tourgen ago

They kikes will leave some of the children. You see, the jew requires armed opposition to maintain cohesion in their own group. If they aren't fighting an enemy constantly, their people become less radicalized, less unified, and less motivated to preserve and protect kike culture for their future generations.

They actually require war and strife to maintain their culture.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

When the white race falls and there's no one left to prop israel up I wonder what the sandniggers will do to them...

CFR223 ago

Why don't all of you butthurt muzzies just take Israel out? Oh wait, you already tried and failed.

Keep fucking your goats and marrying 9 year olds.

WhatADan ago

Of course they failed, they have 60's soviet tech while occupied Palestine has an infinite supply of new American arms and tech.

CFR223 ago

Who cares? They still lost, and quite frankly they should be glad Israel didn't take more from them.

MrBloom ago

Except, these lands aren't occupied - can't occupy something which doesn't have a rightful owner.

privategoat ago

Fucking kikes are afraid of stones when they have all the advanced weaponry stolen from USA. They are also extremely jealous of Palestinians' because they actually have a home that the world recognizes....

Ma_ma_my_corona ago

Makes you wonder who is worse. Jews or muzzies. They are the same. Its just different shades of the same color.

generate ago

better jews than muslims dumb iranian shill

Ken_bingo2 ago

That nose is not jewish, but I know they use some slave race for most of their soldiers.

wolf_534 ago

Palestinians are not an indigenous or even distinct ethnic group, but an invention from Arafat, the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. He used this to describe the mixture of Levantins, Egypts and Arabs currently living in the Palestinian region.

Palestinians and jews are enemies, but this does not imply that Palestinians must be your friend.

The day the Jews leave Palestine will be similar to Whites leaving South Africa or Serbs leaving Kosovo: The Palestinians, Bantus and Albanians suddenly realize their society is still a shithole, and they all come to Europe demanding Asylum.

Israel is an industrial Nation after all, and it is better the Arabs find jobs there than coming to Europe.

privategoat ago

Found the kike ^^^


1ntiko ago

Invention 😂 those people was living there before arafat became their leader

They are indigenous as they live there from centuries

the jews "Israeli" left that land long ago is their fault they left they runned away, you can't calim your house onece you left it for another other person and tell him is my house

You're drunk on just an ignorant of the history

MrBloom ago

For how long does people have to live in specified area to become "indigenous"?

tablewalk ago


MrBloom ago

Solidarity with invented people? What's next? Solidarity with Narnians and Hobbits?

tablewalk ago

Other imperialists try to erase people, say the indigenous Americans or Australians, but they at least admit they exist.

Only Zionists take imperialism to that conclusion of trying to erase a people from the pages of history altogether.

Here's a mention of "the people called the Palestinians" from 1150 BC:

MrBloom ago

Also, the mention is of "Philistines", not "Palestinians". Totally different people who were exterminated by 700 BCE.

By the way, the name "philistines" comes from Hebrew "פלש" - "pls", which means "invade"

MrBloom ago

If "Palestinians" ever existed as a people, there should be "Palestinian" language.

Yet, there's none.

As a matter of fact, these are the only "people" that don't have a language or a culture of their own.

Helena73 ago

I guess you are being sarcastic. But I am there. I can’t imagine a bigger enemy to me and my way of life right now than the nation of Israel. They have destroyed my country. And they have totally stolen this muzzie’s country. Enemy of my enemy.

RedoubtRenee ago

Easily photoshopped...just sayin'

CrackerSlant ago

Israel didn't exist until 1948

WhatADan ago

It still doesn't.

dimlaser ago

Stupid jew forgot his clip.

FridayJones ago

Every bad thing the jews said about the Germans is what the jews themselves did in places like the Ghettos of Europe in which they had Kapos who acted exactly like the most evil of the movie Nazis. The jews accuse others of their own crimes, with major embellishments that are often patently ludicrous lies.

Sloppy_Joe ago

The fate of all people in the world if Zionists get their New World.

ciaozuzu ago

"Oh no the Palestinians threw rocks at us out of frustration... let's carpet bomb them with phosphorus. It's okay stupid America will protect us!"

CFR223 ago

Don't fuck with the big dog on the block, maybe muzzies are just too thick to understand that?

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PriMerovingian ago

Fuck em both

the_magic_man1 ago

Ignorant view. Your country funds Israel to occupy this land. Fuck America and Israel, Palestinians haven't done anything wrong here.

Blood-is-Nature ago

your country funds...

Fund in hebrew means "to build" cannot build on usury, because one cannot build out of nothing. The belief that one can is what changed your country into (((your))) country.

PriMerovingian ago

Fuck Muslims and fuck you

the_magic_man1 ago

I'm a retard

Yes, you've demonstrated that nicely

PriMerovingian ago

I'm a stupid bitch faggot that gets raped by his own dad and likes it

Oh man, dude calm down, you're sharing way too much about yourself.

AlwaysBWhitePositive ago

They wear diapers in-case of any real danger, because they shit themselves.

badruns ago

With US weapons

rspix000 ago

They don't really hate us "for our freedoms".

badruns ago

Waaaaaat but Dubya was so convincing when he repeated that over and over.

TFS ago

Poor kid! Those evil rats with tiny hats needs to be dealt with decisively once and for all...