thezodiac ago

He died.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Haha I haven't gone yet! this is gonna take some time to plan, anons.

ladylucy ago

I spent 2 years exploring an abandoned mental institution, there are 5 miles of tunnels connecting the buildings...some things I learned along the way...wear a mask, there's asbestos, mold and stuff down there, bring extra batteries, get some boots cuz it gets wet down there, a piece of chalk can help you mark where you've been, wear long sleeves there will be things that scratch you up, and spider webs, with a buddy if you can, it's always good to have an extra set of eyes and ears.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Thank you and please be safe.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

if you have one already, bring a handheld gps that can mark locations (entrance, intersections, exit, etc) and also plot your movement. Might not work because of signal strength, so definitely bring a compass and know how to use it like @ibepokey said. Fuck getting lost, double fuck getting lost underground. Also, bring 500 flashlights and extra batteries because reading this stresses me out.

lookingfortruth ago

You are very brave, but I'm not so sure this is a good idea. I'm sure these people have already covered their bases when it comes to accessibility of that area; and additionally, they know Pizzagate is big on the internet and have probably moved all the evidence out of there by now. The best you could hope for down there is some trace evidence such as DNA evidence which I'm not sure you even have the ability to obtain and to be honest you being down there would probably only mess things up for future investigators.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Still alive, like I said this is gonna take some planning and I would definitely prefer an overcast day for obvious reasons (like today, but in the future so I can plan)

PizzaGateExpress ago

Check between Kalora Cir NW and Woodley-Park Zoo Metro Staion, that's the area near Obama and the Podestas houses (and James Alefantis/David Brock nearby).

DarkOne ago

if things get crazy and you find some kids down there don't try to take them with you! (unless there in bad shape or want to go)

it might sound malicious but... we are talking a epic case of Stockholm syndrome; they would probably be more scared of you then the people raping them (or at least the consequences of not reporting you).

pizzathrowaway ago

Be aware that the DuPont Underground isn't underneath Comet. The closest tunnel ends 3 miles from Comet.

Phobos_Mothership ago

thanks for the heads up, I may have to find a separate way under Comet

scanspeak ago

Take a weapon mate.

Pizzatemp420 ago

RIP in peace explorer anon.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I'll tell my family I want "GOOGLE PIZZAGATE" on my tombstone

MRAinTX ago

Mothership--you are my hero! LOL

ibepokey ago

bring a compass, and know how to use it before you get there. if it's a series of tunnels with no windows, it'll be REAL easy to get disoriented.

Prepper_Jack ago

Dupont Circle is the most notable area in that district, as well as one of the more notable places in the city. Lots of food and shopping.

The pizza shop at Dupont Circle is . If they're referencing something else, I don't know. Dupont Circle is known to have issues with prostitution, gay and straight.

AdamSKestle ago

Bring a firearm, atleast 2 friends also with firearms, means to cut through locks or possibly even a portable band saw. It's probably not possible but if you can get cell reception or somehow boost reception to receive it down there do it and ALWAYS BE FILMING. Not to something live like periscope, but with somekind of app that films and automatically saves to the cloud.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Why bring firearms? That's probably very ill advised.

AdamSKestle ago

Yeah I'm thinking worst case scenario you walk in on powerful rich people doing fucked up shit perfectly capable of "suiciding" you... I am encouraging trespassing here so it's probably more likely to just get arrested and the guns would complicate that. All of you should carry mace definitely. And I already mentioned always be filming preferably in a way that will be preserved in the cloud but in addition to that DEFINITELY tell someone you can trust what you're doing, a time to expect to hear back from you, and the information they need to access whatever cloud storage you use. Maybe consider small cameras you can leave to run over night on the off chance you see someone else show you how to access something by accident

Prepper_Jack ago

No, don't bring a firearm. If you get caught by police, you'll have your gun confiscated, and you'll be arrested. Gun laws are very strict in DC, and you need to have the gun registered, as well as a permit.

A can of bear spray would suffice, and is legal.

DystopianDaze ago

Dupont Circle is a roundabout with a park in the center. It is a few miles up the road from Comet.

DystopianDaze ago

I just read an article (Fox local in DC, I think) that said the police are watching for people harassing the businesses and messing around in the area because of pizzagate, so if you decide to do this, be very smart and very careful. That said, it sounds like you may just be the best person to attempt it, with your record of doing this in the past...just play it cool if you get caught.

Prepper_Jack ago

Dupont is just a subsection of DC, roughly 6 blocks by 6 blocks. Dupont Circle refers to the traffic circle at the center of it.

In recent years, it's become a hotspot for LGBT activity.

HarveyKlinger ago

I think it's a great idea. If I lived a bit closer I'd happily join you. I won't be out that way again until summer.

If you do it, I wish you luck. Be sure to bring a couple flashlights, a headlamp, a good survival knife, leather work gloves, a multitool, rope, and an alibi. Also make sure you don't do it alone. Witnesses are worth their weight in gold.

arigold ago

just make sure you record EVERYTHING. a gopro with a headset would be good so you could have both hands free.....but whatever you do...just video record it.

when are you going to go?

Phobos_Mothership ago

Not sure, it's gonna take a bit of planning just because of the travelling.

MeatballPizza ago

Whole book about the underground .... funded by Jimmy Comet.

Scoundrel ago

Interesting image out of that book

MeatballPizza ago

Still looking for the PDF but there's this...

New Info: James Huckenpahler has a soundcloud where he gets people to read chapters from that document.

MeatballPizza ago

There's an entire damn PDF book on the subject funded by Jimmy Comet. I'll see if I can link it - since you're that crazy.

Phobos_Mothership ago

lol I am that crazy. It's just so fun, I feel like I'm in an RPG. Exploring 'dangerous' areas. no monsters though, not yet (DC could change that)


Carry a glock or two? suicide vest much? lol. Live feed it all to a friend. They will prob shoot on site (my hunch).

Prepper_Jack ago

Just be aware that carrying firearms into DC is a crime. Do NOT get caught with one, unless you happen to be among the few who have a license to carry in DC.

Phobos_Mothership ago

invest in kevlar, lol got it


Good luck. I anticipate the results. Godspeed.

Thrash57 ago

You would be a god among men if you made this happen. Please consider the danger of what you may be getting into, though. If you do follow through, it would be wise to upload video as soon as possible. Whether that means filming on mobile, or having a computer ready nearby.

hendaiburtu ago

Livestream it.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

I'd be taking a Winchester with me.

Prepper_Jack ago

Would be nice, but you would be swarmed with cops in DC. Very strict gun laws - can't have one without it being licensed and registered.

Thrash57 ago

Do you have any kind of time frame?