ZalesMcMuffin ago

Important stuff here. Wolves in watchdogs' clothing is a gigantic problem in this field.

the_cat_whisperer ago

It's crazy how everyone is connected on one level or another. They are either connected to known pedos or connected to companies that supposedly fight child trafficking

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Her profile is being "connection timed out."

MeatballPizza ago

Nice find. Seems like all these folks are involved in policing - the CARDs lead.

Also, another author of one of the debunking articles. Someone tracked down a photo of the author (female) with a Satanic symbol tattoo. Think that's on this sub somewhere.

Thrash57 ago

Could you link me to the "CARDs" lead?

MeatballPizza ago

ForTheChildren ago

OMG, that's the first time I ever saw the 'deck' of cards.....

Thrash57 ago

Thanks. I am beginning to worry that the FBI may be a big part of the trafficking. It would be easy to control competition and it would be easy to silence those looking in to the ongoings.

MeatballPizza ago

Does seem like DC/Wikileaks have more legitimacy these days than our media or policing agencies.