platypus22 ago

Yes, people please stop with the harassing. It's really not productive and gives us a bad name.

Do something useful, like actually investigating.

resist ago

That is interesting, I think. It is both the pizza and the pentagram. But if she did the video she may have put in the triangle symbol meaning the band had nothing to do with it. Makes you wonder about her past it the picture on the wall is hers.She could of course just have been photographed somewhere but then it would be interesting to know who owns that picture.

People that has researched the elites interest into satanism say the main goal is mind control more specifically trauma based mind control. They seem to inplant the symbols in them somehow for use later on. (I am not saying this is the case here, just saying that the symbols seem to play a role in the mind control programs)

dongiovannirecords ago

Here is the statement from the director which I just added to our youtube channel:

"I was asked to write a statement concerning the video I made for the band sex stains. I say this because I don't believe any artist should ever be required to explain themselves (freedom of expression is at the crux of creativity and inventiveness) let alone face persecution, harassment or even death threats, all of which I have encountered the last couple of weeks. That being said, any ideas I believe in concerning creative integrity weigh very little in comparison to the very serious and heinous crimes that we are dealing with today. Let me make this very clear. I do not promote violence or harm in anyway against any human being. I was in no way representing any symbol or image other then the design itself , what is commonly referred to as an 80's vector pattern. more over, the band Sex Stains had no involvement in the creation of the images included in the video "Land of La La". Iv included a lot of the images I used as visual reference guides when creating the video, but I also encourage you to google "80's vector patterns" where you will find triangles, spirals, squares, circles, squiggly lines etc. You can clearly see that I used many geometric designs and patterns in the video, not just triangles and spirals. In fact I had absolutely no idea that that symbol ever had a specific meaning attached to it prior to the band alerting me of this controversy. I hope this clears up any confusion concerning the interpretations of the art I have created. "

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Was that from Cassandra?

dongiovannirecords ago

Yeah, but via the band who sent it to me.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Right, so she put the symbol there. Judging by other videos she's made, particularly the use of occult symbols and bizarre use of or references to pizza, she knew exactly what she was doing. I do not for a moment believe it ended up there by mistake. You'd do well to have nothing more to do with her, Allison might take that advice as well since she's a friend of hers on Facebook. You see, some of us here can actually gather reasonable intelligence on this - so if anybody asks you about Pizzagate, please be sure to tell them that it's not a wild conspiracy theory, it's a very real civil investigation.

DentHouper ago

It's really nice of you to come here and offer to answer questions. I'm sorry that people have been trolled/harassed based on what you describe as a coincidental use of the symbol in the video props. The fact that you're willing to stay here, answer questions, and even try to find out answers to questions where you don't know the answer first hand is commendable and lends high credibility. People have legitimate concerns and it sounds like you are, unlike some big newspapers, willing to help get answers to questions and willing to consider that there might be a reason for concern. Your answers about how bands get booked and how they don't necessarily know anything about what shithole venue they might get booked in is correct. And the fact that these small touring bands don't make much money is also correct. Most of these musicians also do some other kind of work because its not good money.

Everything you have said seems legit to me.

dongiovannirecords ago

Here is a statement from the band, a statement from the director is coming shortly from what I understand:

To Whom It may Concern,

Sex Stains. A band name we decided on after 100 suggestions by random people on Facebook because every name we could think up was already taken. We are just a punk rock band from L.A. We are NOT pedophiles. Just the thought of that is sickening!

What the hell happened here? A few months ago, we passed through DC on a week long mini tour. We booked a show at Comet. We were told it's an ok place for bands to play, so we did. That's about the extent of our involvement with or knowledge of this venue.

Before going on that tour, we made a video with Cassandra Hamilton, a L.A. artist that has made videos for a few bands in the local rock scene. We had no budget but she was willing to help us make a video for our song Land Of La La (a common term used to refer to Los Angeles because of the sometimes flakey & aloof people that live here). There was no real concept for the video other than making it very colorful & exciting to watch. The director invited (the band & a few friends) to create some props, suggesting boxes & paintings, anything we could put together cheaply & quickly to fill some space up in the shots of the band playing/dancing/goofing off. We bought party supplies, gags, glitter. Any cheap crap we could. This was an endeavor in fun. There was absolutely NO PLOT to purposefully use offensive symbols or to mess with peoples heads. There was/is ZERO interest in anything having to do with children. No one in the band had any knowledge of the triangle/spirals horrid symbolism. We're shocked & disgusted by the theory that we are somehow linked to Pedophelia rings or Satanic cults, and also by the hateful comments & accusations we've been receiving. WE ARE NOT pedophiles and do NOT support or promote it. Period. Again, we are just a punk rock band.

Barry_McCochiner ago

I have a question. Without getting personal or fears of doxxing anyone, I'm curious if anyone in the band may have experience in foster care? Like I said, its personal and I understand if you'd rather avoid this one. I only ask because there are several links to foster and childcare services being possible fronts for child trafficking. There are some suggestions regarding young stars and pizza obsession (miley). Like a subconscious thing. Possible they are acting like this as a weird defense or coping mechanism or cry for help? Just brainstorming.

Edit: editing purposes

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Ah, well there we have it then. Maybe she's the one who needs to be answering these questions?

dongiovannirecords ago


She finally had time to write a statement about this and hopefully it explains where the design came from:

"I was asked to write a statement concerning the video I made for the band sex stains. I say this because I don't believe any artist should ever be required to explain themselves (freedom of expression is at the crux of creativity and inventiveness) let alone face persecution, harassment or even death threats, all of which I have encountered the last couple of weeks. That being said, any ideas I believe in concerning creative integrity weigh very little in comparison to the very serious and heinous crimes that we are dealing with today. Let me make this very clear. I do not promote violence or harm in anyway against any human being. I was in no way representing any symbol or image other then the design itself , what is commonly referred to as an 80's vector pattern. more over, the band Sex Stains had no involvement in the creation of the images included in the video "Land of La La". Iv included a lot of the images I used as visual reference guides when creating the video, but I also encourage you to google "80's vector patterns" where you will find triangles, spirals, squares, circles, squiggly lines etc. You can clearly see that I used many geometric designs and patterns in the video, not just triangles and spirals. In fact I had absolutely no idea that that symbol ever had a specific meaning attached to it prior to the band alerting me of this controversy. I hope this clears up any confusion concerning the interpretations of the art I have created. "

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

It doesn't explain why she has a picture on her website of a woman in front of a pizza with a pentagram on it. That's kinda weird in itself.

I've just seen a few pictures of hand-print vector art and some of them are quite dubious - small hand in big hand, spiral in the hand, gender identification, and so forth. One of them is seemingly a common reference for massaging, that itself leads to questions. This might be unrelated in a sense, but since she mentioned vector art then she made it relevant. So these look odd...

They might not look odd to a lot of people, but for people like myself having looked into all this Pizzagate nonsense they stand out like a sore thumb. As does the spiral in the video.

These are surely subtle references in respect of paedophilia.

dongiovannirecords ago

I guess I don't know what to say at this point then other than that the band and myself had zero knowledge of this stuff or these symbols even if you are saying they are in the video.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Hi Joe,

First of all, I admire your courage and integrity in coming forward to discuss this matter. Unlike others who go running off to the FBI for "help", you've actually come to one of the communities where people are genuinely trying to get to the bottom of whatever is really going on here.

It is of course unfortunate that you've been brought into this, but at the same time the appearance of one certain logo in the music video is indeed concerning. It is my opinion that this cannot be disputed, I for one have seen these symbols countless times now over the past week or so as a result of this investigation and that is beyond coincidence. Like you, I was not familiar with such logos previously so who knows how often I've encountered them without even realising it - for example, even the Time Warner logo can be brought into question now.

Right, so I need to ask you about "Producers Library". Do you have any specific dealings with them or are they just a routine part of the music industry?

My Thanks.

dongiovannirecords ago


Thank you for listening to what I have to say.

What is "Producers Library"? Where are you seeing that? I've never heard of it. Does it have something to do with the video or is it a general music industry thing?


Vigilia_Procuratio ago

It's on the backdrop in the video at 1:06. Could be related to this company...

Or it could be nothing at all.

dongiovannirecords ago

I don't know anything about that company. We don't work with them and I don't think the director does either, she basically just makes videos for fun on the side I think.

She finally had time to write her statement about the video which hopefully answers any questions about it for people:

"I was asked to write a statement concerning the video I made for the band sex stains. I say this because I don't believe any artist should ever be required to explain themselves (freedom of expression is at the crux of creativity and inventiveness) let alone face persecution, harassment or even death threats, all of which I have encountered the last couple of weeks. That being said, any ideas I believe in concerning creative integrity weigh very little in comparison to the very serious and heinous crimes that we are dealing with today. Let me make this very clear. I do not promote violence or harm in anyway against any human being. I was in no way representing any symbol or image other then the design itself , what is commonly referred to as an 80's vector pattern. more over, the band Sex Stains had no involvement in the creation of the images included in the video "Land of La La". Iv included a lot of the images I used as visual reference guides when creating the video, but I also encourage you to google "80's vector patterns" where you will find triangles, spirals, squares, circles, squiggly lines etc. You can clearly see that I used many geometric designs and patterns in the video, not just triangles and spirals. In fact I had absolutely no idea that that symbol ever had a specific meaning attached to it prior to the band alerting me of this controversy. I hope this clears up any confusion concerning the interpretations of the art I have created. "

Barry_McCochiner ago

Hopefully you're right about the band. If so, and they are fully cleared, might I suggest avoiding Comet Ping Pong going forward...from what we've found, they seem to be somewhat of a hub for the bigger plot.

Edit to note how coincidental it all is. Pedo symbols on pizza shops. Bands w pedo symbols in their artwork and videos. Said bands playing at said pizza really. I trust this guy but still don't trust the band.

dongiovannirecords ago

No one mentioned anything about an occult connection to me but I have barely had time to read up on anything and have been spending my time answering people's questions.

dongiovannirecords ago

Not with related to pedophelia but maybe related to witchcraft? I don't know if she actually believes in that stuff or just likes the dark imagery. But yes, that is a symbol in that case rather than a design.

dongiovannirecords ago


You can see what I wrote above about my thoughts on the similarities. If people are still alarmed by the similarities so much that they want us to take the video down we could. And certainly if I thought this video was serving as some kind of beacon to pedophiles I would have done that already. But I don't feel that way and haven't been convinced that way. The video seems to be a beacon to this community, rather, which is not a community I am afraid of, and I am hoping the harassment part will end soon.


Barry_McCochiner ago

Absolutely don't take the video down. Several of us were censored and had to move here. If its intended to be what many think, then that's sucks. But removing the vid won't make it not have happened. Do. Not. Censor. Yourself.

dongiovannirecords ago


1) To start, you have to recognize that in the context of the video it is a design, not a logo. You might say thats not important, but it is important because it has no meaning whatsoever so there isn't really anything to explain. It isn't meant to be symbolic of anything. Now, like I tried to explain, people investigating this have now done a lot of reading up on pedophiles and the various symbols they use, but most people are not familiar. So it is certainly possible that the band accidentally would have used a design in their video that was the same as the symbol. In fact, to be honest, when I saw all the comments being posted on the video I thought that is what had happened and so of course no one would want that in their music video so I figured we would re-edit the video to remove it. However when I did the same research and investigation you all seemed to I noticed that it wasn't actually the same symbol. There is a reason symbols exist. I think investigating pedophelia rings is important and valid, but I think you can also understand not to just go after any blue triangle in a spiral. This one is spiraling in a different direction and keeps spiraling for another length or two. A star without a circle around it isn't a pentagram and could just be a design. A star in a circle around it is a pentagram and has meaning. So after drawing that conclusion and knowing that 1) it took the band months to make this video and 2) something which you might not think about here but I think about as someone that runs a small record label is that it took us time to find websites to premiere and write up the video and thus we had articles and links to the video already that would be inactive if we took it down. It made sense to just keep it up. I assumed that you would do whatever kind of investigation had to be done and clear us. I answered peoples emails about it who had questions and people on twitter too. But like I said when I came here, instead of a continued investigation, it was a shoot first and ask questions later mentality.

2) Which woman in which video are you talking about? If you let me know I promise to respond.

I agree that my discomfort surrounding all this pales in comparison to child sex trafficking and I hope people don't think me coming here to talk to you about what I do somehow would make you assume otherwise. But there are people making 25 minute youtube videos with all kinds of "mysterious" elements to them as though this is the bible code and I am 2000 years dead when I am right here and very easy to reach out to and nothing is really that mysterious.


psymin ago

I'm just a regular voat user, uninformed until recently about the situation. You posting like this is quite amazing, and if I were in your shoes I would find it difficult to bare myself as you have.

Props. If your label has any music to my liking, I'll buy it.

party1981 ago


I'm really sorry that you were harassed. If you have good intentions, you can help us - there is a chance that this is the biggest scandal since the Holocaust, slowly unraveling over the Internet.

I strongly recommend that you educate yourself about Pizzagate. It just overtook Wikileaks on Google Trends. I would start with short videos like these:

You can then read the summary of all evidence here (although it is not current - more evidence of pedo symbols have been found in 8+ adoption agencies and some big businesses, like an ice cream business):

Then, if you're still following and think this is enough evidence to justify further investigation, I would ask yourself these questions:

  1. How much do you know about Sex Stains, Comet Ping Pong, and the bands/music that play there?
  2. Why do you think Comet Ping Pong has such a sexualized/creepy wall art, Instagram, and musical acts like Heavy Breathing? And how did Sex Stains get involved?
  3. Do you think a band named "Sex Stains" should be playing a pizza place that advertises itself as family and kid friendly?

dongiovannirecords ago


It might take me some time to get up to your speed on this whole this. Most of this came to my attention just before thanksgiving and I am still spending it with my family. As I type this my mother and sister are in the other room and my child is sleeping. I basically did enough reading before coming here only to figure out why people were harassing me over one of our youtube videos. And honestly, after seeing the similarities, I do understand why people wanted to know more. I am just also hoping that knowing more they were realize this isn't really part of the thing and can move on and we can go back to our lives.

1) I know a lot about Sex Stains and feel comfortable answering almost any questions you would have about them. I know very little about Comet Ping Pong in general. But I know a fair amount about the bands that play there. It is one of many rooms of that size booked in DC by music promoters. So sometimes bands I know or on the label play there, sometimes they play other rooms, and then most of the time they have bands there I've never even heard of. But as someone who works in music, I understand how this kind of stuff works. Sometimes our bands play coffee shops or burrito places even for example, and the coffee shop/Mexican restaurant has almost nothing to do with it. this just how being in a small band works. The owner doesn't even always take a cut and usually just lets someone use the room because they know people will come to the concert and hopefully order food or drinks. The shows at these place are small. They may bring in just hundreds of dollars a night to share with 3-4 bands + the promoter which is why sometimes the places don't even take a cut. That said, I don't know anything about the agreement or how it works with Comet Ping Pong specifically or if they take a cut or not, just that the room is booked by a promoter, not the owner.

2) Sex Stains got involved through a promoter booking them there, which now that this is all being investigated seems like awful luck since if they had been booked into a room like the black cat downstairs that night of the same size no one would be harassing them. I said this somewhere else, but bands don't get to ask what room they play in on tour and rarely even have opinions, promoters deal with that and it has to do with what rooms are available that night.

As for the art/imagery involved in the punk bands that play there, I wrote this earlier: "I'll just add to that too, because truly the only thing I can help shed any light on related to this whole thing just has to do with music and bands work, not pizza, sex trafficking or politics work, is that I really wouldn't read too much into bands names or imagery in the punk community. While I personally do not agree with this mentality, there is a general mentality in many parts of punk to try to be as offensive and vulgar as possible as a way to essentially celebrate freedom of speech and push its boundaries. While I am a huge free speech proponent, I personally tend find this stuff immature and somewhat offensive (though I believe they have the right to say it). So its true, that I would probably be very offended by a band with a name that alluded to child sex trafficking, it would be because i was offended that they were making light of a serious issue, not because i believed they were involved in it."

3) No, but this may also be something I can help clear up in general. It's not like a chuck e cheese where people sit around eating pizza and watching bands play. There is a full dining area, and then in the back there is ping pong tables. Late at night after children would be in bed they move the ping pong tables and bands play in that area. People probably wouldn't be allowed to enter the show part till closer to 9pm and then Sex Stains wouldn't go on until around midnight, so I would be a much worse parent for letting my kid stay up that late and exposing them to the loud noise than I would be because the band had a provocative name. There are many venues small bands play like this across the country, one that used to be by me was called Maxwells in Hoboken, NJ where there was a really good restaurant in the front and then there would be concerts in the back. People would come to the restaurant just to eat not knowing there was a concert and people would come to the concerts not realizing they could eat there (unless it wasn't their first time). So if people are getting images if like a 3 year old having a birthday party and then provocative punk bands playing profane music, I wouldn't really be supportive of that kind of thing either (though I also wouldn't assume it meant the bands were out to hurt kids).


Vigilia_Procuratio ago

That said, I don't know anything about the agreement or how it works with Comet Ping Pong specifically or if they take a cut or not, just that the room is booked by a promoter, not the owner.

Presumably that promoter would be Sasha Lord?

party1981 ago

Joe, thank you for your reply. I just want to add a couple things that you might not know:

  1. Your attempt to distinguish Comet Ping Pong during the day (with kids) and CPP at night (with punk shows for adults) does not make much sense, because CPP explicit advertises for children to come. For example, here is an ad for Sex Stains that says "9 PM all ages":

There are also videos showing kids playing ping pong at night there.

  1. James A., owner of CPP, was cited/sued over allowing kids to drink alcohol at CPP. He also lobbied to get the drinking hours extended at CPP.

  2. What do you think of the band Heavy Breathing? Do you want Sex Stains to be associated with Heavy Breathing? There are videos of Heavy Breathing (and its leader) at birthday parties at CPP. They are extremely offensive and talk about euthanasia and pedophilia. We want to dismiss this as punk rock being offensive (but most punk is offensive in terms of saying fuck the police, not yeah for child trafficking!). But we have to evaluate it in the context of everything else, including CPP's Instagram (wish you should review), which contains many references to children, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Just look through the pictures yourself:

As you dig deeper and deeper into this, it will disturb you more and more. When that happens, if you want to be on the right side of history, help us investigate and research to bring justice for the victims.

dongiovannirecords ago


1.) "All ages" is an important concept in underground punk promotion especially in DC. In the 1980s you weren't allowed to go to concerts unless you were older than 21 which excluded people. DC was one of the first cities to really right this and also started the straight edge movement which had to do with refusing to drink and use drugs. All Ages was something people used to fight for to make shows open to younger kids (not toddlers, like high school and college kids). There are books about it (All-Ages-Reflections-Straight-Edge/dp/1889703001/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1480109854&sr=8-2&keywords=all+ages+punk+book), Songs (, If you google the term "all ages punk" or "all ages show" or something you will find a lot about it. It isn't meant to imply underage.

If there are videos of ping pong at night, which I certainly believe its probably because there aren't shows there every night. But when there are shows, its in the same room as the ping pong.

1.) I don't know anything about James at all and didn't even know the name of the owner till reading these threads. I can't really speak to his character at all and doubt sex stains even met him either when they played there.

2) I've never heard of heavy breathing. Personally I believe free speech is extremely important. Though I also believe the right to protest that speech is as important.

At this point it seems you have switched from asking me to defend Sex Stains and my label to helping investigate CPP and the bands that play there. I am hoping that means I have answered enough of your questions about sex stains and my label that you will stop harassing us even if you want to keep watching us and investigating us or whatever you think is important to do. I just told this story to someone who emailed me in questions so will tell it to you too:

When I was around 19 a friend and I were walking home and three police cars pulled up and told us that two people described just like us had robbed a gas station, that we had in fact walked by. It was crazy and they searched us and our backpacks and questioned us for almost 45 minutes. It was scary because they were being hostile, but I also wanted the criminals caught and once they realized it wasn't us they were very friendly. That is how I see this.

party1981 ago

Thanks. To be clear, I did not harass you and I don't think anyone should harass you. It sounds to me like Sex Stains got accidentally mixed up with a venue (CPP) that is turning out to be part of something criminal and sinister. That's not your fault.

You do seem apathetic to the pizzagate scandal. I can understand why your #1 priority is to defend your band and label. Over time, though, I think you will find the scandal to be worth your attention. Maybe just when Hillary Clinton is in handcuffs. As someone with a connection to Sex Stains and (indirectly) CPP, you can help do research by asking questions (ask Sex Stains what they thought about CPP, Heavy Breathing, James A., etc.). Ask around the music scene. You can do good work.

dongiovannirecords ago

I don't want you to think I'm apathetic just because I am not part of the investigation. There are many many companies and people I do not support based on other people's investigative work. I'm not a journalist or a detective, but I do have a strong moral compass and am very selective about what people and corporations I support (very few if any large multi-national corporations for example). I have been involved in investigations within my own smaller music community, as has the singer of Sex Stains. So we get it. At the same time, especially because I feel like people have been targeting me and sex stains before any kind of investigation has been finished, I am waiting till things are done and the evidence is all there. Once the evidence is there though I will be on the right side of it. I have a very open mind to conspiracy, especially involving elites. But the evidence needs to be there and the investigation needs to be finished, in the meantime I am still waiting on the sidelines and don't feel its appropriate to have an opinion when I don't know the facts. My only opinions are that human trafficking and especially child trafficking is reprehensible and anyone engaging in it should be punished no matter how wealthy or connect they are.

party1981 ago

That makes sense. I hope you check in after inauguration, after GA Sessions makes his announcements. I think the odds of the CF investigation going away without arrests are about 10%.

c-m ago

You picked this special name for you band. You wanted attention and controversy -- well, you got it. Enjoy! :-)

psymin ago

He didn't name the band. It isn't his band.

c-m ago

My name is Joe and I run Don Giovanni Records. Sex Stains label.

He didn't name the band. It isn't his band.

So, what is your point?

comeonpeople ago

His point was that your statement to Joe -- "You picked this special name for you band" -- was incorrect. Joe did not pick the name for the band, nor is it "his" band.

c-m ago

I didn't mean Joe specifically. Someone picked a name. He/they wanted attention, Joe is "running" the band, he knows this name comes with shit attached. He can't claim ignorance and should not be surprised.

justiceforever ago

Thank you for coming and talking to us and sorry for the harassment. You can help the investigation by keeping a lookout when your band plays at these venues. If you see something, say something!

dongiovannirecords ago

Anything that I can do to help! As for the second part of that though, just be aware that I have like 40 bands on the label playing all across the country during the course of a year and almost never know where they are playing even if we send posters to the promoters there. I just get a list of addresses and the posters go out in the mail by machine. Bands will often talk to each other about where they should and should not play in cities, though they don't always have a choice. I can honestly say though that I hadn't heard anything bad about Comet Ping Pong as a venue until your investigation started.

youhavetogoback123 ago

No need to come here and explain yourself. If your innocent you have nothing to worry about. You do have to explain this though:

dongiovannirecords ago

I tried to explain above why I find the harassment worrying. I don't find the investigation of us and the band worrying at all, because like I said, we are innocent.

As for explaining the image you posted, that is what I came here to try to explain and what I shared in my post which you said you didn't even read, here is that part:

"When someone told me that there was symbol for pedophelia in one of our videos I was horrified. Even if it was unintentional since i don't think most non-pedophiles are aware of those symbols (I certainly wasn't till someone linked me to the FBI document because of its supposed connection with the video), I wouldn't want it showing up in the video. But when I looked at the symbol in the document and the one in the video they really didn't seem all that similar. In an email I wrote someone else it would be like the difference between an "M" and an "N" or something. There are similarities, but they have different amounts of lines in different directions and thus have different symbolic meaning. This site I am on right now (Voat) seems to have a blue triangle for a logo, for example. I doubt it is part of this whole (though if people feel its worth investigating, then maybe it is)."

dongiovannirecords ago

I appreciate the two comments so far being sympathetic but I am really not looking for sympathy. What I would like is for you to feel like you can and have investigated me and the band as extensively as you want to, anyone in this community or elsewhere working on this investigation (so tell your friends if they aren't a part of this voat page).

Then, assuming after that investigation you believe we don't have anything to do with it, to please remove us and sex stains from the general investigation/case so that we can go back to our lives without being harassed every time we put up a video on youtube or a post on facebook.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Joe, one thing you need to bear in mind here is that this isn't exactly the centre of investigating this, and so far as we know publicly there is no official investigation either. It could be where most of the work is being done, but my point is that people are talking about this far and wide by now, not your situation specifically but the matter at hand.

Trolls are trolls, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you and your artists get flak for years now as a result. Thus, it doesn't matter what people do here - we could come to say "yeah, this guy put across a very good defence and it is our conclusion that the label and band have nothing at all to do with this issue" or that "somebody else put the logo in the video in full knowing of what it meant, but the label and band were oblivious to that and saw it as a simple twirl in the deco".

Idiots will come to idiotic conclusions and there is jack either you or we can do about that. Such is life I guess.

Nonetheless, you are doing the right thing here by placing on record where the label (and presumably the artist) stands on the matter. At least if the media started to look at it then they'd see what you've wrote and probably back you up and that would be far more important than what a few trolls think or say.

herbertbakunin ago

just the one question who put the logo/symbol in the sex stain video ? you aware it is symbol associated with pedophilia its keeps on coming up in the investigation. The symbol is known to the FBI as to what pedophiles use to communicate with each other as pedophile friendly

dongiovannirecords ago

I feel like I have answered this one 2-3 times in this thread now. I don't want to ignore anyone with questions but at the same time my goal of this group discussion was so I didn't need to keep answering the same 2-3 questions over and over again. If you have follow up questions I would be happy to answer also. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm literally just telling you my own opinions and where they came from. You are welcome to keep digging into me and my various bands but I would appreciate you not harassing them.

herbertbakunin ago

thanks for the reply. so did this person add the props into the video?

dongiovannirecords ago

I actually don't know but I can ask. They directed it definitely but being a punk video on a low budget it was likely a group effort to decorate that set.

youhavetogoback123 ago

What we've uncovered also is that many of the agencies who claim to protect children are the very ones involved in the abuse. You have nothing to worry about if you're not involved. Not really worth our time to read your post because we really don't know who to trust. Keep digging lads.

comeonpeople ago

You have nothing to worry about if you're not involved.

No, there is plenty "to worry about if you're not involved". On another thread, a member of Heavy Breathing's work info is being posted and people are being encouraged to call and try to get her fired.

There is literally zero proof of her being involved in any crime whatsoever, there are just a lot of people who don't like her sense of humor.

justiceforever ago


there are just a lot of people who don't like her sense of humor.

Oh yeah, her wholesome family-friendly humor! We all have our preferences.

dongiovannirecords ago

I fully appreciate that and have witnessed that exact same thing to be true within our own community. I wasn't saying that you should blindly trust me because we have worked to fight sexual assault in the past. I was saying that because we have, that people come to us and our bands looking for solace, and thus that seeing all these nasty hateful comments on our pages when looking for comfort is damaging to them. I will just reiterate again, I really have no problem with you investigating us and our bands, because there is nothing to hide, you just need to stop the harassment which isn't part of the investigation.

youhavetogoback123 ago

The "harassment" is nothing compared to the abuse these children are suffering. Were you just naive using a pedophile logo in your artwork. Leave us alone to dig into this. Just you being connected in anyway to this place is enough for me to just say, go away. Leave us alone to continue our investigation. You could be James for all we know.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

That's not on. Let the guy speak, he has a right to defend his company and the artists. I for one am very suspicious about the logo in the video, but that doesn't mean they can't come here and discuss the matter with us.

dongiovannirecords ago

I spoke to both of these points earlier already if you read what I wrote in this discussion. I am leaving you alone to do your investigation. I'm not trying to sway you and never told anyone to stop. But you have made me a suspect in your investigation and I am allowing you to investigate.

nimblenav ago

I'm sorry if some assholes insulted you but anyway it's the internet, they are just tweets and emails, they are worthless.

dongiovannirecords ago

Tyler is very successful though and makes a lot of money and probably. I'm sure it is a lot easier to walk away. For me and our bands this stuff is very direct. It's also very scary. The singer of sex stains has literally spent her entire life fighting against sexual assault in the punk community and is extremely well known for that, its not her first band, there are books about punk with sections about her and her work in that regard. So seeing that kind of thing is deeply upsetting and would bother the exact type of people that come to her music looking for support. Our label occupies a similar role. I have a two year old who I work hard to protect from many scary things like this. My wife and I don't even put pictures of her on the internet anywhere other than private groups. We are scared when we get these mass levels of harassing comments, especially about child exploitation.

I guess what I'm trying to communicate is that myself and the bands on our label are basically on your level as far as power goes here. Were not rich, we don't have anything or anyone to hide behind, and this stuff scares us. We don't have protection that someone like Tyler the Creator who made that tweet could afford to hire. We live our lives out in the open just like you do. We aren't part of society's elite even if our bands play at the same building that they frequent. The elites who you believe are involved probably also have some kind of cleaning staff who come in and clean their places. I would doubt they are involved in this whole thing either even if there is a blue triangle on one of their brooms or mops. The bands that play comet at the janitors, not the power brokers. We fight against power just like you. We fight for freedom just like you. But we do it with our music.

nimblenav ago

You have good reasons to feel that way but remember that your company hasn't been involved much and these people are just assholes that can easily show it on the internet with a click.

You have children you must be really concerned about what this open source investigation is discovering. This is the real danger.

dongiovannirecords ago

Yes, of course i am concerned about child sex trafficking and would be even if I wasn't a parent!

And I realize my company and sex stains haven't been that involved, but what I am trying to communicate to you as that we are a very very small company and sex stains are a very very small band, so this small level of involvement from such a large movement is actually a lot to us.

Spuddlebuns ago

Joe, thank you for taking the time to join the community, and post a very calm, rational, and accessible post. I cannot speak for others, but I would like to apologize for the rabid vigilantes who may be harassing you. Sadly, as more and more people become familiar with the situation, you may find yourself under more and more stupid harassment. Sadly, although those individuals are not investigating, they will be lumped in with the people who honestly are trying to sift facts from hearsay, innuendo, and rumor.

Hopefully, by being so forthright with this community, the cynical eyes will soon look elsewhere and the harassment will stop. The only suggestion I can give, is for you to take the time to create a "disclaimer" page somewhere, showing your argument about the Sex Stains symbol, and visually debunking it, with the ability to post the link to show people. No, it will not make the harassment go away, but it may hopefully tamp it down somewhat.

Again, thank you for rationally communicating, rather than playing a victim of harassment card, like so many others in this situation are doing.

dongiovannirecords ago

I appreciate hearing that, and like I tried to say, any interactions I've had like this via email with people in your group are also very kind and just seem to have questions. At the same time though, like I said, during those interactions this band and then now me and the label are being harassed for what seems like no reason. It took me a while to even figure out what was going on honestly since I didn't really know anything about the pizza thing.

Here is something I had sent someone privately via email who was discussing it with me, which is advice for your general investigation:

"As for whatever is going on with Comet Ping Pong, I don't really know enough about the controversy to even try to comment on it. But I can tell you as someone that works with many artists and has played in bands themselves, that when a band is on a national tour like Sex Stains was (they are from LA and that venue is in DC) they have very little say or even knowledge of the places they are playing. Where bands play on tour usually just has to do with what spaces promoters are able to find available that night. It is often the case that a venue will have a very bad reputation for one reason or another, not usually as extreme as this, but for something like not paying the bands properly or the owner being a drug dealer or something, and bands don't even know about it till they show up. So I would be careful about reading too much into the type of bands and names of bands etc. that play the venue, especially if they are nationally touring bands because most just play wherever the promotor is able to book them."

I'll just add to that too, because truly the only thing I can help shed any light on related to this whole thing just has to do with music and bands work, not pizza, sex trafficking or politics work, is that I really wouldn't read too much into bands names or imagery in the punk community. While I personally do not agree with this mentality, there is a general mentality in many parts of punk to try to be as offensive and vulgar as possible as a way to essentially celebrate freedom of speech and push its boundaries. While I am a huge free speech proponent, I personally tend find this stuff immature and somewhat offensive (though I believe they have the right to say it). So its true, that I would probably be very offended by a band with a name that alluded to child sex trafficking, it would be because i was offended that they were making light of a serious issue, not because i believed they were involved in it.

My label and the bands involved, like Sex Stains, and truly most of the bands that would play a room as small as the one at Comet Ping Pong do not make any money and do not have any money. Many are barely scraping by with money from day jobs making coffee and stuff like that. So I would also try to keep that in mind too. If you are trying to make an argument that there are these power brokers out there covering up huge scandals, like I said earlier, I do believe that happens. But it would be a joke to think myself or any of the bands involved at this scale are power brokers. If anything is really happening, they are just caught up in it because of where the DC promoter booked them on their tour.