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26286121? ago

The crazy bitch Rubin and the Washington Compost?

26286181? ago

Psycho bitch Seems to go beyond some usual political name and shame, maybe a daul citizen kike spy is stalking American citizens, family intimidation and harassment? @Wheatstone @Nekketsu ? @Sheeitpost ? @SaneandAware @1Sorry_SOB

26417005? ago

another who cares for the pallywood propaganda?

26417031? ago

At one time the US didnt support them, they used Frog weapons and other peoples tanks and guns and yet they still kicked the ass of Arab states even though multiple Arab states attacked Israel at the same time? The propaganda and photos seem like endless bullshit. Why would anyone chose one side or another, one are disgusting kikes ther other jihadist sand people who are obsessed with that shit book and act out like koranimals. @TFS @badruns ? @AlwaysBWhitePositive ? @privategoat @Sloppy_Joe

26417125? ago

I like how these dumbass fucking crybabies criticize the kikes for defeating arabs on the battle field say the kike jew land is not theirs when it clearly is and they kicked arab ass each time states of arabs tried to fight the Jewish by force...the crybaby hissfits, its like some crybaby bitch angry they lost some tabletop game and trying to flip the table over in a hissyfit. The muslim islamist occupied lands of Kosovo, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Bosnia didnt exist until the 50s 60s 70s, 1980s and 1990s ... should these nations be demolished to stop the spread of islamic cancer? /u/CrackerSlant @CrackerSlant Should these pro-muslim islamist nations be destroyed so that older Empire and older more legit Cultures can be re-established?? @Helena73 @generate @RedoubtRenee wake up you dumb fucks, learn from those old Chinese war books dont make friends with such shitbags, kike or kebab, The enemy of my enemy IS STILL My Enemy

26418080? ago

I am totally for driving muslims out of europe and any other place where they haven’t been for at least 500 years. But muslims are not the biggest threat right now. I believe we should focus on our greatest enemy. If that coincides with palestinian, iranian interests now, great. One thing at a time. Europeans cannot even think about reclaiming muslim areas until we control our own countries.

26417166? ago

@rspix000 @Ken_bingo2 @wolf_534 seems the kikes were better fighters than those inbred Low IQ islamics @dimlaser now who said what? @1ntiko the human race might be better if islam was mostly wiped from the face of this Earth, some shit original backward tribe of islam could be confined to Mecca that other shit flavor of islam can stay in some part of Iran, the Middle East was Pagan, Babylonian, Christian, Vedic, Jewish and Egyptian before that inbred pedo terrorist shithead mohammed came along and ruined everything. The Middle East is not supposed to be islamic, they prayed to other gods before this islamist moslem shit came along. Stop the islamic occupation of non-muslim lands!

26420427? ago

If it weren't for the Library at Allexandria, maintained by the Muslims during the European dark ages, the Greek teachings would have been lost to humanity.

26420975? ago

The Library was attacked many times but in the end it was moslems themselves who also finally looted, attacked and destroyed their own heritage and Library. Several later islamic and Arabic sources describe the library's destruction by the muslims themselves dumbass muslim in Egypt killing their own culture and history, attacked by the order of Caliph Omar.Bar-Hebraeus, writing in the thirteenth century, quotes Omar as saying to Yaḥya al-Naḥwi "If those books are in agreement with the book of the pedophile prophet of islam in the Koran or Quran, we as Low IQ jihadi moslems have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them."

26421053? ago

“Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.” Victor Stenger