feels quite creepy when transposed in the #pizzagate context, but that's extremely far fetched to the point of being merely anecdotical IMO.

rivercontrol ago

Here's the main chorus to the song Arlo Guthrie wrote about her and her first restaurant: "You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant Excepting Alice You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant Walk right in it's around the back Just a half a mile from the railroad track You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant" Here's the trailer to the 1969 movie they made about song about her restaurant: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9wLQsCYC5r8

rivercontrol ago

I'm pretty sure Chez Panisse is clean. Very well respected restaurant and wouldn't be used as a front of any kind. However, now I'm curious if Alice Waters is on the Boheiman Grive guest list.

standalone ago

Very well respected restaurant and wouldn't be used as a front of any kind

If there is one thing this affair teaches us, it is that apparent respectability is a poor predictor of morality and good conduct. The Whitehouse used to be a well respected institution, and yet evidence of unfathomable and widespread perversion keeps coming up.

However, now I'm curious if Alice Waters is on the Boheiman Grive guest list

The Bohemian Club is a male only club, so the answer is no. Even Hillary Clinton can't attend the Bohemian Club.

standalone ago

"AL" most certainly stands for Alice Louise Waters since the presents are from her

Instagram comment:

Jimmycomet: Best time of the year - too many too perfect thank you presents from @alicelouisewaters

rivercontrol ago

I have never heard of anybody embroidering their first and middle initial but not their last, especially when it is a gift for somebody else. Alice Waters is very famous, she doesn't sell items, she runs high end restaurants and writes books.

standalone ago

Louise may not be her middle name. It could be her maiden name.

rivercontrol ago

It's Alice Waters, she's a well respected culinary figure. Subject of the 60's song and movie "Alice's Restaurant". But she does not sell kitchen supplies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Waters

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

Flipped it and scaled it up, still can't really tell.


MeatballPizza ago

Moloch was mentioned in a Wikileak! Someone said they'd 'sacrifice a chicken to Moloch' in an email with Hillary. Chicken is supposedly code for baby if I remember. Was odd.

standalone ago

Yes, that was odd. Clearly Moloch is a symbol of child sacrifice, no doubt about it. And the scene of Metropolis that corresponds to the lithograph involves a bunch of slaves and soldiers being sacrificed to Moloch. Not too cheerful a reference for a X'mas present :|

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

I thought it was weird when i first heard about that email, before pizzagate, because Moloch only accepts children sacrifices, not animals. "Chickenlover" apparently is code for young boy lover.

I came to this conclusion a few days ago lying in bed and I couldn't sleep that night.

IntelligentObserver ago

Its not just you, thats why this is blowing up. Important to nurture your emotional physche with all these revelations as the heavy, sad emotions can sap ur energy. Everyone stay strong! Life is beautiful afterall.. despite satanists being in control.

MeatballPizza ago

Join the club! Scary stuff.

I had a thought today about Hillary's support of 'partial birth abortions.' These women are knocked out when the procedure/murder takes place. Perhaps this is just a method to harvest babies to be used in these Moloch sacrifices?

stickittotheman ago

I thought about that too... i bet they keep them alive after the so called late stage abortions hillary was pushing. Probably kept in cages like a dog in those underground tunnels somewhere. Yes you gotta be strong when researching this stuff. I believe the collective good energy we are harvesting here will be the end of this sick shit. The world is waking up to the darkness and evil that is walking among us and it will be defeated.

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

After the hidden video where PP casually talks about extracting aborted fetus body parts for sale, I would not be surprised.

quantokitty ago

Great find! Nothing says loving like a gift of Moloch!!!

What is that triangle and L? Are those Greek letters? Delta?

rivercontrol ago

I believe that is "A L" for "Al Netilas Yedayim", a special Hebrew handwashing ritual. That's what I got Googling "A L handtowels"

artis ago

https://sli.mg/ShAkOy ????

____ EDEER.ca i'm just curious

edit. http://www.littledeer.ca/en/products/ nothing

edit #2, I just found out that I can ctrl paste directly into sli.mg from psd, I'm fucking amazed at technology /s

rivercontrol ago

Got it. Not a knife. Little Deer pot scoop. http://sli.mg/I9lgrh

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

Bahahahahahahah, good job.

Case closed on that part. :P

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

You did a better processing job than me.

It kinda looks like a signature but the .ca seems like a website or something

Pizzaghost ago

It is. They sell wooden spoons.

PizzaThrowaway123 ago

How do you know its the handle of a knife? Looks more like hammer/mallet handle.

Good find on the hand towels.

I thought there was another picture showing it actually being a hammer, where it was a background item.

rivercontrol ago

I'm assuming it's a knife because it's a picture of the presents he received from Alice Waters. He lists them as: handtowels, knives, toaster, bean grinder, little Japanese things. Considering he listed hand towels and knives first, that's what I'm thinking it is. Unlikely to be a bean grinder. Little Japanese things not shown. I have my own thoughts on what little Japanese things are, but that might be pushing it.