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26433377? ago

Wow this conspiracy was attacked by the smut merchants, this one was down voted fast, it got like 3-4 down votes instantly

26434805? ago

There were many old books It seems the French slept with and bred with the Negroe, the Brazilians had a government policy of race mixng or miscegenation. Many of the Founding Fathers wanted them back to Africa, back to Liberia. In old times Jews' obsession with miscegenation arises from their Babylonian exile whece their women were bred to Edomites so they'd stop rebelling? A historical story of Elihu Yale. Some sources suggest that he permitted a law that at least ten slaves should be carried on every ship bound for Europe, trying to encourage race mixing when they involved themselves in slave trade. A question from Elihu Yale's past. , also before Britbonistan there is Rome. How the Catholic Church Fought for Interracial Marriage and What It Means for Gay Rights Advertising? Cartoon Network's New 'Anti-Racism' PSA is Blatant Homosexual and Race-Mixing Propaganda Targeting Kids Race Mixing is Banned in Saudi and Israel? Elon Musk: 99.9% of media is owned by the NWO