How to destroy a nation in 2 easy steps (TellAnon)
submitted 6 years ago by 3026364?
Shame the men to not marry fertile young women. Call them pedos if they try. This will prevent young professional men from fathering very many children.
Encourage the young women to mate early and often with immature boys their own age. This will make the boys become complacent instead of devoting themselves to self-improvement to become young professionals. This also takes away virginal prospects for young professionals.
I think a 34 year old man and a 16 year old woman are perfectly normal and healthy. Voat is being manipulated that this sort of relationship is bad. This is the relationship your ancestors had.
No, Schiqsa, don't get married. Wait until your brain is fully developed at 30, you superheroine. And you, Scheygetz, don't you dare think of asking that girl's parents for permission to marry her; we'll put you in jail, you creep - go marry some a woman your own age who is ready to settle down now.
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16715995? 6 years ago
We have our first reaction-psyop to this post, ladies and gentlemen.
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16715995? ago
We have our first reaction-psyop to this post, ladies and gentlemen.