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BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

I've lurked OAG for the past year. Rarely posted, but it was a daily stop for me, and the only place I regularly visited (mostly just using the net for various research). Joyous to find others who raged against the SJW trend corrupting my last bastion of refuge. Since becoming red-pilled during Ferguson and its aftermath, I've gradually hoarded more and more information. Learning more of Benghazi and the death of Seth Rich pushed me further and further right. Voting for the Donald cost me all my college friends, who currently don't know what to make of me, as they have never known to be an evil phobic nazi bigot, but how could I vote for the God-Emperor...

So I just spread memes and purvey dangerous truths. Honestly, I don't buy into all the jewish-conspiracy business, but I do personally suspect that there is a lot of deep-state shenanigans on a global scale, whether it is Club of Romers, Bilderbergs, Illuminati lizard-people, whatever. I don't doubt some of the assholes at the top have jewish roots, but I don't believe it is the sole factor. I do believe I share a concern that all of us refugees share: the corruption and infiltration of political correctness, and the death of freedom.

I hope to be a future contributor, and am always open to discussion on any topic. Even if I don't always agree, I try to have a reasoned viewpoint.

fightknightHERO ago

most of the wealthy Globalists have another thing in common besides Jewish Ancestry and that is Old money, Blood money particularly

weather it's in Oil (rockefeller) or Banking (Rothshild) or African gold

and do remember when i'm speaking about Jews, i'm not speaking of your average working class Jew i'm speaking of the 1% those who RULE over the govt and the central banks

if you want some good redpills i'll leave you a list i found a few days ago

WW1-WW2 by a Based Jew viewpoint (highly recommended)

start with those, and later i'll give you some bigger redpills

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

Yes, I've heard a lot about the ancient evil of central banking. I love surprising people about the roots of the FedReserve. I have spent time in Russia and China; China in particular awoke me to the horror of life under Communist rule, like the everpresent propaganda of LeiFeng, and my realization that the shmuck was more than likely set up to be a martyr, or completely fabricated.

Many of my favorite info sources include Thomas Sowell, Stephen Crowder, Limbaugh, J Peterson, Robert Spencer.

Where I'm from, anti-semitism would cost me my job, as well as any argumentative legitimacy, making me a pariah and confirming for all who knew me, that all Deplorables and right-wingers were evil racist nazi bastards. I still have to keep my general political affiliation a light secret, subtle in conversation to figure out if the person I'm talking to is a rabid leftist, or a member of the local secret club of reasonable people. A MAGA sticker would likely get my car set on fire.

spam_bot ago

"anti-semitism would cost me my job, ... A MAGA sticker would likely get my car set on fire." rember that the most powerful weapon is the one the enemy gives you if you have to don't hesitate to mark them like judas (be careful though) as they will eat each other faster then kobiyasi sucks down wieners

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

Yes, indeed. The blade they create will cut them just as well. Leftists just hate it when you use their flawed logic to dismantle their own standards.

I prefer to wait until I appear to have zero involvement, and opportunities for good moments are rare. Rich in targets, but most would set off an alert, and I'd be chased down like guards in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

fightknightHERO ago

that's how they do it man, they bar us from Academia and high paying jobs if we're not Leftwing parasites...

isn't it their goal though? fire all white men from working places due to various ism's and other false-fallacies in order to drive them towards poverty and homelessness

you're welcome to the fold Blacksheep, i think we'll get along just fine :)