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lkjdaqp ago

Israeli and Glownigger shills want to protect the kikes.

They want you following their anti-Islam psychos so you can clear out Palestine for Ben Shapiro and his sister to have imbred children.

They want you to go to war for them goy.

When muzzies and christians fight each other, only the kike prospers.

It is only when muzzies and christians come together will there ever be freedom for humanity from our parasitic relationship.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You see it here on Voat all the time.

"We need to fix the jewish problem"

"Ya I agree, but first we should get the Catholics! And don't forget the niggers.. I trust a jew more than the niggers!"

Splooge ago

Who the fuck is dense enough to say they trust kikes over niggers??

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

This was the most recent :

Splooge ago

Damn. Well there it is. Always thought the guy was interesting in a spazzy kinda way, but... well... there it is.

Thanks for digging that up.