TinyTitsRule ago

I think to know where are these shills coming from: https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2282620

Mumbleberry ago


KosherHiveKicker ago


Please do this so we out the fucking roaches into the light, and begin preheating the ovens.

stillinit ago

Subbed and unsubbed from the jew one.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

There was a coordinated effort by SRS to steal these subs by spamming and then concern-trolling the spam was deleted, and now that it didn't work they're trying to balkanize the opposition by herding people into SRS-controlled subs claiming the original were taken over by SRS. They're using every alt they've got to comment "hurr this happened to me too!" and downvote anyone exposing their plan. This is how they steal every sub on the website and you people are falling for it. Here an SRS user even takes responsibility for creating the fake version of /v/European.

Rellik88 ago

I was banned for hate speech. #metoo

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ago

To late. Whole thing is a jew op. Mere fact positive CP to post. No negative shit allowed on reddit lite.

digitalentity1497 ago

Leave the sub and block it. I have a long time ago.

pr0nw4r ago

They are always here, always watching, always prodding. They will find you in your IRC, in discord and anywhere else. And they will plead with you, threaten you, try to bribe you and otherwise use any means necessary to get to that sweet moderator function.

middle_path ago

I'm not a fan of identitarian, but there is only one ban and it's you, for posting tubgirl. Not quite sure how this makes them censorship happy.

DietCokehead1 ago

No, that's my new sub, /v/IdentitarianS, which I am the mod of. I banned one person for posting tubgirl.

middle_path ago

My mistake. I followed the link and was wondering where the ban happy shit was.

hardshaft ago

queue the music... "Who let the Jews in?"

DietCokehead1 ago

who who who who

punchingtrees ago

jew jew jew jew

hardshaft ago

I hope /pol/ makes a cover so we can play it every time a new Jew comes around :-)

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's been done!

splinterxxx ago


IAMA_WhiteMale_AMA ago

You're also welcome to shitpost in /v/whites. I'm the only mod and I don't care anymore.

Just don't post anything illegal or that would anger the admins, I guess.

freshmeat ago

They are crazy jew mods because they dont allow kev involved?

Fuck off shill

MightBeCanadian ago

you obviously have no fucking life

ExpertShitposter ago

I would recommend that you ping in all the top posters from the old sub into this thread to steal them away. Or PM-them. I'd do it but you know better who they are and they know you. It's important because the success of the sub depends on people knowing about it.

Remember, only 5 pings go though so you will need multiple reply's. Or just pm them.

SignusFree ago

Whaaat Australian Politics was hijacked before I even supported Trump and Turnbull.....they banned someone because they 'were going on about jews and jibberish' and it's been silent for years now?

tanukihat ago

And people say we shouldn't have invite-only.

This just proves me right.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

How do subs get hijacked?

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Theyre usually controlled opposition from the start. The mods just go into sleeper mode and wait for the community to grow before fracturing it into a bunch of smaller subs that keep people from cordinating.

doublegood ago

How (((they))) think..

If people aren't upvoating(excusme I mean Reading the post,, they watch this hard to get metric) then let time bump it down.

Produce like 35-40% of all posts no matter what(see below)

If people vote up POIGNANT content(or just read it a bunch) then first slide it down as much as possible by upvoating other 'sleeper posts',

downvoat post in question if need be,

lastly attack the post, if poignantcy [multiplied by] distance-from-top is "unacceptably" (because this is about the margin and level of influence not demanding an effect to take place) high. Lastlylastly, attack the person-threaten, block whatever

Hell yeah there's badactors here. Sbsdbh is their recruiting office.

This is why I said earlier on a thebuddha post the voats are worthless if not a detriment

Jus get rid of em Allow a follow of subscribe feature so ppl can follow certified qual posters.. If voat goes down those content producers open up a wordpress. Lastly, we need access to every freakin metric. Namely, how many people are reading posts but not coating them.

And before I submit this poorlyconstructed peice.. 4chan is littered, it uses recapcha<-this proves it's compromised. Computers are compromised(x86, arm, amd64) ohh b.s. escrow services are patched.. It's in the hardware and prob could be triggered by a highfreq sound or graphic for all we know..

What's the solution? Welp, we need new computer architecture lest firewalls can parse and anylize all traffic to prevent issues. System76 makes a great attempt at laptops.

Me I am disenchanted with computing

E this will be much last post.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

You think this is a suitable method of fighting back?

  1. What will make the new subverse immune to the corruption that affected the first? To keep it safe you're, what, just going to try harder?

  2. How are new users supposed to know what iteration of <keyword> they're supposed to visit to get the "real" version of that subverse?

MadWorld ago

Running away from the subverse is never a good solution; but it is a temporary solution we have right now, perhaps until the situation is neutralized. Imagine us keep running away from those (((infiltrated))) subverses... Then we will have no place to go but start a new site. Do you see this cycle been repeated??

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I was banned about a month ago for a single comment I made calling him out on his faggotry. The kike @OwnYourActions must have got his feelings hurt.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's just a sock puppet. The people behind the bans are the owners. Ironically, one of them named VoatForFreeSpeech.


JunOS ago

Typical judeau trickery. Let's make some super safe names to make anyone who reads it never think it would be a joo!

Cheesebooger ago

Here's another kike right here

twee ago

You're the one defending Jewish over-representation in positions of power by saying it's impossible to beat them at their own game.

Fuck off.

Cheesebooger ago

It will be possible once we get done. For starters, ending dual citizenship. Then the federal reserve. Many other things are in store. The future is gonna be epic

albatrosv14 ago

The government will never arrest itself.

Cheesebooger ago

I can vouch for this. I was also heavily censored and banned over there by @OwnYourActions. He is a reddit kike cuck.

lifes-not-fair ago

Here's an upvoat. Censor pedophilia. Everything else should be allowed, including exposing kikes.

Schreiber ago

As long as there's no link to CP, MAP speech should be legal.

Ban homosexual pedos though. They're fucking disgusting.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

The new owner is a homosexual. They are LARPing and have been getting paid for over a month to try and subvert Identitarian, and they couldnt and then used SBBH/PV to get visibility to call the originals kikes and steal their userbase.

DietCokehead is a tranny, along with the actual coder of this website. You guys are getting played

Cantilever ago


DayWalker ago

How does this keep happening?

DietCokehead1 ago


redpilldessert ago

Ironically, the one user we know to be a Jew for sure allows completely free speech at v/niggers.

EdgarAllenPoe ago

Maybe Jew money/influence, but most likely just lefty/sjw soipeople doing the grunt work.

patriot_biz ago

I'm just amazed that people have that much time on their hands. I don't even...

Tallest_Skil ago

Where there are forced NEETs on the right, there are NEETINOs on the left (neets in name only) who are stuck in exactly the same lifestyles EXCEPT they’re paid to propagandize on the Internet.

The1andonlymeat ago

How the fuck are these faggots taking over?

MadWorld ago

I suspect (((they)))

  1. created subverses and invite some mods to run the course.
  2. pretend to be one of us for a while to get the ccp and trust going, and be added to the mod list.

And when the opportunities mature, they alter their behaviors and start censoring those subverses that they have infiltrated.

Make the host and the guest exchange roles -- Sun Tzu

In this case the antidote to this JDIF infiltration is to capture this puny captain.

Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief -- Sun Tzu

The1andonlymeat ago

You need to get them in real life.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Im not sure of the specifics, but I suspect that the reddit mods of subs like European created equivalent subs on forums like voat, before starting their censorship crusades.

This way they control the fallback locations in advance.

KikeFree ago

Kikes have a propensity for infiltration, which is also how the USA lost a nuclear weapon monopoly.

Kal ago

It curious how that monopoly, the greatest military advantage of all time, slipped away so quickly. I wish I understood how that happened.

Slayfire122 ago

We had /v/altright before they came here. The reddit mods set up /v/identitarian before /r/altright was banned, just biding their time. /v/identitarian won over /v/altright just because of sheer population.

redpilldessert ago

v/AlternativeRight is another completely free speech sub.

Ina_Pickle ago

On a similar note, v/european was also hijacked. Another member created v/europeans to replace that sub.

ScreaminMime ago

Yeah but what about v/newsubverses, do we need to create v/newsubversess yet?

obvious-throwaway- ago

And then I made a post on how if we didn't stop this trend, this shit would spread like a virus. Literally posted that this morning and here we are.

brightfuture4Merica ago

We will adapt and overcome this sjw infiltration bullshit as allways


Resistance is futile

Gowdy ago

Yeah that was me. I don't really post in /v/European so I created the sub /v/Europeans, made a few posts, then resigned as moderator. It's a mod free sub so there's no one to ban anyone there regardless. Just an American that hates censorship. Enjoy.

ExpertShitposter ago

A better move would have been to leave an alt as a fail safe measure.

DietCokehead1 ago

We also created /v/RealEuropean. I am a mod of that sub.

dias17se ago

Howd do i know which sub is real ? Damn...


I'll be sure to visit

ruck_feddit ago

Well, fuck.