sleepingbeautycan ago

I think that means that in 2011 when the last summons was sent out, they lived at the same address. The court would not keep a current address on a closed case.

E: changed 2012 to 2011

Anon00 ago

They also sold their home to Scott Distroll who owns multiple AMMO & WEAPON Companies, that worked directly with HRC first week of Sec of State. They also own a few locations internationally to most likely smuggle children. WSG he owns and is VP of MLM International. Get me in riot chat if you want 30+ screenshot proof.

creep ago

Who is David Brock?

topkek1337 ago

How is this information? I suppose your parents never explained to you how relationships work.

When 2 people love each other very, very much they live together.

thegenericoperator ago

Has anyone uncovered the official allegations by William Grey regarding David Brock? Allegations that were worth $850,000 of hush money.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

i'm not a law expert, but if they settled, this shit is probably sealed and william grey probably had to sign an NDA.

Yates ago

Maybe a DC person can go to the courts and check it out. Most likely hidden fro public eyes, but worth a try.


Alefantis and Brock are apparently no longer together.

TryOurSalsa ago

" Right now I am trying to find how CTR is coordinating media cover up of #pizzagate." Thank you, this is what we need to fight. I have been e-mail smaller media outlets and trying to get them to cover it. :/

LtSilverFox ago

I'd like to see if any other big players or politicians live in that neighborhood besides those 3 cucks. Still interesting find m8

PizzaGateExpress ago

No, but he is a business owner so it's kind of different.

IntelligentObserver ago

Nice Find!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Where does it show they live together?

Edit: I see where they lived together in 2011. OP's title implies they still live together. Where do records show that? I thought they had a falling out.

PizzaGateExpress ago

they're both listed at the same address

Millennial_Falcon ago

I may have missed it, but I looked through time imgur gallery and didn't see addresses listed.

PizzaGateExpress ago

you have to actually enter in the case number and click case details.

Millennial_Falcon ago

That was 5 years ago. Your title implies they still live together?

PizzaGateExpress ago

Funny actually there is only one house in between Podesta and Obamas, I'm thinking tunnels are in this area.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Actually Tony Podesta lives near Obama's new place.

bryoneill11 ago

Like the Tall Man movie

DarkOne ago

Hopefully Explorer Anon will get us some news:

TheTruthPrevails ago

Also, "the World Bank"(Catholic church) is operating in the Kalorama neighborhood within the Islamic Center of DC according to google maps? Seems odd. Especially with the recent theories of pizzagates connection to the Catholic Church. There are several "World Bank" properties that string from the whitehouse to this neighborhood. My bet is they all connect to the tunnels. In an older post of mine, I found an odd story of a tunnel supposedly built by ONE man, Harrison Dyar, who worked at the Smithsonian as an entomologist. The tunnel was rumored to go from the Palomar hotels location to somewhere in Rock Creek Park (adjacent to Kalorama). The tunnel was lined in valuable "white enameled brick." Think of the symbology of white for pedos. All speculation but interesting nonetheless.

Edit: link added about strange lone-constructed tunnel

Edit 2: not only is the the Islamic Center of DC close to Podesta's house and Obama's new house, it is on the same street a mere 3 minute walk away. Im smelling something..

Yates ago

The Smithsonian Institute’s mosquito-expert entomologist, Harrison G. Dyar, let the public spectacle go on for a couple of days before admitting to city newspapers that he himself had dug the tunnels from about 1906 until 1916, at which time he moved away to California. Why? “I did it for exercise,” he said, “Digging tunnels after work is my hobby. There’s nothing really mysterious about it.”

Amazing find, here is an archive This deserves an OP. Also so many seem to think that if there were tunnels underground we would surely know. This proves not, plus look at DuPont, that was forgotten quite quickly. There are numerous sites dedicated to newly discovered underground tunnels in various places.

Chinatown SF is one place where the tunnels still exists but they're off limits to anyone but certain Chinese. An old retired employee of the SF Dept. of Public Works used to post on tunnel sites back in the 90's with great info and even the location of secret entrances. Everything was deleted and no more from the guy. Most shops have entrances but this is Triad territory so whitey doesn't get to even know about it. They used to use them for human/child trafficking, smuggling all the usual shit.

TheTruthPrevails ago

Also this quote is inscribed in the tunnel:

"Facilis Descensus Averno"

For those that don't speak latin:

"(the) descent to hell is easy"

Satanism much?

So many red flags