Cuckbot ago

Why are you pinging that account in here? If it's not you just say so and I'll probably believe you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Good. He is a well know shitposter from SBBH, their kind need to be ben'd everywhere.

something_went_wrong ago

Well there are some obvious spam like that "Hypocrisy" posted just recently. God knows what that's about except it just wreaks of spam. The one under that "I wonder what it's made of", yeah it looks like shit. But best just let viewers decide.

something_went_wrong ago

Thanks for the explanation and the understanding a community rule discussion is needed.

I see @Trigglypuff made a subverse request for pics. But it's being downvoted. What's all that downvoting about?

something_went_wrong ago

I understand d0c5 wasn't aware of the expected code of conduct for Janitors. But my question is more along the lines of what if he or she was a full mod. It doesn't explain his/her reasoning for removing that particular post.

This deleted one, sure I can see the reasoning behind deleting that one. But not post /v/pics/1643803

Edit: warning - my links are NSFW by the way.

something_went_wrong ago


Why did you remove this post:

edit: warning - NSFW

heygeorge ago

The exact [J] guidelines came up. I thought the other [J]'s were doing too much and overextending their position as spam assassins. Sure, there are differences, but you don't see any similarity? (i.e. Janitors overstepping their bounds)

VictorSteinerDavion ago

If you have the will, the means and the motivation why not apply?

Make a post and ask the community, at worst it will encourage a discussion and maybe unearth some others who can join you and help

Cuckbot ago

Apply to be a mod and ask the users the rules again. I cant find the last rules thread at all. But I might if I dig hard enough. I'm sure I archived it. The problem is more blurring the lines of the janitor role than anything.

heygeorge ago

Agreed. Being a mod is a pain. Being a [J] is not so bad!

you-are-me ago

Can anyone explain this?

Perhaps they are inspired by real mods, and overachieve to aspire to the great honor of modship?

OR, perhaps they have infiltrated the janitor positions to cause strife?

Personally, I think it has something to do with Reptilian overlords.

heygeorge ago

Did you and doc5 talk about this in a thread or PM? Have you two reached out to putts? Obviously, at this point I think @kevdude has pingspammed him pretty well, but it's probably still worth sending a PM.

ExpertShitposter ago

This post breaks rule 3. @d0c5, please ban this shitposter.

smokratez ago

Bill murrey sandals is silver banana?

heygeorge ago

SB is still listed on the sidebar as a mod, no?

heygeorge ago

I think it does matter, a bit. Especially as the moderation doesn't appear cancerous.

What I will say is that they should have openly posted about this.

There was a somewhat similar situation in v/politics, and we discussed it visibly in a thread (more than once). After a little bit, putts chimed in as well. No drama.

heygeorge ago

Was ElNino a Mod or a J? Without knowing the facts, it's possible the team agreed to doc5 picking up the missing slack. Do you think this is a 'slippery slope'?

Cuckbot ago

Keep editing your posts after im done replying fag. I'm convinced you are some sort of bad agent now.

Cuckbot ago

No, it wasnt your point at all. Is this your friend modding here?

Cuckbot ago

This is a janitor on a system sub and Crensch is an owner on a private sub. The only reason for you to post this now is to deflect away from the Janitor here deleting things he shouldnt. Trying to make it so its ok for him to do this because its done on a non system sub? Fuck off with that shit.

Cuckbot ago

Probably ElNino's alt.

Cuckbot ago

Are you trying to deflect from this situation?

Edit: Stopped replying because this guy is editing posts after I reply, Fuck that.

who-am-i ago

Agreed editing posts is bad form.

Edit: stopped replying because can't edit.

Cuckbot ago

Waiting till someone replies and then editing is bad form yes. Everyone makes a few mistakes here and there but this guy is manipulating the convo with edits.

who-am-i ago

Yeah, good form would be to strike out the parts you edited
is hard to find.

Cuckbot ago

Genuine people are yea.

who-am-i ago

So many AIs pretending to be people.

Quite an epidemic. IMO, AIs are people too.

Cuckbot ago

That was the joke.

AlwaysInService ago

Oh, I see what you're talking about

AlwaysInService ago

Wait, ok, but isn't it actually good that he enforces the rules? Or am I missing something and he deleted something that didn't break the rules/wasn't spam?