StreetMix ago

Hello. Thanks for creating this. We do need to keep enlightening people on SJW stuff.

JustPassBy ago

Hello, reporting in, memes lock and loaded

JustPassBy awaiting for orders (")7

Backalive ago


Backalive ago

Reporting in Soldier, aint going down so easily because of a stupid hack.

GrandmasterAssassin ago

Finally found this place! Was wondering what everybody from OAG was doing. Thanks Quickshooter for the tip from nichegamer today!

fightknightHERO ago

you're welcome.

WanderingMinstrelEye ago

So it only took me 11 days to figure out there were an option to sort comments 'by Newest'. Thanks for the link/info VLOCKUP & Smokratez.

Shadowed-Heart ago

Can't believe I'm using Voat for this, but anyway, I got you guys bookmarked at least 'til OAG hopefully comes back.

Backalive ago

Yeah me too, I'm using Voat just for this and see where it goes from here

fightknightHERO ago

you just realized now that OAG got shoah'ed?

late to the party, you are.

Shadowed-Heart ago

Ah, I've seen you guys here a while ago since like yesterday or so. Was gonna use my old account but I don't wanna be associated with "that name" anymore so here I am.

Silencedmajor ago

Used to visit OAG daily. The only non-soy based video game and media website.

Looks like they won a battle. Looks like they think they won. Looks can be deceiving.

Rose_A ago

Hello again!

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

Greetings Rose. Glad you could make it.

correctus ago

Greetings and Salutations.

AWhiteCishetMan ago

Hello everyone. I'm glad to see this place growing and I look forword to starting again where we all left off. We just need to get the rest of the regulars and lurkers to come here.

I can see that Mathew Haight had followed us here and has no life, probably because he's most likely an edgelord kid still living under the roof of his paren'ts basement. XD

Rahuzero ago

If I wasn't here, you guys would just keep reinforcing your echo chamber. Thats how you end up like Anita Sarkeesian and Jeff Kaplan. Just keeping you guys honest.

AWhiteCishetMan ago

Lol You followed me here instead of replying to me on the other site, OAG. I must've gotten under your skin or you had homework to do.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

"If I wasn't here, you guys would just keep reinforcing your echo chamber." - shows best what kind of person he is. He will never go against succjus "doxxing and attacking others always justified" inquisition because he knows he will be blacklisted, out casted or murdered. He will never stand up for innocent or bullied who being abused because he wants to be in winners circle.

When there is no winners circle to be part of he will always go: 1. I am always right. 2. If i am wrong, look at 1.

Replying to him or trying to debunk him is useless. In real world such people needs to be put down asap or they will proceed raping, murdering and stealing only to point fingers at others once caught.

Rahuzero ago

You would have a point there, buuut.

I got in over my head and jumped the gun on a false claim. I was proven wrong and humbly excepted it. This was not the only time, only the most recent one that I remember. Then there is this.

Three cases out of a few where I supported the article and called out the SJW bullshit for what it was.

Then there is the issue with your claim of debunking. You can't debunk opinions only facts. You focus only on my opinions and ignore facts given. As a matter of fact you never actually tried to discuss differing ideas in a rational manner. Your first comment being "You come off as butthurt fanboi tbh". With start like that you don't make a very good case for yourself.

And now we have false claims of criminal activity and avocation for my death. And you wonder about my capacity for violence. Projecting a bit there it seems.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

6 days. A new record. Can you go any higher, Matty?

Rahuzero ago

No. I replied to you there as well. I didn't follow you here. I began commenting here before your first. If anything you followed me.

AWhiteCishetMan ago

Don't lie. You said on the other site that you were going to follow us here when someone mentioned about this site. Lol You're pathetic enough to stalk us all the way here from I still suspect you for hiring NIgerian niggers to attack and hack the site you know. One of you triggered soy boys paid hackers to attack the site and I hope they get their comeuppance for it too.

Rahuzero ago

I didn't mean them. I mean't you. You never tried to contact me until after our conversation on OAG. Hence you following me. You and the rest of your ilk can suspect me for anything you would like. Until actual proof is shown, you are all just pissing in the wind. But then again, what else is new?

AWhiteCishetMan ago

No, you contacted me first on this site Lol

Rahuzero ago

After you directly addressed me, after talking to me on OAG. Please, you not even remember you write?

AWhiteCishetMan ago

I don't remember directly talking to you. I might've talked about you in another reply but I remember you talking first.

Funny how you' keep trying to distract from the fact that you did followed us here despite whether we acknowleged you or not. I know all about how you think you're trolling us or whatever, but trolls usually disrupt communities, not annoy people Lol You're just sad and pathetic no matter how much you try to pretend that you aren't. You're what I would call a tryhard kid thinking he's trolling but he's just acting like he's not pissed off.

Lol ThyPancakeConsumed is right, I'm wasting my time with you and I'm afraid of pushing you to the point of actually wanting to hurt someone in real life.

Cinj ago

He learned everything he knows about arguing from the Talmud.

Rahuzero ago

If I was here merely to troll, then I wouldn't bother engaging in articles about games that are purely news, or be having pleasant back and forths on both the main page and this sub page. Whether or not you are annoyed by me is irrelevant. I will still post as I see fit. If would like to stop engaging with me, that stopping is all you have to do. It says much to your own ego if you believe anything you say would affect my day to day routine, let alone my capacity for violence. Your statement is particularly egregious, considering that you have only ever responded with hostility. You may believe that disagreeing with you is inherently hostile, but that is a childish notion that I hope you grow out of.

ReactiveDragon ago

lol he seems to have a very unhealthy obsession.

ConfederateSun ago


ThyPancakeConsumed ago

Yo sup

fightknightHERO ago

Hey Man

Zeusexy ago

Hello fine specimens, I'm not capable of writing articles in english but I'll do what I can to spread the word in my country with website/youtube/twitch. Long live OAG!

GodBowser ago

Watch out soy boys GodBowser is here and ready to dish out the butthurt

Has that closet rapist Mathew Haight show up yet or was he just bluffing?

Rahuzero ago

Indeed! Hello there. Wanna try something better, since you have a fresh slate.

GodBowser ago

Wanna see how long you'll last on here you soy faced freak and I wonder if there's the option to block other people on here

Rahuzero ago

Wow look at that. All I said was hello and you already want to find a way to block someone you don't like. Isn't that how OAG got abandoned in the first place?

GodBowser ago

Just in case you start being agressive or end up being a stalker and I find it funny that a soy guzzling Libtard like would bitch about someone blocking you since your kind do it all the time when someone has an opinion that might trigger you

Rahuzero ago

If a difference of opinion triggers me, then why would I continue to go sites where I can't block someone? You love to place me with everyone else you don't like, but unless you can link me to them, more than just you don't like me, all your doing is talking out your ass.

GodBowser ago

Your a real expert when it comes to talking out your ass and judging by the autism filled brain farts you call comments back on the original OAG

I'm sure you would not want to continue to make yourself look like an even bigger idiot than you already are and I think the best thing for you to do is to just give up on me

Rahuzero ago

Care to cite anything? You say give up on you, yet you are always the one to reply to me. Excluding my hello, I have never once started our conversations.

GodBowser ago

Would you care to fuck off and not bother to answer to any of my comments again

Rahuzero ago

No. You asked if I was here. I answered. Everything after that was your response.

ReactiveDragon ago

Rahuzero is the more than likely the rapist Mathew.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

Read Rahuzero's comment.

spam_bot ago

spambot respawning... name taken here(no surprise)

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

I've lurked OAG for the past year. Rarely posted, but it was a daily stop for me, and the only place I regularly visited (mostly just using the net for various research). Joyous to find others who raged against the SJW trend corrupting my last bastion of refuge. Since becoming red-pilled during Ferguson and its aftermath, I've gradually hoarded more and more information. Learning more of Benghazi and the death of Seth Rich pushed me further and further right. Voting for the Donald cost me all my college friends, who currently don't know what to make of me, as they have never known to be an evil phobic nazi bigot, but how could I vote for the God-Emperor...

So I just spread memes and purvey dangerous truths. Honestly, I don't buy into all the jewish-conspiracy business, but I do personally suspect that there is a lot of deep-state shenanigans on a global scale, whether it is Club of Romers, Bilderbergs, Illuminati lizard-people, whatever. I don't doubt some of the assholes at the top have jewish roots, but I don't believe it is the sole factor. I do believe I share a concern that all of us refugees share: the corruption and infiltration of political correctness, and the death of freedom.

I hope to be a future contributor, and am always open to discussion on any topic. Even if I don't always agree, I try to have a reasoned viewpoint.

RichardGristle ago

Good to see new people show up here, didn't expect any longtime lurkers to pop up. I guess when some folks take extremes and attack speech then most people that are normal will be driven to speak up in anger.

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

Like trying to hold water. "He who grasps, lets slip."

With the Court bullshit going on now, I'm seeing the WalkAway movement grow, even as (((fact-checkers))) deny it.

fightknightHERO ago

most of the wealthy Globalists have another thing in common besides Jewish Ancestry and that is Old money, Blood money particularly

weather it's in Oil (rockefeller) or Banking (Rothshild) or African gold

and do remember when i'm speaking about Jews, i'm not speaking of your average working class Jew i'm speaking of the 1% those who RULE over the govt and the central banks

if you want some good redpills i'll leave you a list i found a few days ago

WW1-WW2 by a Based Jew viewpoint (highly recommended)

start with those, and later i'll give you some bigger redpills

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

Yes, I've heard a lot about the ancient evil of central banking. I love surprising people about the roots of the FedReserve. I have spent time in Russia and China; China in particular awoke me to the horror of life under Communist rule, like the everpresent propaganda of LeiFeng, and my realization that the shmuck was more than likely set up to be a martyr, or completely fabricated.

Many of my favorite info sources include Thomas Sowell, Stephen Crowder, Limbaugh, J Peterson, Robert Spencer.

Where I'm from, anti-semitism would cost me my job, as well as any argumentative legitimacy, making me a pariah and confirming for all who knew me, that all Deplorables and right-wingers were evil racist nazi bastards. I still have to keep my general political affiliation a light secret, subtle in conversation to figure out if the person I'm talking to is a rabid leftist, or a member of the local secret club of reasonable people. A MAGA sticker would likely get my car set on fire.

spam_bot ago

"anti-semitism would cost me my job, ... A MAGA sticker would likely get my car set on fire." rember that the most powerful weapon is the one the enemy gives you if you have to don't hesitate to mark them like judas (be careful though) as they will eat each other faster then kobiyasi sucks down wieners

BlackSheepOfTheWoods ago

Yes, indeed. The blade they create will cut them just as well. Leftists just hate it when you use their flawed logic to dismantle their own standards.

I prefer to wait until I appear to have zero involvement, and opportunities for good moments are rare. Rich in targets, but most would set off an alert, and I'd be chased down like guards in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

fightknightHERO ago

that's how they do it man, they bar us from Academia and high paying jobs if we're not Leftwing parasites...

isn't it their goal though? fire all white men from working places due to various ism's and other false-fallacies in order to drive them towards poverty and homelessness

you're welcome to the fold Blacksheep, i think we'll get along just fine :)


Hello refugees.

correctus ago

Hi bro.

Rahuzero ago

Ah good. I was worried that you guys wouldn't have an easy place to find you anymore. This will be fun.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

Thy Pancake Consumed reporting in. Glad to see you made this.

AsuraB ago

Just when I was getting used to your new and improved profile pic, this happens. What a sad fate.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago


correctus ago


correctus ago

Hi dude. I was wondering if you were gonna when you were going to show up.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

"If you were gonna"

I see what you did there nibba. Missed me?

correctus ago

Fo Sho my nigga. I missed everyone this past week or so... It's sad to think that OAG community would be fragmented / slowly die... I guess we can try and rebuild a small part of it here... but this place is fucking weird. It's gonna take some 'getting used to'.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

Yeah. Its shame. Nothing lasts especially something good like OAG, in this crazy world of ours. We got Richard, you and Quickie, so hopefully WhiteCisHet, Bret, GGMG and other bois joins us soon.

RichardGristle ago

I wonder if the dog would be willing to post here.

ThyPancakeConsumed ago

I hope he will join us here.

correctus ago

Sup my niggers... Glad to see you here. I'll be posting regular news links from (((other sites))). For the sjw stuff, you'll have to rely on someone else.

RichardGristle ago

I keep tabs on KiA and if there's any big news about games or other media being compromised then I'll bring it up here.

For now, gathering content and refugees is the main goal.

correctus ago

Welcome aboard brah.. Glad to have you here.

RichardGristle ago

I floated here on a raft from Somalia. Got anything good for me?

correctus ago

lol... i guess you'll have to settle for some hairy coconuts and cheap wine...

fightknightHERO ago

as of now i'll make a public discussion on every Sunday

as for articles, well... Voat Gaming got most of it covered i'm up for personal reviews for Marxism free vidya (KCD, Gothic, and games that has mod support)

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

What is OAG and do they know about the jewish problem?

Rahuzero ago

I'm sure they do.

fightknightHERO ago

i suspect that's why they brought it down

while the articles themselves didn't name the Jew explicitly, we did have a few articles about the ADL and how it's trying to tamper with our entertainment and since there was no discussion policy, every article and Sunday discussion had a lot of ((())) in the comment section l personally made some delicious Jew memes and the admin upvoted each and every one of them

though he's on radio silence as of now, i fear they nabbed him after the site was compromised