SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

I'd prefer a niggerfree environment. I think, with counseling, Jews can be brought around. You can't make a monkey think though. It's ALWAYS the candy choice with that crowd.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

WHy link me?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

It sure smells kosher in here all of a sudden

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm a Christian, if that's what you're driving at. Though I try not to eat port now, afther having spent a long time in my life eating barbeque. Don't miss it much. Never really liked ham. LOVE a good reuben sandwich. Dunno. TV preacher says I'm Jewish and don't know it (10 lost tribes went over the caucusus mountains and invented europe). Just dunno. Probably never will. DO prefer Jews over niggers PERIOD. WHo wouldn't?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

DO prefer Jews over niggers PERIOD. WHo wouldn't?

Anybody that knows anything about anything at all.

Niggers disrupt their own neighborhood, jews disrupt the world.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm autistic, I'm a machine quantitatively, and recognized for it. My intellect SCREAMS deal with the niggers first, then learn what the Jews are up to, and proceed based on that. If YOU are correct, they WILL use niggers against us, if you are wrong, niggers STILL have to go, and perhaps we can arrive at detante with Jews or something. At LEAST they can think.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lmao. get lost jewfag

thebearfromstartrack ago

Pray you don't meet me with that attitude.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

suck a baby dick you dirty jew loving faggot

thebearfromstartrack ago

You want me to suck a baby dick? You like niggers better than Jews? You think I'm a fag? You are in DEEP doodoo.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

uh oh, this kike just said I'm in deep doodoo. oy vey!

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm a MONSTER. A REAL one. You're a walking turd. I think. You don't express yourself as anyone that knows honor (how I KNOW if you're interested).

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

hey look everyone we got a tough guy here

thebearfromstartrack ago

Don't look like that. Not a hunter. Autistic. Honest. monster. RARELY lose, even before I repented. Keep playing pussy boy. You WILL get what YOU deserve.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

God, please drop a dumptruck on this miscreant's head. Thx. Amen.

Splooge ago

Are you actually autistic or are you using that in the vernacular sense?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Go to good indicator. I got a 42.

puggy ago

this looks like an illustration from Watchtower, the 7th day adventist magazine

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The Watchtower is a Jehovah Witness publication, and yes I pulled it from that lol

puggy ago

Thanks for the correction. Jehovah Witnesses often seem to be well dressed elderly middle class black women who seem to appreciate white culture and want to get as far from ghetto as possible. Their illustrations look like perfect white culture but with other races added. It's a fantasy.

kammmmak ago

Yeah imagine it.

Because it will never be reality.

Truthsayer9000 ago

no jew yet still multiculturalism prevails? fuck off

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The original picture's supposed to represent world peace, a world free of satan's grip

Truthsayer9000 ago

but i don't care about the "world", only Europe

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Okay then.

DanielR ago

I see some niggers, so not a perfect world YET

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I don't see any tattoos, saggy baggy jeans, gang signs or guns

There's a difference between a nigger and a black man.

DanielR ago

There is none, only a cuck tries to find a difference where there is none. Or a kike.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

oNlY a CuCk

DanielR ago

*only a cuck

I fixed it for you, since you seemed retarded and couldnt write proper

Maroonsaint ago

Hmm. How about instead of living with them they leave or die. Kill th e children first as that’s the next generation. Killing parents is pretty much a waste of time

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You already know you're too much of a little bitch to kill anybody, jewboy

Maroonsaint ago

Iv actually wanted to kill people for as long as I can remember. It’s just can I get away with it you know.

Maroonsaint ago

Send me your nudes

Monstrum ago

We wouldnt have to imagine if you faggy americans didnt get involved in the war. My grandpa fought on the right side. Congrats on winning btw, hope those young christians boys dying for israel was worth it

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Look at the jew trying to stir the pot.

tokui ago

Anericans are not so smart, eh? A few jews can get them to do anything - even send their own sons to certain death to fight for the jews.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I definitely know more people who don't join the military than those who do. It's just part of the reality of the bell curve

boekanier ago

But then there still are niggers, spics, sandniggers... who will make misery.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

There's a difference between a black man and a nigger. One chooses to live through impulse and the other through self control.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Jews make leopards attack us? Who knew?

pby1000 ago


philmchawk ago

Gross diversity.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Notice all the couples and families are the same race. They embrace their own cultures while living in peace

chirogonemd ago

Thinking that the world would live in peace without Jews is just mind-numbing stupidity.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Sounds like something a jew would say

chirogonemd ago

Then you've never had a conflict in your life with someone non-Jewish?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

If the world was filled with like-minded Christians peace would be easily accessible.

chirogonemd ago

Like-minded Christians?

Study the period of European history from about 1520 - 1648 and talk to me about like-mindedness. The Thirty Years War in particular.

Here's your continuum of Christian "like-mindedness"

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Yeah, but someone is feeding a leopard an apple. I think the perfect world is sundown towns. We can all interact and engage in commerce with each other during the day, but after 9PM, you stay in your own area.

whatever_12345 ago

Not good enough. They need to be in their own land. Not next to Whites.

AntiMason ago

So whites in Europe?

whatever_12345 ago

No, Whites first off. Then Whites in Europe and North America. No exceptions. Fuck this jew shit and nigger shit.

Our land is Europe and North America. Our primary enemy is the faggot fucking jew.

Charlez6 ago

Yeah... If you think that's possible, the Jews have got to you a little bit.

Diversity + Proximity = Conflict

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

A world full of Christians is the jews biggest enemy.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

This is the way of Universe. Those thinking otherwise will not long exist.

Overdriver ago

Rooftop asians aren't that bad, in a world where everyone knew there place there is no need not to do business or be sociable sometimes to a good ol' roofer. I think the monkey at the back is probably kept on locldown and only let out for a bbq every month; plus the jaguars (you can't chimp out in front of jaguars man) .

Voaters_Gonna_Voat ago

What possesses the jew to dismantle this way of living? This is seen as racist, but in my mind is more pro race than anything I've ever seen. It is great when people thrive together and make their own community great instead of replacing the culture of another. Blacks are often shown to be replacing white men in commercials and other advertisements, I believe this to be anti-race and anti-cultural. It harms both races, blacks thrown into a pleasant different world and expected to act white, which they will never, and whites are eliminated from the picture either assumed to be a lesser figure or absentee father. Race mixing divides cultures in America and leads to identity loss as a people. Some would say the opposite, that it invites more cultures into other's lives - Beto and Warren pretending to be Spanish and Native American are prime examples of why this is false. Getting to chose an identity because you are 1/250 of everything is meaningless and your culture is bullshit. So be white, be black, be asian, marry your own race, and ignore the jew.

Blood-is-Nature ago

What possesses the jew to dismantle this way of living?

Hitler found the best term to describe it...rootless. The nomadic lifestyle is highly self destructive, because it lacks the control infrastructure of the family unit/race/nation. In a healthy natural tribe the weakest members will be automatically stand out, today this is being frowned upon as bullying, but in nature it serves the function of culling the weak to preserve the strength of the core. A modern day example of how destructive such a lifestyle is can be found in the celebrity culture. Money and fame puts these people inside a bubble in which they are completely isolated from the outside world. They are traveling nonstop, while literally playing a role all the time, this behavior has multiple consequences...a slow build up of resentment towards everyone who isn't in their bubble, broken family units, substance abuse, mental health issues, corruption by the temptations of greed and power, and the even more destructive lifestyle of the sexual "liberated". The latter means the addiction to lust based sterile sex, which another set of negative consequences to the table, such as disloyalty, abusive behavior, deception, the thrill of chasing taboos, degeneracy, sadism, violent criminal acts etc.

Now, the celebrity status is solely based upon a fast corruption by a high money influx, which is comparable with the lotto millionaires, who get ripped out of their stable infrastructure into a world of unstable sin. So this all describes a momentary nomadic way of imagine the so called jews living like this for millennia. Furthermore their initial motivation was always crime, so they deliberately indulged in all the negative consequences to further their criminal agenda. From inbreeding for greed to systematic race-mixing as a form of concealment, to the exploitation of every degeneracy known to men...the so called jews did it all by choice, while building upon it , and while constantly moving around. They are an unchecked, totally out of control tribe of parasitical criminals, who are riddled with physical and mental corruption, which they use as excuses and justifications to keep their fear and hate-based terrorism going on. The whole "a world of our own" agenda is just yet another justification for their negative actions.

What the rest of humanity has to comprehend is that their own survival is based upon fighting against the parasite that is devouring them from within.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

It's in their prophecy to enslave all non-jews. They believe since browns generally have a lower IQ that they're easier to enslave, therefore if you turn the entire world's population into a brown mutt race they can more easily enslave humanity.

They want to be the only light skinned, blue/green eyed race that rules over the "subhuman cattle" so that they can never lift a finger and live in their idea of a utopia.

White people are the jews biggest threat

philmchawk ago

They're being forced to live in the same area and the next generation will lose all their own cultures. Separate the culture/people keep traveling great, people happy, and people nationalistic.

Ischyos ago

Maybe they're just all coming together that one time for one huge barbecue to celebrate the demise of the eternal Jew, after which they all disperse back into their homogeneous nations.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Could just be a yearly gathering of the races to celebrate the anniversary of the final solution.

Dream a little man.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The picture is actually ripped from some Jehovah Witness literature and I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to represent world peace and all people getting along. It looks like just a potluck or something

philmchawk ago

I don't give a fuck what the jewish justification is, the actual message is live until you fuck others and become a low IQ no culture wage slave group goyim.

whatever_12345 ago

Who's a rockstar ^ philmchawk is a rockstar! The jew is just one piece of the puzzle. Only a White nation state.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Sure, I guess anything can be possible in your imagination if you try hard enough

philmchawk ago

They tell you in the name. When you have a melting pot what happens? It all mixes together into one thing.

Diggernicks ago

I'd rather imagine one without catholics

CameraCode0 ago

Yeesh, are your employers aware of the subpar work you are putting out? Come on man, at least try. This is just sad.