quantokitty ago

There is a tentative link between Alefantis and Gavin Newsom of California. He contributed a minimal amount to his campaign for governor in 2010. http://www.electiontrack.com/lookup.php?committee=1308175

Newsom was caught plagiarizing an attack on Trump: http://www.breitbart.com/california/2016/07/24/gavin-newsom-plagiarizes-attack-donald-trump/

After Newsom resigned from his position as Mayor of SF, Mayor Lee took over. A consultant to Lee was arrested on child pornography charges.


So nothing directly tying or link Newsom of anything except the plagiarism and ties to Alefantis. But it could have been political. He was trying to become governor. Trying to be careful and fair here.

LionParty ago

https://sli.mg/GYX7M4 Make sure to switch yourself off of imgur and onto sli.mg. Imgur is likely compromised.

Truthplease5 ago

this All About Kids Babysitting yelp page is sketchy... people have concerns.. 5 stars probably fake https://www.yelp.com/biz/all-about-kids-babysitting-tahoe-city?start=40 :

  • " ... co-sleeping with my daughter, under the covers... We had to throw water on her to wake her up after 2 minutes...We called our pediatrician and she, of course without seeing our daughter, said it sounded like she had been given something...CPS and BBB will be formally involved"
  • "...Kirsten sent verbally abusing and harassing text messages, and acted extremely unprofessional... I have never met Kirsten or anyone else apart of the management of this business. A friend referred me, and she has never met Kirsten either. No application or background check was required for this position..."
  • "...Kirsten (the owner) seems to have a habit of not responding to her clients concerns about her business..."
  • "BEWARE: Never ever use this service if you actually need a babysitter."
  • "She was very quick to respond first when I told her I was going to book the service, but as soon as I requested the information about her babysitters to verify with Trustline, she completely stopped responding to me. "

Truthplease5 ago

is she related to California's Attorney General Kamala Harris? - referenced in this article http://southtahoenow.com/story/03/05/2016/south-lake-tahoe-not-immune-human-trafficking

Truthplease5 ago


she is a Research Assistant @ LECG who do " global litigation; economics; consulting and business advisory; and governance, assurance, and tax expert services firm"


Truthplease5 ago

these other linked sites at the bottom of the page you link also have the symbol.. same format different names :

Tahoe Childcare

Sacramento Childcare

Napa Childcare

Mammoth Childcare

my_p3t_goat ago

Made a seperate post go read yelp reviews very fucked up https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1432286

ShockDoctrine101 ago

You're gonna love this - I remember reading a bunch of Lake Tahoe references in Podesta's emails

Here's a sample


Doug Band: In tahoe! Hope your surviving

John Podesta: Still Standing.

Doug Band: You look good on tv. You need to eat some fried food though. Tahoe is a slice of heaven. Truly special

John Podesta: Made there 1 night this year. Mary's been out more

quantokitty ago


nimblenav ago

it's a lead!