jsac ago


responsible for spamming and downvoting on Voat

?? check my submission and post history you stupid inbred fucking jew kike. this guy should lose ownership/mod positions on this site completely just for this post alone! let us know how it feels to be buried alive you fucking retard.


Administration... welcome clearly you are new here. The admin is just that THE ADMIN as in singular. Also writing on your profile that you are a straight white male alpha proves you are not..... so yeah source on that alpha claim? Also lurk moar faggot.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Its a front for v/soapDoxbanhammer.

sic_girl ago

Hi @TinyTitsRules, thanks for bringing this to the attention of the voat community. Please a post in v/PuttItOut to reach out directly to the site owner.

Mumbleberry ago

You must be a cunt too

TinyTitsRule ago

Hello. Nice meeting you. Thanks a lot for the address.

Mumbleberry ago

Swallow turds, censor cunt

unruly ago

I'm so proud.

gabara ago

@lordbeatlejuicethe1 has never downvoted anyone. Check his account. NO DOWNVOTES. OP is a shill.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

yes is same arguement sane (((group))) has been making

Mumbleberry ago

You banned people and are paying the price, cunt.

jizzswizzler ago



Hello. As a mod of v/Soapdoxbanhammer, their counter subverse I want to reach out to you to thank you for bringing the jew conspiracy of v/Soapboxbanhammer to our attention. They certainly are full time trolls hired by jewish elites to discredit Voat in favor or the already jew-controlled reddit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

who the fuck made you a mod

was it me i dont remember

or wait maybe you made me a mod


redditbelowsme ago

Your post has been deleted for not being a big enough Jew shill.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


TinyTitsRules ago

If you are interested, I am posting right now in my OP all the nicknames of the real ones responsible of spamming and downovoting on Voat. These assholes easily exposed themselves by attacking my sub.

Mumbleberry ago

You don't get sarcasm at all, fucking idiot.

TinyTitsRules ago

Hello. Nice meeting you. You must be the real ones, because your sub skin is gorgeous. You guys really have sense of taste for design.


Thank you yes we've had a lot of cool skins in the past... @Mattvision has left shitposting apparently make sure you stop by occasionally we will have fun.

Mumbleberry ago

Anus sucking whore kike.

Cheesebooger ago

Oooohhhhhhhh that butt hurts is real

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Lol good luck. Word around the conspiracy campfire is this site is bought and paid for.

Have you heard any calls for funding lately?

Me either.

You are absolutely right about that sub, and there are others. PG is threat to those that running these operations. But it doesn't now, the snowball is rolling downhill and gaining speed. So, just enjoy trolling and laugh every time you read about a swamp monster or one of their paymasters going down.

TinyTitsRules ago

Obvious assholes are obvious. Shills got scared of my thread and downvoted it. I have a high IQ, so it's hard to believe that such demented biowaste exist for real. I think they are not faking dementia.

redditbelowsme ago

High IQ? Are you on LSD, PCP or did you call 877-METH-NOW?

Cheesebooger ago

High IQ? Where?? What's 2 + 3 X 7 blue root then?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@cheesebooger @trigglypuff halp this babyraper pm me askin fo dick pics

Cheesebooger ago

He just hurt my feels boo hoo hoo hoo hue hue hue hoo boo flibbity flabidy jib

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

death to @tinytitsrules

Cheesebooger ago

Curse his armpits, too

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@tinytitsrules aka @r34p_th3_wh0r1w1nd is asshole armpit shit eating (((nigger))) pedo

Cheesebooger ago

I heard he pedo'd his way through grade school

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@tinytitsrules aka @r34p_th3_wh0r1w1nd pm me askin for dicks


Cheesebooger ago

Its a wonder he wasn't asking for spread anus pics

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

dats what (((he))) got

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

fuck you pedo bitch ima rape your dad cunt suck nigger head baby raping bitch

@heygeorge @unruly @nadesh @expertSHITPOSTER

ExpertShitposter ago

It has been writtten. @TinyTitsRules is primary target from now one.

Meni alkohol has beeen had!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@tinytitsrules must die

11311512? ago

@lordbeatlejuicethe1 @gabara

The greatest conspiracy of them all!

DieselBustersYes ago

juice the joos.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i blame da (((jooz)))

11311542? ago

They made you do it, didn't they? Tell me, did they touch you? Of course they did, now show me on the doll where they touched you... aw you poor thing, it'll be alright...

Cheesebooger ago

It was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Jew Turtles!!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he took my cock and held it in his mouf

SeanBox ago

Oh look, another butthurt little bitch.

goatsandbros ago

Who gives a shit?