cat_of_doom ago

Found one of the podesta's in there. Intriguing stuff

bdmthrfkr ago

In fairness you got me on that one, I didn't actually click the link to the page, I just thought that this was a personal testimony. Doesn't matter though, this is a classic case of a sleeper account suddenly being woken up and used by CTR or some other psyop org. They are flooding Voat at the moment, ever since PizzaGate moved over and you all should take anything that is posted as fake until evidence is provided.

I am actually quite surprised at how stupid these shills are, why activate an old dormant account when you could have easily made a new one and slipped in with the PizzaGate inflow. I would keep a close eye on that account if I were you and take anything that he posts as false until proven legit.

my_p3t_goat ago

Don't be a moron. I made this account 2 years ago when voat went alpha. I am a long time r/conspiracy member. Believe what you want chuckles. Your record for grasping what is going on is already laughable.

Barry_McCochiner ago

Looks like another symbol in Rhode island foster care page

throwitawayn0w ago

Will Lightbourne is in charge of the CDSS, which is in charge of Trustline. Apparently, he's been a bit suspect. We must go deeper. Random wordpress, may have clues.

LostandFound ago

Does anyone have the link to the FBI doc with the images and their meanings?

SavedGameStudios ago

Yeah, there are a few:

LostandFound ago

Appreciated thank you

sleepingbeautycan ago

There is a box at the bottom of the website from Trustline. Trustline calls itself "California's background check for In-Home Daycare". The 1-800 number is 1-800-822-8490. I wonder if they are actually certified with Trustline or they just threw the logo on there.

RightThisWay ago

In one of the Yelp reviews, a client claims to have asked the owner to provide proof the company was certified with Trustline, and says she received no answer and no proof.

ArchCovenant ago

What about this review?? "You Suck" "I usually don't bother giving bad reviews but when it comes to kids, I need to say something. I had high hopes for this to be a good experience as my friend recommended it. However, I was very disappointed. During the two hours our sitter needed to attend to our kids before putting them to bed, she continuously used her cell phone to text her friends. At one point she called her friend to discuss "getting her ID back" and during this conversation she said to her friend "ya, I'm with these two little kids... they suck... just kidding". Later, she even said the same thing TO my kids "you suck, just kidding". Maybe this is how she interacts with friends, but when you're an "experienced childcare professional" working for a family who is paying $23/hour PLUS service charge, I would expect her to understand that what she said isn't appropriate. I would also expect her to wait to text and make phone calls until after the kids are in bed. To add insult to injury, I reached out to Kirsten Harris, the owner of this company, to express my disappointment about the service and she didn't respond (well, except to charge our credit card). If you're wanting what their website says which is someone who will bring over toys and activities and who is a true childcare professional, you are rolling the dice with this organization. And if you're not satisfied, don't expect an apology or even a response. They clearly don't care."

This is really strange as this parent got a weird vibe about this. Was she trying to get the child to perform?

occultelite ago

In the review a mom state the the babysitter was " sleeping with the baby " and " was probably high ".


smokratez ago

Once we get the cops on our side against the pedos, shit is going to get real. You are safe for now pedos. How long will that last.

Gorillion ago

JFC, that looks like a serial killer's calling card.

tobor ago

Girl lovers symbol also found on Good Humor Ice Cream. Go to good humor dot com and check it out.

hunter3 ago

wheres the logo?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Sheeeeeeeeit you are right. Nasty shit.

bdmthrfkr ago

OP is full of shit. Why would I say something like that?

  1. If OP were read into pizzagate she would have instantly recognized the symbol in the logo and NEVER would have called that company for babysitting services.

  2. Shill account. For all of you new guys here there is an easy way to spot a CTR account, hover your mouse over the username. If it is an old account that has almost no activity it is almost 100% a "sleeper" that they just activated (we have been seeing a lot of that over here for a while now.

You all can spend your time chasing down this lead but I highly doubt that CTR would send you after a legit pedo org. This is most likely a wild goose chase.

kneo24 ago

It seems like they just copied and pasted a review from Yelp. This doesn't mean it's their review.

my_p3t_goat ago

Sherlock here has me all figured

goatsandbros ago

Just in case:

accountt1234 ago

Wrong Kirsten, this is her:

LionParty ago

Make sure to try and ween yourself off of imgur and onto Imgur is very possibly compromised due to its ties with Reddit.

LostandFound ago

Keep up the good work soldier, thats alarm bells right there.

Truthplease5 ago

what is this daily limit of upvote nonsense??

rieekan ago

This is the sound a Redditor makes when they first encounter

"Wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Wwaaa-waaa-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

CCP = comment contribution points.
Check in to it.

gAvenger ago

Sick. Notice that the girl love symbol is very hard to notice. If you did consciously notice it it's innocuous enough to seem like nothing. Otherwise, you'd have to be looking to find it.

Titus-of-Voat ago

Where is it? I don't know what the symbol looks like.

Stuffed_Crust ago

Love heart on the hand, top left corner. roughly matches the heart image found in the known pedophile symbols sheet ?leaked? from the FBI.

PizzaPoop ago

I think just published

Titus-of-Voat ago


I wonder what the odds are whoever designed the logo for the business had no idea what that was. I certainly never would have known.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Yes at first I was ready to chalk this up to bad babysitter on drugs. But reading all those reviews I do have a tinge of wonder if this isn't how pizza is obtained in some form or fashion. People can feel vibes and when something feels funny without reasonable explanation.. toilet... my god... he must of really wanted to get laid that night to not flip his shit right then and there.

Gorillion ago

My friends husband then went up 10 minutes later as he was uneasy.

Never ignore these feelings. That guy was a hero. Civility and social propriety make us wary of acting on or voicing these feelings and suspicions, and this is what predators count on.

Stuffed_Crust ago

The ass end of one of those reviews from a former staff member:

I have never met Kirsten or anyone else apart of the management of this business. A friend referred me, and she has never met Kirsten either. No application or background check was required for this position. Kirsten simply sends me the address, and I show up. For at least five sitters I know, the same process occurs. Being a business student myself, this is not only a poorly operated business, but also very unsafe.

When i first clicked ops link i was ready to dismiss the logo as a coincidence, but then to see those reviews... it just doesn't end!

my_p3t_goat ago

go read the yelp reviews.

I would give this company NO stars if that was an option. IF you care about your children, you will NEVER use this company. This is going to be lengthy, and for good reason, so I completely encourage you to READ EVERYTHING as it's imperative to the SAFETY of your children! 1. Arranging the babysitting appointment. That went well. She contacted me twice to set up the appointment and to make sure that we were all set up with our appointment. Which would be for over 9 hours while we attended a wedding. The babysitter, JACKIE R, would be in charge of my daughter: 13 months, and my friends son, 2.5 years old.
2. Jackie showed up at our hotel. All seemed fine. We went to the wedding ceremony, and an hour and a half later, I sent my husband up, as Jackie was not responding to my texts. My husband walked in and Jackie said, "oh your daughter bit him (pointing at the 2.5 year old), and I gave them a bath because she was swimming in the toilet." Needless to say, she could completely die if she was to fall in the toilet. Also, she has NEVER bit anyone. But okay, he gave her the benefit of the doubt; there's a first for everything. He left. Came back to the wedding and told us that things seemed "weird". My friends husband then went up 10 minutes later as he was uneasy. He found Jackie in bed watching Tv, and she said "this is great, I don't have TV at home...I am just catching up on Bravo." The 2.5 year old was on his iPad and my daughter was staring at the TV. He immediately came down to the wedding and said, "she's high. Something is up." My friend and I literally ran upstairs. 3. We immediately sent her home as she was co-sleeping with my daughter, under the covers, and almost asleep with her (there was a crib set up for her.) She was in and out of it, and seemed to be high, possibly on pills. After she left we inspected the 2.5 year old and he said he fell not that my daughter had bit him!!!!! Now, he could have made that up. However, none of the stories added up. I then went to wake up my daughter as she ODDLY didn't wake up with all the commotion. SHE WOULD NOT WAKE UP. She was extremely lethargic. I have transported my daughter several times from crib to home, etc and this is NOT her behavior. We had to throw water on her to wake her up after 2 minutes. We called Jackie at that point to ask her if anything strange happened. She denied anything strange. We called our pediatrician and she, of course without seeing our daughter, said it sounded like she had been given something. I then called Kirsten and told her to call me immediately. I received an email at 2am with her defending Jackie (Jackie had obviously called her and had heard NONE of the story from us.) 4. It has been 4 days and after several emails and phone calls with acute details of the incident, she has yet to get back to us. Both moms missed the wedding as we were monitoring our children. 5. We feel lucky that nothing worse happened to our precious children. This business should not be operational. And the COMPLETE lack of caring as to what actually happened to our children is UNFORGIVABLE.
6. CPS and BBB will be formally involved!

Revolutionismyname ago

More symbols. Seems a little blatent.

Nicefind ago

Check All The Children Facebook site. Check comments. Someone says to change logo ASAP

pizzaisbadmmkay ago

Basically all the reviews are either 1 star or 5 stars.

Seems very suspicious.

sleepingbeautycan ago

predators -> 5 stars prey -> 1 star

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

That is some sickening shit

OntoYu ago

I'm looking at the list of care providers. Any idea why some of them would be listed multiple times? I don't see a Jackie R. listed there anywhere either.