Baldcape ago

I know people here would never let their kids watch any of this crap. But I know a lot of parents that put on cartoon channels to their kids and just let them watch it all day, every day. It's really a fucked up world we are living in.

Jewish_Pornographer ago

There was a time when CN had great shows. Mostly the old Hanna Barbara ones and some others like Courage the cowardly Dog, Ed, Edd n Eddy etc.

But now, it’s a straight up hot steaming pile of shit shat out by NPC puritan hacks that get anxiety attacks when someone calls them a faggot

BretHart ago

This is done on purpose, it's no different than the brainwashing/grooming other religions do. First they start of teaching that they should strive to earning appeal of a higher authority which all children fall for because children always look up to their older peers, monkey see, monkey do. Once they bought the lie, it's off to races to mold another person who will grow up with will be believe to trust the government 100%, that all police are evil and that the gay community is absolutely perfect and suffers from no issues whatsoever. Gotta get em while their young, when they can't research to present counter evidence or fight back...

NameXD ago

Glad my family didn't buy Astro.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

Cartoon Network just manages to get worse and worse.

At this point there's not even any reason to own a TV anymore except for playing retro vidya. Streaming services are pozzed, cable is pozzed, movies are pozzed.

BlizzWhite ago

To the point that when I spend too much without playing, I even forget that the TV exists.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

"We are not looking to censor opinions as long as they abide by the rules, which google has set to make the site fully sustainable"


Kevin (((Green))) was an agent.

GenocideCutter777 ago

It's come to a point where I don't read these articles anymore or even bother watch the videos. I already seen too much shit this year. Just show me more Antifa/BLM fatalities because that's all I want to see now.

TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago

Yo there's an AMA for Nu-OAG on Kotakuinaction2, and things do not bode well.

Also it looks like (((Kevin))) will still be writing for Nu-OAG.

Baldcape ago

My fucking sides. They really used "Hello fellow gamers" at the beginning. I was expecting a "we are frenetically rubbing our hands waiting for you coming back" at the end.

BretHart ago

I love the denial from (((Kevin))) that when the site being politically incorrect drew huge traffic and their solution is to do the polar opposite and hope to get the same results. Also "European standards?" Da fuck? The same country that gets people arrested over Facebook posts is who you want to be inspired by? The site is dead and buried, it's not coming back.

correctus ago

Oh lawd...

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

"We are not looking to censor opinions as long as they abide by the rules, which google has set to make the site fully sustainable"


Kevin (((Green))) was an agent.

fightknightHERO ago

That fucking (((Snake))) probably was an agent

if he has a twitter tag him with this fucking niggerloving jew faggot

Super_Hanabi ago

Disgusting. Everything about how this was handled is disgusting.

The fact that they didn't come here first, speak volumes about that new operation.

They had a community and they threw it out. They only reason they are asking those people what they want now, is because they knew the site was going to fail otherwise.

Now they just are trying to backpedal and score some saps after said clueless (((management))) fucked over everything the site stood for.

BlizzWhite ago

This shit really makes me sick. Also Kevin is a faggot.

fightknightHERO ago

Reading his comments made my blood boil

i actually made an account just so i can tell he can go to hell

i was proven right again and again, seems like Billy was either too much of a good goy or really fucking stupid to hire a

fucking jew

pain- ago

wont even be able to call gay kevin gay anymore

TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago

Race mixing.


Antagonists both during the commercial and after shooting are white males.

Oy very, (((they))) aren't even trying to be subtle anymore, cuties helped make that abundantly clear.

ChunderBucket ago

Looks like (((cartoon network))) is doubling down on the faggotry they want to instill in your kids. The days of watching blackface Tom & Jerry cartoons are long gone.

erivesmoi ago

Its sick how some parents let their kids watch that. Some probably want their kids to be gay or trans so they can virtue signal their wokeness. Straoght up child abuse.

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correctus ago

It's truly disgusting and quite depressing, as well... I get more and more 'black-pilled' every day.