satisfyinghump ago

What's with the push to post such young girls to this site? Is there a hope it would influence the outside world to believe voaters are interested in that? Fucking disgusting, report this shit and take it down. Report the OP.

Battaglio ago

Do those exist? I don't think those exist. Pics IRL or it didn't happen.

SearchVoatBot ago

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damnmedia ago

Decades of (((Hollywood))) media pollution have completely fucked up the common man's ability to read ages. People have been subconsciously brainwashed into a false standard, by 30-something actresses and actors caked with makeup and carved up with plastic surgery who play "teen" roles in movies.

Reminds me of back when I was in college and a major movie was being shot on location. Every role that was in the background or off-focus was played by a real student extra. Every role that was on-focus or involved speaking was played by a professional. The directors never let the real students directly interact with the professional actors on camera, because allowing even a brief side-by-side comparison would spoil the movie illusion by making clear that the movie's "teen" protagonist characters were much, much older. And apparently this was standard industry practice.

boekanier ago

Wait until Father Time catches up with her.

syntaxaxe ago

The words are true.

However, I'll not be fucking a 13 year old, thank you. I'm not sure which website you think you're on, but there's not a whole lot of Jewish film producers or Muslims here.

KimBellend ago

She could easily be 18. And if she is 15 or 16, is that bad? In previous days she would be married by that age.

The problem is not her youth - because at 15 (say) she is in fact ready to be impregnated - but that society is so broken nowadays that men just want to use her holes and not marry her.

What a woman has to offer - her beauty and her fertility - have a very short season. She needs to use that to get the best deal she can get for herself and her eggs.

Fucking Tyrone and taking drugs and having abortions and getting STDs until maybe she can get some fool to pay for her dried up eggs and IVF at 32 years of age is not a good life course for her or for society.

Much better to marry young and marry well to a settled man, probably ten, fifteen or twenty years older.

hankylanky ago

Every time I check in on Voat I'm amazed at how fucked up you all are in terms of racism, misogyny, paranoia, etc. But this is the first time you've openly admitted pedophilia.

KimBellend ago

She is a white woman of fertile years.

What's the matter Shlomo? Afraid a white child might be born?

Phantom42 ago

Of pistol ammo? Good thinking. Why hang 'em when you can just shoot them?

Phantom42 ago

There are no virgins over 16, if you are a white female who is even mildly attractive.

Fixed that for you. All the women are whores and on the Day of the Rope they go too.

yewotm8 ago

You can thank "age of consent" laws for that one. Forbid them from marrying men interested in marriage, only let them fuck other teenagers, and this is what you get.

Phantom42 ago

Makes sense to me. Used to be, I'd wonder why the Hell couples were almost a decade apart in age. I thought it was weird.

That was my high school pozzed mind though. Really, it's how it should work. 26-16, 30-20, etc.

Those extra years a man is alone gives him time to focus and build up his life. Then, when stable, he reins in a fine girl younger than him and they chill out together with a nice family and such.

So, considering I'm a dateless virgin at 19, contrary to what the world may believe, I'd say I'm doing extremely well.

Except for the fact that the women have completely failed and there is no way I'm going to get with "the leftovers". So, unfortunately, I will remain alone. It's fine though... If a war breaks out, I won't have much holding me back.

QQ1265 ago

Meet mine when was 17. 1993. Thought she was muh virgin only one, I was hers. 12 years later I found put she wasn't.

My cousin nailed her first.

True story.

KimBellend ago

Women lie. True.

Incty ago

You realize you can’t help who you fall in love with right?

KimBellend ago

More Jew shaming talk.

"You goyim must put aside all concerns about chastity and loyalty and beauty. Marry cynical whores with abortion-scraped wombs! "

"If you like attractive young women, you must be a pedophile! Here, goy, take Tyrone's tatted-up sloppy seconds!"

Incty ago

I’m a mother. I’ve had daughters. I know what an underage girl looks like, and the model in that pic is one!

Incty ago

That’s not a woman, it’s a kid, dimwit.

Kili ago

You had me at debt-free.

LaLlorona ago

I'm really hoping voats not made up of weirdos that prefer underage girls

KimBellend ago

Underage? How would you know that? Because he doesn't look like some fat, tatted-up cankled skank that you'd meet at at the pub?

Your mind has been completely Jewed.

You don't have to settle for a worn-out whore in her 30s.

12angrymen ago

I love Nordic beauty

DietCokehead1 ago

That girl is 16

draaaak ago

The zero-cock stare.

KimBellend ago


jollux ago

That looks like a kid, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

thelma ago

@zlycon_b is looking at his "age of consent legal manual" right now.

lanre ago

Also ladies, any decent man will prefer someone who can manage a household (not a demeaning thing) over someone that wants to have a career and put the kids in daycare.

rspix000 ago

My how 2008 changed the modern dowry to be scaled back to "debt free".

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol! In america probably pretty damn rare and they are not good looking..

Captain_Faggot ago

When voat is so used to ugly fat bitches that slim girls look underage.

What a time to be alive.

I'm in my 30's and still get asked for id, should my pics be banned? God damn insecure faggots.

KimBellend ago

Absolutely. These fags have all been henpecked and brow-beaten to claim that they don't like attractive young women in their most fertile years. They are scared and weak.

"If she doesn't need IVF, she's too young for you goy!"

Incty ago

Uh CF, you know it’s not hard to look young when you’re in your 30s. I get carded and I was a teenager when Reagan was President.

pdeee ago

Tattoos never make a woman hotter. Never.

hillaryisabitch ago

Why does everyone have to assume the intent is to fuck an underage girl with this picture? It could also be about raising a daughter that fits this mold.

KimBellend ago

Internalized Jew shaming talk. It is installed in the minds of all modern goyim.

Tranix ago

So you're saying women aren't better at sex when they've done it before?

Ernpress ago

Comes across as pedo.

obvious-throwaway- ago

You left out NON-MIXED WHITE

basedmangod2015 ago

voater pretend they don't want to fuck bad girls because no one wants to fuck voaters anyway, said the voater... ill see myself out

Tranix ago

Do you walk the walk tho? What percentage of girls you bang are virgins?

NoBS ago

The ones I married? One so far. Too bad I out lived her, she was my better half for a reason.

Marrying a slut is what desperate idiots do.

Tranix ago

Marrying a slut is what desperate idiots do.

Agreed. Different categories.

ToFat2Fish ago

Unicorns don't exist

HorseIsDead ago

Honestly it looks like it could be a like late teens early 20s girl, there's nothing that stands out to me about this definitely being a kid...

Incty ago

Are you nuts? That’s an adolescent.

HorseIsDead ago

Where's your proof? I can't say either way. There are absolutely no features that stand out as definitely being 18+ or under 18.

Incty ago

Yes it’s called her face.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I think people see what they want to see in this image It's hard to read her age - could be 13, could be 22.

I thought she was of age until I read the comment thread. I just assumed the best when it says marriage I guess

totes_magotes ago

The puffy lines around the lips. That goes away the older you get.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tranix ago

Sex is better when the girl knows what she's doing

KimBellend ago

Bullshit. "Knows what she is doing"

Is sex really that hard to learn or enjoy with someone you care about?

Or do you mean "she won't do anal and let me choke her"?

The Jews have told us that anal is all the rage.

They just don't tell us about the anal fissures and rectal repair surgery

SushiMasa ago

It is cuckoldry to want women who have been with other men. Why would you want that?

KimBellend ago

They love mixing it up with Tyrone's sloppy seconds.

Homos by proxy.

Doglegwarrior ago

This smacks of pedephilia. I agree with the idea but lets have a girl that looks over 21 and not one that could pass for 14.

KimBellend ago

Over 21? By that age she has already passed the best time to fall pregnant. My mum had three kids by that age.

And by 21 she has already had 1000 miles of strange cock and experiences that disqualify her as a wife and mother.

She should get married and have kids at a young age to an established man. She should not be the town whore.

DrBlitzkreig ago

No hymen, no diamond.

totes_magotes ago

Who are also older than 18. Why is there a teenage posted here?

KimBellend ago

I assume that you think women can't marry before 18. You are wrong. It has been normal human behavior for 1000s of years.

Should we prevent/discourage young women - and men - from having promiscuous sex at a young age? Certainly.

Should we string anyone up by the balls who has sex with a young women without marrying her - after getting family permission? Certainly.

Can young women get married to stable men and have children? Certainly. Young women are best suited to child bearing. Their bodies recover quickly and they have healthy children.

Do you think it is better for young women to fuck everyone in the neighborhood, be used like a whore, take drugs, hang out with aimless lowlifes, acquire STDs, have abortions, and go to a college and have their minds fucked up?

Ridiculous. Much better to marry a young women to a successful, stable man of good character.

totes_magotes ago

Do us all a favor and kill yourself. Or let someone who isn't a perverted degenerate jewish piece of shit.

yewotm8 ago

The only reason "age of consent" laws exist is to limit teenage girls' sexuality in absence of laws against adultery. When we return to marrying girls off young, there will be no need for such laws prohibiting men from having sex with their teenage wives.

Tranix ago

When we return to marrying girls off young

When's that then?

KimBellend ago

Bingo. Marry her. Be a good man. You are good to go.

totes_magotes ago

I have a rope with your name on it.

yewotm8 ago

As do I. Any man who denies biological reality and the difference between the sexes is only going to lead us into this mess again. It must be absolutely eradicated. You will not be spared, unless you recant the feminist indoctrination lies you are spouting right now. And make no mistake, you are 100% indoctrinated, you REEEE very loudly with much emotion and not much thought.

Women should marry as soon as they are able to bear children, and men as soon as they are financially able to support those children. This would mean on average 14 year old women marrying 18-22 year old men. Note I say women, because most of them are physically and mentally mature at that age. Unless you're going to tell me that an 18 year old woman knows any better than a 14 year old what's best for her? A god damn 30 year old woman has no idea how to pick the man that's best for her in the longterm, why the fuck would we wait until the teenager is 18?

Unless, of course, you want her to get fucked by the boys in her school first, before her husband has a chance? Because that's all your jewish "age of consent" laws do: forbid fertile young women from having sex with the kind of man who will take care of her and her children, while allowing her to spread for the kind of man who won't.

totes_magotes ago

Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

juicedidwtc ago

thrn you have a rope with your own grandparents name on it as well. How old do you think they were when they got married?

totes_magotes ago

All pedophiles must fucking die.

juicedidwtc ago

cool, go kill your grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents, all the way back to the dawn of man because "to catch a predator" on (((Dateline NBC))) and pretending that 18 is a magic number are modern inventions.

totes_magotes ago

It doesn't matter what you say. You are a degenerate piece of shit and deserve the most painful execution imaginable.

juicedidwtc ago

dude calm down, all because i triggered you by pointing out your grandma was 16 when she had your dad? You have mental issues dude...

totes_magotes ago

You don't get it. I and many other people want degenerate fucks like you dead.

juicedidwtc ago

Just you and the voices in your head. Seriously get help!

totes_magotes ago

You know, we should meet up. You know, talk. :)

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Why is there a teenage posted here?

Because the world consists of more than the US and there are laws beyond US law.

18 is an arbitrary, unrealistic number. As soon as they want to get fucked, and they do want to get fucked way earlier than 18, theyre fair game.

totes_magotes ago

Fuck off, pedophile.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Go put an 18 yr old in jail because he fucked a 17 yr old, retard.

totes_magotes ago

Oh look, another degenerate piece of shit.

Cacciaguida ago

muh magic 18

Apathy ago

18 and 19 are teenagers.

totes_magotes ago

You really wanna play semantics when the conversation is about underaged girls being posted with a commentary about marriage? Are you so fucking desperate to get your dick wet that you're going to interject some whining? Jesus fuck, where the fuck do all you pedophiles come from? No, really, I want to know so I can do the real life equivalent of spawn camping to kill all you sick fucks.

Apathy ago

TIL if you find 18 and 19 year olds attractive, you're a pedophile now.

One thing I will say is that those who scream loudest are usually the guiltiest. So careful what you yell at people about, or else we'll all think you to be a pedo.

Phantom42 ago

I'm 19, I find 16-19yo girls attractive.

Today I learned I'm a pedophile.

What a funny world. Faggots and niggers are okay, but God forbid a man call what is attractive attractive.

Apathy ago

Maybe you should reply to the guy calling everyone a pedophile.

totes_magotes ago

Fuck off with your semantic jewfag bullshit. Every pedophile needs to be fucking killed.

Chimaira92 ago

The 10 Christian commandments were written by a Jew who commanded his fellow Israelites to slaughter men and women and keep the children to breed with.

Numbers 31: 9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.

10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.

11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.

12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.

13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.

14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

totes_magotes ago

When the civil war comes, I will be looking for you.

Chimaira92 ago

Guess this war will have more than 2 sides. You Christian fucks aren't protecting the jews this time around.

Apathy ago

Seeing the brilliant minds at work in these replies shows me why we’re in the mess we’re in today.

totes_magotes ago

No fucking shit. These people are perverts and they think there's something wrong with people who don't agree with them. It's fucking disgusting.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Hey dude, have a look at the upvoats, then wonder about the mentality of the freaks who clicked.

This shit hole is getting sicker by the day.

chaos2019 ago

Yeah,whites are mostly pedos.Go to nude junior paegent,you can find a lot of dirty middle age whites there.O r go to manila.You can find ack of white pedos.

No wonder your wife are fucking with nigger.

ThyCultOfQ ago

We are being out-bred. We must do all we can.

*Only have sex in a marriage with a virgin who is debt free and has no tattoos.


Atkho ago

Don't invest money either because that's usury. Leave that to the evil satanists.

FrozenFire74 ago

Voat has no interest in banging little kids like in the picture; you're thinking of Islam. I know, both Voat and Islam want to gas the Jews, but the devil is in the details.

ZenAtheist ago

Wow. Look at all the degenerate fucks in this thread. Promiscuity is not ok. Stop listening to the Jews.

yewotm8 ago

Women are naturally promiscuous from a very young age. Only feminist lies have convinced you that pubescent girls are "innocent little angels" without even a thought of sex. This is why they were married off to established men at young ages, before they had a chance to spread their legs for whoever managed to catch their eye. Girls become little whores even before they start to physically show signs of puberty:

Think of all the degeneracy that feminists and jews are pushing on us. Then consider the one "non-degenerate" thing they are forcing on us: age of "consent". Don't you think maybe there's a reason for this? They don't want teenage white women to get married and start families, they want them to get fucked by younger men who aren't interested in or established enough to start a family with them.

Tranix ago

Ok virgin

Diggernicks ago

The hooker with a heart of gold exists

I'm going to find her

Proud_couverite ago

fat girls are gross

totes_magotes ago

Please don't ever breed.

draaaak ago

Don't worry, he won't.

admin2 ago


My coffee almost sprayed out onto my computer laptop!

good retort

ZenAtheist ago

Shut up, you degenerate filth.

YoHomie ago

Come on... you'd fuck her and you know it.

HeavyBrain ago

Not sure about the virginity part, as you should be abled to offer the same what you ask from your partner.

KimBellend ago

"you should be abled to offer the same what you ask from your partner."

Not at all. All you need to offer is a fair deal.

She is giving up something rare and precious and fleeting: beauty and fertility.

Are you going to offer her a life of financial and emotional stability?

A man takes years to get to that position. That is why older men work with younger women. And so it has been throughout human history.

SubhumanTorch ago

That's a load of crap. Women prefer men who are more successful than themselves, so women should make up for that in ways that men find attractive.

HeavyBrain ago

Successful = degenerate asshole who fucked a lot trashy sluts, got it.

SubhumanTorch ago

That's one way to interpret it. Generally it's enough to be well trained, rich or charismatic enough, then you can chose to be a "degenerate asshole". But yeah sleeping with lots of chicks signify to women that you are a quality man, the reverse is not true.

Tranix ago

Do people really want virgins? I don't.

KimBellend ago

If you plan on marriage and kids, why not, for heaven's sake?

Do you think that there are some special tricks that a woman gets by being the local bike and that you'll be able to ride her off to Kama Sutra heaven?

You want a virgin because women BOND with the first man they have a deep relationship with - as long as she hasn't had multiple preceding dicks.

Once a women has had a certain number of dicks (number varies) she is no longer any good for marriage and loyalty.

To have a good marriage and to be a good parent we need to BOND with spouse and children.

HeavyBrain ago

There has to be a middle ground between virgins and cock chasing sluts who will fuck Tyrone if they are bored for just one evening with you.

Tranix ago

I would imagine most people are in the middle of the Bell curve

a_fucking_dude ago

Super-pretty, but I'm not sure why you're trying to sex her up at that age.

hafen ago

It looks like a pedo brigade is going on.

KimBellend ago


What bullshit. President Grant's mother was 15 when he was born. Was his dad a "pedo"?

The problem is not the girl's age here. It is that modern guys want to fuck her without paying for it - that is, without offering a stable marriage.

Men wanting to breed with women at their time of peak beauty and fertility is not "pedo". It is nature's plan.

Don't be a truth-denying henpecked fag.

Even you don't believe it. You are virtue signalling.

Of course feminists want you to marry bitchy worn-out 34 year old women in need of IVF who have had 200 dicks.

When you buy fruit, do you look for the oldest, most dried up and wrinkled fruit, or do you reach over to get the sweetest looking freshest fruit?

Stop lying to yourself.,

talmoridor-x ago

Aka, young girls.

Crayonall9t ago

This is just pedobaiting for someone to make a FBI case on Voat.

oddlike777 ago

I'm not trying to fuck kids. I don't care about virginity, I just don't want a coal burning whore. Otherwise accurate.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Sorry I forgot to wish you a happy hanukkah, rabbi.

ToFat2Fish ago


SushiMasa ago

You should care about it. It's the most important aspect in a successful long term marriage. You want a wife who's taken other men's dicks? That's cuckoldry.

oddlike777 ago

You sound 12. Grow up.

DeadFox ago

You sound Jewish.

SushiMasa ago

Dude why do you want that shit? I married a virgin and it's been great. Why do you want someone else's leftovers? I bet you married a whore who got fat and never loved you. Enjoy your impending divorce. Your probably raising another man's children! Why would I want to be with a whore like your wife or your mother?

oddlike777 ago

Super cool story kid fucker

SushiMasa ago

What is it that you like about your whore wife's beef curtains and mulatto offspring?

oddlike777 ago

Mohammed is a pedophile. U mad bro?

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Well, ideally, we would just be returning to a society where poeple wait until marriage for sexual relations.

I agree with you, though, I screwed around before settling down with my wife, it would be hypocritical for me to have only looked for a virgin. She only had one boyfriend prior to me so I count that a success.

Seventh_Jim ago

n = 2 inclusive is not a bad candidate for marriage.

Boycott_Israel ago

She only had one boyfriend prior to me so

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Yeah... she was with her one and only bf since middleschool and had every intention of marrying him, until college he started acting douchey and they broke up. I swooped in instantly after.

Boycott_Israel ago

Just messing w/ u. Must...resist... shitposting...

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Its no problem. Just setting the facts straight. Really, people's word generally isnt that great of a source.

AvariciousNose ago

You're the first person I put in my gas chambers, you religious nut

QQ1265 ago

Yeah lol.

The less religious I become the moral I become.

Weird that.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


AvariciousNose ago

Trannies can go before you.

theoldguy ago

I screwed around before settling down with my wife

Yeah, we seen that story about you and the tranny in college.

jollux ago

we seen

You talk like a hoodrat.

theoldguy ago

Noun. hood rat (plural hood rats) (slang) Someone who has sex with everyone in the "hood" or neighborhood; the term is linked to the culture of the American ghettos and to hip-hop culture.

Stated like a true nigger.

MrDarkWater ago

So be a hypocrite.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


MrDarkWater ago

Enjoy your divorce

Tranix ago

TIL 100% of marriages between nonvirgins end in divorce

MrDarkWater ago

It's closer to 50%

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

As if i involved the government in my marriage....

MrDarkWater ago

Documented or not. Sluts statistically aren't faithful

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Obvious tranny troll is obvious.

MrDarkWater ago

You're a funny guy

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Youre a dumb, probably incel, freemartin

MrDarkWater ago
