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blumen4alles ago

Only one based goat @Broc_Lia - named after the based vegetable Broccoli noticed - whilst the users named after the lesbian dildo vegetable, Cucumbers, upvoted with glee:

Thanks again to all our lesbian dildo Q-cumbers! Because of you Voat qualifies for special tax rebates! We are glad you are here to upvote spammers to the front page just because you agree with their title. WAGA WAGA WAGA!

FreeSpeechWarriors ago

Broc_Lia is a shill from the /ProtectVoat days...

blumen4alles ago

How dare you say that. HOW DARE YOU!

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks, I'm not that based though: When I checked the domain I'd upvoted a couple of his submissions without thinking.

I try to get in the habit of checking domain whenever I see one I don't recognise.

blumen4alles ago

Based goats admit their mistakes & correct them if possible.

Khro_ ago

Now that I am aware of this kind of behavior, I'll make it another thing to watch for.

Thank you very much for bringing this user and their behavior to our/my attention.

I found I had only upvoted 1 of their posts and it was recent (the 'transgender' kid one). I've now rectified that.

I always visit sites only through archive links anyway so that article didn't even get a click from me.

(I archive the thread's linked site if a derram post isn't in the thread already, view it, then paste the archive link in the comment section for others if I thought it was a view-worthy article)

blumen4alles ago

It is a good idea to check out domains that you are not familiar with, and see who links to them.

Only 6 downvotes on another spam submission

I generally upvote all the stuff on the first few pages of v/all (minus the subs I have blocked) but I do use discretion. Voting either way is a good way for me to keep track of what I have seen so far.

I don't think they deleted comments, they just haven't dropped one in 1.4 years so we don't have any new ones to downvote - all those submissions have been archived.

LurkedForever ago

"Is that metal based?" "Yeah, that's pretty metal based."