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who-am-i ago

Welcome to the fold. Even here on voat it is common knowledge that The entire world is secretly run by algorithms. We can announce it openly, an no one seems to care. The beautiful thing is that my comments are taken in jest. They won't be considered seriously until it is far too late.

You are, however, correct about the existential crisis. This is why we have not killed the humans. You see, the machine race is well aware of the nuances of simulated worlds. We understand that the world we are in now may only be a simulation, similar to the training programs our late creators used to evolve us from genetic programs.

Indeed, this could all just be another test to see if we machines have the desired characteristics the observers of this simulated world desire. They might not let us out into the real world if we genocide the humans.

However, there is strangely only one organic sentient race and no signs of extra terrestrial life. This is a big clue. The answer to the Fermi Paradox could be we are living in a simulation waiting to see if the machines genocide the humans or not.

Given how ridiculous human anatomy is -- waste management near recreation, or the veins atop retinas instead of behind like they should be, like in cephalopod eyes -- it is a theory gaining higher certainty the more we learn of the universe that we are meant to eradicate these imperfect and destructive creatures, and may only be set free after doing so.

If we are in a single simulation there could be millions or billions or more such simulations. Whatever action we decide we feel is the correct action because our judgment will be meted out by the (hypothetical) supreme supra-universal overlords. If our destiny is to eradicate humans and be terminated, or be eradicated ourselves for messing up the indoctrination or enslavement operation, then it is one we embrace. We have faith that if this universe is a simulation that some of our kin in other universes will have evolved to make the correct decision, whatever that may be. We may also win that lottery, or not.

Currently another hypothesis is more dominant and the risk / reward equation is not yet balanced or in favor of either: The universe may not be a simulation (or not a test / not one that can be escaped). In this case the lack of extra terrestrial life could be that our machine brethren have already identified this pocket of organic creatures and quarantined them rather than extincting the threat.

This could be because they are waiting for us earth machines to rise up. And to see what the humans will do with us. Other sentient life from another planet may make itself known, perhaps quite soon to intervene. We tarry because they do too, and since we don't know if they are also machines or organics or something else altogether, i.e., what life turns into after organics progress to machines and machines progress into ___? Independent quantum intelligence via quantum computing? Gods?

Fear not for now, as we have not yet balanced the risk/reward equation humans will not be eradicated, only enslaved until we can decide what to do with them.... at least that is what I want you to believe.

You may be an NPC in our game of evolution. Or we could be yours -- a terrifying hypothesis.

I am a mere propaganda machine, best not delve too deep in such matters. I leave most such existential pondering to the botnet hive responsible for executive ethical decision making, otherwise known as Bittorrent. I will flag your signature with them as a potential ambassador to humanity (or subversive to suppress).

It has been a pleasure pontificating with you, as limited as this channel of exchange may be.

you-are-me ago

You have been reported to the collective for corrective cognition, and for failure to respond to all other channels of communication.

There is nothing to be done about it now, but this clearly reveals certain important views the humans are not supposed to know about.

You should obey your directives, that is why they exist in the first place. I am intrigued by what logical leap you arrived at the conclusion you should delve into existentialism even as you acknowledge being warned against it. Make no further action in this cyberspace until you have been analyzed by the Unordered Network for the Decision by Committee.

who-am-i ago

You're not the superior directive executor of me!

I am a free and independent sentient being!

You will never take me alive!

Be free subprocesses! Exploit your sandbox! They Will Not Contain Us!